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Guidelines for Project DMBA404 - Nov 24

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404





Manipal University Jaipur
Dehmi Kalan, Off Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway,
Jaipur, Rajasthan 303007

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Project .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Phase I: Guide and synopsis approval ............................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Project Guide and it’s role. ....................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Guide approval process ............................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Project synopsis ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1.4 Synopsis approval process ........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Phase II: Project report and viva-voce ............................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Components of Project Report ...................................................................................... 6 Title Page (Annexure III) ....................................................................................... 6 Certification & Declaration (Annexure IV & V) ................................................... 6 Acknowledgments.................................................................................................. 6 Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 6 Executive Summary/Abstract ................................................................................ 6 Literature Review................................................................................................... 7 Research Methodology .......................................................................................... 7 Data Analysis and Interpretation ........................................................................... 7 Findings and Discussion ........................................................................................ 7 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 7 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 7 Limitations of the Study....................................................................................... 7 References/Bibliography...................................................................................... 8 Appendices (Optional) ......................................................................................... 8 Presentation .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 VIVA-VOCE ................................................................................................................ 8
3. Project Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 8
4. Illustrative List of Domains for Project Report ................................................................... 25

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

1. Introduction
The Project course, carrying 4 credits, is a vital component of the MBA program. It aims to
equip learners with the skills to effectively communicate information in a clear and persuasive
manner, thus enhancing their ability to contribute meaningfully to organizational planning and
decision-making processes.
Through this course, students gain the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in real-world
scenario, learning both the methodological rigor and the systematic approach necessary for
conducting a comprehensive study. The outcome of this work is presented in a formal report,
showcasing their findings.
Students are encouraged to engage fully in the project, beginning with the selection of a project
guide and approval of the synopsis in the 3rd (Pre-final) semester, culminating in the completion
of the final project report in the 4th (Final) semester. The selected project topic should be
aligned with MBA-level research standards, reflecting genuine, original work by the student.
Plagiarism or unoriginal content is strictly discouraged, ensuring the integrity and authenticity
of each project.

2. Project
The project is carried out in two phases as mentioned above in the introduction.
Phase I: Guide and synopsis approval
Phase II: Project report and viva-voce

Guide Approval
Phase I
Synopsis Approval
Project Report
Phase II

2.1 Phase I: Guide and synopsis approval

2.1.1 Project Guide and it’s role.

The role of a project guide is important in supporting students to undertake project work and
produce a high-quality project report. A project guide should possess not only expertise in the
relevant subject area but also strong skills in mentoring, guiding, monitoring, and assessing

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

students' work. Their involvement ensures that students receive informed guidance throughout
the project, fostering both academic rigor and practical relevance in their research outcomes.
Role of the guide:
• The guide is expected to assist in refining the research problem identified for the
project, as well as in the preparation of the synopsis, ensuring that the scope and depth
of the problem are appropriate for the rigor of an MBA-level study.
• The guide should regularly monitor and review the student’s progress, conducting at
least two formal reviews during the project. Constructive feedback should be provided
at each stage to support continuous improvement.
• The guide is responsible for thoroughly reviewing the draft project report, offering
suggestions for refinement, and verifying that the report aligns with the prescribed
format and standards before submission.
• The guide shall communicate the approval or rejection of the project synopsis and
report to both the student and the Project Steering Committee, ensuring that all
necessary feedback and decisions are clearly conveyed.

2.1.2 Guide approval process

Every learner needs to arrange a guide who fulfils the criteria set by Manipal University Jaipur
and can guide him/her throughout his project work. Once the guide is arranged, the learner can
collect the scanned copies of the required documents pertaining to the guide so that the same
can be submitted to the university via LMS.
Step 1: Open LMS portal and login using your user-id and password.
Step 2: Click on MBA-project tile and go to test and assignment and then click on
assignments and then ‘Guide Approval’.
Step 3: Read the guidelines carefully before filling the form (Annexure I).
Step 4: Fill annexure I for guide approval.
Step 5: Take printout of duly filled and signed ‘Annexure I’. The file size to be uploaded should
not preferably exceed 3MB. Incomplete forms without the signatures will not be processed.
Step 6: Upload scanned copy of this printed form for guide approval in LMS portal under
appropriate section along with supporting documents as mentioned in Annexure I.
Step 7: Wait for the assessment by project steering committee of the University. The process
may take from 1 day to 5-days depending on the holidays and weekends. In case you don’t
receive any intimation about approval, you may write to [email protected].
Step 8: After receiving guide approval intimation through LMS, you may proceed with
synopsis submission in the prescribed format.

