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Performance Evaluation Notes, PMI Notes

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Performance evaluation notes, PMI notes

✅ME notes Indicator diagram

✅00 Памятка, Поломки
✅ME turbocharger notes
✅Engine Perfomance evaluation.pdf
✅MOP autotuning.pdf
✅PMI auto tuning.pdf
✅Operation - PMI Auto-tuning.pdf
✅Operation - PMI Offline.pdf
✅Commissioning Quick Reference - PMI Offline.pdf
✅Commissioning Quick Reference - PMI Auto-tuning.pdf
✅System Components Overview.pdf
✅Electronic Main Engine Performance Adjustment & Reporting
✅Performance Adjustment on ME engine check

Terms and definitions

MOP PMI - Pmac, Pcom, Pi offset notes

Exhaust valve notes - timing of elva and elfi
PMI lesson -

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image 20240703110201.png
Peformance adjustment process
Estimated load deviation between MOP and cocos
MEP - mean effective pressure = Cреднее индикаторное давление
Площадь индикаторной диаграмме соответствует работе выполняемой в цилиндре. С увеличением произведенной работы в цилиндре растет давление.

Mean indicated pressure (Pi)

Load balance: the mean indicated pressure for each cylinder should not deviate more than 0.05 MPa from the average value for all cylinders.
0:00 / 0:38

Maximum combustion pressure (Pmax)

If an individual pmax value deviates more than 0.3 MPa from the average value, the reason should be found and the fault corrected.

The maximum pressure rise pmax – pcomp is specified to 3.5 MPa (at Pmax break point and above) or 4.0 MPa (below Pmax break point). Deviations between specified and
measured pressure rise can occur after commissioning, especially between set points, and a tolerance of up to +0.3 MPa on the mean value and +0.5 MPa on individual cylinders
in steady-staterunning condition is acceptable.

Difference between Pmax and Pcom not more 35-40 bar

Fuel index
The model curve shows the relationship between the average fuel index and the average mean indicated pressure (pi).
- Worn fuel oil pressure boosters, and leaking suction valves, will show up as an increased fuel index in relation to the mean pressure.
- The kinematic viscosity of the fuel oil (i.e. the kinematic viscosity at the preheating temperature) Low kinematic viscosity will cause larger leakage in the fuel oil pressure booster,
and thereby necessitate higher fuel indexes for injecting the same volume.
- It is recommended to overhaul the fuel oil pressure boosters (including change of plunger/barrel) when the fuel index has increased by about 10%.

MAN ME-C 9.8 2023 y.b. - 82%MCR load --->>> ~90-91 Fuel index

Compression Pressure (Pcomp)

Deviation from the model curve can be due to:
- Scavenge air pressure reduction
- Mechanical defects - blow-by piston rings, defective exhaust valve
- Cylinder liner worn
- Exhaust valve timing
- Excessive grinding of spindle valve and bottom piece

Air cooler
ME T/C notes - Performance evaluation notes, PMI notes, ME turbocharger notes

Air cooler sea water flow adjustment

If adjustment of scavenging air temperature is carried out by operating the valve(s) of cooling water for scavenging air cooler, following troubles may arise:
• In case that the water quantities is reduced, the cooling seawater temperature is increased, and thus the salt may condense inside the tubes. This may cause the blocking of the
• The cooling water velocity is too low, the scale and/or bacterium may adhere on the tubes, which also block the tube.
Also, the cooling seawater outlet temperature is to be bellow 50 °C

Temperature difference between inlet and outlet of cooling water for air cooler is around 13–17 °C
Temperature difference between scavenging air cooler cooling water inlet and scavenging air temperature is around 7–15 °C
Air cooler cleaning
Temperature of cleaning fluid is about 50–60°C.

