Science Notes for Q1
Science Notes for Q1
Science Notes for Q1
Plate Boundaries?
● The edges of Earth’s plates meet at plate boundaries.
● Extended deep into the lithosphere
FAULT – Breaks in Earth’s crust where rocks have slipped past each other.
● Transform Boundaries - A plate boundary where two plates move past each
other in opposite directions. How is the rock broken at Transform
Boundaries? Rock is pushed in two opposite directions (or sideways, but no
rock is lost) This stress is called SHEARING. What happens next at Transform
Boundaries? May cause Earthquakes when the rock snaps from the pressure. A
famous fault @ a Transform Boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.
What happens when the rock is sheared (or “cut”) from the Stress of
Shearing? A STRIKE-SLIP FAULT. Rocks on each side of the fault slip past
each other as they break. Shearing means cutting (“Shears” are like scissors)
Transform boundaries run like trains going past each other in different directions
& they shake the ground!
Plate Tectonics
The theory that the Earth’s outermost layer is fragmented into a dozen or more large
and small plates that move relative to one another as they ride on top of hotter, more
mobile material.
Earth's Plate
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence
● When two oceanic plates converge, one is usually subducted under the other.
● An older oceanic plate is colder, therefore more dense and less buoyant, and will
subduct under a younger, hotter, less dense, and more buoyant oceanic plate.
● In the process, a trench is formed.
● The deepest trenches in the oceans are along oceanic-oceanic subduction zones
(i.e., the Marianas Trench in the Pacific, which is deeper than Mt. Everest is
● Subduction in oceanic-oceanic plate convergence can result in the formation of
● Examples of oceanic-oceanic convergence are the arcuate chains of islands in
the southwest Pacific, Japan, and the Aleutian Islands.
Continental-Continental Convergence
● When two continents meet head-on, neither is subducted because the
continental rocks are relatively light and, like two colliding icebergs, resist
downward motion.
● Instead, the crust tends to buckle and be pushed upward or sideways.
● 50 million years ago, the Indian Plate collided into the Eurasian Plate.
● After the collision, the slow continuous convergence of the two plates over
millions of years pushed up the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau to their
present heights.
● The Himalaya forms the highest continental mountains in the world.
● Divergent boundaries occur along spreading centers where plates are moving
apart and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle.
● The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a divergent boundary.
● Sea-floor spreading over the past 100 to 200 million years has caused the
Atlantic Ocean to grow from a tiny inlet of water between the continents of
Europe, Africa, and the Americas into the ocean that exists today.
● Iceland is splitting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the North American and
Eurasian Plates, as North America moves westward relative to Eurasia.
● In East Africa, spreading processes have already torn Saudi Arabia away from
the rest of the African continent, forming the Red Sea.
● The actively splitting African Plate and the Arabian Plate meet in what geologists
call a triple junction, where the Red Sea meets the Gulf of Aden.
● The zone between two plates that slide past one another is called a
transform-fault boundary, or transform boundary.
● These large faults connect two spreading centers or connect trenches.
● Most transform faults are found on the ocean floor.
● The San Andreas Fault is one of the few transform faults exposed on land.
- It connects the East Pacific Rise, a divergent boundary to the south, with
the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a divergent boundary to the north.
- Most earthquakes in California are caused by the accumulation and
release of strain as the two plates slide past each.
Oceanic Crust - the thin part of the Earth’s crust located under the ocean.
Plate Tectonics Model - the entire lithosphere of the Earth is broken into numerous
segments called PLATES.
● Each plate is slowly but continuously moving
● As a result of the motion of the plates, three types of plate boundaries were
- Divergent - formed when plates move apart, creating a zone of tension
- Convergent - when two plates collide, compressing one another
- Transform Fault - characterized by plates that are sliding past each
Plate tectonics give rise to several geologic features and events.
Wegener searched for evidence to support his claim. He noticed the fit of the edges of the
continents on the opposite sides of the South Atlantic. His evidence to the Continental Drift
Theory includes the distribution of fossils in different continents, rock features, and ancient
climates. Let us have further study on these evidence.
Mesosaurus and Lystosaurus are freshwater reptiles. Fossils of these animals were
discovered in different continents, such as South America and Africa.It is impossible for
these reptiles to swim over the vast oceans and move from one continent to another.
Fossils were also found in Antarctica. Could it be possible that they existed in this region
where temperature was very low? Or could it be possible that, long before, Antarctica was
not in its current position?