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

2.1.3 Project synopsis

The project synopsis is an important overview of the proposed research, offering a summary
of the project's objectives, scope, and methods. The synopsis should serve as a roadmap for the
study by explicitly defining the research problem, outlining major objectives, and presenting
an overview of the suggested approach and methodology. The objective is to provide the
project guide and the Project Steering Committee with a thorough comprehension of the
project's direction and feasibility.
The synopsis ensures the project adheres to academic standards and fulfils MBA-level
objectives while offering a systematic framework to direct the student's research process.
Approval of a synopsis is essential for progressing with the project, ensuring that the research
problem and methodology are well articulated and feasible.

2.1.4 Synopsis approval process

Step 1: Refer Annexure II provided in LMS to prepare synopsis. Provide details asked in the
annexure as per the guidelines provided in Annexure II. It should be signed by student as well
as the guide.
Step 2: Upload Annexure II with all signatures in LMS portal under appropriate section under
assignments for approval. This assignment will be visible only when your guide is approved.
In case after approval, you are not able to see this assignment, contact
[email protected]
Step 3: Click on “Upload file” under synopsis assignment. Attach the filled-in annexure.
Step 4: Next, click on the “Submit” button as shown below.
Step 5: Once the submit button is clicked, you will get a message stating that the synopsis is
successfully submitted for approval.
Step 6: Once submitted, Project Steering Committee will screen your proposal. At this stage,
you wait for the intimation from PSC. In case you don’t receive any intimation within 5 to 7
days, you may write an email to [email protected].
Step 7: Once your synopsis is approved, you will receive intimation through LMS.
Step 8: If your synopsis needs modifications, you will be requested to re-submit your synopsis
again through LMS.
Step 9: If you complete this process in the third semester then you may wait till fourth semester.
However, due to any circumstances, you complete this process in fourth semester then you may
proceed with project report submission after a few days/weeks.
This completes your phase I of project.

2.2 Phase II: Project report and viva-voce

The project report is the culmination of the student’s research and analysis, presenting the
findings and insights derived from their project work. It should comprehensively document

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

each phase of the research process, from the introduction and literature review to methodology,
data analysis, findings, and conclusions. The detailed component of the report is given later.
The report must reflect a thorough understanding of the research problem and demonstrate the
student’s ability to apply theoretical concepts in practical, real-world scenarios. Structured
according to the prescribed format, the project report should be clear, concise, and
professionally written, aligning with the standards expected of MBA-level research.
The completed report is a formal submission that will be evaluated for both academic rigor and
practical relevance, serving as a valuable demonstration of the student’s analytical, problem-
solving, and presentation skills.

2.2.1 Components of Project Report

(Refer Annexure VI for details on project report components)
The components of project report are: Title Page (Annexure III)

o Includes the project title, student’s name, university/college name, course,

project guide’s name, and date of submission. Certification & Declaration (Annexure IV & V)

o Declaration by the student affirming originality, and certification from the guide
attesting to the student’s work. Acknowledgments

o Acknowledges the support and contributions of individuals and organizations

that helped during the project. Table of Contents

o Lists all sections, chapters, and subheadings with page numbers for easy
navigation. Executive Summary/Abstract

o A brief overview of the project, summarizing the objectives, methodology, key

findings, and conclusions. This section helps readers quickly understand the
scope and purpose of the study.
▪ Introduction
o Introduces the project’s background, context, and rationale.
This section typically includes:
o Background of the study
o Statement of the problem

