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Chapter Prayer notes

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Q. How does prayer bring a man closer to Allah. [10]

Salat constitutes one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a way of divine worshipping by
means of which a believer comes closer to Allah Almighty. It became obligatory when
the Prophet (PBUH) went to Mairaj and all the same, adults are supposed to be regular
in prayer.
The importance of Salat can be judged by a tradition of Holy Prophet according to
which the 1st thing made obligatory on his followers was Salat and we will be
answerable for this on the Day of Judgment. “The first thing for which a person shall
be called to account on the Day of Judgment is Salat.” (Tirmizi).
The Holy Quran has repeatedly instructed the Muslims to perform Salat. The Quran
says, “Establish Salat and pay Zakat, you will bind with Allah whatever good you sent
forward for your future, Allah is watching everything you do.” [2:110] (Surah Baqarah).
Prayer is the most effective means of affirming and strengthening our faith in the
existence of Allah and His Omnipresence. Salat reminds a man of his duties as a
humble servant of Allah Almighty and makes him duty conscious. Salat is the
distinguishing feather between a Muslim and non-Muslim and also the dividing line
between faith and disbelief. The Prophet (PBUH) said “What stands between a man
and disbelief is the abandonment of Salat.”
Salat inculcates the remembrance of Allah in a man since the five times
communication with him keeps a person reminded that there is one Mighty Being who
is watching him. This makes a person fearful of Allah at all times and compels him to
keep away from all sinful deeds which causes his displeasure. The Quran Says “So
woe to the worshippers who are neglectful of their prayers [107: 4-5].
Salat makes a man realize how dependent and helpless he is in front of his Creator
and therefore he needs to submit to Allah’s will if he wishes to prosper. Salat makes a
man clean and pure; physically, morally and spiritually. It teaches us self-control
against evil temptations and thus restrains a person from indecencies and all kinds of
evil. Prophet (PBUH) said, “The similitude of five prayers is like the streaming river
passing by the gate of one of you in which he takes a bath five times daily.”
Prayer inculcates patience and endurance and contentment. Salat makes a man
punctual and well-disciplined. This is a way for forgiveness of Sins committed by a
Salat is a central point of a Muslim’s life but is meritorious to pray in congregation with
the fellow Muslims. The congregational prayers improve equality, brotherhood and
fraternity among the Muslims.

Q.2. How does prayer bring man closer to the Community? [04]
Ans. There is a single defined method for performing prayers and everyone has to
perform prayers in the same way. This displays equality of all people. Prayer in
congregation also promotes equality and brotherhood. The congregation stands
shoulder to shoulder and levels the social differences. The kings stand with the slaves
and the white men with the black men, this shows that all men are equal before Allah
irrespective of cast, colour and creed. The daily congregational prayers serve as a
strong force uniting the believers. The gathering of all people living in one locality helps
in the establishment of healthy social relations among the people. This gathering
becomes larger in weekly Friday prayers and bigger in the two Eid prayers. These
gatherings help to promoted brotherhood, unity and equality.
In Friday prayers, sermon is also delivered and consist of two parts. In the first part
the Muazzin explains the Quranic passages which helps to increase the believes
knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah. It also helps Muslims to become aware of the
issues faced by Muslim Ummah and also to find the solution. The Friday prayers help
the community to remain connected to each other as it can only be offered in
congregation and the believer is forced to leave all businesses as soon as he hears
the Azaan.