Evidence from Rocks
Fossils found in rocks support the Continental Drift Theory. The rocks themselves also
provide evidence that continents drifted apart from each other. nFrom the previous activity,
you have learned that Africa fits South America. Rock formations in Africa line up with that
in South America as if it was a long mountain range.
How come these rock layers in different continents line up together with
layers that exactly matched?
The folded cape mountains of South America and Africa line up perfectly as if they were
once a long mountain range.
Coal Deposits
Coal beds were formed from the compaction and decomposition of swamp plants that lived
millions of years ago. These were discovered in South America, Africa, Indian subcontinent,
Southeast Asia, and even in Antarctica. How is a coal bed formation possible in Antarctica?
The current location of Antarctica could not sustain a substantial amount of life. If there is a
substantial quantity of coal in it, thus, it only means that Antarctica must have been
positioned in a part of the Earth where it once supported large quantities of life. This leads
to the idea that Antarctica once experienced a tropical climate, thus, it might have been
closer before to the equator.
During the 1950s and 1960s, new techniques and modern gadgets enabled scientists to
make better observations and gather new information about the ocean floor. With the use of
sonars and submersibles, scientists had a clearer view of the ocean floors. They have
discovered underwater features deep within the ocean.
Scientists found a system of ridges or mountains in the seafloor similar to those found in the
continents. These are called mid-ocean ridges. One of these is the famous Mid-Atlantic
Ridge, an undersea mountain chain in the Atlantic Ocean. It has a gigantic cleft about 32-48
km long and 1.6 km deep. The ridge is offset by fracture zones or rift valleys.
In the early 1960's, scientist Harry Hess, together with Robert Dietz, suggested an
explanation to the continental drift. This is the Seafloor Spreading Theory. According to this
theory, hot, less dense material from below the earth's crust rises towards the surface at the
mid-ocean ridge. This material flows sideways carrying the seafloor away from the ridge,
and creates a crack in the crust. The magma flows out of the crack, cools down and
becomes the new seafloor.
Overtime, the new oceanic crust pushed the old oceanic crust far from the ridge. The
process of seafloor spreading allowed the creation of new bodies of water. For example, the
Red Sea was created as the African plate and the Arabian plate moved away from each
other. Seafloor spreading is also pulling the continents of Australia, South America, and
Antarctica away from each other in the East Pacific Rise. The East Pacific Rise is one of the
most active sites of seafloor spreading, with more than 14 centimeters every year.
In the place where two oceanic plates collide or where an oceanic plate and a continental
plate collide, a subduction zone occurs. As the new seafloor is formed at the mid-ocean
ridge, the old seafloor farthest from the ridge is destroyed at the subduction zone.
The rate of formation of a new seafloor is not always as fast as the destruction of the old
seafloor at the subduction zone. This explains why the Pacific Ocean is getting smaller and
why the Atlantic Ocean is getting wider. If subduction is faster than seafloor spreading, the
ocean shrinks. When the seafloor spreading is greater than the subduction, then the ocean
gets wider.
The Seafloor Spreading Theory contradicts a part of the Continental Drift Theory. According
to this theory, continents moved through unmoving oceans and that larger, sturdier
continents broke through the oceanic crust. Whereas, the seafloor spreading shows that the
ocean is the actual site of tectonic activity.
Magnetic Reversal
Seafloor spreading was strengthened with the discovery that the magnetic rocks near the
ridge follow a pattern aside from the fact that rocks near the ridge are remarkably younger
than those farther from the ridge.
A magnetic compass tells us directions on Earth. It also proves that the Earth has a
magnetic field. The needle of a magnetic compass usually points to the North Pole of the
Earth which is actually the South Magnetic Pole at present.
The Earth's magnetic field is generated in the very hot molten outer core and has already
existed since the birth of our planet. The Earth's magnetic field is a dipole, one that has a
North Pole and a South Pole.
What is magnetic reversal? How does magnetic reversal happen and how does it prove
seafloor spreading? Magnetic reversal is also called magnetic
"flip' of the Earth. It happens when the North Pole is transformed into a South Pole and the
South Pole becomes the North Pole. This is due to the change in the direction of flow in the
outer core.
Magnetic reversals happened many times in the past. The occurrence of magnetic reversals
can be explained through the magnetic patterns in magnetic rocks, especially those found in
the ocean floor. When lava solidifies, iron bearing minerals crystallize. As these crystallize,
the minerals behave like tiny compasses and align with the Earth's magnetic field. So when
magnetic reversal occurs, there is also a change in the polarity of the rocks. This allowed
scientists to visualize the magnetic stripes in the ocean floor similar to Figure 14, and to
construct a magnetic polarity time scale similar to Figure 15.
