1 Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstr. 10,
52062 Aachen, Germany; [email protected] (G.J.);
[email protected] (C.K.)
2 Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics, RWTH Aachen University,
Eilfschornsteinstr. 18, 52062 Aachen, Germany
3 Chair of Structures and Structural Design, RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstr. 1, 52062 Aachen, Germany;
[email protected] (K.M.G.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Technical folding systems are rigid, three-dimensional surface structures that can be folded
at their joints. Due to their foldable structure, technical folding systems can produce lightweight
structures that have a high load-bearing capacity and can also flexibly change their shape. In order
to develop products with technical folding in a function-oriented product development process, a
folding principle must be defined that realises the individual functions. Since there is hardly any
expert knowledge on technical folding, in general, and on the use of the technical folding principle
in particular, technical folding is not very widespread despite its promising properties. Therefore,
there is a need for a software-supported evaluation of whether functions can be realised by the
principle of technical folding. The software-supported applicability evaluation (EvalTech) developed
here is based on case-based reasoning methods, as these can artificially simulate evaluations based
on expert knowledge. The expert knowledge used for the evaluation includes functions, function
structures and properties of known technical folding systems, which are compared with functions
and function structures of the development task. EvalTech was successfully used in the development
Citation: Wieja, F.; Jacobs, G.; Stürmer,
and realisation of a large-scale foldable cover for industrial robots.
S.; Boelsen, K.; Konrad, C.; Merz, J.;
Moreno Gata, K.; Seiter, A. Function-
Keywords: technical folding; technical origami; function structures; software-supported evaluation;
Oriented Applicability Evaluation of
expert knowledge; knowledge retrieval; case-based reasoning
Technical Folding Based on Expert
Knowledge. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417.
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Arkadiusz Gola
In its traditional form, the Japanese art of paper folding enables the creation of various
Received: 7 October 2024 three-dimensional shapes by simply folding two-dimensional sheets of paper. In recent
Revised: 19 November 2024 decades, this so-called origami principle has increasingly become an effective source of
Accepted: 6 December 2024 inspiration for engineering solutions [1]. In engineering solutions, the origami principle
Published: 8 December 2024 is actualised as technical folding. Technical folding systems do not consist of thin paper
like origami folding, but of thick, rigid panels that are additionally connected to each other
by joint elements. Due to their foldable structure, technical folding systems can realise
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
lightweight structures that have a high load-bearing capacity. The application of technical
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
folding according to this definition is the subject of the research paper.
This article is an open access article
Scalability and flexibility of technical folding, its inherent motion, and the possibility
distributed under the terms and of reconfiguration offer high potential and versatile benefits in fields far beyond art and
conditions of the Creative Commons aesthetics. Up to now, technical folding has been applied in the following fields of engi-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// neering application: Industrial Packaging [2–4], Optics [5,6], Biomedical Engineering [7–9], Robotics [10–14], Aerospace [15,16], Consumer Products [8,17,18], Electronics [19,20], and
4.0/). Architecture [21,22]. However, these applications represent singular solutions, meaning
that the overall prevalence of technical folding is low. Infrequent application of the solution
principle of technical folding in the context of product development is mainly due to the
following challenge. In early phases of a function-oriented product development pro-
cess, product developers without high expertise in technical folding are not able to decide
whether technical folding is a suitable solution principle for their technical problem because:
• The solution principle of technical folding and its application is largely unknown in
industrial practice.
• No (software-supported) methods exist that adequately support the decision-making
Thus, non-expert product developers can potentially make decisions for or against the
solution principle of technical folding without knowing the advantages or disadvantages
of it compared to other possible solution principles. In order to solve these challenges and
effectively strengthen the application of the solution principle in industrial practice, an
evaluation process should be defined. To address challenge (a), expert knowledge about
technical folding systems must be elaborated and made available for a structured and
effective decision-making process. For example, development data of known technical
folding solutions from the literature can be used to define expert knowledge. This expert
knowledge should then be formalised in such a way that it is comparable with the infor-
mation available for a new technical problem in the early phases of a function-oriented
product development process. Based on the formalised expert knowledge, in order to
address challenge (b), a structured and effective decision-making process must be devel-
oped that adequately evaluates the applicability of technical folding to a new technical
problem. The process enables the reuse of expert knowledge, the continuous expansion
of expert knowledge to include newly developed technical folding solutions, and thus an
increasingly precise evaluation based on expert knowledge. In order to efficiently generate
objective and consistent decision results and to facilitate the decision-making process for
inexperienced product developers, the process developed here should be implemented in
software. The method on which the process is based is referred to below as EvalTech.
