Look at it without wanting to drive it. Drive it From the perfect proportions of its dynamic
without wanting to own it. You canÕt. You wonÕt. body contours, down to the invisible weld
technology pioneered for its manufacture,
Designed from the ground up for Australian
the Commodore is a tribute to the imagination,
drivers and Australian driving conditions Ð
technical brilliance and relentless passion
and crowned Wheels Magazine 2006 Car of
of HoldenÕs engineers.
the Year Ð the Holden Commodore is a once in
a generation vehicle. Complete with Electronic Stability Program
Ð plus front, side and curtain airbags Ð all as
Rear wheel driven Ð of course Ð it rewards
standard, it is quite simply a world-class
drivers with the ride and handling, technology,
driverÕs car. One that raises benchmarks.
safety and end-to-end build quality of vehicles
RedeÞnes expectations. Changes perceptions.
many times its price.
And one you will be proud to call your own.
Get inside. ItÕs time to go.
SS V-Series in Voodoo
Precise and intuitive handling
Power the Commodore through a bend, Turn the wheel a little, the Commodore
and you just know its 25-year domination veers a little. Turn it a lot, the car turns
of Australian motor sport is destined to sharply. No vagueness. No waft. No driver
continue to go on for another 25 Ð at least. compensation. Just precise and intuitive
handling. At any speed.
Courtesy of its new Linear Control Suspension
system and forward mounted variable ratio ItÕs the same with braking. The pedal feel
steering, the Commodore handles with is solid, inspiring conÞdence. The tyres are
a precision and agility more akin to a small purpose designed for the new model.
sports car, than a generous Þve-seater. The four-wheel disc brakes are larger, more
durable, and designed to resist fade Ð even
under heavy use. Further boosted by advanced
safety systems, including Electronic Stability
Program, the result is the highest performing
braking system ever in a Commodore.
YouÕd have to go a long way to Þnd better.
SS V-Series in Voodoo
It simply demands to be driven
Not only does it handle like a smaller car, And the road is exactly where the Commodore
the Commodore even looks more compact. belongs. With its sporty, sloping stance, short
front and rear overhangs, ßared wheel guards
But hereÕs the thing. The new model actually
and fender vents, it simply demands to be driven.
has a longer wheelbase and wider track,
a higher rooßine and more space in the boot. So donÕt resist. After all, when you own a car
Which helps explain why the Commodore that looks and handles like the Commodore,
now grips the road more tightly, feels more you donÕt need a reason to drive somewhere.
spacious inside and lets you carry even more
You just go for it.
ÔessentialsÕ on road trips.
SV6 in Voodoo
A vehicle you can rely on in every respect
Some people fall in love with cars from The Commodore was also road tested more
the word go. But not Holden engineers and than any other car in HoldenÕs history.
designers Ð theyÕre rarely satisÞed. Not only on test tracks, highways and city
streets, but gravel tracks in the crippling
So throughout its development phase,
heat of the Australian outback, and the icy
they virtually crash tested the Commodore
roads of Sweden and New Zealand in winter.
repeatedly, using advanced computer modelling,
for six years. Crashed it with cars, trucks, walls The end result Ð of these, and the countless
and poles. From the front, the rear, the side and other computer modelled, prototype and
on angles. Not with just one crash test dummy, development car tests Ð is not just a happy
but with many, representing virtually every size engineering and design department, itÕs a
and shape of driver and passenger possible. vehicle you can rely on to go Ð and keep going.
In every respect, in every situation.
Anything less, and it wouldnÕt be a Commodore.
SS in Voodoo
Quality of thought
Sit back and admire the view Ð wherever you go. Just as obvious, is the quality of thought applied
to controls and instrumentation.
