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Teaching English as a Foreign Language,

Linguistics, and Literature Journal

Vol. x(x), year
e-ISSN:xxx; p-ISSN: xxx

Assessing Recorded Lectures’ Effectiveness for Enhancing

Grammar Mastery in a Flipped Classroom Model


Examining recorded lectures’ effectiveness to teach grammar in the

Essence, Teaching English as a context of flipped classroom model has not been widely researched. Commented [1]: Tolong grammar dibenarkan, Anda
Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Furthermore, this type of teaching has not been frequently used in the bisa menggunakan grammarly checker.
Literature Journal, Vol(Issue),year research area which applies English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials
that require special treatment in teaching grammar. This study, therefore,
aims to uncover the unknown research findings by implementing quasi
experimental research by involving two classes in Mechanical
Engineering department. Both classes were given pre-test before
treatment to ensure the similarity of initial grammar skills and post-test
after treatment to know the impact of recorded lectures in flipped
DOI: classroom model for students in experimental group. Data gained
http://dx.doi.org/10.21093/ through independent t-test from SPSS indicated that there was a
Essence.vxxixx.xxx significant impact of the treatment on students’ mastery in grammar
proven by the significant value of 0.05 (above 0.05) Since this type of Commented [2]: Penggunaan mechanis tolong
teaching has been proven to be effective for teaching grammar especially dibenarkan
in the context of ESP, lecturers who teach in the same setting are
suggested implement recoded lecturers.
Flipped Classroom, Recorded Lectures, Grammar Mastery

How to cite:
Last name, First name., (Year). Article Title. Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and
Literature Journal, Vol(Issue), year


The presence of online video-sharing platforms shifts human’s way of acquiring new
information and skills. Traditionally, people attend courses, trainings, and workshops to be able to
do or make something. Nowadays, these goals can be achieved much more simply through online
video-sharing platforms like YouTube where people have numerous playlists of tutorials to learn
from. Education practice previously done in class now takes the benefit of YouTube which allows
lecturers to spread their ideas with no restrictions in terms of time and space as long as an internet
connection is available (Weiland 2023). Fortunately, access to technology and the internet for
Author’s Name 10 size Garamond

utilizing YouTube has become easier and cheaper which makes the integration of teaching and
learning by using YouTube gain popularity (Haleem, Javaid, Qadri, & Suman. 2022).

By incorporating the platform described above into the teaching and learning activities, both
lecturers and students certainly procure plentiful benefits. With YouTube, now lecturers have the
option to modify their way of delivering teaching materials. In traditional classes, lecturers who
teach in more than one class have to explain the same materials to all classes they teach which
surely drains their time and energy (Phulpoto 2022). This drawback can be diminished by the
existence of YouTube where lecturers can record materials they want to teach to their students and
upload them on YouTube. This type of material is well-known as recorded lectures (RL). From the
side of the students, learning through RL is scientifically proven by Al-Qudah (2024) and Lim, She,
& Hassan (2022) that RL is effective in adjusting the learning pace of each dissimilar student. Those
who have difficulty at a certain point of the video have access to re-watch the content to eliminate
their confusion. Commented [3]: Paragraf setelah ini perlu membahasa
tentang flipped classroom.
RL can be presented during classroom sessions by consuming classroom time, and also prior
classroom sessions by implementing the concept of flipped classroom model (FC). In the FC, the
learning materials are given before classroom time to give students a chance to review the learning
materials. Consequently, there will be spare time in classroom sessions that can be used extensively
for knowledge application. Several researchers have proven the effectiveness of FC in enhancing
students’ learning outcomes (Aydin & Demirer, 2022), increasing students’ motivation to receive
the learning materials (Chou, Chen, & Hung, 2021), and gaining positive perceptions from students
(Afrilyasanti, Cahyono, Astuti 2018).