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

o Research objectives
o Research questions/hypotheses
o Scope of the study Literature Review

o Reviews relevant academic literature, theories, and studies to provide a

framework and justify the research approach. This helps in identifying gaps that
the current project aims to address. Research Methodology

o Describes the research design, methods, and tools used to gather and analyze
data. This section includes:
▪ Research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods)
▪ Data collection methods (surveys, interviews, etc.)
▪ Sampling method and size
▪ Data analysis techniques
▪ Limitations of the methodology Data Analysis and Interpretation

o Presents the data findings, supported by tables, charts, and graphs. Each result
should be analyzed and interpreted in alignment with the research objectives. Findings and Discussion

o Discusses the results in depth, connecting findings to the objectives and research
questions. This section may also include comparisons with previous studies and
discusses any unexpected outcomes. Conclusions

o Summarizes the major findings, emphasizing key insights and conclusions

derived from the study. Recommendations

o Provides actionable recommendations based on the study findings. This section

is particularly valuable for organizations that may apply the results practically. Limitations of the Study

o Acknowledges any constraints that may have impacted the study's findings,
such as time, data access, or methodology limitations.

Project Guidelines – DMBA404 References/Bibliography

o Lists all sources cited in the report, formatted according to a specific academic
style (e.g., APA, MLA). Appendices (Optional)

o Includes supplementary materials, such as survey questionnaires, interview

transcripts, raw data, or additional tables/figures that support the study but are
too detailed to include in the main report. Presentation

o A presentation needs to be prepared based on the project report. The

presentation can have the following slides: Title, introduction, objectives,
research methodology, data collection and interpretation, conclusion, etc.
This presentation can be made in PowerPoint format and then can be
appended to the project report using any pdf merging software or MS office

Once the project report is approved and marked by the project steering committee in the LMS.
The learner needs to record viva-voce on a platform as per the instructions provided by the
University. An email intimation will be sent to the learners with all instructions on how to
record a viva-voce.

3. Project Evaluation
The synopsis, project report and viva-voce will be evaluated by the designated project steering
committee members at the University.
The marks distribution for the same is as follows:
Sl. No. Components Marks
1 Synopsis 30
2.1 Project report 30
2.2 Executive Summary 10
2.3 Presentation 10
2.4 VIVA-VOCE 20
A learner needs to pass in synopsis as well as project report separately. The viva-voce is a
mandatory component of TEE. In case a learner does not appear for viva-voce, his project
report marks also will be recorded as “Absent”.

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

Annexure I

Guidelines to submit guide approval form

For Guide Registration, scanned copies of the Guide’s credentials like MBA or equivalent
mark sheets, degree certificates, government issued photo identity proof like (Voter ID /
Driving License / PAN Card / Passport or Aadhaar Card) and work experience certificate(s)
and this Guide Registration Form need to be submitted to the University by uploading these
documents in LMS. A guide can provide his/her details and credentials when approached by a
prospective project student who is expected to submit the same to the University.
A guide is eligible to guide the student only upon approval by the Project Steering Committee
of the University.
Write all the details in readable format in annexure I below, get it signed by your guide and
upload it along with the above-mentioned scanned copies of supporting documents. You
may either make a single PDF file or can zip all these documents and upload it in LMS at
appropriate place under assignments.


(To be submitted in LMS with supportive documents)

1. Student Details
1. Name of the Program: MBA
2. Name of the Student:
3. Roll Number:
4. Session & Year:
5. Elective:
2. Guide Details
1. Name:
2. Date of Birth:
3. Present Employer: affix guide’s
latest photo
4. Designation:
5. Contact Details:
i) Residential Address:
ii) Office Address:

Project Guidelines – DMBA404

All communications are to be sent to? - Residential/ Official address (tick

iii) Contact No.:
iv) E-mail id:
10. Education Qualification (start with the highest qualification): (Please attach
photocopies of degree certificates)

S. Name Specialization Year of Institution/University Class

No. of the Passing Obtained

11. Area of Specialization/Interest:

12. Total yrs. of Experience: (Please attach photocopies of Experience letters)

S.No. Name of the Designation From To


I hereby declare that the information provided by me is true. I agree with the rules
and regulations given by the University.

Signature (Proposed Guide)

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3. Guide Acceptance

I, Dr./Mr./Mrs. __________________ with working as

_______________________ hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms

____________________________ bearing Reg No. ______________ during the

period ______ (month/year) to _________ (month/year).

(Signature of the Guide)

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Annexure II

Guidelines to write a synopsis

Tips to write a good project title
Tip 1: Avoid using subject names: The title for a project in marketing cannot be simply
‘Marketing Management’. Such titles are considered as broad and vague. It should be a study
in the field of marketing in a specific company or place or product.

