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4QEnocha fragment 1, pieces c,d and e.cols 2 and 3, containing
parts of Hanok chapters 2-8, from the Book of the Watchers.
all the works of their wickedness which
HANOK they have committed wickedly, and of
nun m all the harsh matters which wicked
sinners have spoken against Him.
Q "Observe all matters that take
WATCHERS place in the shamayim, how they
8 Then I said, "How fearful is the place there is the bright spring of water.
and how terrible to look upon!" 10 "And such has been made for
9 Then Uri'el answered me, one of the sinners when they die and are buried
qodesh messengers who was with me, in the earth and judgment has not
and said to me, "Hanok, why have you been executed on them in their
such fear and terror?" And I answered, lifetime.
"Because of this fearful place, and 11 "Here their spirits shall be put aside
because of the spectacle of the pain." in this great pain till the great day of
10 And he said to me, "This place is the judgment and punishment and torment
prison of the messengers, and here of the accursed forever, and retribution
they will be imprisoned forever." for their spirits. There He shall bind
QQ And then I went to another them forever.
place, and he showed me in 12 "And such a division has been made
the west another great and high for the spirits of those who make their
mountain of hard rock. petition, who make disclosures
2 And there was in it four hollow concerning their destruction, when
places, deep and wide and very they were slain in the days of the
smooth. "How smooth are the hollow sinners.
places and deep and dark to look at." 13 "Such has been made for the
3 Then Repha'el answered, one of the spirits of men who were not
qodesh messengers who was with me, righteous, but sinners, who were
and said to me, "These hollow places complete in transgression, and of
have been created for this very the transgressors they shall be
purpose, that the spirits of the beings companions, but their spirits shall not
of the dead should assemble there, be slain in the day of judgment nor
even that all the beings of the children shall they be raised from there."
of men should assemble here. 14 Then I barak 'XW of esteem and
4 "And these places have been made said, "Baruk be Adonai, 'WAY of
to receive them till the day of their righteousness, who rules forever."
judgment and till their appointed time, OQ From there I went to another
till the great judgment upon them." O place to the west of the ends
5 I saw the spirits of the children of of the earth.
men who were dead, and their voice 2 And I saw a burning fire which ran
went forth to the shamayim and without resting, and did not cease from
petitioned. its course day or night, but regularly.
6 And I asked Raphael, the messenger 3 And I asked saying, "What is this
who was with me, and I said to him, which does not rest?"
"This spirit; whose is it whose voice 4 Then Ragu'el, one of the qodesh
goes forth and petitions?" messengers who was with me,
7 And he answered me saying, "This is answered me and said to me, "This
the spirit which went forth from Hebei, course of fire which you have seen is
whom his brother Qayin slew, and he the fire in the west which pursues all
makes his petition against him till his the lights of the shamayim."
seed is destroyed from the face of the O And from there 1 went to
earth, and his seed is annihilated from another place of the earth, and
amongst the seed of men." he showed me a mountain range of
8 Then I asked regarding it, and fire which burnt day and night.
regarding all the hollow places, "Why 2 And I went beyond it and saw seven
is one separated from the other?" magnificent mountains all differing
9 And he answered me and said to me, each from the other, and the stones
"These three have been made that the were magnificent and pleasant,
spirits of the dead might be separated. magnificent as a whole, of magnificent
And such a division has been made for appearance and fair exterior: three
the spirits of the righteous, in which towards the east, one founded on the
other, and three towards the south, lived. And in their days shall no sorrow,
one upon the other, and deep rough or plague, or torment, or calamity
ravines, none of which joined with any touch them."
other. 7 Then I barak the Elohim of Esteem,
3 And the seventh mountain was in the the Eternal Sovereign, who has
midst of these, and it excelled them in prepared such matters for the
height, resembling the seat of a righteous, and has created them and
throne: and fragrant trees encircled the promised to give to them.
throne. And I went from there to
4 And amongst them was a tree such ZLO the middle of the earth, and
as I had never yet smelled, neither 1 saw a baruk place in which there
was any amongst them nor were were trees with branches abiding and
others like it: it had a fragrance beyond blooming.
all fragrance, and its leaves and 2 And there I saw a qodesh mountain,
blooms and wood wither not forever, and underneath the mountain to the
and its fruit is pleasant, and its fruit east there was a stream and it flowed
resembles the dates of a palm. towards the south.
