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by reuben grinberg
The chances are pretty good that youve heard about Bitcoin by now and almost as good that you still dont know what it is or how it works. Perhaps this will help. Bitcoin is a brand new digital currency whose supporters argue is the future of money because it allows fast, inexpensive and anonymous Internet-based financial transactions, while eliminating the need for commercial intermediaries to dot the is and cross the ts, or for government agencies to manage its stability. Detractors call it a Ponzi scheme feeding the paranoia of conspiracy theorists, as well as a tool for terrorists, drug traffickers and child pornographers not to mention an economic disaster waiting to happen. Bitcoin is a product of the Cypherpunk mailing list, a group of cryptographers with an outsize influence on the digital world. The group effectively won the encryption wars, allowing individuals access to technologies like Skype that rely on unbreakable encryption, a technology that the government wanted to ban. Some
of the alumni are notorious for using the Internet to attack government authority. One of them, Bram Cohen, invented BitTorrent, technology often used to evade copyright protection; another, Julian Assange, started WikiLeaks. In 1998, a cypherpunk named Wei Dai proposed a digital currency called b-money to facilitate commerce over the Internet that could not be traced or regulated by governments. Ten years later, a programmer working under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto
account at the expense of another. But there are crucial differences. Bitcoin relies on peer-to-peer networking. That is, instead of being linked through a central server, each Bitcoin program located on an individuals PC is linked to other Bitcoin programs, which in turn are linked to still other Bitcoin programs. And each PC contains a copy of the account ledger that registers transactions in the system. Cleared transactions are quickly and automatically communicated to other Bitcoin programs. This decentralization helps the
its not even known whether he or she is Japanese figured out how to implement Dais proposal, publishing a white paper on the topic and releasing software for his bitcoin system.
how it works In many ways, a Bitcoin account is like an online bank account. In both, deposits are stored in the form of electronic ledger entries, and payments consist of orders to credit one
R e u b e n G R i n b e RG is a first-year law clerk at a law firm in new York City. He is a recent graduate of Yale Law School, and has both bachelors and masters degrees in computer science. Some of the analysis in this article reflects research that is forthcoming in the Hastings Science and Technology Law Journal.
carl wiens
ing for scarce mineral. Whereas gold miners compete in finding, extracting and purifying the metal, bitcoin miners compete to solve an extraordinarily difficult puzzle every 10 minutes around the clock by using brute-force number-crunching capacity. Each successful solution contains a copy of the most recent transactions made though Bitcoin and becomes part of the freshly balanced ledger account that is distributed across the network. This exquisitely complicated process makes forgery of bitcoins next to impossible. Mining also creates a sense of fairness in the way the
Arguably most important, mining offers a solution to a problem that dogs every monetary system maintaining the credibility of the currency as a store of value by containing the rate at which it is created. Virtually every country struggles with this credibility problem, usually as a consequence of government deficit spending. But even a true gold-standard system, in which the quantity of money is outside the control of governments, is at some risk because the quantity of gold in circulation can change fairly rapidly. Indeed, the flood of gold brought back to Europe by the
purifying the metal, bitcoin miners compete to solve an the clock by using brute-force number-crunching capacity.
wealth embodied in new units of the currency is initially distributed. With any fiat money system in which the exchange value of the currency exceeds the cost of making it, the creation generates a windfall. So when the U.S. Mint prints another $100 bill at a cost of just a few cents, the government makes a huge profit when it buys things with that bill. Compare that to the way bitcoins are created. Success in mining the digital currency, like success in mining gold, is determined by a combination of luck and investment in the search process. Some geeks invest in the computer power to mine bitcoins and manage to make a profit at it. But nobody certainly not Nakamoto gets the automatic first-mover windfall generated by printing greenbacks. conquistadors in the 16th century almost certainly contributed to that centurys considerable inflation. Bitcoin solves the self-discipline problem by building into the mining algorithm upper limits on both the rate the currency can be created and the total amount that can ever be created. The number of bitcoins awarded for each puzzle solution is halved every four years. Today, there are about 7.5 million bitcoins in existence and 50 bitcoins are awarded every 10 minutes or so. By 2030, the number of bitcoins will approach the absolute maximum, 21 million. No individual or management committee has the power to change this. Bitcoin accounts are pseudonymous, identifiable only by long random strings of letters
and numbers such as 1Het2qD6Yab9vaLUs3JrM1aYMXNSJ42Rdc. This makes bitcoins as private as cash assuming that users dont reveal their account labels or otherwise identify themselves. Note, too, that it is trivially easy to create a Bitcoin account, so individuals can protect their anonymity by storing assets in dozens or even hundreds of accounts. Anyone can view the transactions affecting any particular account on a Web site, blockexplorer.com. This openness and transparency may appear to undermine Bitcoins goal of anonymity and privacy. But the transactions data cannot easily be linked to account owners.