in order to work out a principle solution. As the assignment between elementary functions
and physical effects of technical folding systems is not known so far, this assignment must
be newly created. Alternatively, the assignment between functions (main or sub-functions)
and solutions can also be derived backwards from the solution knowledge about existing
technical folding systems [26]. Since technical folding systems are solutions in the sense of
product development, the basic applicability of a solution can be identified on the basis of
its functions. However, this raises the following main research question and subordinate
research questions (1)–(3):
How can the applicability of technical folding be assessed on the basis of function struc-
(1) What known technical folding solutions exist, and what do the associated function
structures look like?
(2) How can functions and function structures of published technical folding solutions
be modelled in a formalised form as a knowledge database?
(3) How can this knowledge database be used in a software-supported method to assess
the applicability of technical folding solutions to the current development task of a
product developer?
To answer these research questions, the EvalTech method based on case-based reason-
ing methods is designed in Section 3. Its central elements are developed in Section 4 and
implemented in a MATLAB® application (The MathWorks Inc., MATLAB version: 9.13.0
(R2022b), Natick, MA, USA) in Section 5. The application is intra-operable with the systems
engineering tool Cameo Systems Modeler® (Dassault Systèmes, Cameo Systems Modeler
version: 19.0, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France).
In this research paper, CBR methods were used to answer the research questions mainly
for the following reasons: CBR systems imitate experience-based decision-making and
can therefore provide inexperienced engineers with adequate support in the applicability
assessment. Furthermore, in contrast to conventional AI systems, CBR systems deliver
good results even with small amounts of data, such as the amount of data from the expert
knowledge of existing technical folding systems (see Section 2.2).
Figure 1. Classification of technical folding systems using the example of three folding systems from
Figure 1. Classification of technical folding systems using the example of three folding systems from
the literature.
the literature.
features and select) are defined here, which are implemented in MATLAB® for successful
applicability evaluation.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Elements
Elements of
of the
the CBR
CBR system.
3.2. Concept of Using the CBR System for the Applicability Evaluation
In this paper, the applicability evaluation of technical folding is carried out by im-
3.2. Concept the
plementing of Using the CBR
processes System for
according tothe Applicability
Aamodt Evaluation
and Plaza [29] in a software application:
retrieving process
In this andthe
paper, its specific subprocesses:
applicability evaluationidentify features, initially
of technical foldingmatch, specifyout
is carried features
and select. The the
implementing reusing and revising
processes processes
according haveand
to Aamodt notPlaza
in a software in application:
this research
paper. EvalTech
retrieving processends
andwithits the visualisation
specific of thoseidentify
subprocesses: technical folding
features, systems
initially whose
match, func-
tions and
features function
and structures
select. The reusingare
andmost similar
revising to the functions
processes and function
have not been implementedstructures
in thisof
the new product
research development
paper. EvalTech endstask.
withFigure 3 below illustrates
the visualisation of thosethe elaborated
technical process
folding steps
of the EvalTech method.
whose functions and function structures are most similar to the functions and function
structures of the new product development task. Figure 3 below illustrates the elaborated
process steps of the EvalTech method.
Appl.Sci. 2024,14,
Sci.2024, 14,11417
6 of2118
The software-supported
The software-supported applicability applicability evaluation
evaluationstarts startswith
withthe thesubprocess
features. In this step, the functions of the new technical problem (new case1)1)can
features. In this step, the functions of the new technical problem (new case canbe bedefined
with thesupport
supportofofthe thesoftware
application.The Thefunctions
functionsofof the
the new
new technical
technical problem
problem are
are evaluated in the subsequent step, initially match. The functions
evaluated in the subsequent step, initially match. The functions are compared with functions are compared with
of of known
known technical technical
folding systemsfolding
base 1). If (case base 1). If to
no similarity notechnical
similarity to technical
folding systems
isfolding systems
calculated, is calculated,
a folding systemaisfolding system
most likely notisanmost likely not solution
appropriate an appropriate
for the solution
for the technical
problem. problem.
