unit 3
unit 3
unit 3
Classes and Objects: Nature of object, Relationships among objects, Nature of a Class,
Relationship among Classes, Interplay of Classes and Objects, Identifying Classes and Objects,
Importance of Proper Classification, Identifying Classes and Objects, Key abstractions and
When we use object-oriented methods to analyze or design a complex software
system, our basic building blocks are classes and objects.
An object is an abstraction of something in a problem domain, reflecting the capabilities of a
system to keep information about it, interact with it, or both
• Objects have an internal state that is recorded in a set of attributes.
• Objects have a behavior that is expressed in terms of operations. The execution of operations
changes the state of the object and/or stimulates the execution of operations in other objects.
• Objects (at least in the analysis phase) have an origin in a real world entity.
Classes represent groups of objects which have the same behavior and information structures.
• Every object is an instance of a single class
• Class is a kind of type, an ADT (but with data), or an 'entity' (but with methods)
• Classes are the same in both analysis and design
• A class defines the possible behaviors and the information structure of all its object instances.
The ability to recognize physical objects is a skill that humans learn at a very early age. From
the perspective of human, cognition, an object is any of the following.
• A tangible and/or visible thing.
• Something that may be apprehended intellectually.
• Something toward which thought or action is directed.
Informally, object is defined as a tangible entity that exhibits some well defined behavior.
During software development, some objects such as inventions of design process whose
collaborations with other such objects serve as the mechanisms that provide some higher level
behavior more precisely.
An object represents an individual, identifiable item, until or entity either real or abstract, with a
well-defined role in the problem domain. E.g. of manufacturing plant for making airplane wings,
bicycle frames etc. A chemical process in a manufacturing plant may be treated as an object;
because it has a crisp conceptual boundary interacts with certain other objects through a well-
defined behavior. Time, beauty or colors are not objects but they are properties of other objects.
We say that mother (an object) loves her children (another object).
An object has state, behavior and identify; the structure and behavior similar objects are defined
in their common class, the terms instance and object are defined in their common class, the
terms instance and object are interchangeable.
The state of an object encompasses all of the (usually static) properties of the object plus the
current (usually dynamic) values of each of these properties.
Consider a vending machine that dispenses soft drinks. The usual behavior of such objects is
that when someone puts money in a slot and pushes a button to make a selection, a drink
emerges from the machine. What happens if a user first makes a selection and then puts money
in the slot? Most vending machines just sit and do nothing because the user has violated the
basic assumptions of their operation. Stated another way, the vending machine was in a state (of
waiting for money) that the user ignored (by making a selection first). Similarly, suppose that
the user ignores the warning light that says, “Correct change only,” and puts in extra money.
Most machines are user-hostile; they will happily swallow the excess money.
A property is a distinctive characteristic that contributes to making an object uniquely that
object properties are usually static because attributes such as these are unchanging and
fundamental to the nature of an object. Properties have some value. The value may be a simple
quantity or it might denote another object. The fact that every object has static implies that every
object has state implies that every object takes up some amount of space be it in the physical
world or in computer memory.
We may say that all objects within a system encapsulate some state and that all of the state
within a system is encapsulated by objects. Encapsulating the state of an object is a start, but it is
not enough to allow us to capture the full intent of the abstractions we discover and invent
during development
e.g. consider the structure of a personnel record in C++ as follows.
struct personnelRecord
char name[100];
int socialsecurityNumber; char department[10];
float salary;
This denotes a class. Objects are as personnel Record Tom, Kaitlyn etc are all 2 distinct objects
each of which takes space in memory. Own state in memory class can be declared as follows.
