Clarisse Cruz Ldm
Clarisse Cruz Ldm
Clarisse Cruz Ldm
Read the LDM Course Overview. Reflect on the overview by answering the
following questions. Write down your insights in your Study Notebook.
2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality
instruction in the “new normal”?
- This course helps the teacher be enlightened on how we can be able to
deliver an instruction that is quality especially in this new normal. This
course also tells the different modalities that the teachers may use in this
time of pandemic.
3. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your
learning in this course?
- The two support mechanisms that will help me in learning this course
are the LAC sessions and by understanding the modules.
Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your
Study Notebook.
2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the
obstacles that will hinder me from completing this course?
(What is it that I OBSTACLES
MOTIVATION (Where will I
repeatedly do
(What will accomplish the
that may affect (What will push
prevent me from requirements of
my participation me to participate
participating fully this course?
in the course in a in this course?)
in this course?) Describe this
positive or
negative way?)
I guess
Picture 20 ...being The thing that will My students and Since there is a
curious to prevent me in love for work will pandemic that is
something new and participating fully in push me to happening now, all
exploring this course is the participate in this the requirements of
everything with slow internet course because as this course will be
eagerness to learn connection, we are living now in accomplish in my
because there the new normal I home wherein I can
might be some must obtain or learn comfortably work
discussion that I something new for and learn at the
won’t be hearing or me to survive in this same time.
unable to time of pandemic
understand. when it comes to
educational system
Look for a colleague with whom you would like to discuss your answers and
reflections with to the questions in Activities 1 and 2.
- In this course it talks about the different Learning Modality that the
teacher may use in this New Normal. It talks about on how it helps the
teacher in creating or developing a quality education despite of the
Pandemic. I learned that even with this pandemic, we can still ensure the
quality education that we can give to our students and at the same time
to ensure the safety of everyone. Learning something new or adjusting
may be hard for everyone but in the end, everything will be worth it
especially for our students.
Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd
Order No. 35 s. 2016 titled “The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic
Education Program School- Based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning.”
Once you’re done, answer the following questions. Write your responses and
any other ideas and reflections in your Study Notebook.
2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down
and elaborate.
According to DO 35, s. 2016, a LAC should have no less than 2 but not more
15 members each. Get in touch with your designated Coach or LAC Leader in
forming your LACs.
1. Agree on a date and time to meet and discuss forming your LACs.
Follow LAC Session 1 Guide for the conduct of your LAC.
2. During this meeting, decide on your groupings and designate one LAC
Facilitator and one LAC Leader per LAC.
3. Note the following in forming your LACs:
LACs should be composed of teachers. Discuss your preferred LAC
composition with your assigned Instructional Coach (this will be a
district or division supervisor assigned to your LAC).
After forming your respective LACs, there should a LAC Leader
assigned to you from among the following school members:
Master Teacher
Head Teacher/Department Head
Other senior teachers who have proven competence, potential
to lead, or subject expertise to lead the LAC.
- Teacher LACs can connect with their Instructional Coach through the
LAC Leader. This Instructional Coach will also be handling multiple
LACs through a network of LAC Leaders.
Figure 1. LAC Composition and Coaching Arrangement for LDM2 Teachers
List down the members of your LAC and their respective roles in your Study
Teachers of JHS
Picture 20 ...
1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed
serious challenges on the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher,
what do you think are the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum
standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure learning continuity?
Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by
teachers alone? Why or why not?
- Yes, I agree, in our department there are several curriculums that has
been adapted for the purpose of achieving globally competitive
learners, but since our curriculum is too congested the goal of the
department is being motionless in some ways. We have too many
competencies with a limited time to learn.
Familiarize yourself with the course reading on the Development and Design
of the MELCs. After going through the document, provide a brief and concise
response to the following guide questions. Write your answers in your Study
1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?
- The purpose of the MELCs is to guide the teachers in addressing the
needs of the learners.
Picture 20 ...
2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning
Identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to
prepare the students for essential learning competencies
Mapping of the essential and desirable learning competencies
within the curriculum.
Analysis of the interconnectedness of prerequisite knowledge
and skills among the learning competencies for each subject
3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and
desirable learning competencies?
- Essential learning competencies are defined as what the students
need, considered indispensable in the teaching-learning process to
build skill to equip learner’s for subsequent grade levels and
consequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable
learning competencies were defined as what may enhance education
but may not be necessary in building foundational skills.
4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were
the decisions made in order to trim down the number of the essential
learning competencies further?
