Final Schedule

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Program: Construction Technology and Management

Year 03: 2015 Entry

Under Graduate Program Group I
Academic Year 2024/25
No. of Students 75
Semester I


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:00 - 10:00 COTM 3101 COTM 3071 COTM 3171 COTM 3181

Course Name Theory of Structures Building Construction II Soil Mechanics Surveing

Construction Materials and Construction Materials and Communication and

Responsible Department Building Construction
Engineering Design Engineering Design Technology
Space New buil_001 E_005 New buil_001 New buil_001
10:15 - 12:15 COTM 3101 COTM 3241 COTM 3171 COTM 3181
Probability & Statistics and
Course Name Theory of Structures Soil Mechanics Surveing
Data Analysis

Construction Materials and Construction Materials and Communication and

Responsible Department Common Course
Engineering Design Engineering Design Technology
Space New buil_001 New buil_001 New buil_001
Lunch Break
2:00 - 4:00 COTM 3131 COTM 3071 COTM 3171 COTM 3181
Water Supply and
Course Name Building Construction II Soil Mechanics Surveing
Infrastructure Design & Construction Materials and Communication and
Responsible Department Building Construction
Construction Engineering Design Technology
Space E_002 E_106/107/201/202 Soil Lab
4:00 - 5:30 COTM 3131 COTM 3071 COTM 3171 COTM 3181
Water Supply and
Course Name Building Construction II Soil Mechanics Surveing
Infrastructure Design & Construction Materials and Communication and
Responsible Department Building Construction
Construction Engineering Design Technology
Space E_002 E_106/107/201/202 Soil Lab
Program: Construction Technology and Management
Year 03: 2015 Entry
Under Graduate Program Group II
Academic Year 2024/25
No. of Students 75
Semester I


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:00 - 10:00 COTM 3171 COTM 3241 COTM 3101 COTM 3181
Probability & Statistics and
Course Name Soil Mechanics Theory of Structures Surveing
Data Analysis

Construction Materials and Construction Materials and Communication and

Responsible Department Common Course
Engineering Design Engineering Design Technology
Space E_006 E_007
10:15 - 12:15 COTM 3171 COTM 3071 COTM 3101 COTM 3181

Course Name Soil Mechanics Building Construction II Theory of Structures Surveing

Construction Materials and Construction Materials and Communication and

Responsible Department Building Construction
Engineering Design Engineering Design Technology
Space E_006 E_005 E_007
Lunch Break
2:00 - 4:00 COTM 3171 COTM 3071 COTM 3131 COTM 3181
Water Supply and
Course Name Soil Mechanics Building Construction II Surveing
Construction Materials and Infrastructure Design & Communication and
Responsible Department Building Construction
Engineering Design Construction Technology
Space Soil Lab E_106/107/201/202 E_005 New buil_001
4:00 - 5:30 COTM 3171 COTM 3071 COTM 3131 COTM 3181
Water Supply and
Course Name Soil Mechanics Building Construction II Surveing
Construction Materials and Infrastructure Design & Communication and
Responsible Department Building Construction
Engineering Design Construction Technology
Space Soil Lab E_106/107/201/202 E_005 New buil_001

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