The top of the range Commodore SS V-Series
lets you co-ordinate your vehicle inside and out, Information is divided into two zones. ÔDriver
with colour matched exterior paint, instruments, essentialsÕ appear directly in front of you in an
dashboard and leather appointed seats. electronic driver display and on four instrument
dials. Additional information shows on the
But no matter which model you go with, youÕll
centre console display. Controls are where you
Þnd an interior Þt and Þnish quality comparable
expect, feel the way you expect and operate
to EuropeÕs most prestigious Ð higher priced Ð
the way you expect.
vehicles. An achievement that required stripping
and rebuilding an entire production line to For another example of thoughtfulness, look
operate within the narrowest tolerances in no further than the front door storage, which
HoldenÕs history. now holds a 600ml bottle Ð upright. Or play
your favourite CD through the audio system.
Directional high frequency speakers are in
the dashboard. High mounted bass/mid range
speakers are on all four doors. The result
is music to your ears.
Seating has also been reÞned, providing more
support for those inevitable long trips Ð but
without removing that unique road connection,
so much a part of the Commodore driving
Quality thinking from go to whoa Ð thatÕs
the Holden Commodore.
SS V-Series
with Voodoo
SV6 instruments, dash and
with Onyx cloth seats leather appointed seats
Safety Safety in numbers, and large numbers at that. CommodoreÕs advanced
new multi-layered driver defence system surrounds you Ð literally Ð with
state-of-the-art active and passive safety features. The former to help
prevent collisions; the latter to help prevent injury in the event of a collision.
Active safety
Up to 200 times a second Ð thatÕs Co-ordination of active safety features ESP¨ Electronic Stability Program TCS Traction Control System ABS Anti-lock Braking System EBA Electronic Brake Assist EBD Electronic Brakeforce Distribution
how often the CommodoreÕs active Be it from the Electronic Stability ESP¨ constantly compares the vehicleÕs Designed to minimise slippage during If wheel Ôlock upÕ is detected under In emergency braking situations, few When a vehicle brakes, weight transfers
safety systems monitor on-road Program (ESP¨) for turning and movements with the steering wheel acceleration, TCS recognises if either forceful braking, ABS momentarily drivers actually press the brake pedal to the front wheels. By regulating the
dynamics. Everything from the cornering. The Traction Control System angle to determine if the vehicle rear wheel has insufÞcient grip and reduces brake pressure at the affected Þrmly enough to achieve maximum brakeforce applied to each wheel, EBD
vehicleÕs speed, lateral acceleration (TCS) that minimises slip when is moving in the direction you intend. adjusts drive force and brakeforce wheel. This improves braking efÞciency braking performance. EBA is designed ensures optimal balance between front
and rotation, to the steering wheel accelerating. Or the Anti-lock Braking If skidding appears imminent, ESP¨ accordingly. It reduces wheelspin when Ð reducing stopping distances on most to sense how fast you press the brake and rear brakes, which helps minimise
angle and brake force you apply. System (ABS) with Electronic Brake applies brake pressure to individual accelerating on wet and icy roads, and surfaces Ð and helps maintain steering pedal in an emergency, and maximise stopping distances.
Assistance (EBA) and Electronic wheels as appropriate and, if necessary, also in ÔsplitÕ conditions, such as when control to ensure the vehicle remains braking pressure to optimise braking
When normal tolerances are exceeded,
Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) that trims engine power. This dramatically a vehicle has two wheels on bitumen directionally stable. performance.
one or more of the following systems
helps you stop quickly with maximum increases turning and cornering safety, and two on a gravel verge.
initiate integrated Ð non-intrusive Ð
control. You can expect 360¡ support especially in Ôevasive actionÕ situations.
counter measures to help ensure you
from the CommodoreÕs integrated
retain maximum control of the vehicle.
active safety systems.
EBA triggers Stopping distance with Stopping distance Stopping distance
ABS sooner EBA, EBD and ABS with ABS only unassisted
So what ifÉ
You have to avoid an unexpected
obstacle in the road, end up with
ESP two wheels on the gravel verge,
and then need to brake suddenly.