like deepbit and btcguild account for approximately three-quarters of the computational power of the Bitcoin network. All told, the network constitutes the most powerful supercomputer in the world. Calculating at 130 petaflops (a thousand trillion floating-point operations per second), it is orders of magnitude faster than the worlds fastest supercomputer, the K Computer in Kobe, Japan (eight petaflops), as well as other computational networks including SETI@Home (which searches radio telescope data for signals from aliens at half a petaflop), and Fold-
the bitcoin ecosystem Bitcoin was, of course, not used by anybody when it was released in January 2009. Today, it is sustained by a constellation of miners, programmers, account holders and service providers. Software developers, led by Gavin Andresen, took over the management of the main Bitcoin program when Nakamoto abandoned the team. Technophiles were the first users because they were intrigued by a high-tech project that combined peer-to-peer network technology and cryptography. More importantly, they liked the idea of earning money by building specialized mining computers, known as rigs. Indeed, the rapid growth of the mining community means that, on average, a miner can expect to win less than one competition a year. To reduce the casino-like nature of mining, some miners have combined their computing power into mining pools. These pools win mining competitions more often and with more regularity than miners working alone, and pay out bitcoins to members according to the computational power that they contributed. Today, mining pools with names
ing@Home (which simulates protein-folding for medical research at four petaflops). Along with attracting technophiles, Bitcoin has caught the imagination of assorted gold bugs who share Ron Pauls loathing of the Federal Reserve and are attracted by the anonymity of bitcoin transactions. Since mining is costly, time-consuming and technical, gold bugs needed a way to buy bitcoins rather than create them. By the same token, miners needed a market for selling their bitcoins. Exchanges popped up to satiate these needs, facilitating transactions in a dozen currencies. For most people, buying bitcoins on an exchange is the only realistic way of obtaining
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them. Mt. Gox, the oldest and most heavily used exchange, is run out of Japan and facilitates transfers averaging about 50,000 bitcoins per day. But there are many others; their transaction volumes and other statistics are updated daily at Bitcoinwatch.com. As the demand for bitcoins began to outstrip supply, bitcoin prices (that is, their market exchange value with traditional currencies) rose dramatically. And this boom attracted ideological followers as well as day traders and speculators simply out to make a buck. For example, last May, Rick Falkvinge,
Several brick-and-mortar retailers, including the Meze Grill, a Mediterranean restaurant in New York City, accept bitcoins in payment. So far, the customer base is too small and the risks of accepting a volatile currency too great to motivate many merchants to accommodate them. This could change, though: a few groups have been developing point-ofsale systems to allow purchases in bitcoins, using smartphones. From the beginning, its been widely understood that storing bitcoins on a PC is dangerous. For while the encryption system protects
the founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, a political party aimed at liberalizing copyright and patent laws, announced that he would be putting all of his savings into bitcoins because (among other reasons) they have increased in value one-thousandfold against the U.S. dollar in 14 months. Another significant part of the bitcoin ecosystem consists of the online businesses that offer goods and services ranging from Web development to graphic design to groceries. But none of the online stores is really ready for prime time and their prices (translated into dollars) are much higher than those on non-bitcoin merchant sites.
system protects the integrity of the Bitcoin network, it doesnt prevent the theft of
the information used to verify the identity of account owners from their own hard drives.
