Advance access publication date: 0 2024
Special Report
William J. Ripple ([email protected]) and Beverly E. Law are affiliated with the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State University
(OSU), in Corvallis, Oregon, in the United States. Christopher Wolf ([email protected]) and Jillian W. Gregg are affiliated with Terrestrial
Ecosystems Research Associates, in Corvallis, Oregon, in the United States. Johan Rockström and Stefan Rahmstorf are affiliated with the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK) Member of the Leibniz Association, in Potsdam, Germany. Johan Rockström is also affiliated with the Institute of Environmental
Science and Geography at the University of Potsdam, in Potsdam, Germany. Michael E. Mann is affiliated with the Department of Earth and Environmental Science
at The University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Naomi Oreskes is affiliated with the Department of the History of Science at
Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States. Timothy M. Lenton is affiliated with the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter,
in Exeter, England, in the United Kingdom. Thomas M. Newsome is affiliated with the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at The University of Sydney, in
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Chi Xu is affiliated with the School of Life Sciences at Nanjing University, in Nanjing, China. Jens-Christian Svenning is
affiliated with the Center for Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere, in the Department of Biology at Aarhus University, in Aarhus, Denmark. Cássio Cardoso
Pereira is affiliated with the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Thomas W. Crowther is affiliated with the Institute of Integrative Biology
at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich, Switzerland. Co-lead authors William J. Ripple and Christopher Wolf contributed equally to the work.
We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a emissions, whereas land-use change, primarily deforestation,
global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life accounts for approximately 10% (supplemental figure S2).
on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpre- Our aim in the present article is to communicate directly
dictable new phase of the climate crisis. For many years, scientists, to researchers, policymakers, and the public. As scientists and
including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm academics, we feel it is our moral duty and that of our insti-
about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increas- tutions to alert humanity to the growing threats that we face
ing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. as clearly as possible and to show leadership in addressing
2020). For half a century, global warming has been correctly pre- them. In this report, we analyze the latest trends in a wide
dicted even before it was observed—and not only by independent array of planetary vital signs. We also review notable recent
academic scientists but also by fossil fuel companies (Supran et al. climate-related disasters, spotlight important climate-related
2023). Despite these warnings, we are still moving in the wrong di- topics, and discuss needed policy interventions. This report is
rection; fossil fuel emissions have increased to an all-time high, part of our series of concise annual updates on the state of the
the 3 hottest days ever occurred in July of 2024 (Guterres 2024), climate.
and current policies have us on track for approximately 2.7 de-
grees Celsius (°C) peak warming by 2100 (UNEP 2023). Tragically,
we are failing to avoid serious impacts, and we can now only hope
Recent trends in planetary vital signs
to limit the extent of the damage. We are witnessing the grim re- In 2023, various historical temperature and ice extent records
ality of the forecasts as climate impacts escalate, bringing forth were broken by enormous margins (figure 1; Ripple et al. 2023a).
scenes of unprecedented disasters around the world and human Both global and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures were
and nonhuman suffering. We find ourselves amid an abrupt cli- far above their 1991–2024 averages for much of the year—a pat-
mate upheaval, a dire situation never before encountered in the tern that has continued well into 2024 (figure 1a, 1b). Although
annals of human existence. We have now brought the planet into Antarctic and global sea ice extent have now come into range of
climatic conditions never witnessed by us or our prehistoric rela- previous years, they remain well below their 1993–2024 averages
tives within our genus, Homo (supplemental figure S1; CenCO2PIP (figure 1c, 1d). Global daily mean temperatures were at record
Consortium et al. 2023). levels for nearly half of 2023 and much of 2024 (figure 1e). On
Last year, we witnessed record-breaking sea surface tempera- our current emissions trajectory, we may regularly surpass cur-
tures (Cheng et al. 2024), the hottest Northern Hemisphere ex- rent temperature records in future years (Matthews and Wynes
tratropical summer in 2000 years (Esper et al. 2024), and the 2022).
breaking of many other climate records (Ripple et al. 2023a). Of the 35 planetary vital signs we track annually (figures 2
Moreover, we will see much more extreme weather in the com- and 3), 25 are at record levels (supplemental table S1). The global
ing years (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2021). Human-caused carbon failure to support a rapid and socially just fossil fuel phasedown
dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases are the primary has led to rapidly escalating climate-related impacts (table 1).