In this case, In this case,
consideration mustconsideration
be given to must usingbe given to principle
a different using a different
principle solution for the technical problem. If there is an
for the technical problem. If there is an initial fit between the designed functions initial fit between the designed
and the
functions knownthe technical
functionsfoldingof known technical
systems, folding
the specify systems,
features the specify
subprocess step isfeatures
out. step is carried
In the subsequent out. In
process thespecify
step, subsequent
features,process step, specify
relationships features,
between therelationships
functions are
between thebased
determined functions
on theare determined
defined functions, based andon the hierarchical
so the defined functions,
functionand so theof
the function
new technical structure
problem of the new
is designed. Thistechnical
is followedproblemby the is designed.
calculationThis is followed
of the similarity
by the calculation
between the designed of the similarityfunction
hierarchical betweenstructure
the designed(case 2) hierarchical
and the functionfunction structureof
(case 2) and
technical the function
folding (case base structures
2) in theofsub-process
technical folding select.(case basecalculation
For the 2) in the sub-process select.
of the similarity,
For the calculation of the similarity, algorithms are elaborated
algorithms are elaborated in Section 4.2 to answer research question 2, which finds the in Section 4.2 to answer
most question
similar case based 2, which finds theand
on attributes most
the similar
organisationcase based
of the on attributes
database. and theof
The results
organisation of the database. The results of the similarity calculations
the similarity calculations are values between 0 and 1. The value 0 describes those cases are values between 0
and 1. The value 0 describes those cases from the database
from the database that have no similarity to the new technical problem and 1 those cases that have no similarity to the
new the
with technical
highestproblem and 1Based
similarity. those on cases
resultthe ofhighest similarity.
the similarity Based on the
calculation result of
of functions
the function
and similaritystructures,
calculation the of functions
software and function
can recommend structures,
to the product the software
developer can
recommend to the product developer whether technical folding
technical folding can be applied to the new technical problem. If there is a low degree of can be applied to the new
similarity, a different solution should be selected for realisation.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 7 of 18
Figure 4. Frequencydistribution
4. Frequency distributionof of characteristic
characteristic functions
functions for technical
for technical folding
folding systems
systems with
with finite
finite thickness.
The following Figure 5 shows the hierarchical functional structure using the example
of a self-deployable stent [7]. The model of each functional structure is created as a block
definition diagram using the software Cameo Systems Modeler® (Dassault Systèmes,
France). For the formation and further use of the respective adjacency matrix, the block
definition diagram is exported as a CSV file, and the adjacency matrix is derived.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 8 of 18
The naming of these functions has been worked out specifically for technical folding
systems in the context of the DFG-funded project E2 F, cf. Section 6.1.
The characteristic functions are stored as a part of case base 1 of the CBR system, cf.
Section 3.1.
Case base 2 of the general concept is created by forming the hierarchical function
structures of 21 known technical folding systems on the basis of derived functions. The
function structures are each stored in standardised adjacency matrices. Consequently, the
case base 2 database consists of 21 cases. Folding-specific information about the technical
folding system, such as the folding discipline, the folding scheme or the type of movement,
cf. Section
Figure 2.2, aredistribution
4. Frequency assigned as of characteristic each case.
metadata tofunctions Each casefolding
for technical thus corresponds to a
systems with finite
function structure and metadata of a solution that has been successfully realised with
technical folding.
shows the
The following Figure 5 shows the hierarchical
hierarchical functional
functional structure
structure using the example
self-deployable stent
of a self-deployable stent [7].
[7]. The
The model
model ofof each
each functional
functional structure
structure is
is created
created as
as a block
definition diagram
definition using the software Cameo Systems Modeler®® (Dassault
diagram using (Dassault Systèmes,
France). For
France). For the
the formation
formation andand further
further use
use ofof the respective
respective adjacency
adjacency matrix,
matrix, the
the block
definition diagram is exported as a CSV file, and the adjacency matrix is derived.
Figure 5.
5. Functional
structureofofaa successful
successful technical
technical folding
folding using
using the
the example
example of
of aa self-
deployable stent.
deployable stent.