Sensing an emergency stop, EBA
initiates maximum brakeforce,
ESP¨ brakes the right front wheel ABS maximises brake efÞciency and
ESP¨ brakes the left rear wheel TCS reduces torque to the left momentarily and reduces engine EBD maintains optimal front/rear Stopping distance will depend on road
momentarily to avoid understeer. rear wheel to reduce slip. power to correct oversteer. brake balance. surface and vehicle load conditions
Passive safety
A collision is a contest between impact Co-ordination of passive safety features Safety cell, crumple zones and crash sensors
energy and your vehicleÕs safety To help protect occupants from load paths 1 driverÕs front airbag
features. You want everything possible collision forces, HoldenÕs Adaptive In frontal and rear collisions, impact 2 passengerÕs front airbag
on your side. Occupant Restraint System uses energy is absorbed by crumple zones 3 side impact airbags
forward and side sensors to detect and channelled away from the driver 4 curtain airbags
ThatÕs why the Commodore features
the severity and direction of a collision, and occupants via multiple load paths. 5 front crumple zone
HoldenÕs Adaptive Occupant Restraint
triggering the appropriate passive 6 passenger safety cell
System Ð which includes dual-stage The CommodoreÕs Multiple load path
safety measures. 7 rear crumple zone
front airbags, side and curtain airbags strategies are also integral to side
Ð as well as multiple load paths to impact protection, as is the vehicleÕs
help channel impact energies and safety cell. Strategically reinforced with 0 - 20ms 45 - 55ms 60 - 65ms 85ms +
a safety cell reinforced with ultra high steel seven times stronger than your
strength steel. average steel, it offers protection
Pyrotechnic seatbelt pretensioners Dual-stage front airbags Load limiters Emergency shutdown
against passenger safety cell intrusion.
Most impressive of all, in a frontal crash, When an impact of sufÞcient severity For maximum protection in certain The seatbelts incorporate a load Following a collision where airbags
the Commodore can automatically is detected, small explosive charges frontal collisions, the front airbags for limiting system that helps control or seatbelt pretensioners have
initiate and co-ordinate all on-board force the front seatbelt buckles driver and front passenger inßate in two the level of force applied to an deployed, on-board safety systems will
passive safety measures in an incredible towards the cabin ßoor. This tightens stages, according to the impact severity occupant during an accident. turn off the engine and fuel pump,
90 milliseconds (ms) Ð about the time the seatbelts and helps hold both and their respective seat positions. This in turn helps reduce seatbelt unlock the doors, and turn the hazard
it takes to snap your Þngers. driver and front passenger Þrmly related injury. and interior lights on, if battery power
4 The 60 litre driver airbag can fully
against their seats. is available.
3 inßate in 45 milliseconds. The front Steering and brake pedal safety
2 passenger airbag, which is oversized, In severe frontal impacts, the steering
can inßate to a full 125 litres in just column can collapse and to help
55 milliseconds. prevent leg injury, the brake pedal
can detach.
Curtain and side impact airbags
Side curtain airbags help provide head
and upper body protection for front
1 passengers and left and right rear
3 passengers in certain side-on collisions.
4 Side impact airbags help provide
additional chest and thorax protection
for the driver and front passenger.