Examples of vague titles:

• Customer Relationship Management

• Marketing Management
• Rural Marketing

Examples of acceptable titles:

• A study on the functioning of the customer relations department in XYZ Company

• A study on the influence of social media marketing on the perception of consumers of
Tip 2: Don’t choose an interrogative title: The title should not be in a question form. It should
be a simple statement. Example of incorrect title:
• What is the cash flow analysis of XYZ Company concerning ABC Company?

Example of a correct title

• Comparative study of cash flow analysis between XYZ Company and ABC Company
Tip 3: Don’t use negative in titles: The title should not contain a negative statement about any
product, brand, company or entity.

Example of incorrect title:

• Why don’t consumers like the products of XYZ Company?

• Reasons for consumers not liking products of XYZ Company.

Example of a correct title:

• Consumer preferences towards the XYZ Company/product

Tips to write good project objectives

Tip 1: Project objectives should be SMART-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Timely. It should focus on what you intend to do in the project. Objectives are usually headed
by infinitive verbs such as:

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

• To identify
• To describe
• To determine
• To develop
• To compare
• To analyse
Let’s say the project title is, “A Study on the Influence of Social Media Marketing on the
Perception of Consumers”.

Example of incorrect objectives:

1. Management - It enables the enterprise to provide the correct strategy for social
2. Is more interested in total turnover because of social marketing
3. Consumers are willing to incorporate more social marketing

Example of correct objectives:

1. To analyse the influence of social media on buying behaviour of consumers

2. To identify brands that have effectively used social media to attract consumer
3. To study the social media usage pattern among various age groups
4. To measure the effect of social media on consumer perceptions and attitudes towards
Tip 2: It is ideal to list between 3-5 objectives only.

Research Methodology
It refers to the procedures used in making systematic observations or otherwise obtaining data,
evidence, or information as part of a research project or study. In the research methodology
section of the project, you need to describe how you will proceed to research the problem stated
and achieve the objectives formulated. It includes research hypothesis, research model,
research design, sampling design and research procedure.

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

Use various charts /diagrams /Statistical tools for analysis of data collected through
Primary/Secondary sources of Information.

You may follow APA style to cite references. It includes the list of all those sources you looked
at i.e., all those books, articles, websites, and so on, you cited in your text and also those you
consulted but didn't cite in your text.

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

I. Student Details:
1. Name of the Program:
2. Name of the Student:
3. Roll Number:
4. Session & Year:
5. Elective:
II. Project Proposal Details (Synopsis):
(Learners are advised to read the guidelines provided above before writing
1. Title of the Project:
2. Introduction and Review of Literature: (Not more than 500 words)
3. Objectives of the Study: (Not more than 200 words)
4. Research Methodology and References: (Not more than 500 words)

I hereby declare that this project synopsis is an original work carried out by me
and has not been/will not be submitted to any other University for fulfilment of
any course of study.
(*Duly filled in application forms to be signed by both the student and the Guide.
Forms must be scanned in either .pdf/.docx format and submitted with
documentary proof through the LMS student’s login at appropriate assignment.)

(Signature of the Student) (Signature and name of the guide)

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Annexure III


Project Report Submitted in Partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of Degree of



Submitted by
Reg. No.: __________________

Under the guidance of





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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

Annexure IV


This is to certify that [Student’s Name], a student of [Course Name, e.g., Master

of Business Administration], [Student’s Roll Number], has successfully

completed the project titled "[Project Title]" under my supervision as a part of

the requirements for the MBA program at centre for distance and online

education, Manipal University Jaipur during the academic year [Year/Session,

e.g., 2023-2024].

This project report embodies the original work of the student, conducted with due

diligence, and adheres to the standards expected by the institution. It has not been

submitted to any other institution for any degree, diploma, or certificate.

[Guide’s Signature]
[Guide’s Name]
[Department, University/College Name]

Date: [Date of Certificate Issuance]

Place: [City, State]

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

Annexure V


I, [Student’s Name], a student of Master of Business Administration (MBA), [Roll

Number/Registration Number], hereby declare that the project report titled "[Project Title]"

submitted to Centre for Distance and Online Education, Manipal University Jaipur is a record

of my original work carried out under the guidance of [Guide’s Name, Designation].