5 Then I said, "How pleasant is this 3 And I saw towards the east another
tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are mountain higher than this, and
fair, and its blooms very delightful in between them a deep and narrow
appearance." ravine, wherein also ran a stream
6 Then answered Mika'el, one of the underneath the mountain.
qodesh and honoured messengers 4 And to the west of there, was another
who was with me, and was their mountain, lower than the former and of
leader. small height, and a ravine deep and
O And he said to me, "Hanok, dry between them, and another deep
why do you ask me regarding and dry ravine was at the extremities
the fragrance of the tree, and why do of the three mountains.
you want to learn the truth?" 5 And all the ravines were deep and
2 Then I answered him saying, "I want narrow, of hard rock, and trees were
to know about all matters, but not planted upon them.
especially about this tree." 6 And I marvelled at the rocks, and I
3 And he answered saying, "This high marvelled at the ravine, truly, I
mountain which you have seen, whose marvelled very much.
summit is like the throne of Elohim, is O "T Then I said, "For what object
His throne, where the Qodesh Great / is this baruk land, which is
One, of Esteem, the Eternal entirely filled with trees, and this
Sovereign, will sit, when He shall come accursed valley between?"
down to visit the earth with goodness. 2 Then Uri'el, one of the qodesh
4 "And as for this fragrant tree; no messengers who was with me,
mortal is permitted to touch it till the answered and said, "This accursed
great judgment, when He shall take valley is for those who are accursed
vengeance on all, and bring to its end forever. Here shall all the accursed be
forever. It shall then be given to the gathered together who utter with their
righteous and qodesh. lips against W; indecent words and
5 "Its fruit shall be for food to the elect; of His esteem speak harshness.
it shall be transplanted to the qodesh 3 "Here shall they be gathered
place, to the Heykal of the together, and here shall be their place
Eternal Sovereign. of judgment In the last days there shall
6 "Then they shall rejoice with joy and be upon them the spectacle of
be glad, and into the qodesh place righteous judgment in the presence of
they shall enter; and its fragrance shall the righteous forever. Here shall the
be in their bones, and they shall live a compassionate barak of esteem,
long life on earth, such as your fathers the Eternal Sovereign.
4 "In the days of judgment over the east of the earth, and passed above
former, they shall barak Him for the the Eastern sea and went far from it,
compassion in accordance with which and passed over the messenger,
He has assigned them ." Zoti'el.
5 Then I barak of Esteem and 3 And I came to the Garden of
proclaimed His esteem and exalted Righteousness, and saw beyond those
Him magnificently. trees, many large trees growing there
QO And then I went towards the and of pleasant fragrance, large, very
east, into the midst of the pleasant and great, and the tree of
mountain range of the desert, and I wisdom of which they eat and know
saw a wilderness and it was solitary, great wisdom.
full of trees and plants. 4 That tree is in height like the fir, and
2 And water gushed forth from above. its leaves are like the carob tree, and
3 Rushing like a plentiful watercourse its fruit is like the clusters of the vine -
towards the north-west, it caused very lovely - and the fragrance of the
clouds and dew to ascend on every tree penetrates afar.
side. 5 Then I said, "How lovely is the tree,
a - ah as in arm b - (bh) v as in vet
e - eh as in elm d - (dh) th as in them
I - ee as in eel e - ey as in eight
o - oh as in on g - (gh) The 'g' is pronounced as
u - oo as in Uno a soft aspirated g sound.
h - (ch) k - (kh) The 'h' and 'k' are pronounced as
the 'ch' in the German composer
Bach, or the Scottish Loch, like a
guttural, aspirated h sound.