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•The base form of the word acculturation is culture.

•Culture means way of living and a way of life

•Culture means that there are certain ways and reasons which individuals and groups of people speak,
conduct them, celebrate holidays, and express their belief systems,

•Acculturation is when individuals or groups of people transition from living a Ifestyle of their own culture
moving into living a lifestyle of another culture. It is also an act of

•Adapting new culture without disregarding your own culture. People must acculturate or come to adapt
the new culture’s behaviors, values,

•Custom, and language. According to John Schumann acculturation is a combination of a second

language with a target language. He himself believed that SLA is one of the examples of acculturation for
the reason that acquiring a new language is part of the process of acculturation.

•Does not deal with the process of language learning as we normally think of it (how we learn grammar,
listening skills). But rather focuses on: factors that influence our success in learning a language.

•Failure to learn the language can be explained by the following factors:


✓Social Distance focuses on quantity in contact with the target language.

✓Social Variables are the 2-social group with different language that are in a contact situation.

a. 2LL (Second Language Learner group)

b. TL (Target Language group)

1.SOCIAL DOMINANCE – If one group exerts power over other.

➤ If 2LL is superior the tendency is they will not learn the language. They might feel that they are not the
ones who are supposed to adjust.

➤If 2LL is inferior they will resist learning the target language. They might get intimidated to TL and they
might fear to make such mistakes.

➤These explain the political, cultural, technological, economical differences the second language
learner group and Target language group have.
2.INTEGRATION- involves integration pattern

➤ Assimilation- 21.L gives up his native language to adapt and learn the second language/target

➤ Preservation-2LL. Preserves his native language and refuse to learn the target language.

➤ Adaptation-2LL becomes bicultural and switch depending on the group that he is with.

3. ENLOSURE- refers to the degree to which the 2LL and TL. Share the same social construct (schools,
clubs, church, and etc.)

➤ LOW ENCLOSURE: the contact will improve since there’s an interaction between 2LL and TL. The
opportunity for acquisition of 2 language will increase.

➤ HIGH ENCLOSURE: the contact would be limited and opportunities for SLA are reduced.

4. COHESIVENESS If 2LL is cohesive (united), the tendency is that they will remain separate from TL This
situation will reduce opportunities for SLA because there’s no contact/interaction with TL

➤Tight-Knit Group of Learners = more social distance

➤Learner Group is less united = less social distance

5. SIZE - large groups are more likely to be distant

➤ The larger the group that you have, the communication is not frequent that leads to creating more
distance for there is no direct relationship and communication that will help in acquiring language.

6. CULTURAL CONGRUENCE-distance is due to cultural differences

➤ If the culture that you grow up with is totally different with the culture that has been newly introduced
to you, it creates huge adjustment and creates more distance.

7. ATTITUDE-negative attitude increases distance

➤ Negative attitude can also be a reason in failure of acquiring language. If you once had doubts and
become negative towards your target language, this leads to acquiring the language a lot harder for it
creates distance between you and the language you want to acquire.

8. INTENDED LENGTH OF RESIDENCE -short time more distance

➤ The length of your stay in a certain country is one of the common factors in acculturation. The more
time you spend the more chances you’ll adapt and acquire both culture and the language. But if you stay
for a short time, the connection that you just build, the relationship you just had and all the interaction
will just vanish that will lead to more distance and failure to acquire target language.

1. LANGUAGE SHOCK it is the sudden and unwanted responses to sudden use of second language.
Language shock may differ in children and adults
2. CULTURAL SHOCK defined as anxiety or confusion caused by change of environment or entering
a new culture. In here it includes the following: strong sense of disorientation, strong sense of
rejection of acquired culture and may result to further difficulties in SLA.
3. MOTIVATION -the driving force or reason for learning a new language.

It has two types:

•Integrative where the learner admires the target language or the target culture itself.

•Instrumental where it does not have any interest to the target language yet a necessary thing to do to
have a better living.

4. EGO PERMEABILITY where the learner’s ego is open to adapt on their surroundings. Building the
right foundations in acquiring a language (Sound, Sound Patterns. Meanings, Construction, etc.)
Simply an adaptation to new changes, it is derived from the concept of ego which balances the
thoughts of id and Superego-In the long run became fixed.


Dr. Roger Andersen proposed the Nativization Model which sought an explanation on how learners create
and reorganize their interlanguage systems verbally interacting with more proficient speakers

• In nativization, it happens when the second language become the native language of others. It refers to
the language that the environment requires you to acquire (Mother tongue/Native language) and have
something to do with “Where you grew up” more than “Where you were born”.


Under the general processes in this model, we have the nativization and denativization.

✓NATIVIZATION-it is when a borrowed language becomes the native to a certain group and it is
unconsciously being adapted as it becomes part of the culture. In nativization, just take note that we are
just borrowing words that comes from other language and it is not originally our own.

✓DENATIVIZATION – is when we adjust just to fit in the target language we want to acquire. Remember
that we are the one who is adjusting or making adjustment for us to acquire the language we want to

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