First Day 2nd Shift Mcqs
First Day 2nd Shift Mcqs
First Day 2nd Shift Mcqs
2. Bloated body +loosening of nails+ some exudate-how much time (2-3 days/4-5 days)
4.testimony define
6.starvation GB distended
14.allergy to fibrinolytics(STREPTOKINASE)
15. patient taking methotrexate, now Complains of REVERSAL of symptoms thus is due
to?(activation/inhibition of DHFR)
20.acid rain(H2S/SO2)
27.turalemia- fransciella
32. HIV screening (western blot OR elisa of IGM and p24 antigen)
34.person came from ship, fever,no physical examination noticeable, what does he have?
41.200 women got screened for pap smear, 100 diseased , 100 non diseased , among diseased 5
tested negative, among non diseased 20 tested positive Calculate specificity(95%)
43.calculate incidence when 100,000 population and 1000 new cases each year
60. Which bacteria has cell wall made of sterols (staph aureus, h.influenza , mycoplasma)
66. Leukocytosis with reactive toxic neutrophils, doehl bodies (search correct answer)
70. VWf inheritence( x-linked recessive, autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, x-linked
76. Girl fractured her arm, cast for sometime,after cast removed arm is smaller than before ( disuse
atrophy/denervation atrophy)
77.primary neutropenia leads to (Ear,sinus,lung recurrent infection/ skin abscess with poor wound
healing/ recurrent warts)
80.something about interferons activating our immune system against viruses (in granulomatous
83. duty of a medicolegal officer in exhumation(hand over the exhumation report to family/go to
grave/take water sample if waterlogged)
88. girl got renal transplant,rejection after 1 month,biopsy done,what can be seen on
biopsy(fibrinoid necrosis with thrombotic occlusion/CD4 and CD8 infiltration in renal tissue/fibrosis
of renal parenchyma)
92. how will you identify brain dead person ( loss of pupillary reflex)
95. according to WHO, what should be done in semen analysis (see sperms/chemical
examination/dna analysis)
96. a body is found in stiff contracted position, whole body is stiff, rigor mortis time? ( 12-24 hr, )
105. an NGO organized a health promoting event at young girls college regarding reproductive
health, what should be considered when giving health education (Education/Age/Culture/Gender)