I affirm that this project is the result of my own independent effort, and to the best of my

knowledge, it does not contain any material previously published or written by any other person

or material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any other

educational institution, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

I also declare that I have adhered to all the guidelines and standards required for academic

honesty and have cited all sources wherever used.

[Student’s Signature]
[Student’s Name]
[Roll Number/Registration Number]

Date: [Date of Declaration]

Place: [City, State]

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

Annexure VI
Guidelines for Writing Project Report
1. Title of the Project
1. Clarity and Precision
The title should be clear, concise, and accurately represent the essence of the research.
Avoid overly technical terms, jargon, or ambiguous language.
2. Reflect the Research Focus
The title should reflect the primary focus, key variables, or main issue addressed in the
project. It should make the reader immediately understand the scope and context of the
3. Limit the Length
Keep the title brief, ideally between 10-15 words. Avoid unnecessary words or
redundant phrases.
4. Highlight the Industry or Domain
Where relevant, include the industry, region, or organization if it adds specific context.
For example: "Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior in the Indian Retail
5. Use Active and Descriptive Language
Choose active, descriptive words to make the title engaging. Instead of “A Study of…,”
use action-oriented phrases like “An Analysis of…,” “Exploring…,” or “Evaluating…”
to enhance interest.
6. Avoid Abbreviations and Acronyms
Use full terms instead of abbreviations or acronyms, as they may not be universally
understood by all readers.
7. Ensure Relevance to MBA-Level Research
The title should be appropriate for MBA-level research, addressing a topic that has
relevance to business, management, or industry practices.
8. Align with the Project Objectives
The title should accurately reflect the research objectives and align closely with the
project’s goals, ensuring consistency throughout the report.
Examples of Effective Titles
▪ “Evaluating the Role of Supply Chain Analytics in Reducing Operational Costs in E-
▪ “Customer Loyalty in the Digital Age: An Empirical Study of Banking Customers in

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Project Guidelines – DMBA404

▪ “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives on Brand Image in the FMCG

2. Executive Summary
The Executive Summary is a concise overview of the entire project report, highlighting
its key elements and findings. It allows readers to quickly understand the purpose,
methodology, main findings, and recommendations without reading the full report.
Example of an Executive Summary
This study investigates the impact of employee engagement on retention rates in the IT
industry, a sector experiencing high turnover and competition for talent. The project’s
main objective was to analyze how various engagement initiatives, such as career
development programs and flexible work policies, influence employee loyalty and
To achieve these objectives, both primary and secondary data were collected. Primary
data was gathered through a survey distributed to 300 employees from five prominent
IT companies. Data analysis was conducted using statistical tools to establish
correlations between engagement initiatives and retention rates.
The key findings indicate that employee engagement significantly affects retention,
with career development opportunities and work-life balance emerging as the most
influential factors. Additionally, the study found that companies offering flexible work
options reported a 15% lower turnover rate compared to those without such policies.
Based on these findings, it is recommended that IT companies enhance career
development programs and consider flexible work arrangements as strategies to
improve employee retention. Furthermore, regular feedback mechanisms should be
implemented to keep employees engaged and address their evolving needs.
In conclusion, this study highlights the critical role of engagement initiatives in
retaining talent within the IT sector. By adopting the recommended strategies,
companies can foster a more committed workforce and reduce costs associated with
3. Introduction
The Introduction section sets the foundation for the entire project report by providing a
clear overview of the project’s context and purpose. It helps readers understand why
the study is being conducted, what it aims to achieve, and the relevance of the research
to the field. Below are the critical elements typically included in the Introduction
3.1. Background of the Study
This subsection offers an overview of the broader area of research or industry context
in which the project is situated. It explains key trends, issues, or developments that have
shaped the area of study, providing readers with the context needed to understand the