drivers of climate change. As of 2022, global fossil fuel combustion Below, we focus on variables that have either changed greatly or
and industrial processes account for approximately 90% of these are at record extremes.
mostly covered increased demand, instead of replacing fossil fuels Carter 2024). This type of climate carbon feedback process could
(REN21 2024). limit the success of some natural climate solutions. In 2023, there
was also a dramatic decline in the land carbon sink according
Forests to Ke and colleagues (
Global tree cover loss rose from 22.8 megahectares (Mha) per year [preprint: not peer reviewed]). On a more positive note, the
in 2022 to 28.3 Mha per year in 2023, reaching its third-highest deforestation rate in the Brazilian Amazon continued to decline,
level (figure 2f); this was at least partly because of wildfires, dropping from 1.16 Mha in 2022 to 0.90 Mha in 2023 (figure 2g).
which caused tree cover loss to reach a record high of 11.9 Mha This decrease may be partly because of the shifting policies of
(figure 3n). High rates of tree cover loss can drive a set of related Brazil’s government (Vilani et al. 2023) and comes at a critical time
feedback loops, wherein the loss of forest carbon sequestration given that the Amazon may be nearing a tipping point where
leads to additional warming, which can drive further losses in a loss of resilience and positive feedback loops contribute to
carbon sequestration and so on (Ripple et al. 2023b, Goldman and large-scale forest dieback (Boulton et al. 2022, Flores et al. 2024).
4 | BioScience, 2024, Vol. 0, No. 0
Global greenhouse gases and temperature dioxide and methane are at record highs (figure 3a, 3b). Carbon
Annual energy-related emissions increased 2.1% in 2023, and are dioxide levels were recently observed to be surging (NOAA 2024).
now above 40 gigatons of carbon-dioxide-equivalent for the first Furthermore, the growth rate of methane emissions has been ac-
time (figure 2k). The top three emitting countries are China, the celerating, which is very troubling (Shindell et al. 2024). Nitrous
United States, and India, which, together, account for over half oxide is also at a record high (figure 3c); annual anthropogenic
of global emissions (supplemental table S2). Anthropogenic emis- emissions of this potent long-lived greenhouse gas have increased
sions of aerosol pollutants are declining; because these aerosols by roughly 40% from 1980 to 2020 (Tian et al. 2024).
have a net cooling effect, this reduction may be causing the rate Surface temperature is at a record high, and 2024 is expected
of global warming to accelerate (Hansen et al. 2023). On the ba- to be one of the hottest years ever recorded (figure 3d). Each 0.1°C
sis of global year-to-date averages, the concentrations of carbon of global warming places an extra 100 million people (or more)
Ripple et al. | 5
November 2023 Storm Bettina over Black Sea brought heavy snowfall and rainfall to several countries along the Black Sea,
affecting more than 2.5 million people and causing 23 fatalities. The burning of fossil fuels was responsible for
an approximately twofold increase in the likelihood of this level of precipitation (Zachariah et al. 2024a).
February 2024 Wildfires in Chile killed at least 131 people and destroyed more than 14,000 homes. Climate change may have
contributed to these fires by increasing the frequency and intensity of droughts and heatwaves, although other
factors may have been involved, including El Niño and the loss of natural forests.
Note: We list numerous recent disasters that may be at least partly related to climate change. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Because of the recent nature
of these events, our sources often include news media articles. For each event, we generally provide references indicating that the likelihood or strength of such an
event may have increased because of anthropogenic climate change. References to scientific articles are given directly in the table, and links to news articles are
provided in supplemental file S1. Some of these climate disasters may be at least partly related to changes in jet streams (Stendel et al. 2021, Rousi et al. 2022).
into unprecedented hot average temperatures (Lenton et al. 2023). Oceans and ice
On our current trajectory, future years will almost certainly be Ocean acidity and ocean heat content are both at record extremes
even hotter, because our climate continues to shift away from (figure 3f, 3g), which has led to various ocean-related climate im-
conditions associated with human thriving for much of Earth’s pacts. For example, heat waves in 2021 and 2023 caused ma-
population (Vecellio et al. 2023). Even in the most opti- rine animal mass mortality events (White et al. 2023, Goreau and
mistic scenarios, large-scale climate adaptation efforts will be Hayes 2024). In addition, the average global sea level is presently
needed, particularly for the most vulnerable populations (Ripple at a record high, mostly because of both overall warming and
et al. 2022). a strong El Niño in 2023 and part of 2024 (figure 3h; Lee 2024).