Water ingress - mist cather

Water Mist Catcher.pdf

Water Mist Catcher..pdf
Under tropical conditions, large quantities of condensate water can be formed in the charge air cooler. To facilitate drain of this water, a reversing chamber is arranged below
the air cooler, containing a water mist catcher, and the water is drained by a number of pipes, Fig. 54. To our knowledge, this arrangement is effective,but because water
ingress is one of the scuffing reasons, the amount of water drain must be included in the measurements. We have arranged a set of measuring tanks with the purpose of
separating the water from the airfl ow in the drain pipes.
SFOC formula specific consumption
Effective Engine Power (Pe) : 10680 kW
Consumption (Co) : 6.505 m3
Measuring period (h) : 3 hours
Measuring point temperature : 119 °C
Fuel oil data : density 0.9364 g/cm3 at 15°C, 3% sulphur

Specific consumption:
Co × 119 × 10.6 / (h × Pe) = 6.505 × 0.8684 × 10.6 / (3 × 10680) = 176.3 g/kWh
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
Calculation of the specific fuel oil consumption (g/kWh, g/bhph) requires that engine
power, and the consumed fuel oil amount (kg), are known for a certain period
of time.
The method of determining the engine power is illustrated in Section 706-05. For
engines without indicator drive, see Section 706-08.
The oil amount is measured as described below.
To achieve a reasonable measuring accuracy, it is recommended to measure over
a suitably long period – dependent upon the method employed i.e.:
· If a day tank is used, the time for the consumption of the whole tank
contents will be suitable.
· If a flow-meter is used, a minimum of 1 hour is recommended.
The measurements should always be made under calm weather conditions.
Since both of the above-mentioned quantity measurements will be in volume units,
it will be necessary to know the oil density, in order to convert to weight units. The
density is to correspond to the temperature at the measuring point (i.e. in the day
tank or flow-meter).
The specific gravity, (and thus density) can be determined by means of a hydrometer
immersed in a sample taken at the measuring point, but the density can also
be calculated on the basis of bunker specifications.
Normally, in bunker specifications, the specific gravity is indicated at 15°C/60°F.
The actual density (g/cm3) at the measuring point is determined by using the curve
on Plate 70611, where the change in density is shown as a function of temperature.
The consumed oil quantity in kg is obtained by multiplying the measured volume
(in litres) by the density (in kg/litre).
In order to be able to compare consumption measurements carried out for various
types of fuel oil, allowance must be made for the differences in the lower calorific
value (LCV) of the fuel concerned.
Normally, on the testbed, gas oil will have been used, having a lower calorific value
of approx. 42,707 kJ/kg (corresponding to 10,200 kcal/kg). If no other instructions
have been given by the shipowner, it is recommended to convert to this value.
Usually, the lower calorific value of a bunker oil is not specified by the oil companies.
However, by means of the graph, Plate 70611, the LCV can be determined
with sufficient accuracy, on the basis of the sulphur content, and the specific gravity
at 15°C.

Air cooler condensate calculation

• Engine type : 6S50ME-B9 • Engine load : 6,870 kW
• Ambient air temperature : 30 °C • Relative humidity : 85 %
• Scavenging air pressure : 0.325 MPa abs
• Scavenging air temperature : 45 °C
Tolerance 10 %

Mcondens = k × Engine load × (Mambient − Mscavnege)

The maximum amount of water vapour in the scavenging air, Mscavenge (kg/kWh)

The expected amount of condensate, Mcondens (kg/h)

1. Mambient = 0.21 kg/kWh, found from Plate 70712A.

2. Mscavenge = 0.17 kg/kWh, found from Plate 70712B.
3. Mcondens = k × Engine load × (Mambient − Mscavnege) = 1.00 × 6870 × (0.21 − 0.17) = 274.8 kg/h

Indicator cocks
In order to ensure the operational integrity of the indicator valve, certain precautions must be followed:
• Opening of indicator valve The temperature in the indicator valve arrangement increases dramatically if the indicator valve is opened while the engine is running. This may cause
damage to the indicator valve and the pressure sensor for online PMI system. Therefore, it is recommended only to open the indicator valve while the engine is turned by starting
air or the turning gear. Blow through of the indicator valve is recommended during slow turning. However, opening of the indicator valve is of course allowed when the valve is
connected to measuring instruments (PMI system or similar).

Do not blow through the indicator valve for cleaning purposes during running of the engine, as this will deteriorate the indicator valve and increase the risk of malfunction which
could lead to valve rupture and damage to the PMI sensor.