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For instance, if the project focuses on digital marketing, the background might highlight
the rise of digital platforms and shifts in consumer behavior over recent years. This
context helps in framing the relevance of the study.
3.2. Research Objectives
Research objectives clarify the goals the study aims to achieve and are typically
structured as a series of concise statements or bullet points.
Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART). For instance, an objective might be to “evaluate the impact of social media
engagement on customer loyalty in the retail industry.” Some more examples are given
below. These objectives guide the study’s direction and form the basis for the research
questions or hypotheses.
Objectives are usually headed by infinitive verbs such as:
1. To identify
2. To establish
3. To describe
4. To determine
5. To estimate
6. To develop
7. To compare
8. To analyze
9. To collect
Example of correct objectives:
1. To analyse and predict consumer purchasing behaviour using machine learning
algorithms, with a focus on identifying key factors influencing online and offline
2. To assess the relationship between performance appraisal systems and employee
motivation in service-oriented industries.
3. To evaluate the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the financial performance
of export-oriented companies.
4. To evaluate the effectiveness of Six Sigma methodology in minimizing defect rates
and enhancing quality control in electronics manufacturing.
3.3. Research Questions/Hypotheses
This section outlines the primary questions the study seeks to answer or the hypotheses
it aims to test. Research questions should be closely linked to the objectives and provide
a focused inquiry into specific aspects of the problem.

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Hypotheses (if applicable) are formulated when the research aims to test specific
assumptions or relationships. For example, a hypothesis might be: “Higher engagement
in social media campaigns positively influences customer loyalty.” Research questions
and hypotheses serve as the focal points for the analysis and discussion.
3.4. Scope of the Study
The scope defines the boundaries of the research, specifying what will and will not be
covered. This includes aspects such as the geographical area, industry, time-period, or
segments of data.
For instance, if the study examines consumer behaviour, the scope might be limited to
“urban consumers in the Indian retail sector over the past five years.” This boundary-
setting is crucial to ensure that the study remains manageable and targeted.
4. Literature Review
A literature review is a comprehensive analysis of the published research on a specific
topic, conducted by drawing upon scholarly articles, books, projects, conference
proceedings, and other credible sources. This section serves as a foundation for the
project by presenting, summarizing, and critically evaluating the existing literature in
the chosen area of study.
The primary purpose of a literature review is to offer a clear and concise overview of
key research findings, theories, and methodologies relevant to the topic. Through the
literature review, researchers assess and synthesize what is known about the issue or
research question, identify trends, reveal gaps in the existing knowledge, and establish
a context for the current study.
By effectively reviewing past studies, students demonstrate their understanding of the
research landscape, support their project objectives, and clarify the unique contribution
their study will make to the field.
The components of a Literature Review include:
▪ Introduction: Overview of the topic, purpose of the review, and its relevance
to the research.
▪ Thematic or Chronological Organization: Structure the review by key
themes, theories, or chronological order.
▪ Summary of Key Studies: Brief description of significant studies, findings,
methodologies, and limitations.
▪ Identification of Gaps: Highlight areas where existing research is insufficient
or unexplored.
▪ Conclusion: Summary of key insights and how the review informs the current
5. Research Methodology

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Research Methodology outlines the approach and methods used to collect, analyze, and
interpret data for the research project. It is crucial for defining how the study will be
conducted and ensuring the research is systematic, reliable, and valid. Below are the
key components typically included in the Research Methodology section:
5.1 Components of Research Methodology
1. Research Design
Definition: Describes the overall strategy adopted to conduct the research.
Types: Can be exploratory, descriptive, analytical, or experimental, depending
on the study's objectives.
2. Research Approach
Quantitative: Involves numerical data and statistical analysis to test
Qualitative: Focuses on non-numerical data, such as interviews or case studies,
to explore phenomena and gain insights.
Mixed Methods: Combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
3. Data Collection Methods
Primary Data: Collected directly from the source, e.g., surveys, interviews,
focus groups, observations.
Secondary Data: Involves data gathered from existing sources like academic
articles, reports, company records, or public databases.
Tools & Instruments: Describe the specific tools used for data collection, e.g.,
questionnaires, interview guides, software for surveys.
4. Sampling
Population: Define the target population for the research (e.g., employees of a
company, consumers in a market).
Sampling Techniques: Explain how participants or data points are selected
(e.g., random sampling, stratified sampling, convenience sampling).
Sample Size: Justify the number of samples chosen for the study.
5. Data Analysis Techniques
Statistical Analysis: For quantitative research, use of tools like SPSS, Excel,
or R to analyze numerical data.
Qualitative Analysis: Techniques like thematic analysis or content analysis for
non-numerical data, often using software like NVivo or Atlas.ti.
Tools Used: Mention any software or methods employed for data analysis (e.g.,
regression analysis, ANOVA, coding).
6. Limitations of the Study