4.2. Definition
Definition of
of Equations
Equations for Similarity Analysis
Based on the database, in order to find
Based on the database, in order to find functions andand
functions function structures
function that are
structures thatmost
similar to those
most similar of theofnew
to those development
the new developmenttask,task,
functions for calculating
functions similarity
for calculating are
are developed below. Depending
below. Depending on on
size ofofthe
size thedatabase,
different machine
machine learning
analyse similarity.
methods can be used to analyse similarity. The most commonly used methods are nearest
neighbour, induction, knowledge guided induction, and template retrieval [30]. The time to find
the most similar case increases in proportion to the size of the database. Since the nearest
neighbour method predominantly delivers efficient results for small databases such as the
one in this research paper, it is used in this research. In machine learning, it was developed
to recognise data patterns without requiring an exact match with stored cases. Similar
cases are close to each other, and cases with low similarity are far away from each other.
Therefore, the distance between a function or function structure from the database with
the new function or function structure can be used as a measure of its similarity [30]. The
attributes of functions defined for similarity analysis are their literal naming according to
Lindemann’s subject-verb method and the graph-based relationship between functions in
the hierarchical levels. The similarities are usually at a value between 0 and 1. A value
of 0 means that the two cases are absolutely not similar; in contrast to the value of 1, the
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 9 of 18
case is absolutely similar. The general similarity equation according to Watson and Marir is
formulated as follows [30]:
∑ni=1 f(T, Si ) × wi
sim (T, Si ) = , (1)
∑ni=1 wi
The equation simcase1 always calculates the parameters oi and wi on the basis of the
current case 1 and determines the characteristic functions using the latest data. This makes
the equation flexible with regard to extensions of case 1.
𝑓 = 0.33 𝑓 = 0.33
… … 𝑓 = 0.1667 𝑓 = 0.1667
… 𝑓 = 0.0556 𝑓 = 0.0556
𝑓 = 0.33
… … …
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Hierarchical function structure
Hierarchical function structure of
of the
the self-deployable
self-deployable stent
stent with
with fulfilment
fulfilment scores.
5. Implementation of
5. Implementation of the
the EvalTech
EvalTech Method
Method in in aa Software Application
Software Application
The database and the process steps identify features, initially match, specify features, select,
and visualisation of the general concept of the EvalTech method (cf. Section 3.2), which is
implemented in a software application. The three-part software application is implemented
to evaluate the general technological fit (EvalTech Questionnaire), design a machine-readable
function structure of the new technical problem (Hierarchical Function Structure Builder), and
perform the similarity calculations (Function Structure Analysis). Each algorithm as well as
the GUI of the software application has been implemented in MATLAB® (The MathWorks
Inc., USA). The entire software application supports the inexperienced product developer
and visualisation of the general concept of the EvalTech method (cf. Section 3.2), which is
implemented in a software application. The three-part software application is
implemented to evaluate the general technological fit (EvalTech Questionnaire), design a
machine-readable function structure of the new technical problem (Hierarchical Function
Structure Builder), and perform the similarity calculations (Function Structure Analysis).
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 11 of 18
Each algorithm as well as the GUI of the software application has been implemented in
MATLAB® (The MathWorks Inc., USA). The entire software application supports the
inexperienced product developer from the subprocess initially match, after the functions
of thethe
newsubprocess initially match,
technical problem have been afterdesigned
the functions
within of the
the process
new technical
features. have
been Todesigned within the process identify features.
digitally support the process initially match, the MATLAB® function
initially match, ® function questionnaire.m
questionnaire.m issupport
To digitally developedthe process
and implemented forthe
partial automation of the initial
developedofand theimplemented
technological forfit
theofpartial automationinitially
the subprocess of the initial
match. evaluation of the
The EvalTech
technological fit of the subprocess initially match. The EvalTech Questionnaire
Questionnaire automatically determines the characteristic functions of technical folding automatically
systems based the on
characteristic functions
case base 1, saves themofintechnical
an Excel folding
list and systems
uses them based case base 1,
on similarity
for the
saves them in
calculation 𝑠𝑖𝑚an Excel . list and uses them for the similarity calculation simcase 1 .
The inexperienced product
inexperienced developer uses
product developer uses the EvalTechQuestionnaire
theEvalTech Questionnaireduring
development before deciding on a solution principle. He answers
development before deciding on a solution principle. He answers the EvalTech the EvalTech Questionnaire
by comparing the
Questionnaire listed characteristic
by comparing the listedfunctions with functions
characteristic functionsofwiththe new technical
functions problem.
of the new
For each characteristic function listed, the user can select whether this function
technical problem. For each characteristic function listed, the user can select whether this corresponds
function (match), corresponds
corresponds exactlyanalogously (possible match),
(match), corresponds or does(possible
analogously not correspond at all
match), or does(no
match) to a function of his technical problem, cf. Figure 7.
not correspond at all (no match) to a function of his technical problem, cf. Figure 7.
