Aquaculture Exam

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Periodical Test in TLE 8


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DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each item. Choose the letter that best answers
the question or statement and write it in your answer sheet.

1. A device used to strike or deliver blows to an object like driving nails, fitting parts, and
breaking up objects.
A. Cutter C. Plier
B. Hammer D. Wrench

2. This is the most popular type of measuring tool. It is usually 6 or 12 inches in length.
A. Ruler C. Tape measure
B. Speed square D. Try square 17

3. A saw with a narrow fine-toothed blade set in a frame, used especially for cutting metal.
A. Blade C. Crosscut saw
B. Bolo D. Hacksaw

4. It is the most versatile and widely used shovel, used for digging, scooping, or shoveling dirt
from one point to another.
A. Garden shovel C. Round point shovel
B. Irrigation shovel D. Scoop shovel

5. A tool for leveling pond bottom.

A. Barn forks C. Shovel
B. Digging blade D. Level head rake

6. A hand tool with sharp edged teeth designed for cutting any various lengths and sizes of
A. Blade C. Crosscut saw
B. Chainsaw D. Scissor

7. It is a tool used for measuring the distance between two symmetrically opposing sides. It
can be like a compass, with inward or outward facing points and the tips can be adjusted to
fit across the points to be measured.
A. Caliper C. Square
B. Folder ruler D. Try Square

8. It is used to measure water transparency.

A. Caliper C. pH Meter
B. DO meter D. Secchi Disc

9. It is the most useful hand tool to cut woods, twigs, logs and some unwanted vegetation in
the pond area.
A. Bolo C. Shovel
B. Light hoe D. Sickle

10. A tool used to make mud block for fish pond dikes.
A. Digging blade C. Shovel
B. Level head rake D. Wrench
11. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Microscope is useful in determining fish diseases and parasites.
B. Pumping sea water can damage the pump.
C. Check the engine oil level on a flat, level surface before using the pump.
D. You can add fuel in the pump even it is running.

12. The following are Ways of Maintaining Tools and Equipment. Which of the following
statements is INCORRECT?

A. Keep your work unclean. This will help you work more efficiently and safely.
B. It is important to keep engines clean to prevent overheating as well as to reduce
dirt getting into the engine.
C. Make sure designated walkways are kept clear of any obstructions.
D. Always use chemical gloves when using any cleaning material because
excessive exposure to cleaning materials can damage skin.

13. The gate that can be found in the smallest compartment.

A. Main Dike C. Secondary Gate
B. Main Gate D. Tertiary Gate

14. The smallest and the cleanest compartment where fish are reared from fry up to pre-
fingerling size.
A. Breeding Pond C. Rearing Pond
B. Nursery Pond D. Transition Pond

15. It is the largest compartment in the pond system. Used for raising fingerlings up to
marketable size.
A. Nursery Pond C. Transition Pond
B. Rearing Pond D. Water Supply Canal

16. A compartment where breeders are confined and are used purposely for the production of
A. Breeding Pond C. Rearing Pond
B. Head Pond D. Transition Pond

17. The plan or design of something laid out.

A. Design C. Layout
B. Drawing D. Sketch

18. An artificial body of water surrounded by dikes and with accessories such as gates, pipes
and canals to facilitate water supply management.
A. Fishpond C. Main Gate
B. Main Dike D. Nursery Pond
19. Why is it necessary to design the tanks in the hatchery?

A. To have a beautiful tanks
B. To create a beautiful arrangement of tanks
C. To have a uniform size and shape of tanks
D. To conform with the characteristics of the target species of fish

20. These are small aquatic organisms raised in tanks which are commonly used as the first
food of young fin fishes.
A. Larvae C. Phytoplanktons
B. Microalgae D. Rotifers

21. What is the term used to indicate a large container of liquid usually used in culturing fish?
A. Basin C. Reservoir
B. Fishpond D. Tank

22. What is the first phase of a fish production system?

A. Grow-out
B. Hatchery
C. Nursery
D. Construction of aquaculture facilities

23. Separating suspended solids from water such as silts, debris and foreign organisms can be
done by the use of ______.
A. filtration units C. intake structure
B. fine mesh screen D. secchi disk