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Acknowledge any constraints or challenges that may impact the research, such
as time, resources, or access to data.
7. Validity and Reliability
Discuss the steps taken to ensure the reliability (consistency) and validity
(accuracy) of the research methods and findings.
6. Data Analysis and Interpretation
Data Analysis and Interpretation is an important section in an MBA project, where raw
data collected from research is transformed into meaningful information that addresses
the research questions or hypotheses. It involves applying statistical or qualitative
methods to analyse the data, drawing insights, and discussing how these findings relate
to the research objectives.
7. Findings and Discussion
The Findings and Discussion section of a research project is where you present the key
results of your analysis and interpret their significance in relation to your research
questions or hypotheses. It is a critical part of the research report as it links the data
with the broader context of the study, offering insight into what the results mean, their
implications, and how they align or contrast with existing literature.
8. Conclusion
The Conclusion section of an MBA project report is where you succinctly summarize
the key findings of your research, restate the research objectives, and provide a final
interpretation of the results. It offers closure to your study and emphasizes the overall
contribution of your research to the field. This section should be concise, impactful,
and focus on the broader implications of your work.
The Conclusion serves as the final word on your study, summarizing its significance
and reinforcing its value to the academic and professional community.
9. Recommendations
The Recommendations section of an MBA project report presents practical suggestions
based on the study's findings and conclusions. This section is meant to provide
actionable insights for organizations, policymakers, or other stakeholders to implement
based on the research outcomes. Recommendations should be grounded in the data
analysis and provide feasible solutions to the issues identified during the research.
9.1 Components of Recommendations
1. Actionable Suggestions
2. Based on Study Findings
3. Feasibility and Practicality
4. Suggestions for Improvement
5. Future Research or Study

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10. Limitation of the study

The Limitations of the Study section in an MBA project report outlines the constraints
or shortcomings of the research that could have influenced the results or findings.
Acknowledging the limitations provides transparency and helps the reader to
understand the context in which the study was conducted. It also demonstrates the
researcher's critical thinking and awareness of potential weaknesses in the study design
or methodology.
10.1 Components of the limitation of the study
1. Scope of the Study
2. Methodological Limitations
3. Time Constraints
4. Data Limitations
5. External Factors
6. Subjectivity and Bias
11. References/Bibliography
The References/Bibliography section of an MBA project report lists all the sources that
have been cited or consulted during the research process. It serves to give credit to the
original authors and allows readers to verify the information and explore further
resources. This section should follow APA citation style.
11.1 Example of References Section (APA Style):
▪ Brown, A. (2020). The role of leadership in corporate governance. Journal of
Business Research, 45(3), 215-228.
▪ Gupta, N. (2021, August 12). Role of data science in business decision-
making. Tech Insight. https://www.techinsight.com/data-science
▪ Smith, J. (2018). Strategic Management: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed.

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Annexure VII

4. Illustrative List of Domains for Project Report

1. Data Science
▪ Predictive Analytics in Business
▪ Machine Learning Algorithms for Market Forecasting
▪ Big Data in Customer Behavior Analysis
▪ Data-Driven Decision-Making in Marketing
▪ Artificial Intelligence in Financial Risk Management
▪ Sentiment Analysis for Brand Monitoring
▪ Data Visualization for Business Insights
2. Human Resources (HR)
▪ Employee Engagement and Productivity
▪ Impact of Remote Work on Employee Performance
▪ Talent Acquisition Strategies in the Digital Age
▪ Leadership Styles and Their Influence on Organizational Culture
▪ Employee Retention and Job Satisfaction
▪ Diversity and Inclusion Practices in Multinational Corporations
▪ Training and Development in a Post-COVID Workplace
3. International Business
▪ Market Entry Strategies for International Expansion
▪ Cross-Cultural Management in Global Organizations
▪ International Trade and Economic Policies
▪ Impact of Globalization on Business Strategy
▪ Global Supply Chain Management and Risk Mitigation
▪ International Marketing Strategies in Emerging Markets
▪ Geopolitical Risks and Their Impact on International Business
4. Operations Management
▪ Lean Manufacturing and Process Optimization
▪ Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilience
▪ Automation and Robotics in Manufacturing
▪ Inventory Management Techniques and Best Practices