Although there have been lots of studies discussing the effectiveness of RL materials in the
context of English Language Teaching (ELT), less is known about its effectiveness when RL Commented [4]: Beberapa penelitian terkait RL perlu
materials are presented in the (FC) model. Research from Paramita, Setyono, Yuliantini, & Suciani dimunculkan dan gap nya seperti apa
(2023) only tested the impact of implementing FC on students’ achievement without mentioning Commented [5]: FC singkatan dari?
specifically the type of learning materials. On the contrary, research from Zhang, Leung, Tan, &
Xian (2022) merely tested RL without mentioning specifically the classroom model used for the
study. Therefore, it is vitally important to test the combination of RL and the FC model on
students’ learning outcomes. Evaluating the efficacy of RL on FC model will enrich previous
research findings as it reaches the spot that previous studies never addressed. In addition to that,
past studies about the effect of RL on teaching specifically grammar materials are relatively hard to
find in research journals on ELT context. This study, therefore, is hoped to add valuable input for
grammar lecturers as a consideration to deliver their grammar materials in the form of RL.


The present study utilized quasi-experimental research by involving 2 classes of mechanical

engineering students that were chosen purposively. These 2 classes were chosen among 5 available
classes in which the selection was based on their grammar pre-test scores by considering the closest
mean difference. English for this department is given for specific purposes to equip the students
with necessary English in the workplace of mechanical engineering and it is given twice during their
study. The students who were involved in this study were the first-grade students who took this
course for the first time.

To get the answer for this study, the researchers allocated 8 meetings including the pre-test and
the post-test for 2 months. The grammar materials given to students were tenses and active-passive
sentences with the topic of mechanical engineering field. The grammar pre-test, mean score
analysis, and class selection were administered on the 12 th of February 2024. After administering
2 Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Literature Journal,
Article Title

these agendas, treatment for the experimental class and teaching activity for the control class were
given on 19-25 February 2024 for six meetings and it was followed by a grammar post-test on 1
April 2024.

After all data were collected, they were analyzed statistically by using SPSS. Normality tests were
administered to ensure that all data in this study were normally distributed by using Kolmogorov
and Smirnov tests. Subsequently, all data sets were analyzed by using an independent t-test to
uncover whether the mean scores were significantly different or not. The flow of data analysis is
presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Statistic Calculations Implemented in the Study

Statistic Function
Kolmogorov Smirnov test To know data normality from pre-test and post-test
To know the homogeneity of the data between four classes
Homogeneity test
in electrical engineering department
To know mean difference from students’ scores both in
Independent t-test pre-test and post-test between experimental class and
control class


Normality test result

Grammar pre-tests for five classes were analyzed to ensure the normal distribution of the data
which is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Normality Test Result by Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Class Statistic df Sig.
TM1A .159 23 .139
TM1B .170 23 .084
TM1C .152 23 .180
TM1D .137 23 .200
TM1E .127 23 .200

From the result of Table 2, it is known that all data for the pre-test are normally distributed
proven by the significant level in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test that was more than 0.05.
Therefore, mean score analysis by using a homogeneity test can be administered.

Homogeneity test results for pre-test scores

To make sure that the control and experimental group have equal grammar skills before
research, grammar pre-test scores were analyzed by using an independent t-test which is presented
in Table 3.

Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Literature Journal, Vol(Issue),year 3
Author’s Name 10 size Garamond

Table 3 Homogeneity Test result

Levene df1 df2 Sig.
Scores Based on mean 2.221 4 110 .071
Based on median 2.020 4 110 0.97
Based on median and with adjusted df 2.020 4 92.220 0.98
Based on trimmed mean 2.170 4 110 0.77

Table 3 showed that the significant level was more than 0,05 (0.71) which indicated that
students’ skills in grammar for five classes were not significantly different. Among four available
classes, classes 1A and 1B were chosen for this study since those classes have the closest mean

Independent t-test results for post-test scores

After given 6 meetings of treatment, a post-test was administered in which the results were
analyzed by using an independent t-test (shown in Table 4).

Table 4 Independent T-Test Result

Levene test for t-test for equality of means
equality of
variances 95% confidence interval
of the difference
F Sig. t df Sig2 Mean dif Std error dif lower Upper
Equal variance 2.703 .107 44 .005 3.478 1.184 1.093 5.864
Equal variance 33.08 .006 4.478 1.184 1.071 5.886
not assumed

Table 4 proved that the use of RL in the FC platform could enhance students’ mastery of
grammar which was indicated by the significant value of 0.107 (above 0.05) with a mean difference
of 3.478.


