211380 Suchada TARASAK BSBPMG632 Attempt Number 2
211380 Suchada TARASAK BSBPMG632 Attempt Number 2
211380 Suchada TARASAK BSBPMG632 Attempt Number 2
o First submission: o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessor’s Feedback:
Trainer/Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
/ /
Assessor Signature:
Department: Date: / /
FORM/DOCUMENT: ACD Assessment Cover Sheet UPDATED: August 2023, Version No. 6
Student Assessment Task 1
BSBPMG632 - Manage Program Risk
• review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Student
Assessment Instructions.
• comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work.
1. Explain the purpose of risk management standards. Include an example of a risk management
standard in your answer.
2. Explain the AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines and each of
the 11 principles.
The AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines establish a
structured framework for effective risk management. This standard includes 11 guiding
5. Systematic and Timely: The approach should be systematic, structured, and timely.
6. Based on Best Information: Decisions should rely on the best available information.
10. Dynamic and Responsive: It should be adaptable to internal and external changes.
3. Explain the purpose of risk management policies and procedures in the workplace.
Risk management policies and procedures in the workplace are essential for systematically
identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact an organization’s goals and
operations. These guidelines ensure consistent risk management practices across the
organization, providing a structured approach to addressing potential risks. This proactive
management helps minimize the adverse effects of unexpected events, fosters a safer work
environment, ensures regulatory compliance, and enhances decision-making processes. By
implementing well-defined risk management policies and procedures, organizations can
protect their assets, resources, and reputation effectively .
4. Outline a step-by-step procedure that companies can use for analysing risks.
Identify Risks: Start by recognizing potential risks that may affect the project or organization.
This process includes brainstorming sessions, analyzing past data, and engaging with
stakeholders to identify risks from various domains such as technical, operational, financial,
and external factors.
Assess Risks: After identifying the risks, evaluate them based on their likelihood and potential
impact. This assessment can utilize both qualitative approaches (like risk matrices) and
quantitative techniques (such as statistical analysis).
Develop Risk Response Strategies: For each prioritized risk, create strategies to address
them. Possible strategies may include avoiding the risk, mitigating it, transferring it, or
accepting it.
Implement Risk Responses: Execute the planned responses to the risks. This step involves
allocating necessary resources, assigning responsibilities, and incorporating risk management
actions into the project or operational plans.
Monitor and Review: Continuously track the risks and assess the effectiveness of the
responses. This includes conducting regular reviews, updating risk assessments, and
modifying strategies as needed based on new information or changes in the risk landscape.
Communicate and Report: Maintain clear communication regarding the status of risks and
management actions with stakeholders. Regular updates ensure that everyone is informed
and supports timely decision-making.
Document and Learn: Record all risk management activities, insights gained, and best
practices. This documentation aids in enhancing future risk management efforts and creates a
knowledge repository for the organization.
5. Describe three examples of tools or techniques that a company could use to identify risks as part
of a risk assessment process.
6. Explain the concept of a dynamic risk register and its use across a program.
A dynamic risk register is a continuously updated document that reflects the current risk status
of a project or program. Unlike static registers, it allows for real-time monitoring of risks,
enabling prompt responses to emerging threats. This tool improves communication among
stakeholders by offering a centralized overview of risks, which aids in making informed
decisions about resource allocation and mitigation strategies. Its flexibility ensures it adapts to
changes in the project environment, while frequent updates promote continuous improvement
in risk management practices. Ultimately, a dynamic risk register is essential for effective risk
management throughout the lifecycle of a program.
o First submission: o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessor’s Feedback:
Trainer/Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
/ /
Assessor Signature:
Department: Date: / /
FORM/DOCUMENT: ACD Assessment Cover Sheet UPDATED: August 2023, Version No. 6
Project Portfolio
BSBPMG632 - Manage Program Risk
Date: 14/08/2024
Identify stakeholders CEO (Paul Burns): Provides strategic oversight and ensures that risk
management aligns with the organization's objectives. The CEO’s support is
Which stakeholders are
crucial for resource allocation and prioritizing risk management initiatives.
associated with managing
the risk of the program?
How are they associated Administration Manager (Daniel Streep): Manages the Leadership
with the risk management Conference and identifies risks related to event planning and execution.
Diversity of Stakeholders:
The attendees represented a wide range of roles within the company,
including executive leadership, operations, marketing, and administration.
The group included both male and female participants, with varying levels of
experience, cultural backgrounds, and ages, ensuring a broad spectrum of
perspectives on sustainability and resource management.
Mentoring Plan ☒
Perform impact analysis for Over time, the variances in program outcomes can significantly
each identified variance impact both the operation and reputation of the company. The
unclear expectations for the Leadership Conference could initially
What is the impact of the
lead to lower participant satisfaction and negative feedback,
variance over time?
ultimately damaging the company’s reputation and making future
How does the variance impact events less attractive. Meanwhile, resource inefficiency in workshops,
the program objectives? particularly in paper usage, not only increases costs but also raises
What should be done to concerns about the company’s commitment to sustainability. If not
correct the impact of the addressed, this could harm the company’s reputation, reduce client
variance (what remedial trust, and lead to financial strain, ultimately affecting overall
action is required)? profitability and long-term growth.
Respond to stakeholder
responses to your request for
a progress update by drafting
an email
Attach your draft email to this
section of the portfolio.
Objectives Met:
The program met most of its predefined objectives, as evidenced by
the performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Objectives such as cost reduction and improved customer
satisfaction were achieved or even exceeded in some cases.
However, a few objectives were only partially met, primarily due to
changing conditions or overly ambitious targets. Overall, stakeholder
feedback suggested that the program largely met their expectations
and delivered the intended benefits.
The program had numerous successes, such as achieving certain
milestones ahead of schedule, staying within budget, and exceeding
quality expectations. These successes were largely due to effective
communication, strong leadership, and innovative problem-solving
approaches. Positive feedback from stakeholders praised the
program's efficiency and the team's ability to collaborate effectively.
The best practices and lessons learned from these successes can be
leveraged in future initiatives to replicate the positive outcomes.
1. Introduction
The Risk Management Plan outlines the strategies, processes, and
actions for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that may
impact the successful operations of Grow Management
Consultants. The purpose of this plan is to manage risks that could
impede our mission to deliver high-quality consulting services and
meet our strategic goals.
2. Objectives
The objectives of this Risk Management Plan are to: