First Day 2nd Shift Mcqs

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1. Caffey syndrome- battered baby (non-accidental injuries give to child by caregiver)

2. Bloated body +loosening of nails+ some exudate-how much time (2-3 days/4-5 days)

3.SIRS (criteria, abbreviation,2 criteria mean?)

4.testimony define

5. Description of turner syndrome (main clue-coarctation of aorta)

6.starvation GB distended

7.squalene epoxide inhibitor, which antifungal? ( terbinafine)

8. Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia , which alternative drug?

9. Breast cancer gene (BRCA1/BRCA2)

10.Vincristine resistance by which mechanism? iron deficiency anemia , parentral ( ferrous gluconate/ferric gluconate/ferrous sulphate)

12.NRTI act by(acting on dna polymerase/need rna dependent dna polymerase)

13. Arthropathy/joint problems in kids associated with which drug (CIPROFLOXACIN)

14.allergy to fibrinolytics(STREPTOKINASE)

15. patient taking methotrexate, now Complains of REVERSAL of symptoms thus is due
to?(activation/inhibition of DHFR)

16.some kid had pharyngitis, dr. Gave a drug.....nausea/hypotension...which drug

17. Angioedema molecular basis

18.heat exhaustion (hypotension)

19.tubacurarine, which drug to oppose it?(NEOSTIGMINE)

20.acid rain(H2S/SO2)

21.TELEPHONA(rupture of tympanic membrane)

22.orthostatic hypotension, which drug(PRAZOSIN)

23. COPD which drug to give(B2 BLOCKER)

24.cardiogenic shock,which drug(DOBUTAMINE/ISOPROTRENOLOL)

25.Which phase I reaction is cyp450 independent(s-oxidation/*dehydrogenation*/hydroxylation/n-


26.drug remains in plasma,why(bind to tissue proteins/bind to fat)

27.turalemia- fransciella

28.which antimalarial acts on exoerythrocytic/tissue forms - PRIMAQUINE

29.Most dangerous complication of malaria(convulsions/coma , bleeding)

30.iron detect in tissue by which stain(prussian blue stain/giemsa stain/wright stain)

31. Wuchereria- vector? ( anopheles) . Elephantiasis by Wuchereria

32. HIV screening (western blot OR elisa of IGM and p24 antigen)

33.dengue screen(NS1 ANTIGEN)

34.person came from ship, fever,no physical examination noticeable, what does he have?

35. Toxoplasmosis definitive host- cat

36.which virus incorporate into DNA(REO/RHINO/RETRO/ENTERO VIRUS)

37.purified protein vaccine? war(pertusis, bcg, bacillus anthracis)

38. Conjuation(specialized/general) bacteriophage when incorporates into dna

39. Social Action Plan which year( 1990,1991,1992,1993)

40. Basic health unit(5000-10000)

41.200 women got screened for pap smear, 100 diseased , 100 non diseased , among diseased 5
tested negative, among non diseased 20 tested positive Calculate specificity(95%)

42. Prevalence definition

43.calculate incidence when 100,000 population and 1000 new cases each year

44. Which are transmitted by food/water(cholera/rabies/typhoid)

45.antibody detecting, which blotting(NORTHERN/SOUTHERN/WESTERN)

46.LIQUIFACTIVE necrosis- brain

47.structural protein receptor(TUBULIN/DNA/some enzyme)

48.receptor function( insuline-tyrosine kinase/ ion channel for CL-,K-)

49.Teratogenic drug reaction is(chronic/delayed/augmented adverse reaction?)

50.anesthesiologist did misconduct who will hold him responsible(PMDC,superintendent,health


51.primary healing(approximate margins)

52.antimalarial for tissue , P.VIVAX/P.OVALE (primaquine)

53.serrated appearance of an abbrassion with heaped up margins(graze/scratch)

54.stretchy skin+ hypermobile joints (ehler-danlos/marfan?)