Class personnelrecord{
public: char*employeename()const; int SSN() const;
char* empdept const; protected:
char name[100]; int SSN;
char department[10]; float salary;};
Figure: Employee Class with Protected Attributes and Public Operations
Class representation is hidden from all other outside clients. Changing class representation will
not break outside source code. All clients have the right to retrieve the name, social security No
and department of an employee. Only special clients (subclass) have permission to modify the
values of these properties as well as salary. Thus, all objects within a system encapsulate some
Behavior is how an object acts and reacts, in terms of its state changeable state of object affect
its behavior. In vending machine, if we don't deposit change sufficient for our selection, then the
machine will probably do nothing. So behavior of an object is a function of its state as well as
the operation performed upon it. The state of an object represents the cumulative results of its
e.g. consider the declaration of queue in C++
Class Queue{ public: Queue();
Queue(constQueue); virtual ~Queue();
virtual Queue&operator = (ConstQueue); Virtual int operator == (constQueue&)const; int
operator = (constQueue)const;
virtual voidclear();
Virtual voidappend(constvoid*); virtual voidPOP();
virtual void remove (int at); virtual int length();
virtual int isempty ( ) const;
virtual const void * Front ( ) const; virtual int location (const void*); protected..
queue a, b;
a. append (& Tom); a.append (& Kaitlyn); b = a;
a. pop( );
An operation denotes a service that a class offers to its clients. A client performs 5 kinds of
operations upon an object.
• Modifier: An operation that alters the state of an object.
• Selector: An operation that accesses the state of an object but does not alter the state.
• Iterator: An operation that permits all parts of an object to be accessed in some well defined
order. In queue example operations, clear, append, pop, remove) are modifies, const functions
(length, is empty, front location) are selectors.
• Constructor: An operation that creates an object and/or initializes its state.
• Destructor: An operation that frees the state of an object and/or destroys the object itself.
Identity is that property of an object which distinguishes it from all other objects. Consider the
following declarations in C++.
struct point { int x;
int y;
point ( ) : x (0), y (0){}
point (int x value, int y value) : x (x value), (y value) {}
Next we provide a class that denotes a display items as follows. Class DisplayItem{
Public: DisplayItem ();
displayitem (const point & location); virtual ~ displayitem ().
Virtual void draw();
Virtual void erase();
Virtual void select();
Virtual void Unselect ( );
virtual void move (const point & location); int isselected ();
virtual void unselect ();
virtual void move (const point & location);
virtual void point location ( ) const;
int isunder (const point & location) const; Protected ………………….
To declare instances of this class: displayItem item1;
item2 = new displayItem (point (75, 75);
Display item * item 3 = new Display Item (point (100, 100)) ; display item * item 4 = 0
First declaration creates four names and 3 distinct objects in 4 diff location. Item 1 is the name
of a distinct display item object and other 3 names denote a pointer to a display item objects.
Item 4 is no such objects, we properly say that item 2 points to a distinct display item object,
whose name we may properly refer to indirectly as * item2. The unique identity (but not
necessarily the name) of each object in preserved over the lifetime of the object, even when its
state is changed. Copying, Assignment, and Equality Structural sharing takes place when the
identity of an object is aliased to a second name.
Objects as Machines
The existence of state within an object means that the order in which operations are invoked is
important. This gives rise to the idea that each object is like a tiny, independent machine.
Continuing the machine metaphor, we may classify objects as either active or passive. An active
object is one that encompasses its own thread of control, whereas a passive object does not.
Active objects are generally autonomous, meaning that they can exhibit some behavior without
being operated on by another object. Passive objects, on the other hand, can undergo a state
change only when explicitly acted on. In this manner, the active objects in our system serve as
the roots of control. If our system involves multiple threads of control, we will usually have
multiple active objects. Sequential systems, on the other hand, usually have exactly one active
object, such as a main object responsible for managing an event loop that dispatches messages.
In such architectures, all other objects are passive, and their behavior is ultimately triggered by
messages from the one active object. In other kinds of sequential system architectures (such as
transaction-processing systems), there is no obvious central active object, so control tends to be
distributed throughout the system’s passive objects.
some contexts, the terms active object and controller are interchangeable.
• Server: This object doesn’t operate on other objects; it is only operated on by other objects.
• Proxy: This object can both operate on other objects and be operated on by other objects. A
proxy is usually created to represent a real-world object in the domain of the application.
Figure: Links
In the above figure, FlowController acts as a controller object, DisplayPanel acts as a server
object, and Valve acts as a proxy.
Consider two objects, A and B, with a link between the two. In order for A to send a message to
object B, B must be visible to A. Four ways of visibility
• The supplier object is global to the client
• The supplier object is a programmer to some operation of the client
• The supplier object is a part of the client object.