Q.3 What are the conditions of Prayer that must be fulfilled before performing
Prayer is the 2nd pillar of Islam that became obligatory when Prophet (PBUH) went to
Mairaj. It is a divine worship by means of which a Muslim fulfills his duty towards
Allah. The Quran says” Establish regular prayer at the Sun’s decline till the darkness
of the night and pray in the small watches of the morning.” [17:78-79]
There are many conditions which must be fulfilled before offering prayer. The 1st
condition is the purity of the body, and place. A person should be pure from major and
minor impurities as the Holy Prophet said, “Allah does not accept any prayer that was
not performed while in a state of purity.” In case of major impurities like menstruation,
period of child birth, marital relations we must perform Ghusl/Tayammum while in
case of minor impurities a believer should perform Wuzu/Tayammum in the absence
of water.
The place where the prayer is offered and the clothes must be pure. To remove
impurities, the clothes should be washed thrice while squeezing each time.
The next condition is that prayers must be offered at their stated times. Allah Says
“Prayers indeed have been enjoined on believers at fixed times.” [An Nisa (4:18)]. The
Fajr prayers time starts at the onset of dawn and end just before Sunrise. Muslims are
required to offer Zuhar prayers when the Sun starts to decline and shadow is equal to
a person’s length, while it ends when the shadow of everything becomes, twice its
height. The time of Asr prayer starts when the time of Zuhar prayer ends and it finishes
just before Sunset. The time of Maghrib prayers starts soon after the Sunset and
remains till the fading of twilight (appearance of redness in the sky). The time of Isha
Prayer starts after the twilight has faded and ends before the break of dawn. However,
it is desirable to offer the Isha prayer before midnight. Muslim are not supposed to
offer any prayer when the Sun is rising, setting or in the sky (just above your head).

The next condition of the prayer is that Sattar must be covered. For Muslim men, the
Sattar is from naval till knees while for women their whole body is Sattar except hands,
feet and face. Allah says “O children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing
proper clothing) for every mosque.” [Al Airaf]. This shows Muslims uniformity and
mentally focuses them towards Allah Almighty. Another condition is to face the Masjid-
ul-Haram in Makkah during every prayer. The Quran says “Direct your face to the
Masjid-ul Haram where you may be, turn you faces to it.” (Surah Baqarah [(2:144)].
When the time of prayer comes, a person should make intention of the prayers. It is a
state of heart and not necessary to say it in words. Before offering prayers, we should
fulfill all the requirements of Prayer to submit ourselves to Allah.
Q.4 Outline the differences between Prayer and Dua (Private Prayers).
Ans. Regular daily prayer is compulsory on all Muslims and is a pillar of Islam. It must
be performed by facing Qiblah but Dua can be performed facing any direction. The
specific prayers have to be performed at their prescribed time while Dua can be
performed at any time. Wuzu or ablution is a pre-condition for prayer but not for Private
Prayer. There is a specific procedure in Salaat involving postures such as Qayam,
Ruku, Sajdah while for Dua there is no specific procedure.
The object for Salat is to remember Allah while Dua is actually an appeal or invocation
to Allah for granting something which may range from some materialistic goals to inner
success, self fulfilment or spiritual success and contentment. The choice of words is
free in Dua while the context for prayer is more or less fixed. Dua can be performed
for other unlike prayers which is only for oneself. The Quran says “And He (Allah)
giveth you of all that ye ask for.”

Q.5 What is the significance of Friday Prayer in Islam?