6 | BioScience, 2024, Vol. 0, No. 0
Continued sea level rise has the potential to displace hundreds emergent threat in Arctic streams that turned orange because
of millions of people over the course of the century (Kulp and of increased iron and toxic metals (figure 5b). This discoloration
Strauss 2019). Melting continental ice contributes about half to began in the last decade, coinciding with rapid global warming
sea level rise (Horwath et al. 2021), and the latest data indicate and permafrost thaw (O’Donnell et al. 2024). Compared with clear
that Greenland’s ice mass, Antarctica’s ice mass, and the average streams, orange streams are more acidic, have higher turbidity,
glacier thickness are all at record lows (figure 3j–3l). and have elevated sulfate, iron, and trace metals. This discol-
oration correlates with declines in macroinvertebrate diversity
Climate impacts and extreme weather and fish abundance, affecting drinking water and subsistence
Climate-related extreme weather and disasters are contributing fisheries in rural Alaska (O’Donnell et al. 2024).
Figure 4. Photograph series depicting the impacts of climate-related disasters. First row (left to right): Rescue of people stranded by floods in the city of
Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil, 2024; Duda Fortes, Agência RBS), “Drought in Ethiopia due to rains unrealised” (Ethiopia, 2011; Oxfam East Africa; CC
BY 2.0). Second row: Firefighters contain a bushfire burning around the town of Aberdare (Australia, 2013; Quarrie Photography, Jeff Walsh, Cass
Hodge; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0), The aftermath of Hurricane Matthew (Haiti, 2016; UN Photo/Logan Abassi; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Third row: Inspection of a
storm-damaged roadway in California (United States, 2023; Andrew Avitt/USDA Forest Service), Remnants of a house on Leyte island that was
destroyed by Typhoon Haiyan (The Philippines, 2013; Trocaire/Wikimedia; CC BY 2.0). All quotes are from the Climate Visuals project
( See supplemental file S1 for details and more pictures.
8 | BioScience, 2024, Vol. 0, No. 0
There is no way to know, for example, whether the polled IPCC ness can undermine the motivation for action (Mann and Hayhoe
physical scientists based their assessments on the science or sim- 2024). Conversely, it has also been suggested that optimism gives
ply on their views of the political prospects for action (Mann and rise to inaction, if people think things are fine and therefore action
Hayhoe 2024). is not needed (Wilson 2021). In any case, the importance of tone
One of the numerous challenges for scientists is how to com- may be overstated in this context, and more research is needed
municate about climate change (Guenther 2024). Some have to better identify motivating factors for climate action (Bamberg
argued that attitudes of pessimism and resignation can be et al. 2018).
obstructive to climate action. Moreover, some say those who op- With the increasingly undeniable effects of climate change, a
pose action have resorted to alternative strategies including the dire assessment is an honest assessment. Denying the existen-
propagation of pessimism, because embracing a sense of helpless- tial threat posed by climate change is becoming increasingly less
Ripple et al. | 9
Note: Feedback loops that may involve tipping elements are flagged with asterisks (*). As an approximate indicator of feedback loops that are most likely to be partly
included in certain climate models, feedback loops that are referenced in figure TS.17 (feedback loops overview) or figure 5.29 (biogeochemical feedback loops) of
IPCC (2021) are flagged with daggers (†). Many of these feedback loops will likely have major effects on Earth’s climate, but others may be more speculative. Feedback
impacts operate on a range of time scales; feedback loops we believe to be particularly slow are flagged with double daggers (‡). Symbols indicate decreasing (↓),
increasing (↑), and changing (). Abbreviations: atmospheric, atmos.; CH4 , methane; CO2 , carbon dioxide. See Ripple and colleagues (2023b) for full loop descriptions,
grouping information, limitations, and selected references. The table and caption are adapted from Ripple and colleagues (2023b).
plausible. The fact is that avoiding every tenth of a degree of warming. Areas of active climate feedback loop research include
warming is critically important. Rather than presenting a climate permafrost–cloud interactions (de Vrese et al. 2024), glacier melt-
change prognosis pessimistically or optimistically, we just want water (Pelle et al. 2023), and biodiversity (Weiskopf et al. 2024).
to act truthfully and tell it like it is. We must emphasize both ur- Because feedback loops are not yet fully integrated into climate
gency and agency when it comes to our characterizations of the models, current emissions reduction plans might fall short in ad-
needed action on climate (Mann 2023). equately limiting future warming.