Load Diagram for Propulsion alone

Line 1 : Propeller curve through point A.

Line 2 : Propeller curve – heavy running, recommended limit. for fouled hull at calm weather conditions.
Line 3 : Speed limit.
Line 4 : Torque / speed limit.
Line 5 : Mean effective pressure limit.
Line 6 : Propeller curve – light running (4.0–10.0% margin for line 2) for clean hull and calm weather conditions – for propeller layout
Line 7 : Power limit for continuous running.
Line 8 : Overload limit.

Load Diagram for Propulsion and Main Engine Driven Generator

Line 1 : Propeller curve through point A.
Line 2 : Propeller curve for propulsion alone – heavy running, recommended limit. for fouled hull at calm weather conditions.
Line 2A : Engine service curve for heavy running propulsion (line 2) and shaft generator (SG).
Line 3 : Speed limit.
Line 4 : Torque / speed limit.
Line 5 : Mean effective pressure limit.
Line 6 : Propeller curve for propulsion alone – light running (4.0–10.0% margin for line 2) for clean hull and calm weather conditions – for propeller layout
Line 7 : Power limit for continuous running.
Line 8 : Overload limit. Note : The propeller curve for propulsion alone in found by subtracting the actual shaft generator power (incl. generator efficiency) from the effective engine
power at maintained speed.

Indicator diagram
For this type of engine it has been necessary to delay the point of ignition to 2–3° after TDC, in order to keep the pressure rise, pmax − pcomp, within the specified 3.5 MPa (at
Pmax break point and above), while still maintaining optimum combustion and thereby low SFOC.

Low NOx mode

SCR operation

NOx - оксиды азота - уменьшение выбросов оксидов азота путем модернизации в двигателестроение, установка EGR (exhaust gas recirculation), SCR (selctive
catalytic reactor). Замеры NOx измеряются при Sea Trial. На судах с SCR - замеры происходят с помощью NOx сенсоров в режиме реального времени в PPM (part
per milliion) (SCR используется только на дизельном топливе, не используется на тяжелом топливе)

NOx sensor
IMO NOx limits - Annex VI of Marpol (Chapter III - regulation 13 - NOx (SCR, EGR installation, increasing MEP) , Chapter III - regulation 14 - SOx (scrubber installation)),
reducing CO, CO2 - general term de-carbonisation(С - углерод, O - кислород, CO2 - углекислый газ) - не распространяется на оборудование SOLAS (Emergency diesel
generator, life/rescue boats engine). CO2 reduction - SFOC gkwthour consumprion (EEXI file - improving engine construction) - or installation SHAPOLI (shaft power

HC - definition -
hydracarbons are organic compiunds made solely of hydrogen and carbon. PM - particulate matter is a mizture of solid particles and liqued droplets suspended in the air.
HC - hydracarbon, PM - particle matters
NOx technical file - IMO numbers - включают в себя компоненты ЦПГ, топливоподачи и топливная система двигателя.
Modern engines
Why NOx reduces?

"Восходящий впрыск" аналогичный реализуемому на ДВС с распред. валами превосходит по экономичности на номинальном режиме. Применение
предварительного впрыска является удачным компромиссом между небольшим увеличением удельного расхода топлива и при этом снижение количества
выбросов NOx примерно на 20% меньше.
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Сгорание топлива, фазы


Injection theory MC-C type

Эта схема для современных двигателей не совсем актуальна. Так как процес впрыска топлива может изменятся путем изменения угла опережения через электро-
гидрaвлические клапана (Elfi, Fiva), а также более гибкое регулирования выхлопного клапана.

y - начало воспламенения
z1 - конец резкого нарастания давления в цилиндре (достижение Pz)
z - конец подачи топлива
z' - условная точка конца догорания

Можно условно разбить на 4 фазы.

1 фаза - от начала впрыска до начала воспламенения топлива - "период задержки самоспламенения"

1 фаза для подготовки топлива к воспламенения и сгоранию (прогрев, испарение, предпламенные реакции). 1 фаза оказывает значительное влияние на развитие всего
последующего процесса сгорания, фаза должна быть как можно короче - 1-5 мсек.

2 фаза

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