Ans. Muslims regard these prayers important because these prayers establish
equality when master and slave stands shoulder to shoulder. It also shows the non-
believers that the Muslims are united and strong. Friday sermons are very significant
as they deal with issues faced by the Muslims community. These sermons also help
to achieve peace and spiritual satisfaction. They encourage Muslims to be obedient
servants of Allah. The congregation on Friday Prayers is larger than 5 daily prayers
congregation. It makes Muslims realize about the concept of Islamic Brotherhood and
fraternity. It also makes us realize that we are striving for one goal and worshipping
only one God. The Muslims follow Islam which teaches them the obedience to their
leader. It is a good platform to solve social problems and even to perform Ijma. All
these rituals help Muslims to develop the qualities of obedience, humbleness,
discipline and it also makes them duty conscious.
Congregational Prayer:
Congregational Prayer has a great reward, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said
“Prayer in congregation is better than the prayer of a man by himself by twenty-seven
Muslims are enjoined to pray congregational prayers in a mosque. Only Fard Witr (in
Ramadan) Eid prayer, funeral Prayer, Namaz-e-Istasqa are to be said in congregation.
The other rak’ahs are said singly. One person with Imam will constitute a congregation
even if the other person is a child or a woman. Prophet (PBUH) said “Congregation
constitutes of more people.” Women are allowed to join the congregation but their
prayers in their houses is better. Men are excused from congregation, only in case of
rain, extreme weather or illness.
If the congregation is of two persons, then the follower will be on the right side, if a
third person joins the prayer, the Imam will move, forward or the Muqtadi (follower)
moves backwards. If females join the congregation, then they will form a back row,
and they must leave the congregation, before men leave; they must not use perfumes.
Ibn ‘Abbas (R.A.) said, “I stayed with my Aunt Maimunah and the Prophet (PBUH) got
up to pray during the night. I got up to pray with him and stood on his left and the
Prophet (PBUH) took me by my hand and put me on his right side.”
The best man fit for Imamah is the one who is well with Qur’an and Hadith. Before the
congregation starts, the rows are straightened, and the gaps are filled. Worshippers
stand shoulder to shoulder the elder and the pious occupy the front row, then children
and then women. Someone standing close to the imam says Iqamah in a low voice.
The intention is made, all say the Takbir Tahrimah when the Imam reads loudly, the
followers listen to him, But if the Imam recites Fatihah within himself, the followers too
read Fatihah in silence, when the imam says “wa-laddalin” at the end of Sura al-
Fatiha, the followers say Ameen, the Prophet (PBUH) said, “When the imam recites,
(Those whose portion) is not wrath and who go not astray, you should say “Ameen”. If
this corresponds to when the angels say it, he will have all of his previous sins
forgiven.” (Sahih Bukhari)

When the imam bows they all bow, when he says, ‘Sami’a-l-lahu Liman hamida’ they
say ‘Rabbana-lakal hamd’. The congregational follow Imam in all actions. They do not
go ahead of the Imam in standing, bowing or prostrating.
If anyone joins the congregation after prayer has begun and advanced, he must follow
the Imam in the stage in which the Imam is at that time, and will complete his prayers
after the Imam closes prayers with tasleem. He who get the last Rakk’ah gets the
whole prayers, anybody who over takes the prostration shall count the number of the
Rakk’ah, and he shall have to pray from the Rakk’ah (bowing).

Q.6 Described the particular features of congregation prayers of Fridays?

Ans. Friday is the best day for the Muslims and the Muslims are commended to offer
Friday prayers in congregation. The Quran says “O you who believe! When the call is
proclaimed to prayer on Friday, the day of assembly, hasten earnestly to the
remembrane of Allah and leave off the business that is best for you if ye but knew!
And when the prayer is offered than may ye disperse through the land and seek the
bounty of Allah.”
Friday prayer takes place at the Zuhur prayer on that day and may not be offered as
Qaza. It is obligatory on a free adult, Muslim male but the minors, slave, sick, travelers
and women are exempted. The one who misses it without a genuine reason is a sinner.
“Whoever misses 3 Friday prayers in a row, out of negligence, will have a seal put
over his heart by Allah.”
On Friday before the prayer the believers perform Ghusl, put on their best clothes and
also put fragrance and prepare for Salat-ul-Jummah. It is also desirable to cut their
nails, remove unavoidable hair and to clean the teeth, put on clean clothes.
When the call Friday prayer is said Muslim are required to leave their business and go
to the mosque. On reaching the mosque one should offer Tahayyat-ul-Masjid prayers
and then the four pre farz Sunnahs. The second Azan is called before the Khutba.
After the Azan the Imam stands. The audience deliver the Khutba or the sermon, which
is an essential part of Friday service. The khutba is farz and listing to it is wajib. While
the Khutab is being delivered, conversation, using phone, even praying, reciting the
Holy Quran or reciting Durood is forbidden. Everyone should be seated and listen to
the Khutba quietly, till the end. The Sermon is divided into two parts with a brief interval
of about a minute duration between the two parts.
In the first part of the Khutba Imam begins with praising Allah and asking blessings for
the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Some Quranic passages are also recited and explained.
Then Imam sits for a short rest and stands up again to deliver the second part of the
sermon. In this part Imam exhorts people to do good deeds, and warns them against
the consequences of evil actions. He also reminds them of here after and prays for the
welfare of the whole community.
After the Khutba Iqamat is called and people arrange themselves in rows. Two
obligatory Rakat are offered under the leadership of Imam who recites Sana, Taauz
and Tasmiya in the first Rakkat in a low voice. Then the Imam recites Surah Fatihah
and some other passages of the Quran in a loud voice in both rakaat. The Muqtadis
should listen to the Imam’s recitation and say Ameen in a low voice. The Imam
completes the second rakaat also and says tasleem and in this way prayer gets