- Learning competencies are identified by the following characteristics:
It is aligned with national, state, and or local standards or
It connects the content to higher concepts across content areas.
It is applicable to real life situations.
It would be important for students to acquire the competency
after they left that grade level.
It would not be expected that most students would learn this
through their parents or communities if not taught at school.
5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality
- The importance of MELCs is that it serves as the guide of teachers in
creating instructional lessons especially in this time of pandemic. The
competencies are being narrowed down into the most important
competencies that the students can use in their lifelong learning or
real-life situation.
Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and
corresponding list of MELCs.
Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to
your instructional needs, Copy and accomplish the following table in your
Study Notebook and compare the two documents to determine which
learning competencies were retained, merged, or dropped.
K to 12 MELC
Learning s
Picture 20 ...
n/a n/a
Performs fundamental Performs fundamental
operations on integers. operations on integers.
Converts measurements Converts measurements
Retained from one unit to another in from one unit to another in
both Metric and English both Metric and English
systems. M7ME - IIb - 1 systems. M7ME - IIb - 1
Dropped n/a
In your LAC Session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in this
lesson. Discuss any questions about the MELCs that need clarification as
well. Share your thoughts and let your co-teachers articulate their insights
regarding your questions. Jot down all the insights shared in the discussion,
including your own, in your Study Notebook.
With the challenges that the Department of Education or the educational system
are facing, dropping some competencies may be a good thing. Since we only have
a limited time to teach and learn, we need the most important competencies that
we can use in our life and those that are applicable in real life scenario.
Familiarize yourself with the course reading on Unpacking and Combining the
MELCs. After reading the document, provide a brief and concise response to
the following guide questions in your Study Notebook:
Logical sequence of learning objectives - Since the intention of
unpacking the MELCs is to provide systematic learning experiences for
learners, it is incumbent that the unpacked learning objectives follow
a logical sequence.
3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?
- Yes, all MELCs must be unpacked in order to systematized learning
activities so that delivering ideas to our students would not be
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow
teachers in your respective learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the
first quarter and unpack these into learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and
processing will follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each
group will be considered in enhancing the learning objectives.
Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now
combine at least two MELCs of their choice. Group deliberation will be
observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down the
synthesis of the presentations in your Study Notebook.
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow
teachers in your respective learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the
first quarter and unpack these into learning objectives.
Picture 20 ...
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and
processing will follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from
each group will be considered in enhancing the learning objectives.
Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now
combine at least two MELCs of their choice. Group deliberation will be
observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down the
synthesis of the presentations in your Study Notebook.
Content Performance
Quarter MELCs
Standard Standard
1. Illustrates
The learner is sets, null
able to set,
The learner formulate cardinality
demonstrates challenging of sets,
understanding situations union and
1 of key concepts involving sets intersectio
of sets and the and real n of sets
real number numbers and and the
system. solve these in a different of
variety of two sets
strategies.. 2. Solves
sets with
the use of
Picture 20 ...
10 | P a g e
Now, answer this question: Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning
component? Write down your answer in your Study Notebook, then check it
against Lesson 1, Activity 1 Answer Key 2.
11 | P a g e
and monitors the learner’s progress and provides remediation and
enhancement when needed and possible. Assistance may be provided
by a learning facilitator who may be a parent or any member of the
family, or a community stakeholder.
Distance learning
Home schooling if done via distance learning
Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the
Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and by the local government unit (LGU)
concerned, any of the DL modalities may be combined with F2F learning to
come up with a BL. Learn more about BL in the Supplementary Handout on
Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.
Distanc Role of
Distinguish Essential
e Role of Parent Role of
ing Resource
Learnin Teacher or School
Feature s
g Househo
Picture 20 ...
12 | P a g e
Modalit ld
y Member
The school
orients the
Individualize parents and
d instruction learners
where about the
Modular learners use modular
Distance self-learning Printed Facilitato Superviso learning
Learning modules Modules rs rs policies and
(MDL) (SLMs) in directions
print or to ensure
digital that
format. everyone
and guided.
The school
has a
with the use
nt program
Online Teachers regular
to the Internet
Distance having Superviso trainings or
internet based
Learning access to r seminars
while platform
(ODL) device are given to
and parents
to make
lly remote to
each other.
The school
orients the
Use of
parents and
program or
TV- learners
stations in
Based about the
giving Facilitato Superviso
Instructi Television TV- Based
learning rs r
on instruction
content to
(TVBI) policies and
the learners
as distance
to ensure
Picture 20 ... everyone
13 | P a g e
and guided.