Figure 7. Answering the EvalTech Questionnaire using the example of three characteristic functions.
Figure 7. Answering the EvalTech Questionnaire using the example of three characteristic functions.
Subsequently, thesimilarity
similarity equation
equation 𝑠𝑖𝑚1 is calculated
simcase is calculated
and its and
resultitsis visualised
result is
visualised as overall score, cf. Figure 8. In addition, all matching functions are displayed
as overall score, cf. Figure 8. In addition, all matching functions are displayed in a pie chart. in
a pie chart. Selecting a specific function from the pie chart also shows the significance
Selecting a specific function from the pie chart also shows the significance of the respective of
the respective
function and the function
user’s and the user’s response.
For the subsequent process, specify features, the user designs a machine-readable,
hierarchical function structure of the new technical problem with the help of the Hierarchical
Function Structure Builder (HFSB). The HFSB is implemented as the MATLAB® function
fsb.m, cf. Figure 9. The HFSB supports the user by providing the functions derived from
technical folding systems (function catalogue) for selection and the option of designing
new functions. These functionalities, as well as a general consistency check (test) of the
function architecture (including unique relationships, use of the subject–verb method),
help standardise the designed function structure and ensure high-quality input for the
sub-process step select.
In the subsequent process, select, the calculation of similarity between the designed
function structure and function structures of case base 2 is carried out automatically by the
further execution of the MATLAB® function fsa.m. For this purpose, the similarity equations
simcase 2.1 and simcase 2.2 are calculated for each successfully applied product from case base
2. Within the user interface, the similarity equation simcase 2.1 is listed for each case from case
base 2 as “functional fulfilment in use case”. For a detailed view of the result of simcase 2.2
for a case of interest, this case can be selected and the result of the comparison visualised.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 12 of 18
For this purpose, the function structure of the new technical problem task is visualised
centrally. The function structure of the selected case is shown in a right window of the
user interface. Identical functions are marked in red. The result of the respective similarity
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
analysis of main functions with the function structure of the case under consideration13 of 21is
listed in detail, cf. Figure 10.
Figure8.8. Initial
Figure Initial applicability
applicability test
test based
based on
on Case
Case Base
Base 11 using
using the
the questionnaire.
For the subsequent process, specify features, the user designs a machine-readable,
hierarchical function structure of the new technical problem with the help of the
Hierarchical Function Structure Builder (HFSB). The HFSB is implemented as the MATLAB®
function fsb.m, cf. Figure 9. The HFSB supports the user by providing the functions derived
from technical folding systems (function catalogue) for selection and the option of
designing new functions. These functionalities, as well as a general consistency check (test)
of the function architecture (including unique relationships, use of the subject–verb
method), help standardise the designed function structure and ensure high-quality input
for the sub-process step select.
Figure Hierarchical Function
Function Architecture
Architecture Builder
Builder for
In the subsequent process, select, the calculation of similarity between the designed
function structure and function structures of case base 2 is carried out automatically by the
further execution of the MATLAB® function fsa.m. For this purpose, the similarity
equations 𝑠𝑖𝑚 . and 𝑠𝑖𝑚 . are calculated for each successfully applied product
from case base 2. Within the user interface, the similarity equation 𝑠𝑖𝑚 . is listed for
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 1513of
of 21
6. Testing
6. Testing of
of the
the EvalTech
EvalTech Method
The EvalTech method was
The EvalTech method was initially
initially tested
tested using
using the
the following
following use
use case.
6.1. Use Case for Testing
6.1. Use Case for Testing
As part of the DFG-funded research project “Design and Development of Convertible
As part of the DFG-funded research project “Design and Development of Convertible
Folding Systems” (E22F, project number 289387994), the EvalTech method developed here is
Folding Systems” (E F, project number 289387994), the EvalTech method developed here
being applied and tested to the concept development of a large-scale covering for industrial
is being applied and tested to the concept development of a large-scale covering for
welding robots.
industrial welding robots.