7 6 5
Diagrams for illustration purposes only
Innovation comes in all shapes and Holden Assist telematics Satellite navigation Personalisation Priority key Bluetooth¨
sizes in the Commodore. From the Optional as an accessory on all Turn-by-turn satellite navigation All models let you tailor a range of All models come with two priority Integrated Bluetooth¨ technology lets
futuristic component synchronisation models, telematics enables vehicles is optional on Omega, SV6 and SS vehicle functions to your individual keys, which store individual driver you take and make calls, hands-free,
and optional on-board telematics, to to send and receive data Ð and have models. Operated via the scroll wheel liking, including: preferences, such as trip computer at the touch of a button with compatible
the sublime convenience of integrated their position pinpointed at any time and buttons mounted on the steering Ð Departure lighting: when locking display options, personalisation mobile phones. The controls are
Bluetooth¨ mobile phone connectivity. Ð via integrated GSM mobile phone wheel, the system provides visual your vehicle remotely at night, the settings and radio station presets. conveniently mounted on your steering
network and global positioning directions via the centre driver display headlamps will remain on and turn Your preferred settings take effect the wheel, the microphone is housed in the
Technology, not for technologyÕs and audible directions via the vehicleÕs
satellite technology. off automatically after 30, 60, 90 or moment you unlock your car remotely. roof console, and the call is heard over
sake, but for you Ð the driver. To help audio system. The SS V-Series has the 180 seconds. the audio system Ð which automatically
protect you and your investment. Owners of telematics-equipped option of full mapping via the colour Ð Approach lighting: when unlocking mutes whatever is playing at the time.
Make it easier for you to get from vehicles can take advantage of Holden LCD screen located in the vehicleÕs your vehicle remotely, the headlamps Component synchronisation No wires. No cradles. No headsets.
journeyÕs start to end. And to create Assist, a subscription-based interactive centre console. can automatically come on for To deter theft, the audio system, Bluetooth¨ is standard on SV6, SS and
a driving experience richer and security system that provides
60 seconds, or not at all. instrument cluster and other key SS V-Series and optional on Omega.
more rewarding than ever before. on-board assistance 24/7.
Ð Multi-stage unlocking: when unlocking components are electronically
Read on, youÕll get the idea. Then Holden Assist Ultra Trip computer your vehicle remotely, you can have synchronised to the vehicle in which Certain mobile phones may not be
factor in the CommodoreÕs price tag. All Secure level features, plus: Standard across all models, the all four doors unlock at once, or the they were originally Þtted. compatible with the vehicleÕs Bluetooth¨
This is not only an incredibly smart Ð If an airbag is deployed, the system on-board trip computer is controlled driverÕs door on the Þrst press and the system. Check with your Holden Dealer
vehicle, itÕs an extremely smart notiÞes an operator who will attempt via the scroll wheel and buttons remaining doors on the second. to determine your phoneÕs compatibility
choice of vehicle. to speak with the driver. If there mounted on the steering wheel. Night panel
is no response, emergency services Trip data is shown on the electronic At night, interior lighting can be
are notiÞed. driver display. Depending upon dimmed to leave only the speedometer MP3 player connectivity
Ð If keys are locked in the vehicle, your preferences, the information illuminated. Should your attention The audio system in all models includes
an operator can validate the ownerÕs displayed can include: be required, the relevant instrument an auxiliary input jack for external
identity, then unlock the doors remotely. Ð trip distance lights up. This reduces driver distraction music sources, such as MP3 players.
Ð In an emergency, the driver can press Ð average speed and fatigue, making it perfect for
the SOS button to speak with an Ð average fuel usage night driving in the country.
operator, who will locate the vehicle Ð distance to go DVD player
and send emergency services if required. Ð time to go An integrated DVD player with fold
Ð If roadside assistance is required, Ð range down screen is available as an option
on the press of a button the vehicle Ð odometer reading on SV6, SS and SS V-Series. Designed
is located and assistance despatched. Ð speed for use by rear passengers, it is
Ð If the vehicle battery is low, the system Ð overspeed warnings incorporated into the roof and comes
notiÞes an operator who will attempt (visual and audible) complete with wireless headphones
to speak with the driver. Ð underspeed warnings and a remote control.
(visual and audible)
GM FleetView Ð rest reminders every
Designed for businesses with two hours of driving time
on-the-road employees, ßeet
telematics are designed to increase It is even possible to track two trips
driver and ßeet manager productivity, simultaneously, for example a short
while encouraging better driver day trip within a long interstate trip.
behaviour and greater adherence
to occupational health and safety
practices. For full details on ßeet
telematics, call GM Fleet Customer
Assistance on 1300 559 696.