The school
orients the
parents and
Use of radio learners
program or about the
stations in Radio-
giving Based
Based Facilitato Superviso
learning Radio instruction
Instructi rs r
content to policies and
on (RBI)
the learners directions
as distance to ensure
learning that
and guided.
which adopt
n of the
The use of above four
Blended on of the
different Facilitato Superviso types of
Distance four
modalities in rs r distance
Learning modalities
teaching learning
must meet
all the
t in each
Then rank the DL types – MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and BL – from easiest to most
difficult to implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate
the following table and write your answers in your Study Notebook.
Picture 20 ...
14 | P a g e
(1 to 5, from W
easiest to hardest Type of DL hy?
to implement)
TV-Based The easiest because the government provided
Instruction a channel for learning and the division is
providing video resources for the students.
Radio-Based The easiest because the government provided
Instruction a channel for learning and the division is
providing audio resources for the students.
Modular The only thing that is hard for this modality is
Learning reproducing the modules
Online Not all the students do have access to the
Learning internet
Blended Difficult because it is the use of different
Learning modalities and it need to many resources
The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no
child will be excluded from learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about
groups of learners in your School/Division who might require special
consideration to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted
interventions you would develop to include them. Listed below are some
examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as appropriate.
Write down your answers in your Study Notebook and share your ideas at
your next LAC Session.
15 | P a g e
word. We can also give short
passages to practice their reading.
For the struggling readers, we can
also give them recording of the
passage that they are reading for
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12) them to practice it. We can also call
them to teach the proper
pronunciation and meaning of a
For those students who do not have
any devices and internet to use, we
can produce a module that is
No access to devices and Internet
students centered where they can
understand it on their own at the
same time they can explore.
For those students who are
inaccessible our school has decided
Inaccessible (living in remote and/or
that we are going to give the
unsafe areas)
modules on their areas that they
can access easily.
Students should be equally treated, I
Indigenous Peoples guess we can develop a module that
is sensitive to every student.
For those students who are
inaccessible our school has decided
Persons with Disabilities that we are going to give the
modules on their areas that they
can access easily.
Others? Specify
16 | P a g e
effective, teachers need to consider the learners’ characteristics and
be responsive to the needs of the learners.
2. Why is lesson designing important?
- Lesson designing helps ensure that:
time is maximized for instruction and learning
lessons are responsive to learner’s needs
teachers set learning targets for learners
teachers carry out a lesson successfully
teachers master their learning area content
teachers become more reflective about their teaching
learners successfully reach the set learning goals
3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?
Clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)
Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning
resources and activities to help learners meet the objectives (How
should it be taught?)
Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide
relevant information and feedback for both teachers and learners
(How should learning be assessed?)
17 | P a g e
6. State lesson
objectives as
guide for
Lesson design does not end after implementing the lesson. After the delivery
of the lesson, teachers should take time to reflect on what worked well and
why, and what could have been done differently. Identifying successful and
less successful activities and strategies would make it easier to adjust and
revise the lesson plan as needed.
In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) listed below, then highlight which part/s is/are
accomplished after the lesson is delivered.
I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
According to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016: The reflection part of the DLL and
DLP should be filled up after the lesson is delivered. Teachers are
encouraged to think about their lessons, particularly the parts that went well
and the parts that were weak and write about those briefly. In the reflection,
teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about their lessons including
things about the lesson that were successfully implemented and which ones
need improvement or could be adjusted in the future. Teachers can also take
note of the number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, the
number of learners who require additional activities for remediation, and the
difficulties teachers encountered that their principal or supervisor can help
Read the handout Designing Lessons in DL. In your Study Notebook, recreate
and accomplish the following table. Then choose one lesson from a Self-
Learning Module (SLM) for students that you have on hand. Imagine that you
will deliver this lesson to your learners through
DL. In the second column, identify which of these tasks are already present
in the SLM. In the third column, identify which has to be presented via
technology-mediated resources, supplementary learning materials, or other
Picture 20 ...
18 | P a g e
Learning Delivery Modality (select one): ODL MDL TV/RBI BL
Grade Level and Learning Area: Grade 7 - Mathematics
Learning Objectives:
1. Add and subtract rational numbers in fraction form (similar and
dissimilar fractions).
2. Solves problems involving addition and subtraction of rational numbers
in fraction form(similar and dissimilar fractions).
3. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new
understanding.Learning Resources/Materials Needed:
Mathematics Learner’s Module First Edition, 2013 pp.46-51
Additional Remarks:
(ex. can be done via
Part of Lesson / Check if already calls, can be
Learning Tasks present in the facilitated
SLM by a household
can be done via a
activity sheet, can
presented via an
internet based
resource, can
be facilitated during
session, etc.)
Before the Lesson
1. Review previous
2. Clarify concepts from
previous lesson
3. Present warm-up
activities to establish The teacher can text,
interest in new lesson chat, or call the
4. Check learner’s prior students for
knowledge about the clarifications.
new lesson
5. Present connection
between old and new
lesson and establish
purpose for new lesson
Picture 20 ...
19 | P a g e
6. State lesson
objectives as guide for
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model,
demonstrate, and For those students who
illustrate has access to the
the concepts, ideas, internet, the school can
skills, or processes that provide a video lesson
students will eventually for the topic. For those
internalize who doesn’t have an
2. Help learners access the contact
understand and master number of every
new subject teachers are
information included inside their
3. Provide learners with envelope that they can
feedback call for clarification of
4. Check for learners’ the topic.
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities
2. Emphasize key
information and
We can add some
activities or
3. Ask learners to recall
assessment for us to
key activities and
determine if they really
concepts discussed
understand the lesson.
4. Reinforce what
The activities that is
teacher has taught
included will test their
5. Assess whether
knowledge about the
lesson has been
6. Transfer ideas and
concepts to new
In the policy, you will find out about the two types of assessment: formative
and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the
two. Write your answers in a Venn diagram in your Study Notebook. Follow
the example below.
Picture 20 ...
20 | P a g e
Use after the Assessment
used to
discussion to
determi A unit
test the
ne the assessment
strength to test the
about their
and ability of the
weaknes learner after
s of the the quarter. It
skills, and
learners. is a recorded
skills. It is
usually not
ACTIVITY 6. recorded
There are various methods of assessment. Read Table 2
of DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment to see
examples such as games, quizzes, and interviews. These methods that are
commonly used in the classroom may be modified to be suitable for DL.
21 | P a g e
performed through posting in
facebook. The teacher will ask
questions and the students has 2
minutes to comment their answer.
Be ready to share your output when you meet with your LAC group after
completing this module. Try to answer these questions with your colleagues:
After reading the references, answer the following quiz to check your
understanding about using a portfolio to assess the learner.
6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via
file sharing programs, or they may submit the actual softcopies of
their work saved on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.
Picture 20 ...
22 | P a g e
7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical
forms may be handed over to the teacher by the parents or
learning facilitators.
Answer the simple check-up quiz below. Read and match the descriptions in
column A with the terms in column B. Write your answers in your Study
1. C – Learning Competencies
2. D – learning task
3. A – Learning Area
4. B – Mode of Delivery
Now, based on what you have read, create a WHLP for your class. Take note
of the following when creating your WHLP:
Picture 20 ...
23 | P a g e
• For grade levels where learning areas are taught by different teachers,
coordinate, plan, and discuss the WHLP with the learning area teachers.
• Adjustments should be made on the timeframe for accomplishing the
learning tasks if there are any suspensions of classes due to calamities
(DepEd, 2020).
• Enjoyable learning activities scheduled on Saturdays such as designing
portfolios, should also be reflected in the WHLP.
• Be guided by the recommended screen time for learners set by the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) which are as follows:
» Key Stage 1 (K to 3) – at most one hour daily for Kindergarten and one
hour to 1.5 hours for Grades 1 to 3
» Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6) – up to two hours
» Key Stage 3 (Grade 7 to 10) – up to two hours for Grades 7 and 8 and
up to four hours (two in the morning and the other two in the afternoon) for
Grades 9 and 10
» Key Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12) – at most four hours (2 hours in the
morning and the other 2 hours in the afternoon)
Weekly Home Learning Learning
Plan (WHLP) Monitoring Plan
Picture 20 ...
24 | P a g e
A guide for the teacher A tool to use to monitor
and parents in tracking the the learners who are
Purpose activities or modules that lagging based on the
their children need to modules and assessment
answer given to him/her
Learners’ Need,
Learning areas, Learning
Intervention Strategies,
Components Task, Mode of Delivery,
Monitoring date, learners’
Learning Competencies
Assume that after going through the outputs submitted by your learners, one
of them has problems completing the learning tasks for the first two weeks.
Think of a possible difficulty the learner may have encountered in
accomplishing the learning tasks. Apply what you have learned about ILMPs
in Activity 3 and create an ILMP for that particular learner who lags behind.