As learning media that has plentiful features, RL outperformed reading-based content which
became the main resource of students in the control group in many ways. Students in the
experimental group have freedom in terms of time to access the RL in their leisure time which
differs from one student to another. In addition to that, as seen from the results of YouTube video
analytics, several students access the videos more than one time so it is more suitable for diverse
classes to match students’ dissimilar learning paces. Video analytics also shows that there are some
points on the video that attract the most attention from students so the most important or the
hardest part of the video can be reversed until students’ confusion can be diminished. Types of
devices used by the students also confirmed that the use of RL gave students with flexibility to suit
the types of devices they owned.

RL given for students are set to private so only students with invitation links can access the
videos. This setting was used to prevent non-research participants from accessing the videos which
makes video analytics harder to be analyzed. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the results of accessing
time done by students in the experimental group.

4 Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Literature Journal,

Article Title

Figure 1
Accessing time from students in the experimental group (morning)

Realizing that students can learn best when they are prepared to receive materials, the features
of RL provide students with the flexibility to access videos which are in line with the results of past
studies (Jayasinghe, Liyanage, & Jayathilake 2018 and Nkomo and Daniel 2021). To give readers a
glimpse of the condition in this research area, mechanical engineering students have a lot of
practicum and projects for their main courses (one practicum course may take up 8 learning hours).
This leaves inadequate time for students to review supplementary courses like English on campus.
RL is surely appropriate as the answer to this problem as Figures 1 and 2 showed that students
have the freedom to access the video when they are ready to receive the materials. Fewer students
access the video in the morning as there are still lots of things to do on campus. In contrast, the
number of students accessing video in the evening is increasing significantly which indicates that
at this time, students have done their job at campus and are ready to receive new materials.
Figure 2
Accessing time from students in the experimental group (evening)

Traditional teaching provides fewer options for students to re-access the teacher’s
explanation from the classroom. In case they face impediments in understanding learning materials,
they need to wait for the upcoming meeting to ask for clarification from their teacher (Zafar and
Hafeez 2021)). Conversely, RL on the YouTube platform provides flexibility for students to re-
access the learning materials since the videos are uploaded to the cloud and can be re-accessed as
many times as they want. This statement is proven by the video analytic on Figure 3 which shows
30 students watch the videos more than one time as they have the label as returning viewers.
Understandably, students watch the contents several times as English grammar has many
inconsistent patterns that differ significantly from the grammar applied in both Javanese Language

Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Literature Journal, Vol(Issue),year 3
Author’s Name 10 size Garamond

as the mother tongue language by most of the students and Indonesian Language as the national
language of the students (Fitriyani, Ramendra, and Swandana 2018).
Figure 3
Returning viewers for RL

Providing opportunities for students to maximize the use of TELL (Technology Enhanced
Language Learning) in any form they own is key to success in applying blended learning (Hasumi
and Chiu 2024). Teenagers have their preference for the technology they use to support their
learning like using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Some may argue the use of a laptop can support
their learning maximally due to its rich functions and screen size clarity. Others may have a different
opinion and choose a mobile phone due to its simplicity and mobility. Fortunately, RL in the
YouTube platform is compatible with all devices mentioned above so there is no reason for
students to have difficulty in accessing the learning materials. The proof is shown in Figure 4 which
indicates that students’ devices vary and all can be used for this type of learning.

Figure 4
Devices used to access the video

Besides providing beneficial input for students, uploading RL on YouTube also serves as useful
information for teachers. By looking at the “spikes” indicator from YouTube analytics, teachers
can know which part of the videos gets the most attention from students. Spike’s indicator tells the
teachers what to do in the classroom by focusing more on the content that students are stuck in.
These parts may be very interesting for students so they want to see the parts again and again or it

6 Essence, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and Literature Journal,

Article Title

may be very difficult for them so they need to spend more time before they continue to the next
Figure 5
Spikes that indicate most parts of the video watched and rewatched by students


Statistical analysis results provide strong evidence that the use of RL in the FC model could
boost students’ mastery of grammar. Therefore, it is suggested that lecturers who teach in the same
classroom setting and struggle to enhance students’ scores in grammar implement RL. Future Commented [6]: Limitations dan implications perlu
researchers are suggested to evaluate the effectiveness of RL in the FC model to teach another ditambah.
topic of grammar lessons in different classroom settings. It is also recommended to examine how
students with different learning styles respond to the application of RL in FC as this kind of learning
activity depends so much on students’ learning styles. Since the present research merely focuses on
grammar, evaluating the efficacy of RL in the FC for other language skills and masteries in English
is necessary to be administered since it may produce different results.

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