5-speed automatic 4-speed automatic transmission 6-speed manual transmission 6-speed automatic transmission
transmission with Active Select Featuring a new input speed sensor Designed with a super smooth short with Active Select
Teamed with the High Output Alloytec to match engine revs to gear changes, throw for more spirited driving, the Paired perfectly to the Generation
V6 engine on the SV6, the optional CommodoreÕs 4-speed automatic 6-speed manual transmission has 4 Alloy V8 engine on Commodore SS
5-speed automatic transmission with transmission ensures reÞned, the ideal Þrst gear launch feel and and SS V-Series, the optional 6-speed
Active Select delivers smooth, crisp smooth and consistent gearshifts lower cruising revs in sixth. Standard automatic transmission has a truly
V6 engine V8 engine
Ð almost seamless Ð gearshifts. for Omega drivers. on the SV6, SS and SS V-Series, itÕs the world class shift feel and delivers
obvious choice for those who prefer improved acceleration. Active Select
a Ôhands-onÕ approach. gives you the added advantage of one
touch switching between automatic
or manual gear shifting.
Omega Intuitive controls
Air conditioning and audio systems
Multifunction steering wheel
A scroll wheel and buttons let you
On-board trip computer
Trip distance, average speed, average
are operated from the centre console, adjust audio and trip computer fuel usage, distance to go, time to go,
which is shaped to bring the controls functions. You can change radio range, odometer and speed Ð you have
to you. Clear markings, rubberised stations, adjust the volume, select the choice to show it all, or personalise
grips and intuitive actions enable fast, a different CD track, switch from CD whatÕs displayed to suit your
simple and accurate adjustment. to radio, mute the sound, or scroll preferences. You can also use the trip
Audio settings are veriÞed visually to the trip information you want computer to generate audio and visual
on the console display. displayed Ð and not once take your overspeed and underspeed warnings.
hands off the wheel.
Omega in Nitrate
SV6 Sports instrumentation
with centre display
Optional 5-speed automatic
transmission with Active Select
Audio and air conditioning controls
Audio settings are displayed on a
The SV6 centre driver display helps The Active Select function on this large screen, high on the centre stack.
make it easier for you to stay focused silky smooth transmission lets you Tested in the worldÕs most extreme
on the road. Situated between the two switch from automatic mode to climates, the air conditioning system
major instrument dials, it provides a manual, and shift up or down through is designed to help keep you cool in
continuous stream of clear and concise the gears. ItÕs perfect for overtaking, the heat of an Australian summer, and
data Ð such as audio information, engine braking on steep winding warm in the depths of our winters.
trip details, warnings, rest reminder, descents or just to get that Ôhands-onÕ The controls for both feature tactile
indicators and phone status Ð which driving feel. soft rubber for easy gripping.
you can personalise to your preference.
SV6 in Atomic
SS Optional 6-speed automatic
transmission with Active Select
6 disc in-dash audio system with
full MP3 compatibility
Driver focused instrumentation
The SS instrumentation cluster is
Why let the automatic transmission Now even the longest drive can have designed to convey driver information
have all the fun? Set Active Select an uninterrupted soundtrack, because at a glance, helping to minimise the
to manual and use the short throw the 6 disc CD player in the SS plays time your eyes are off the road .
gear shift to power up and down both normal CD tracks and MP3 Þles.
those six sweet gears yourself.