• The supplier object is locally declared object in some operation of the client.
Wherever one object passes a message to another across a link, the two objects are said to be
synchronized. Active objects embody their own thread of control, so we expect their semantics
to be guaranteed in the presence of other active objects. When one active object has a link to a
passive one, we must choose one of three approaches to synchronization.
1. Sequential: The semantics of the passive object are guaranteed only in the presence of a
single active object at a time.
2. Guarded: The semantics of the passive object are guaranteed in the presence of multiple
threads of control, but the active clients must collaborate to achieve mutual exclusion.
1. Concurrent: The semantics of the passive object are guaranteed in the presence of multiple
threads of control, and the supplier guarantees mutual exclusion.
Whereas links denote peer to peer or client/supplier relationships, aggregation denotes a
whole/part hierarchy, with the ability to navigate from the whole (also called the aggregate) to
its parts. Aggregation is a specialized kind of association. Aggregation may or may not denote
physical containment. E.g. airplane is composed of wings, landing gear, and so on. This is a case
of physical containment. The relationship between a shareholder and her shares is an
aggregation relationship that doesn't require physical containment.
There are clear trade-offs between links and aggregation. Aggregation is sometimes better
because it encapsulates parts as secrets of the whole. Links are sometimes better because they
permit looser coupling among objects.
Figure: Aggregation
emphasizes the abstraction while hiding its structure and secrets of its behavior. The interface
primarily consists of the declarations of all the operators applicable to instance of this class, but
it may also include the declaration of other classes, constants variables and exceptions as needed
to complete the abstraction. The implementation of a class is it’s inside view, which
encompasses the secrets of its behavior. The implementation of a class consists of the class.
Interface of the class is divided into following four parts.
• Public: a declaration that is accessible to all clients
• Protected: a declaration that is accessible only to the class itself and its subclasses
• Private: a declaration that is accessible only to the class itself
• Package: a declaration that is accessible only by classes in the same package
Figure: Association
This multiplicity denotes the cardinality of the association. There are three common kinds of
multiplicity across an association:
1. One-to-one
2. One-to-many
3. Many-to-many
Inheritance, perhaps the most semantically interesting of the concrete relationships, exists to
express generalization/specialization relationships. Inheritance is a relationship among classes
wherein one class shares the structure and/or behavior defined in one (single inheritance) or
more (multiple inheritance) other classes. Inheritance means that subclasses inherit the structure
of their superclass.
Space probe (spacecraft without people) report back to ground stations with information
regarding states of important subsystems (such as electrical power & population systems) and
different sensors (such as radiation sensors, mass spectrometers, cameras, detectors etc), such
relayed information is called telemetry data. We can take an example for Telemetry Data for our
Single Inheritence
Multiple Inheritence
Polymorphism is a concept in type theory wherein a name may denote instances of many
different classes as long as they are related by some common superclass. Any object
denoted by this name is thus able to respond to some common set of operations in
different ways. With polymorphism, an operation can be implemented differently by the
classes in the hierarchy.
Figure: Polymorphism
Consider the class hierarchy in the above figure, which shows the base class DisplayItem
along with three subclasses named Circle, Triangle, and Rectangle. Rectangle also has
one subclass, named SolidRectangle. In the class DisplayItem, suppose that we define the
instance variable theCenter (denoting the coordinates for the center of the displayed
item), along with the following operations:
■ draw: Draw the item.
■ move: Move the item.
■ location: Return the location of the item.
The operation location is common to all subclasses and therefore need not be redefined,
but we expect the operations draw and move to be redefined since only the subclasses
know how to draw and move themselves.
We also need aggregation relationships, which provide the whole/part relationships
manifested in the class’s instances. Aggregation relationships among classes have a direct
parallel to aggregation relationships among the objects corresponding to these classes. As
shown in Figure 3–12, the class TemperatureController denotes the whole, and the class
Heater is one of its parts.
