Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Noble 3 5 4 3 4 1 2 1 9
Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Troll Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Beadlings 3 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 8
Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Clansmen 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Clansmen [60pts, 5Warband Rating]
Selections: Characteristic Increases
Categories: HENCHMEN
Model: Clansmen
Equipment [20pts]
Selections: Dwarf Axe (Dwarf Only) [15pts], Shield [5pts]
Rules: Cutting edge, Parry
Armor: Shield, HtH Weapon: Dwarf Axe (Dwarfs Only)
Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Clansmen 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9
Model M WS BS S T W I A LD Ref
Thunderers 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 7
Range Str Special Ref
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a crossbow on the same
30 4 turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or to stand
Force Rules
Armour Use: Dwarfs never suffer movement penalties for wearing armour. ()
EXP Advancement: Heroes get new advances at 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 41, 46, 51, 57,
63, 69, 76, 83 and 90 experience.
Henchmen and Hired Swords get new advances at 2, 5, 9 and 14 experience. ()
Grudgebearers: Dwarfs hold an ancient grudge against Elves from the days when the two races fought for
supremacy in the Old World. A Dwarf warband may never include any kind of Elven Hired Sword or
Dramatis Personae. ()
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs,etc. used against them. ()
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who can only be taken out of action on a roll of 6 instead
of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as knocked down, 3-5 as stunned, and 6 as out of
action. ()
Hate Orcs and Goblins: All Dwarfs hate Orcs and Goblins ()
Hatred: Warriors who fight enemies they hate in hand-to-hand combat may re-roll any misses when they
attack in the first turn of each hand-to-hand combat. This bonus applies only in the first turn of each combat
Incomparable Miners: Dwarfs spend much of their lives underground searching for precious minerals, and
they are the best in the world at this kind of work. In the city of Mordheim they apply similar skills to the
search for wyrdstone. When checking for wyrdstone at the end of a game, add +1 to the number of pieces
found for a Dwarf warband. ()
Selection Rules
+1 Enemy armour save: An enemy wounded by a fist gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+
armour save if he normally has none. ()
Cutting edge: A Cutting edgee has an extra save modifier of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using an
Cutting edge has a -2 save modifier when he hits an opponent in hand-to-hand combat. ()
Deathwish: Troll Slayers seek an honourable death in combat. They are completely immune to all
psychology and never need to test if fighting alone ()
Gromril Armour: Gromril Armour costs 75 points only when recruiting a new unit or a brand new warband
when buying from the market it costs 150 points. ()
Leader: Any model within 6" of a leader can use thier leadership. ()
Parry: A model equipped with a parry weapon may parry the first blow in each round of hand-to-hand
combat. When his opponent scores a hit, a model with a may roll 1D6. If the score is greater than the
highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model
may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be
stopped. ()