SS V-Series
SS V-Series
SS V-Series
SS V-Series
engine and transmission wheels driver (continued) occupant safety
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) driver 6 speakers. Total 80 watts Sound system operates only in original vehicle
Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) Steering wheel height and reach adjust 7 speakers. Total 80 watts
Electronic Brake Assist (EBA) Leather wrap steering wheel 11 speakers including sub-woofers. Total 230 watts
Traction Control System (TCS) Leather wrap sports proÞle steering wheel Speed dependent volume control
Linear Control Suspension Multifunction steering wheel, featuring illuminated controls for: Rear seat overhead DVD player
Average speed
storage and cargo
Digital speedometer
Twin cup holders in centre console
Distance/time to go
Centre console storage compartment with armrest lid
Fuel used/range
Auxiliary power socket in console
Odometer/tripmeter/trip time
Fold-down rear seat centre ÔskiÕ hatch for long loads
Visual and audible speed warning
Maximum Þgures as per ECE regulations
Alloy faced pedals
* Figure quoted using 98 RON (PULP)
^ Figure quoted using LPG Leather wrap gear selector
technical speciÞcations
175kW^, 3.6 litre LPG Alloytec 180kW, 3.6 litre Alloytec 195kW, 3.6 litre High Output 270kW*, 6.0 litre Generation 4 Omega_SV6_SS_SS V-Series
V6 engine V6 engine Alloytec V6 engine Alloy V8 engine
Engine 3.6L 60-degree Double Overhead Cam V6 with 4 valves per cylinder. Twin knock control sensors with 6.0L 90-degree OHV V8. Recommended petrol octane rating 91 RON ULP. Note that using 95 RON (PULP) or higher may result in improved engine performance and economy
individual cylinder adaptive control. On-board diagnostics. Cross ßow cylinder heads.
Petrol tank capacity (L) 73
Twin knock control sensors.
On-board diagnostics. Brakes Four wheel disc. Ventilated discs Ð front and rear. Twin piston alloy front caliper, single piston alloy rear caliper
Continuously variable camshaft phasing for inlet cams. Continuously variable camshaft Central plenum with individual Electronic Stability Program (ESP¨) Incorporating: Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Electronic Brake Assist (EBA),
Variable Intake Manifold (VIM) phasing for inlet and exhaust symmetrical runners. Traction Control System (TCS)
cams. Variable Intake Manifold Suspension Front: Direct acting stabiliser bar. Coil spring
(VIM) Rear: Multi-Link Independent Rear Suspension (IRS). Coil spring. Stabiliser bar
Capacity (cc) 3564 3564 3564 5967 Sports suspension Firmer spring rate. Reduced ride height
Compression ratio (:1) 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.4 Steering Variable ratio rack and pinion
Power (ECE, kW)# 175kW^ @ 6000rpm 180kW @ 6000rpm 195kW @ 6500rpm 270kW* @ 5700rpm Track (mm)
Torque (ECE, Nm)# 325Nm^ @ 2600rpm 330Nm @ 2600rpm 340Nm @ 2600rpm 530Nm* @ 4400rpm Omega Front: 1602
Exhaust system Ð stainless steel Single exhaust outlet Single exhaust outlet Dual exhaust outlets Quad exhaust outlets Rear: 1618
Gear ratios 4sp Auto 4sp Auto 6sp Man / 5sp Auto 6sp Man / 6sp Auto SV6, SS, SS V-Series Front: 1592
Rear: 1608
1st 3.06 3.06 4.48 / 3.42 3.01 / 4.03
Turn circle (kerb to kerb, m) 11.4
2nd 1.63 1.63 2.58 / 2.21 2.07 / 2.36
Wheelbase (mm) 2915
3rd 1 1 1.63 / 1.60 1.43 / 1.53
Exterior design dimensions (mm) Length Width (excluding mirrors) Height Ground clearance
4th 0.70 0.70 1.19 / 1.00 1.00 / 1.15
4894 1899 1476 110
5th Ð Ð 1.00 / 0.75 0.84 / 0.85
Interior design dimensions (mm) Leg Shoulder Head Hip
6th Ð Ð 0.75 / Ð 0.57 / 0.67
Front 1071 1501 985 1439
Final drive ratio 3.27 3.27 2.92 / 2.92 3.45 / 2.92
Rear 1001 1499 965 1472
^Figure quoted using LPG
Boot volume (L) 496 (non LPG models)
*Figures quoted using 98 RON (PULP)
#Maximum Þgures as per ECE regulations
Towing (kg) Maximum towing with automatic transmission: 2100. Maximum towing with manual transmission: 1600.