The Muqtadis now offers individually, 4 sunnahs followed by 2 more sunnahs and 2
nafl. It is sunnah to read Surah Al-Ala in the First rakat and Surah Al Ghashia in the
second rakaat.

Q. 7 Why do Muslims regard these prayers as important?

Ans. Muslims regard these prays important because these prayers establish equality
when masters and slave stand shoulder to shoulder. It also shows the non-believers
about Muslims unity and Strength. Friday sermons are very important as they deal
with issues traced with the Muslims community these sermons help to achieve peace
and spiritual satisfaction. They encourage Muslims to be obedient servants of Allah.
The congregation on Friday is bigger than daily prayers congregation. It also makes
us realize that we are surviving for one goal and worshiping only one God. It is a good
platform to solve social problems and even to perform. It also makes Muslim realize
about Islamic brotherhood. All these rituals help Muslims to developed the quality of
humbleness, obedience, discipline and it also makes them duty conscious.

Q.8 Write an account on Eid Prayer, delayed Prayer and Private prayer?
Ans. Muslims celebrate two Eids, Eid ul Fitr is observed on the 1st of Shawal after
completion of the sacred month of Ramadan and Eid ul Adha is observed on the 10 th
of Dhul Hajj. The prayer of both the Eids is wajib and hence prescribed in 1 A.H. It is
a sin to miss out any prayer without any genuine reason. The time for Eid prayer begins
after the sun has risen and lasts till noon. It is desirable to somewhat delay the offering
of Eid ul Fitr and to hurry when offering Eidul Adha.
It is preferred to take a bath, perfume oneself and put on one’s best clothes to offer
Eid prayer. It is also a sunnah to eat odd number of dates before going for Salat on
Eid ul Fitr while on Eid-ul Azha the eating should be delayed until one returns from the
Eid prayer and he may eat the meat of his sacrificed animal. The Prophet (PBUH)
would not go out on the festival of breaking the fast until he had eaten an odd number
of dates.
End prayer can be offered in the mosque however it is preferable to perform in one
open place (Eid Gah) outside the city. Muslims should take different routes to go to
Eid gah and for returning back. They should also recite takbir while going for salat-ul-
Eid. Eid prayer comprises of two Rakaats. There is no Nafl prayer before or after the
Eid Prayer. There is no Iqamat or Azan for Eid pray. Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas reports, “No
doubt Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pray two rakaats only for Eid prayer. He
did not pray anything before or afterwards.”
Two Rakaats of Eid prayers should be offered in the same manner as the two Rakaat
of usual prayer except that there are three additional Takbeers in the First Rakaat
before recitation of Sana immediately after Takbeer-e-Tehreema and three Takbeer
in the Second Rakaat after the recitation of the attached surah and before Ruku. With
each extra Takbeer the hands should be raised up to the earlobes as in Takbeer-e-
Tahreema. After the prayer is over the Imam mounts the pulpit and delivers two
Khutbas or sermons in Arabic with a short pause in between. It is compulsory for the
congregation to listen to these sermons in silence. At the time of Eid-ul-Fitr the Imam
explains the commandments regarding the payment or distribution of Sadaquat-ul-Fitr
and on the occasion or Eid-ul-Adha, the commandments about the sacrifice of animals
and the true spirit of sacrifice has been highlighted.
Eid prayer is a handsome and organized demonstration of unity in purpose and in
action. It is a positive answer to the vital problems of humanity, rising from racial
discrimination, social castes and human prejudices. In the congregation of Eid prayer,
there is no king or subject, rich or poor, white or black and first or second class. All
worshippers stand and pray shoulder to shoulder in the most disciplined manner,
regardless of any worldly considerations.
Eid congregation gives an opportunity to show the joys of celebration. It not only
represents prefect discipline of the Muslim nation but also helps develop fraternity in
the society.