Some climate feedback loops are linked to tipping points, po-
Climate change as a social justice issue tentially triggering major and irreversible changes in the Earth
Climate change is a matter of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), system without further pushing by human activities. Tipping ele-
because the wealthy people that emit the most greenhouse gases ments are biophysical systems on Earth with tipping point behav-
are generally less vulnerable to climate impacts (figure 5e). Al- ior that contribute to regulating the climate system (Lenton et al.
though the ramifications of emissions are global, they are par- 2008). They have recently been assessed for their tipping sensitiv-
ticularly severe in the Global South (Ngcamu 2023). Vulnerabil- ity. Five of sixteen climate tipping elements are likely to cross their
ity to climate change is shaped by a complex interplay of social, tipping points at 1.5°C: the Greenland ice sheet, the West Antarc-
economic, and political factors, leaving historically diverse, un- tic ice sheet, boreal permafrost, low-latitude coral reefs, and the
derserved, and marginalized communities disproportionately af- Barents Sea Ice (Armstrong McKay et al. 2022). Several climate
fected (Levy and Patz 2015). DEI principles underscore the urgency tipping elements are connected, and if one tips, others may tip,
to address these disparities. Embedding climate change within triggering a tipping point cascade (Wunderling et al. 2024). Over-
the framework of organizational DEI activities may help to foster all, this points to a complex situation where climate controlling
comprehensive and meaningful progress toward equity and sus- feedback loops and tipping point systems are interconnected in
tainability. By recognizing the disproportionate impacts of climate a way that could trigger self-perpetuating processes that am-
change on marginalized communities, organizations can work to- plify warming beyond human control. Therefore, we recommend
ward rectifying historical injustices by funding countries in the the IPCC publish a special report on feedback loops and tipping
Global South to maintain decarbonization while addressing ur- points.
gent climate change concerns. In addition, DEI considerations are
relevant to international climate policy; for example, they can Risk of societal collapse
help guide efforts to rapidly and equitably phase out fossil fuel The climate emergency is not an isolated issue. Global heating, al-
extractions (Muttitt and Kartha 2020). though it is catastrophic, is merely one aspect of a profound poly-
The ethical dimensions of climate change have led many faith crisis that includes environmental degradation, rising economic
leaders to speak out on the issue (e.g., Nhat Hanh 2015, Pope Fran- inequality, and biodiversity loss (Hoyer et al. 2023). Climate change
cis 2023). This represents an opportunity for diverse communities is a glaring symptom of a deeper systemic issue: ecological over-
to build alliances around the issue. shoot, where human consumption outpaces the Earth’s ability to
regenerate (Rees 2023, Ripple et al. 2024). Overshoot is an inher-
Climate feedback loops and tipping points ently unstable state that cannot persist indefinitely. As pressures
Awareness and research need to increase on climate feedback increase and the risk of Earth’s climate system switching to a
loops. Feedback loops are processes that can either amplify or re- catastrophic state rises (Steffen et al. 2018), more and more sci-
duce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Many significant entists have begun to research the possibility of societal collapse
feedback loops enhance warming. At least 28 amplifying feed- (Brozović 2023). Even in the absence of global collapse, climate
back loops have been identified (tables 2a, 2b). A particularly con- change could cause many millions of additional deaths by 2050
cerning feedback loop is the permafrost feedback loop, which in- (WHO 2023).
volves rising temperatures causing permafrost thawing. This pro- Along with the broader danger of overshoot, climate change
cess releases more carbon dioxide and methane, leading to further could contribute to a collapse by increasing the likelihood of
10 | BioScience, 2024, Vol. 0, No. 0
Peatlands† ↑ Drying and fire, ↓ Soil carbon ↑ Release of CO2 into atmos.