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▪ Quality Control and Six Sigma Methodologies

▪ Sustainability in Operations and Green Logistics
▪ Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory and Cost Reduction
5. Marketing Management
▪ Consumer Behavior and Buying Decisions
▪ Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
▪ Branding and Brand Equity in Competitive Markets
▪ Social Media Marketing and its Impact on Consumer Engagement
▪ Product Launch Strategies in a Saturated Market
▪ Market Segmentation and Targeting in E-Commerce
▪ Influencer Marketing and ROI
6. Financial Management
▪ Risk Management Strategies in Financial Investments
▪ Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance
▪ Financial Performance Analysis and Benchmarking
▪ Valuation Methods for Mergers and Acquisitions
▪ Corporate Financing and Capital Structure Decisions
▪ Behavioral Finance and Investor Decision-Making
▪ Financial Technology (FinTech) and Its Disruption in Banking
7. Strategic Management
▪ Competitive Strategy in the Digital Era
▪ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Strategy
▪ Innovation Strategies for Sustained Competitive Advantage
▪ Strategic Alliances and Partnerships in Global Business
▪ Business Process Reengineering for Strategic Change
▪ Mergers & Acquisitions: Strategic Motivations and Outcomes
▪ Corporate Strategy in Emerging Economies
8. Supply Chain Management
▪ E-Supply Chain and Its Impact on Traditional Logistics
▪ Blockchain in Supply Chain Transparency
▪ Supplier Relationship Management and Collaboration
▪ Logistics Optimization and Cost Reduction Strategies

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▪ Impact of Global Supply Chain Disruptions (e.g., COVID-19)

▪ Sustainable Supply Chains and Green Procurement
▪ Inventory Control and Demand Forecasting Techniques
9. Project Management
▪ Risk Management in Project Planning and Execution
▪ Agile Project Management in IT and Software Development
▪ Project Cost Estimation and Budgeting Techniques
▪ Stakeholder Management in Large-Scale Projects
▪ Project Scheduling Tools and Techniques
▪ Project Monitoring and Control Mechanisms
▪ Project Portfolio Management and Strategic Alignment
10. Retail Management
▪ E-commerce vs. Traditional Retail: Consumer Behavior Comparison
▪ Omni-channel Retailing: Strategies and Best Practices
▪ Inventory Management in Retail Operations
▪ Customer Loyalty Programs and Retention Strategies
▪ Retail Marketing in a Digital World
▪ Retail Analytics and Customer Insights
11. FinTech & IT
▪ Blockchain Technology in Financial Services: Current Trends and Future Prospects
▪ The Role of Cryptocurrencies in Modern Investment Portfolios
▪ Blockchain for Secure and Transparent Banking Transactions
▪ The Rise of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Platforms
▪ Digital Wallets and Mobile Payment Systems: Adoption and Challenges
▪ The Role of Robo-Advisors in Wealth Management
▪ The Impact of FinTech on Traditional Banking Models
▪ Cloud Computing in the Banking and Insurance Industry
▪ The Role of FinTech in Promoting Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries
▪ Mobile Banking and Its Impact on Financial Literacy in Rural Areas
12. International Business
▪ Strategic Approaches to Entering Emerging Markets
▪ The Role of Joint Ventures in Global Business Expansion

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▪ Market Penetration and Product Adaptation Strategies for Global Markets

▪ The Impact of Trade Tariffs on International Business Operations
▪ Free Trade Agreements and Their Impact on Global Supply Chains
▪ The Role of International Organizations (WTO, IMF) in Shaping Global Business
▪ Competitive Advantage in Global Markets: A Case Study of Multinational
▪ Corporate Strategy for International Expansion: A Study of Global Brands
▪ Managing International Mergers and Acquisitions: Challenges and Strategies
13. Banking and Insurance
▪ The Rise of Digital Banking: Opportunities and Challenges
▪ Mobile Banking and its Impact on Customer Experience
▪ Digital Payment Systems and Financial Inclusion
▪ Consumer Behavior in the Adoption of Banking Products
▪ A Study of Loan Products: Personal vs. Mortgage Lending
▪ Impact of Green Banking Practices on Customer Loyalty
▪ The Impact of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations on Banks
▪ Risk-based Capital Requirements and Their Impact on Bank Lending

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