Maximum towing speed with manual transmission: 100km/h.
Holden approved 1200, 1600 and 2100 towing equipment is available. See your Holden Dealer for details.
Weight Visit holden.com.au for further information
Service The complimentary inspection is due at 3,000km or 3 months (whichever occurs Þrst). The Þrst service is due at 15,000km
or 12 months (whichever occurs Þrst) and then every 15,000km or 12 months (whichever occurs Þrst) since the last service.
Additional services may be required under certain driving conditions such as when towing (refer to ownerÕs handbook)
colours and trims customer care
Holden Leasing
Holden PLUS Extended Factory Warranty
Businesses of all sizes are now accessing vehicle leasing options with Holden
Leasing. We operate nationally through the Holden Dealer Network and our Holden also offers Holden PLUS Extended Factory Warranty. Holden PLUS
dedicated service and support team. Our people are responsive professionals is a complete extension of your New Vehicle Warranty, giving you peace
who understand your business and what it means to deliver total ßeet of mind because your car is factory backed for up to 3 additional years.
Sandstorm Metallic Provence Metallic Vespers Blue Metallic Evoke Metallic management solutions. To Þnd out how Holden Leasing can help you, The very same items covered under the New Vehicle Warranty will continue
call us on 1800 022 077. to be covered under Holden PLUS, without exclusion. The Holden PLUS
Extended Factory Warranty can be purchased through your local Holden Dealer
at the same time as your Holden vehicle purchase. See your Holden Dealer
GM Holden Card or call 1300 308 062 for full terms and conditions.
The GM Holden Card can assist you to get into a new Holden sooner. 10% of
your credit card purchases go towards a Rebate of up to $3,000 on your new
24 Hour Roadside Assistance
Red Passion Metallic Holden2 (depending on model). ThatÕs up to $1 saving on your new Holden for
every $10 spent. There are a range of extra features including up to 45 days Provided for the Þrst year of your new HoldenÕs life5. Holden Roadside
interest free3 on credit card purchases and a competitive interest rate. Apply4 Assistance is one of AustraliaÕs most comprehensive assistance packages
online at www.holden.com.au/mastercard, or call the GM Holden Card 24hr with over 3,000 Roadside Assistance patrols nationwide6. There to help
cloth trims leather trims helpline on 131 200. with even the smallest service, the toll-free Roadside Assistance hotline
is always open, 1800 817 100.
Vespers Blue
Red Passion
SS Onyx cloth
Redhot cloth
Voodoo cloth
Onyx leather appointed seats
Subject to approval. 2 The maximum GM Holden Card ÔCore RebateÕ (plus additional
instruments/dash ÔBonus RebateÕ accumulated via the Partner Program) applicable for each vehicle, accrued
Onyx leather appointed seats Redhot/Onyx over a maximum of Þve years may be applied per eligible vehicle purchased. For the
SS V-Series maximum Rebate applicable for each vehicle refer to the 'Maximum Rebate Levels' table
Onyx leather appointed seats Voodoo/Onyx at www.westpac.com.au/holden. Vehicle sales for which a ßeet allowance is paid are not
eligible for GM Holden Card Rebate. Earning and redemption of Rebate towards a new
Holden is subject to the GM Holden Card Rebate Program Rules. 3 The interest-free period
Onyx leather appointed seats Silver Grey/Onyx applies where the card account is fully paid by the due date each month. 4 GM Holden Card
is approved by Westpac. Applications are subject to WestpacÕs normal lending criteria.
Redhot leather appointed seats Redhot/Redhot 5
From date of Þrst registration. 6 In remote or sparsely populated areas you may experience
delay in obtaining Roadside Assistance. Refer to the Customer Care brochure in your glovebox
Voodoo leather appointed seats Voodoo/Voodoo for full terms and conditions of this service.