Wetlands† ↑ Wetlands area (↑ precipitation) ↑ CO2 seq., ↑ CH4 emissions
Freshwater ↑ Aquatic plant growth rates ↑ CH4 emissions
Forest dieback* ↑ Amazon and other forest dieback ↓ CO2 seq., albedo
Northern greening ↑ Boreal forest area, Arctic vegetation ↑ CO2 seq., ↓ albedo
Insects Insect ranges and abundances ↓ CO2 seq., albedo
Wildfire† ↑ Fire activity in some regions ↑ CO2 emissions, albedo
Note: Feedback loops that may involve tipping elements are flagged with asterisks (*). As an approximate indicator of feedback loops that are most likely to be partly
included in certain climate models, feedback loops that are referenced in figure TS.17 (feedback loops overview) or figure 5.29 (biogeochemical feedback loops) of
IPCC (2021) are flagged with daggers (†). Many of these feedback loops will likely have major effects on Earth’s climate, but others may be more speculative. Feedback
impacts operate on a range of time scales. Symbols indicate decreasing (↓), increasing (↑), and changing (). Abbreviations: atmospheric, atmos.; CH4 , methane;
CO2 , carbon dioxide; evapotranspiration, ET; sequestration, seq. See Ripple and colleagues (2023b) for full loop descriptions, grouping information, limitations, and
selected references. The table and caption are adapted from Ripple and colleagues (2023b) with the addition of the permafrost–cloud feedback (de Vrese et al. 2024).
catastrophic risks such as international conflict or by causing dioxide, which persists in the atmosphere for centuries, methane
multiple stresses, resulting in system-wide synchronous failures has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime, making reductions im-
(Kemp et al. 2022). The number of published articles using cli- pactful in the short term (Shindell et al. 2024). Drastically cutting
mate change and societal collapse language has been dramatically methane emissions can slow the near-term rate of global warm-
increasing (figure 5f; supplemental methods). Climate change has ing, helping to avoid tipping points and extreme climate impacts.
already displaced millions of people, and has the potential to In a world with finite resources, unlimited growth is a perilous
displace hundreds of millions or even billions more, leading to illusion. We need bold, transformative change: drastically reduc-
greater geopolitical instability (Table S3). By the end of the cen- ing overconsumption and waste, especially by the affluent, sta-
tury, roughly one-third of people worldwide could be outside the bilizing and gradually reducing the human population through
human climate niche, facing increased risk of illness and early empowering education and rights for girls and women, reform-
death, famine, and a host of other adverse outcomes (Lenton et al. ing food production systems to support more plant-based eating,
2023). and adopting an ecological and post-growth economics frame-
work that ensures social justice (Table S4). Climate change in-
struction should be integrated into secondary and higher educa-
Conclusions tion core curriculums worldwide to raise awareness, improve cli-
Despite six IPCC reports, 28 COP meetings, hundreds of other re- mate literacy, and empower learners to take action. We also need
ports, and tens of thousands of scientific papers, the world has more immediate efforts to protect, restore, or rewild ecosystems.
made only very minor headway on climate change, in part be- The surge in yearly climate disasters shows we are in a major
cause of stiff resistance from those benefiting financially from crisis with worse to come if we continue with business as usual.
the current fossil-fuel based system. We are currently going in the Today, more than ever, our actions matter for the stable climate
wrong direction, and our increasing fossil fuel consumption and system that has supported us for thousands of years. Human-
rising greenhouse gas emissions are driving us toward a climate ity’s future depends on our creativity, moral fiber, and persever-
catastrophe. We fear the danger of climate breakdown. The evi- ance. We must urgently reduce ecological overshoot and pursue
dence we observe is both alarming and undeniable, but it is this immediate large-scale climate change mitigation and adaptation
very shock that drives us to action. We recognize the profound ur- to limit near-term damage. Only through decisive action can we
gency of addressing this global challenge, especially the horrific safeguard the natural world, avert profound human suffering, and
outlook for the world’s poor. We feel the courage and determina- ensure that future generations inherit the livable world they de-
tion to seek transformative science-based solutions across all as- serve. The future of humanity hangs in the balance.
pects of society (table S4). Our goal is to provide clear, evidence-
based insights that inspire informed and bold responses from cit-
izens to researchers and world leaders.
Supplemental material
Rapidly phasing down fossil fuel use should be a top priority. Supplemental data are available at BIOSCI online.
This might be accomplished partly through a sufficiently high The methods and details of planetary vital sign variables used
global carbon price that could restrain emissions by the wealthy in this report along with other discussion appear in supplemen-
while potentially providing funding for much-needed climate mit- tal file S1 of this article. A list of the scientist signatories for
igation and adaptation programs. In addition, pricing and reduc- Ripple and colleagues (2020) as of 29 March 2023 appears in
ing methane emissions is critical for effectively mitigating climate supplemental file S2 of this article. Note that these signatures are
change. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and unlike carbon not for the current article.
Ripple et al. | 11
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Graubard, and Karen Wolfgang for providing helpful suggestions.
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