Over the last 10 million years, there has been an average of 4 to 5 reversals per million
years. New rocks are added to the ocean floor at the ridge with approximately equal
amounts on both sides of the oceanic ridge. The stripes on both sides are of equal size and
polarity which seemed to be mirror images across the ocean ridge. What does this indicate?
It indicates that indeed, the seafloor is spreading.
Convection Current
As a substance like water is heated, the less dense particles rise while denser particles
sink. Once the hot less dense particles cool down, they sink, and the other less dense
particles rise. This continuous process is called convection current. This is exactly what
happens in the Earth's mantle. The hot, less dense rising material spreads out as it reaches
the upper mantle causing upward and sideward forces. These forces lift and split the
lithosphere at divergent plate boundaries. The hot magma flows out of the mantle and cools
down to form the new ocean crust. The downward movement of the convection current
occurs along a convergent boundary where the sinking force pulls the tectonic plate
The convection currents rotate very slowly, as they move and drag the plates along.
Because of convection current, the tectonic plates are able to move slowly along the
tectonic boundaries, pushing each other, sliding past each other and drifting away from
each other. This process is further illustrated in Figure 16 below.
As an oceanic crust moves away from a divergent boundary, it becomes denser than the
newer oceanic crust. As the older seafloor sinks, the weight of the uplifted ridge pushes the
oceanic crust toward the trench at the subduction zone. This process is called ridge push.
Slab pull is the other possible process involved in the tectonic plate movement. The weight
of the subducting plate pulls the trailing slab into the subduction zone just like a tablecloth
slipping off the table and pulling items with it.
Now that you understand what happens inside the Earth and its effects on the Earth's
surface, you should be able to realize that the tectonic activities at the surface just like
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are inevitable. You should view the Earth as a dynamic
planet and still the most fascinating planet for it offers you a home that no other planet can.
Since you can't prevent these tectonic activities from happening, the following performance
task will enable you to contribute meaningfully in minimizing the damage that these
phenomena can bring.
• The Earth is composed of three major layers: the crust, mantle, and core which is
subdivided into outer and inner core.
• The crust is the outermost and thinnest layer of the Earth.
• The mantle is the middle layer of the Earth, It makes most of the Earth's volume and
• The crust and a part of the upper mantle make up the lithosphere. The lithosphere is
subdivided into portions called lithospheric plates.
• The asthenosphere is the weak layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.
• The outer core is made up of molten material and accounts for the Earth's magnetic field.
The inner core is the deepest layer of the Earth. It is made up of solid nickel and iron. The
temperature in the inner core reaches as high as 5000°C.
• The speed, reflection and refraction properties of seismic waves are used by scientists to
study the structure and composition of the Earth's interior.
• The Continental Drift Theory of Alfred Wegener states that the continents were once part
of a large landmass called Pangaea which drifted away from each other. The continents
moved away from each other towards their current positions.
• Alfred Wegener based his theory on evidence from fossils embedded in rocks and rock
• Seafloor spreading is believed to occur as hot magma rises at the rift in the mid-ocean
ridge. This magma cools down and becomes the new seafloor as it pushes the former.
• The old seafloor is destroyed at the subduction zone and melts inside the mantle.
• The age of rocks and the magnetic stripes in the ocean floor support the Seafloor
Spreading Theory.
• The Theory of Plate Tectonics helps explain the formation and destruction of the Earth's
crust and its movement over time.
• Scientists believe that the plates' movement is due to convection currents in the mantle.
- soft, weak upper portion of the mantle where the lithospheric plates float and move
Continental Drift Theory
- states that all the continents were once one large landmass that broke apart, and
where the pieces moved slowly to their current locations
Convection current
- current in the mantle because of the heat from the inner layers of the Earth, and is
the force that drives the plates to move around
- the topmost, solid part of the Earth that is composed of several plates
Lithospheric Plates
- the moving, irregularly-shaped slabs that fit together to form the surface of the Earth
Mid-ocean ridge
- area in the middle of the ocean where a new ocean floor is formed when lava erupts
through the cracks in the Earth's crust
Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho)
- the boundary that separates the crust and the mantle
- the ability of solid to flow
Seafloor spreading
- process by which new ocean floor is formed near the mid-ocean ridge and moves
- the process in which the crust plunges back into the earth
- branch of geology that deals with the movements that shape the Earth's crust