Figure: Aggregation
Physical Containment
In the case of the class TemperatureController, we have aggregation as containment by
value, a kind of physical containment meaning that the Heater object does not exist
independently of its enclosing TemperatureController instance. Rather, the lifetimes of
these two objects are intimately connected: When we create an instance of
TemperatureController, we also create an instance of the class Heater. When we destroy
our TemperatureController object, by implication we also destroy the corresponding
Heater object.
Using shows a relationship between classes in which one class uses certain services of
another class in a variety of ways. "Using" relationship is equivalent to an association,
although the reverse is not necessarily true.
The process of creating a new object (or instance of a class) is often referred to as
The possibility for a language to provided parameterized modules or types. E.g. List (of:
Integer) or List (of: People). There are four basic ways of genericity
• Use of Macros – in earlier versions of C++, does not work well except on a small scale.
• Building heterogenous container class: used by small task and rely upon instance of
some distant base class.
• By building generalized container classes as in small task, but then using explicity type
checking code to enforce the convention that the contents are all of the same clam, which
is asserted when the container object is created used in object Pascal, which are strongly
typed support heritance but don't support any form of parameterized class.
• Using parameterized class (Also known as generic class) is one that serves as a
temperature for other classes & template that may be parameterized by other classes,
objects and or operations. A parameterized class must be instantiated (i.e. parameters
must be filled in) before objects can be created.
Metaclass is a class whose instances are themselves classes. Small task and CLOS
support the concept of a metaclass directly, C++ does not. A class provides an interface
for the programmer to interface with the definition of objects. Programmers can easily
manipulate the class.
Metaclass is used to provide class variables (which are shared by all instances of the
class) and operations for initializing class variables and for creating the metaclass's single
Figure: Metaclass
As shown in the above figure, a class variable next ID for the metaclass of
telemetry data can be defined in order to assist in generating district ID's up on the
creation of each instance of telemetry data. Similarly, an operation can be defined for
creating new instances of the class, which perhaps generates them from some pre-
allocated pool of storage. In C++, and destructors serve the purpose of metaclass creation
operations. Member function and member objects as static in C++ are shared by all
instances of class in C++. Static member’s objects and static member function of C++ are
equivalent to small task's meta class operations.
also guides us making decisions about modularizations.
by uniting smaller ones (composition). Classify is hard because there is no such as a
perfect classification (classify are better than others) and intelligent classify requires a
tremendous amount of creative insight.
Classical categorizations
All the entities that have a given property or collection of properties in common forms a
category. Such properties are necessary and sufficient to define the category. i.e. married
people constitute a category i.e. either married or not. The values of this property are
sufficient to decide to which group a particular person belongs to the category of
tall/short people, where we can agree to some absolute criteria. This classification came
from plato and then from Aristotle's classification of plants and animals. This approach of
classification is also reflected in modern theories of child development. Around the age
of one, child typically develops the concept of object permanence, shortly there after, the
child acquires skill in classifying these objects, first using basic category such as dogs,
cats and toys. Later the child develops more general categories (such as animals). In
criteria for sameness among objects specifically, one can divide objects into disjoint sets
depending upon the presence or absence of a particular property. Properties may denote
more than just measurable characteristics. They may also encompass observable
behaviors e.q. bird can fly but others cannot is one property.
Conceptual clustering
It is a more modern variation of the classical approach and largely derives from attempts
to explain how knowledge is represented in this approach, classes are generated by first
formulating conceptual description of these classes and then classifying the entities
according to the descriptions. e.g. we may state a concept such as "a love song". This is a
concept more than a property, for the "love songness" of any song is not something that
may be measured empirically. However, if we decide that a certain song is more of a
love song than not, we place it in this category. thus this classify represents more of a
probabilistic clustering of objects and objects may belong to one or more groups, in
varying degree of fitness conceptual clustering makes absolute judgments of classify by
focusing upon the best fit.
Prototype theory
It is more recent approach of classify where a class of objects is represented by a
prototypical object, an object is considered to be a member of this class if and only if it
resembles this prototype in significant ways. e.g. category like games, not in classical
since no single common properties shared by all games, e.g. classifying chairs (beanbag
chairs, barber chairs, in prototypes theory, we group things according to the degree of
their relationship to concrete prototypes.