24. What is the early stage of the fish life cycle?

A. Egg B. Fingerling C. Larvae or Fry D. Post Fingerling

25. In order to make the fish cage float on the water, the cage must be equipped with________.
A. floatation system
B. framework
C. mooring system
D. netting system

26. As a general rule, what is the length of the mooring lines?

A. Two times of the depth of water
B. Three times of the length of the cage
C. Three times of the depth of the water
D. Two meters allowance during high tide

27. In cleaning the dikes, what should be worn to be safe from snake bites?
A. Boots
B. Long sleeve
C. Rubber gloves and shoes
D. Steel-capped foot wear

28. It includes any emergency care given to an injured or ill person before medical assistance
A. Bandaging
B. Clinical care
C. First Aid
D. Intensive care

29. Why is it important for a student to wear a hat and a long sleeve working clothes in pond
A. To protect students’ skin from getting dark.
B. To protect students from getting dirty from soft mud.
C. To protect students from over exposure to heat and sunlight.
D. All of the above.

30. Why do shells of snails and other foreign materials removed before pond levelling?
A. The shells contribute water turbidity.
B. To prevent the pond water for fouling.
C. The composing shells may increase alkalinity of the soil.
D. To avoid the workers’ feet from incision or puncture from these shells.

31. What factor usually determines the depth of fish cages?

A. The mooring system
B. Capability of the owner
C. Natural productivity of the water
D. The species of fish to be cultivated

32. What is the smallest unit of a net?

A. Mesh B. Mesh size C. Knots D. Twine

33. In order to make the fish cage floats on the water, the cage must be equipped
A. floatation system
B. framework
C. mooring system
D. netting system

34. As a general rule, what is the length of the mooring lines?

A. Two times of the depth of water
B. Three times of the length of the cage
C. Three times of the depth of the water
D. Two meters allowance during high tide

35. Which of the following keeps the whole cage in a certain location and prevents the cage
from drifting along the water current?
A. Barrier
B. Floater
C. Framework
D. Mooring

36. What part of the cage that serves as the walkways for working, feeding and monitoring?
A. Floaters B. Frames C. Mooring D. Nets

37. What type of net cage fabrication refers to a ¼ inch mesh?

A. B-net B. CC - net C. Mooring D. Knotless net

38. What aquaculture facility is usually supported by a fixed rigid framework of bamboo poles,
palm tree poles and wood poles?
A. Fish pen B. Fixed fish cage
C. Floating fish cage D. Submersible cage

39. Bamboo poles or anahaw logs used in fish pen construction should be cleared of sharp
edges in order to _________.
A. increase its buoyancy
B. make staking easier.
C. prevent damage to the nets
D. prolong its life span

40. Which of the following is a disadvantage of culturing fish in fish cage?

A. Easier handling, inventory, and harvesting fish
B. Better control of fish population
C. Efficient control of fish competitors and predators
D. More man power requirement

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following. Choose your answer from the word pond below.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

Word Pond
A. Mooring G. Mesh size
B. Fish cage H. Net
C. Framework I. Anchor
D. Fish pen J. Knot
E. Fouling K. Mesh
F. Hatchery L. Fishpond

41. It is a structure fully enclosed by nets on all sides and bottom supported either by a fix rigid
frame or by floats which rise and fall with the water level or tide.

42. It is an area enclosed by nets attached to posts at regular intervals on all sides and utilizes
the lake bed and other bodies of water as the bottom enclosure.

43. It is a heavy object, usually a shaped iron weight with flukes, lowered by a cable or chain to
the bottom of a body of water to keep a cage from drifting.

44. It is the smallest unit of a net.

45. It is a structure, usually rigid, serving to hold the parts of something together or to support
something constructed.

46. It is a lump made by intertwining the thread in which one free end is passed through a loop
and drawn tightly.

47. It is the distance between the center of the opposite knots in the same mesh when it is fully
extended at the right angles to the continuing direction of the twines.

48. It is a fabric of thread, cord, rope or twine woven or knotted to form an open pattern or
mesh used to catch fish.

49. The process by which an object or material get extremely dirty or impure, disgustingly filthy,
so offensive to the senses.

50. The lines, cables, etc. by which water craft or any floating objects or moored held in place.

- - - - - * * * GOOD LUCK * * * - - - - -

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