55. Many questions from anemia (thallasemia-Hb chain defect)

(Megaloblastic, perinicious)(Surgery jejenum cut- what anemia )(b12- peripheral numbness/tingling)

56. Chromosomal deletion which syndrome (patau/edward/turner/down)

57.lost body part/amputation of limb ( itlaaf e udw)

58.poorly differenciated/dysplastic (anaplasia,desmoplasia,metaplsia)

59.cell wall lipid peroxidation(H2O2,formaldehyde)

60. Which bacteria has cell wall made of sterols (staph aureus, h.influenza , mycoplasma) which abrasion,skin comes off from Underlying tissue? (tear,stretch,split,AVULSION)

62. Yersinia culture optimum temp(25°,37,42)

63. Disinfect utensils, boil for how long (15,25min)

64.non granulomatous disease (typhoid,syphilis,cat scratch,sarcoidosis)

65. Leukemia with auer rods....AML mutation( t15:17 / t18:20)

66. Leukocytosis with reactive toxic neutrophils, doehl bodies (search correct answer)

67.mortality increasing,life expectancy increasing ( DEMOGRAPHY which stage I,II,III,IV)

68.burn involving whole thickness of skin (which degree of burn?.... deep)

69.most common side effect of influenza vaccine (fever,runny nose,congestion)

70. VWf inheritence( x-linked recessive, autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, x-linked

71.Hereditary speherocytosis which protein.....spectrin

72. Volvulus of intestine....ischemia due to vascular torsion

73.hypoxia- decreased aerobic mitrichondrial pathway

74. Scar...nodular excessive...keloid

75. Chronic inflammation is characterised by (granuloma around foreign invader)

76. Girl fractured her arm, cast for sometime,after cast removed arm is smaller than before ( disuse
atrophy/denervation atrophy)

77.primary neutropenia leads to (Ear,sinus,lung recurrent infection/ skin abscess with poor wound
healing/ recurrent warts)

78. Someone was transfused blood,Lethal transfusion reaction(allergic/febrile/ABO incompatibility)

79. edema due to Low oncotic pressure due to ( nephrotic syndrome)

80.something about interferons activating our immune system against viruses (in granulomatous

81. Neutrophils working (produce ROS/NO/engulf)

82. Most common paraneoplastic syndrome(hypercalcemia/cushing)

83. duty of a medicolegal officer in exhumation(hand over the exhumation report to family/go to
grave/take water sample if waterlogged)

84. fungus can be cultured on which media (saburaud/cornmeal/Thayer martin)

85. what type of measles vaccine is used for EPI in Pakistan(live,attenuated)

86. which incision in strangulation ( y-shaped,modified y-shaped, I-shaped)

87. emerging hemmorhagic fever (ebola)

88. girl got renal transplant,rejection after 1 month,biopsy done,what can be seen on
biopsy(fibrinoid necrosis with thrombotic occlusion/CD4 and CD8 infiltration in renal tissue/fibrosis
of renal parenchyma)

89. pain is mediated by( bradykinin,histamine,prostaglandins,leukotrienes)

90. which autopsy protocol is to be followed (chain of evidence,…)

91. 84 PPC ( insanity/immaturity/intoxicated)

92. how will you identify brain dead person ( loss of pupillary reflex)

93. Role of magnesium in PCR (stabilizing/uncoil dna/..)

94. pink feathery crystals on blood test (Takayama/benzidine/precipitin)

95. according to WHO, what should be done in semen analysis (see sperms/chemical
examination/dna analysis)

96. a body is found in stiff contracted position, whole body is stiff, rigor mortis time? ( 12-24 hr, )

97. cherry red postmortem lividity (carbon monoxide poisoning)

98.broad base , narrowing top – which countries population pyramid(USA,Saudi arabia,India,China)

99. narrow spectrum antibiotic ( penicillin G/methicillin/nafcillin/amoxicillin)

100. medicolegal officer duty in case of poisoning- inform health authorities

101. rash, periorbital edema, muscle pain,fever- dengue

102. tissue biopsy shows amastigotes- leishmania

103. vertical transmission is (breast milk,birth canal,placenta)

104. endotoxin acts on – macrophages

105. an NGO organized a health promoting event at young girls college regarding reproductive
health, what should be considered when giving health education (Education/Age/Culture/Gender)

106. popcorn cells seen is – lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin lymphoma

107. chromosomal translocation in CML – 9:22

108. action of aspirin is on – platelet aggregation

109.neuromuscular blocking drug by depolarization- succinylcholine

110. streptomycin mechanism of action – inhibit protein synthesis

111. intravascular hemolysis is indicated by ( decreased haptoglobin)

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