There approaches to classify provide the theoretical foundation of objected analysis by
which we identify classes and objects in order to design a complex software system.
From the perspective of database modeling, ross offers the following list:
(i) People – human who carry out some function
(ii) Places – Areas set for people or thing
(iii) Things – Physical objects (tangible)
(iv) Organizations – organized collection of people resources
(v) Concepts – ideas
(vi) Events – things that happen
Coad and Yourdon suggest another set of sources of potential objects.
(i) Structure
(ii) Dences
(iii) Events remembered (historical)
(iv) Roles played (of users)
(v) Locations (office, sites)
(vi) Organizational units (groups)
Behavior Analysis
Dynamic behavior also be one of the primary source of analysis of classes and objects
things can are grouped that have common responsibilities and form hierarchies of classes
(including super classes and subclasses). System behaviors of system are observed. These
behaviors are assigned to parts of system and tried to understand who initiates and who
participates in these behaviors. A function point is defined as one and user business
functions and represents some kind of output, inquiry, input file or interface.
Domain Analysis
Domain analysis seeks to identify the classes and objects that are common to all
applications within a given domain, such as patient record tracking, compliers, missile
systems etc. Domain analysis defined as an attempt to identify the objects, operations
and, relationships that are important to particular domain.
More and Bailin suggest the following steps in domain analysis.
(i) Construct a strawman generic model of the domain by consulting with domain
(ii) Examine existing system within the domain and represent this understanding in a
common format.
(iii) Identify similarities and differences between the systems by consulting with
domain expert.
(iv) Refine the generic model to accommodate existing systems.
Vertical domain Analysis: Applied across similar applications.
Horizontal domain Analysis: Applied to related parts of the same application domain
expert is like doctor in a hospital concerned with conceptual classification.
CRC cards
CRC are a useful development tool that facilitates brainstorming and enhances
communication among developers. It is 3 x 5 index card
(class/Responsibilities/collaborators i.e. CRC) upon which the analyst writes in pencil
with the name of class (at the top of card), its responsibilities (on one half of the card)
and its collaborators (on the other half of the card). One card is created for each class
identified as relevant to the scenario. CRC cards are arranged to represent
generalization/specialization or aggregation hierarchies among the classes.
Informal English Description
Proposed by Abbott. It is writing an English description of the problem (or a part of a
problem) and then underlining the nouns and verbs. Nouns represent candidate objects
and the verbs represent candidate operations upon them. it is simple and forces the
developer to work in the vocabulary of the problem space.
Structured Analysis
Same as English description as an alternative to the system, many CASE tools assists in
modeling of the system. In this approach, we start with an essential model of the system,
as described by data flow diagrams and other products of structured analysis. From this
model we may proceed to identify the meaningful classes and objects in our problem
domain in 3 ways.
• Analyzing the context diagrams, with list of input/output data elements; think about
what they tell you or what they describe e.g. these make up list of candidate objects.
• Analyzing data flow domains, candidate objects may be derived from external entities,
data stores, control stores, control transformation, candidate classes derive from data
flows and candidate flows.
• By abstraction analysis: In structured analysis, input and output data are examined and
followed inwards until they reach the highest level of abstraction.
the particular design, not of the problem domain.
flow to the engine. Its rate of flow is regulated by a clip around the fuel the pushing on
the accelerator pedal eases tension on the clip, causing the fuel to flow faster (a low cost
mechanism). Key abstractions reflect the vocabulary of the problem domain and
mechanisms are the soul of the design. Idioms are part of a programming culture. An
idiom is an expression peculiar to a certain programming language. E.g. in CLOS, no
programmer use under score in function or variable names, although this is common
practice in ada.
A frame work is collection of classes that provide a set of service for a particular domain.
A framework exports a number of individual classes and mechanisms which clients can
Examples of mechanisms
Consider the drawing mechanism commonly used in graphical user interfaces. Several
objects must collaborate to present an image to a user: a window, a new, the model being
viewed and some client that knows when to display this model. The client first tells the
window to draw itself. Since it may encompass several sub views, the window next tells
each if its sub views to draw them. Each sub view in turn tells the model to draw itself
ultimately resulting in an image shown to the user.