The overall purpose of the covering to be developed for industrial robots is to provide
The overall purpose of the covering to be developed for industrial robots is to provide
protection of the environment from, for example, flying sparks during welding, thermal
protection of the environment from, for example, flying sparks during welding, thermal
hazards, or optical radiation emitted by the robot during the welding process. Other
hazards, or optical radiation emitted by the robot during the welding process. Other
essential requirements placed on the cover are, for example, opening and closing the cover
essential requirements placed on the cover are, for example, opening and closing the cover
in order to exchange the components to be welded or enabling flexible positioning of the
in order to exchange the components to be welded or enabling flexible positioning of the
cover in the working environment of the welding robot.
in the working
essential environment
functions that theof the welding
covering robot. robots to be developed must fulfil
for welding
are, for example, “protect product interior”, “changewelding
The essential functions that the covering for robots “protect
total volume”, to be developed must
fulfil are,
“shield for example,
material flow”, or “protect product interior”, “change total volume”, “protect
“change position”.
The identified functions form the or
“shield material flow,” “change
starting position”.
point of the initial testing of the EvalTech
The identified functions
method by product developers. form the starting point of the initial testing of the EvalTech
method by product developers.
6.2. Initial Testing of the EvalTech Method
6.2. Initial Testing
The main of the EvalTech
functions Method
and their sub-functions of the large-scale covering for industrial
The form
welding mainthe
startingand their
point forsub-functions of the large-scale
testing the applicability covering
of technical for industrial
folding using the
welding form the starting point for testing the applicability of technical folding using the
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 14 of 18
Figure 11. Function Structure of the large-scale covering for industrial robots, designed with the
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Figure 11. Function Structure of the large-scale covering for industrial robots, designed18with
help of the HFSB and stored as csv file.
of 21the help
of the HFSB and stored as csv file.
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Successfully developed and manufactured solution based on technical folding [31]. (a)
view ofSuccessfully
12. developed
the solution from and (b)
the outside; manufactured solutionfrom
view of the solution based
theon technical folding [31]. (a) view
of the solution from the outside; (b) view of the solution from the inside.
7. Discussion and Conclusions
Despite its promising potential, technical folding has rarely been implemented in
technical systems so far. This is often due to a lack of expertise and experience on the part
of engineers, who are unable to apply the solution principle to their current task during
concept development. Inexperienced product developers tend to choose known solution
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 16 of 18
8. Outlook
Although CBR methods are less prominent compared to other machine learning
approaches (e.g., deep learning or artificial neural networks), this research was able to show
that in areas with standardised structures, such as product development with standardised
function structures, CBR systems are a viable method for decision-making. Nevertheless,
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11417 17 of 18
the improvements described below should be researched and developed in order to make
the applicability evaluation more precise but also generally usable.
In order to use the EvalTech method to accurately identify features of the new system
and to compare them well with the experiences of experts, features should be described
clearly and precisely, and not just by a subject–verb method. Unambiguous and precise
functions can be functions that are defined using the so-called input–output method
according to Lindemann et al. [26]. These functions thus describe the functionality of the
system in a solution-neutral manner by clearly defining the translation of an input into
an output.
For the future, more precise decisions that can be validly made by the computer, the
similarity calculations must be extended for the comparison between functions with identi-
cal meanings or functions that contain grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Further
possibility for a more precise similarity calculation is the formalisation of functions through
additional attributes, such as function flows, which clearly describe the behaviour of the
product via inputs and outputs. In further developments, functional structures should be
built up from functions with function flows and by an input–output method in order to
describe the system’s functionality precisely and to specify the similarity calculations.
In addition, for a meaningful validation, the method must be applied and evaluated
not only on the basis of one concept development but on several future developments. For
the simultaneous evaluation of the applicability of other innovative solution principles,
the CBR system must be expanded to include solutions and thus functions and function
structures of other innovative solution principles. This extension could, for example, create
a general database for searching and finding suitable solution principles on the basis of
functions and function structures. Specific methods and tools for realising the missing CBR
processes, reusing and revising, according to Aamodt and Plaza [29] must be researched and
developed in future studies in order to detail these process steps for the realisation of the
entire CBR process.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.W. and S.S.; Supervision, G.J.; Writing—review and
editing, K.B., C.K., J.M., K.M.G. and A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, engl.
German Research Foundation) as part of the project “Entwurf und Entwicklung von wandel-
baren Faltwerken” (engl. Design and Development of Convertible Folding Systems, project num-
ber 289387994).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made
available by the authors on request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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