the integrity of the Bitcoin network, it doesnt prevent the theft of the information used to verify the identity of account owners from their own hard drives. Sure enough, last June criminals allegedly made off with half a million dollars worth of bitcoins from an individual with the handle allinvain. Several sites offer to store individuals bitcoins in an e-wallet for protection against hackers. But the lack of effective regulation means there is no assurance that the people running these sites are trustworthy or competent. Last July, Bitomat.pl, a Polish exchange that also provided e-wallet services, lost the file that held all of its customers bitcoins. Soon
after the loss, Mt. Gox purchased Bitomat.pl and made its customers whole (paying out 17,000 bitcoins, then worth about a quarter of a million dollars). The bitcoin ecosystem also has a seedy underbelly attracted by the bitcoins pseudonymity and ease of transfer. For example, Silk Road, an illegal drug marketplace, allows individuals to buy marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms in bitcoins (the contraband is shipped by mail). Many online gambling sites allow deposits in bitcoins, circumventing the federal Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. LulzSec, an online hacktivist group that has participated in a number of highprofile hacks (including the attack against Sonys PlayStation Network that led to an outage lasting three weeks), collects donations in bitcoins to supports its exploits. And though I dont know that they have actually done so, money launderers, terrorists and child pornographers could make use of bitcoin. Bitcoin also supports suppressed ethically gray activities. For example, after mainstream intermediaries, including PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and Bank of America cut off avenues of donations to WikiLeaks, the organization began to accept donations in bitcoins. Furthermore, individuals in countries with authoritarian regimes, like China and Iran, can use bitcoins to purchase VPN services. This means that the provider of the service cant be forced to hand over the name of its client because the transaction is entirely anonymous.
there is no there there. Individuals invest money and computer resources in an enterprise that creates no value. Early investors are paid off with money put in by later investors. Eventually, they predict, it will become impossible to find another set of gullible investors, and the whole thing will end in tears. Its true that those who became interested in Bitcoin early on were able to obtain them cheaply (for pennies each), since there were few competing miners and more willing sellers than buyers. But as tech blogger Brock Tice points out, early investors in every business stand to make a lot of money if the business is successful. The reason these investors invest in the first place is because they expect to be rewarded for taking great risk. Thus, the fact that early adopters did so well hardly means that Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme. But do bitcoins have any real value? A fiat currency is valuable to the degree it can be exchanged for goods and services. And that, in turn, depends in part on whether the quantity in circulation is both limited and transparent. By these criteria, Bitcoin is no pyramid scheme. Indeed, the mechanism limiting the quantity is arguably more secure than the word of most governments.
bitcoin is vulnerable to speculation
Naysayers argue that the fundamentals suggest a bitcoin is worth far less than the $30 it peaked at last summer and maybe less than the $2 to $3 asking price four months later. The bitcoin has been proven vulnerable to market bubbles no recommendation for an asset whose value turns in part on the predictability of what it will be worth next year, as well as next week. But this volatility, I suspect, is largely a consequence of the bitcoins novelty what might be called its cool factor, as shown by the overlay of search popularity and price
as well as more tangible reasons like the lack of liquidity (small transactions relative to the size of the bitcoin market can have large effects on the bitcoins price). The most spectacular asset bubbles in history have been driven by such market hysteria. In 1637, a single tulip bulb allegedly changed hands in Holland for 3,000 florins, roughly 10 times the annual income of a skilled craftsman. And though the standard accounts of Tulipmania have been questioned in recent years, the combination of illiquidity and novelty tulips had just been introduced to Western Europe surely makes asset prices more volatile. Of course, if bitcoin survives and is adopted as a medium of exchange by growing numbers of people, the concept will lose its novelty and the market will presumably become more liquid.
bitcoin isnt really bulletproof
Sep 2010
Dec 2010
Mar 2011
Jun 2011
Sep 2011
While the growth of bitcoins in circulation is supposed to be limited to 21 million, it turns out that it will be possible to subvert this limit if a majority of those providing mining computational power acquiesce to the change. I think thats very unlikely. The alteration could not be done in secret, and would violate the political beliefs of the gold bugs who constitute one of Bitcoins biggest user groups. But to a point, the critics are right: bitcoin scarcity is not absolutely, positively guaranteed. By the same token, while the Bitcoin protocol is cryptographically hardened, it isnt quite bulletproof. In the end, the systems security depends on the incredible amount of computational power needed to prevent a forgery. And if the rewards were sufficient, a government entity, a corporation or even an individual with very deep pockets could buy sufficient power to attack the network.