Read and use the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan Template. Consider the
components of the ILMP that were described in Activity 3.
Picture 20 ...
25 | P a g e
Learner is not making significant progress in a timely
manner. Intervention strategies need to be revised.
Interventio Learning is making significant progress. Continue with the
n Status learning plan.
Learning as reached mastery of the competencies in
learning plan.
1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement
the LDM adopted by your School/Division?
- Our school implemented Modular Distance Learning and in order to
implement this kind of modality our school printed modules that is
need and will give these modules in the designated places that the
parents and teachers agreed on.
2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in
class? If the LRs are not complete or not available, what steps will you
take to make these available? What are your options to substitute these
missing LRs?
- Yes
3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-
sanctioned LR Portals? From whom can you get this support?
- Using LR portal and ICT coordinators who has access to the modules
that will use in modular distance learning.
4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the
level and characteristics of learners? Are there learners who might be
disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading ability, level of learning
independence, level of household support, distance)? What adjustments
will you make in terms of the LRs?
- The materials are appropriate to the learners because it is based on
the most essential competency, and if ever the some or there is a
learner who is lagging, the subject teacher created a supplementary
activity for them.
Picture 20 ...
26 | P a g e
In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers from the previous
activity. What support can you provide to your colleagues and what support
can you get from them in terms of LRs? Take note of the insights that you
can gather from your colleagues and write them in your Study Notebook.
1. LRMDS Portal. Ensure that you have an LRMDS Portal Account. If you
have not registered yet, follow the LR Portal User Guide to guide you in
your registration process. Alternatively, seek assistance from any of your
colleagues or your IT personnel in your school, district, or division. You
may also coordinate with your LAC Leader and/or Coach. To understand
the portal better, you may watch the LR Portal Video Tutorial located in
the resources of this Course.
2. DepEd Commons. Ensure that you have access to DepEd Commons.
Refer to Memorandum on DepEd Commons dated March 17, 2020.
Explore the Portals. In your Study Notebook, answer the following questions:
1. Given the LDM adopted in your School, how can the two DepEd portals
respond to your LR needs and those of your learners’? How do they
complement the LRs that you already have?
- LR Portals gives the teachers an easy access for the resources that we
will be needing especially for the modality that we use.
2. What are the challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals both for you
and your learners? How will you overcome these challenges?
- The main challenge in accessing LR Portal is the slow internet
connection and the gadgets. For those who do not have gadgets other
teachers with fast internet connection downloaded it and those who
couldn’t download it can share it through USB devices
3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the LR
In your next LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions in
Activity 1. Explore how you can help and support each other in using the LR
portals. Jot down the insights and helpful information regarding the use of
the LR portals in your Study Notebook.
Picture 20 ...
27 | P a g e
- By helping those teachers who find it hard to use the portal. As a
millennial teacher using laptops or accessing site like to portal is easy,
so guiding my colleagues in accessing portal is one thing that I can do
to support them.
Cannot be
Is the LR Material... YES NO
4. from a credible /
28 | P a g e
Explore other non-DepEd LR portals/platforms you can find online. Take note
of the portals in your Study Notebook. Download at least one LR from each
portal. Assess the materials using the same tool and answer the following
questions in your Study Notebook:
1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd
Portal compare with the LR from the DepEd Portal?
- The LR prescribed by the DepEd are reliable and can be used as
resources in targeting the learners need.
2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the
materials — both from DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still need?
- resources from DepEd LR are examined thoroughly for it to use by the
teachers and learners while the Non-DepEd portals need to be
examined first to know if it is reliable and can be used for the learners.
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs
Choose one of the LR materials that you have developed. Assess this
material using the same tool. Answer the following questions in Your Study
1. How does your material compare with the ones that are obtained from the
online portals?
- The material that I developed is appropriate to my learners ability
since I knew them already, but I can say that the material that came
from the LR is developed to really assess the learners are can be used
readily since it is already examined.
2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed
- Proper assessment activities.
- After the LAC session we had observed that in creating our learner
resources there are a lot of thing that we need to consider just like in
the LR portal. Also be can be at ease in using the resources from the
LR portal since it is thoroughly examined and assessed before
uploading it to the site,
Picture 20 ...
29 | P a g e
Picture 20 ...
30 | P a g e
Assess your current capabilities and skills using the Professional Self-
Assessment Questionnaire.
Check the box that best represents your assessment of your skills and
Revisit the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) found in the
LDM2 Course Overview. Reflect on your self-assessment from Activity 1.