Delayed Prayers (Qaza):

Performing an obligatory prayer after expiry of its specified time is called delayed
prayer (Qadha). It is a very great sin to neglect one’s obligatory prayer deliberately
and delay it’s performance without a valid reason so much so that the time for it
expires. If an obligatory prayer has not yet been performed and it is time has already
expired, it is obligatory to offer the Qaza or that prayer without any delay. To
deliberately delay performing the Qaza prayer is also a sin.
Those who deliberately delay their prayers are referred to in the Quran as neglectful
of prayer “So woe to those worshippers, who are neglectful of their prayers.”
Only Qaza of Farz and witr prayer is made. Qazah of Sunnah and nafl prayer is not
necessary. If someone has missed only a day’s prayer, he must offer them in proper
order. However, if the number of missed prayers is six or more, they can be performed
without order at any time except the three Mansukh times. It is not necessary to wait
for any particular time to perform Qaza prayer. Several Qaza prayers can be offered
at once.
The obligation of Farz prayer is never waived. No amount of repentance can secure
exemption from the prayers which have not been performed in the past. Even a lifetime
a Farz prayers not performed must be fulfilled by means of Qaza Prayer. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) said, “The first question on the Day of Judgment will be asked about
prayer. If one succeeds in it, he will succeed in all and if he fails in it, he will suffer and
he will be ruined.” Therefore, Muslims must be punctual in performing prayers
punctually. It someone has missed either one or more prayers, he should offer them
as soon as possible.

Private Prayer:
Supplication to God means humble petition to Him for something which may be worldly
or other than worldly. Allah says “I accept the prayer of the supplicant when he calls
upon Me.” In Islam supplication to God is equivalent to prayer to God, in general, but
not to ritual prayer. The Arabic word for supplication is “Dua” and “Swal”.

Supplication to Allah is a devotional act. It is an earnest and humble request to God.

A person must pay compete concentration towards God. The prayer should begin with
praise of Allah and Durood on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and end with the exaltation of
Allah and Durood on the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is recommended to sit respectfully
facing Qibla keeping the eyes down. Hands should be raised and open and uncovered
a believer should pray for every Muslim male and female especially for parents.
Supplication made by following these manners becomes an effective means of
drawing forth the divine grace. Moreover, the Holy Quran says. “If you want your
prayers to be fulfilled so pray at times of ease.”
People, forget Allah in times of happiness and remember Him when they are in danger.
A person should recite Tasbih and Tahleel before supplication. The supplication of
some people are especially accepted more readily; the supplication of father, a
traveler, the one who is wronged, parent’s for their children, pilgrims during Hajj, a
warrior fighting in Allah’s cause, one who is ill, one who is grief stricken, a fasting man,
once who is oppressed against his oppressor and the prayer of a just ruler. The
Prophet (PBUH) said “The supplication of three persons are not rejected, the
supplication of a fasting person at the time of breaking of fast, of a just ruler, and of a
person who is wronged.” The supplication of a person who indulges in usury or haram
earning, is not answered.

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