note: Prices are from Mt. Gox, the most popular Bitcoin exchange source: Bitcoincharts.com
More important, while the Bitcoin algorithm is heavily armored, the ecosystem of programs and services surrounding it depend on their own security measures. Indeed, its unclear if there is any straightforward way for owners to store bitcoins securely. Storing bitcoins on ones PC can certainly be dangerous, as allinvain showed us. The Bitcoin program developers have recently made the task of guarding ownership easier by having the program encrypt the wallet file a locked file is useless to thieves. However, as the developers point out on bitcoin.org, encryption is not a panacea because key-logger spy software could be used to steal the password that can unlock the encrypted files. And, as discussed earlier, paying an online e-wallet provider to manage security is no guarantee of success, either. While Bitcoin is supposed to be completely
decentralized, in practice it has vulnerable chokepoints at the most popular exchanges and mining pools. In June, a hacker siphoned about $500,000 worth of bitcoins into a Mt. Gox account, sold all of them, and tried to withdraw the proceeds. According to a Mt. Gox press release, the hacker somehow obtained administrator privileges on the system and simply assigned himself or herself the bitcoins. Meanwhile, Mt. Goxs inexpertly encrypted database of usernames and passwords was stolen, raising the possibility that some of the coins were not merely assigned but stolen from others accounts. Whereas the bitcoins stolen from allinvain and lost by Bitomat.pl merely caused jitters in the market, the glut of bitcoins for sale created by the Mt. Gox hack led the price to plummet from $17.50 to a penny within half an hour, causing panic and havoc throughout the Bitcoin world. Mt. Gox rolled back the trades, restored account balances and promised to harden its security. When trading resumed the market was apparently satisfied, because prices rebounded to pre-hack levels. Nevertheless, the incident showed that bringing down Bitcoin doesnt require the power of supercomputers only the means to compromise a heavily trafficked exchange. The mining pools constitute another centralized target. Malicious individuals have harassed many pools with what are called distributed denial of service attacks, making it impossible for miners computers to connect to the pools to retrieve the work orders needed to do their part in the collective. Then theres the separate issue of maintaining anonymity. In theory, it is impossible to link account holders to their account labels. But in practice, people leave clues about their identities when negotiating transactions, posting messages and transferring bitcoins in
e-wallets. Jeff Garzik, one of Bitcoins developers, noted that transaction flow is easily visible to well-known network analysis techniques already used by the FBI, the CIA and other government agencies to detect suspicious money flows and chatter. Attempting major illicit transactions with Bitcoin, given existing statistical analysis techniques deployed in the field by law enforcement, is pretty damned dumb, Garzik argues. Last but not least, Bitcoin faces legal risk. Elsewhere (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers
Paul Krugman, the columnist and Nobelprize winning economist, argued in his New York Times blog that what we want from a monetary system isnt to make people holding money rich; we want it to facilitate trans-
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actions and make the economy as a whole rich. And thats not at all what is happening in Bitcoin. He argued that the flipside of the bitcoins rising dollar value (the post was written during the bitcoin bubble) was falling value for goods priced in bitcoins. In other words, the Bitcoin economy has in effect experienced massive deflation. Two factors indicate that deflation in bitcoin may not be all bad. First, who is to say that the right use for Bitcoin is as a fully liquid currency used to buy and sell services?
rity from government regulation are greater for illicit transactions than licit ones. As an investment asset for those who are bearish on government-fiat money vulnerable to inflation, bitcoins are inferior to gold and other precious metals that are liquid, widely available and pose no exotic security issues. And as a means of exchange, the bitcoin is far inferior to cash, PayPal and plastic. Why go through the laborious process of buying bitcoins in order to buy goods? Why maintain liquid asset balances in bitcoins that
What if the right use is as an asset or as some form of currency-hedging mechanism? Second, and more important, its unclear whether Krugmans argument makes sense for a currency that lives side-by-side with traditional inflationary currencies. No matter what the crackpots say, the bitcoin is not going to replace the dollar, euro or yen anytime soon.
where to? Im cautiously optimistic about Bitcoins future. Everyone in the Bitcoin community, including the exchanges and main Bitcoin program developers, is taking security more seriously. And the variety of goods and services that can be purchased with bitcoins is increasing every day. On the other hand, it shouldnt be forgotten that the advantages of bitcoins anonymity, decentralization, secu-
might lose 99 percent of their value overnight? Bitcoin is like the Web before the advent of all the technologies that made it so useful for non-techies. Back then, it was nearly impossible to find anything of value on the Internet pioneer surfers will remember clicking through pages and pages of irrelevant AltaVista results. Businesses that had Web pages did so more to seem edgy than to make sales. Of course, the Internet eventually became a critical part of our society and economy, with technology making it easier to find things, and a combination of scope and scale increasing the value of what there was to find. The potential of Bitcoin more generally, of a decentralized, self-regulating currency is similarly imponderable and similarly feared. My hunch is that it will prove revolutionary. m Im just not sure how or when.