What particular professional standards in the PPST do you need to focus on
to effectively use the LDMs in relation to the content and pedagogy of the
Picture 20 ...
31 | P a g e
learning area/s you are teaching? Write your answer and other insights in
your Study Notebook.
- I need to develop and focus more on Domain 1, Strand 1.5 which is
the Strategies for developing Critical thinking as well as other higher-
order thinking skills and Domain 3, Strand 3.1 Learner’s gender,
needs, strengths, interests and experiences. Developing this skill will
help me to create a quality lesson for my students.
Answer the following questions by constructing and filling out the table in
your Study Notebook. How do you envision your teaching practice in the next
few months as you use the LDM adopted by your School? What is your goal
in terms of your teaching practices in the modalities? What motivates you to
achieve this goal? What do you think will help you attain this goal?
32 | P a g e
Action Plan
Strengths Timeli Resources
tal Needs Learning
Objectives Interventi ne Needed
of the PD on
g in
Applying a Workshop/L
(Domain 1, range of AC via
(Domain 4, Strand 1.5) teaching online
Strand 4.5) strategies to
Strategies for
Teaching and develop * Seeking S.Y.
developing Financial
learning critical and advice, 2021-
Critical Human
resources creative asking 2022
thinking as
including ICT thinking, as opinions
well as other
higher-order well as other *
thinking skills higher-order Professional
thinking skills Growth
*LAC with
(Domain 3, of the
Strand 3.1) different
Learner’s teaching
gender, and
learning S.Y.
needs, learning Financial
experiences 2021-
strengths, strategies Human
to address 2022
interests and learners’, * Seeking
experiences gender, advice,
needs, asking
strengths, opinions
interests and
33 | P a g e
environment opinions
s to enhance
* Attend
through the
about safe
on of
guidelines *
and Professional
procedures Growth
Refer to your PD objectives and decide on what topics you would like to talk
about in your School LAC. Use the PD Discussion Template in your
1. In your LAC Session, share your answers to Lesson 1 Activity 3 and Lesson
2 Activities 1 and 2. Take note of all insights and advice from your
colleagues. Make adjustments in your plan accordingly.
2. Submit your accomplished IDP and LAC Plan to your LAC Leader and your
School Head/Department Head. Make sure that you keep a copy of your
Picture 20 ...
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Before you begin to prepare building your Portfolio, you need to make sure
that you have completed all the outputs for this course. Go over the list
found in LDM2 Guide for Expected Outputs and find out whether you have
completed all the outputs required for Modules 1-4 of this course.
Submit the completed outputs to your designated Coach for final evaluation.
Keep a copy of all your outputs for your own records.
Picture 20 ...
35 | P a g e
1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching
practice in your School’s LDM?
- Portfolio is used to assess the development and progress of an
individual and by completing my portfolio, I already learn the things
that I needed to develop myself as an efficient and effective teacher
and can also develop a lesson that is suitable to my students
especially in this new normal.
2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress
of your teaching practice?
- In module four I assess myself on the things that I am good at and the
things that I need to develop. And knowing my strength and weakness
I can now create a plan on how I can continue my professional growth.
3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio?
- Writing down my reflection is an integral part in my Portfolio because I
can show my understanding to each lesson and activities discussed.
Also, through writing my reflection I can have my realization on what I
need to do in developing myself as a teacher in this new normal.
Familiarize yourself with the List of Suggested Evidence Form. Is the list of
evidence enough to capture the progress of your teaching practice? What
other evidence can you think of that is relevant to the LDM adopted by your
School? Write down your answers and other insights in your Study Notebook.
In your LAC Session, discuss your answers and thoughts on the questions
from Activities 2 and 3 with your colleagues.
Picture 20 ...
36 | P a g e
- Portfolio is an evidence of understanding and learning that we can use
to follow and assess our progress. And by completing it using the
evidence form we can assess the things that we need to develop
Based on the sharing and discussion in your LAC, finalize your list of
evidence in the List of Suggested Evidence Form and submit to your LAC
Leader. Make sure that you keep a copy for yourself.
At least 2 recorded
Documentation of lessons (online learning)
August to November
Lesson Delivery
Researching and
Incorporating Teaching Lesson Plans (at least 2
August to November
Strategies in the per month)
Participation in
recognized PDs that are Certification of
aligned with their August to November Participation with PD
Professional Goals credit units
anchored on Philippine
Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST)
Organizing the
December Professional Portfolio
Professional Portfolio
Picture 20 ...
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