3, Test
3, Test
3, Test
Imię ..................................................................................
Every year millions of people from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom celebrate Remembrance Day.
The day is also known as Poppy Day. In September 1914 Germany attacked France and Russia, starting the
first world war. Remembrance Day commemorates all the soldiers who died in that war, as well as other wars
since. The war ended at 11.00 on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, which is why the main
event of Poppy Day is a two-minute silence at 11.00 am. Although most people do not take a break from
school or work for this, they might attend a parade or religious ceremony on the Sunday nearest to the 11th
November. Many people wear paper poppies in the days leading up to the 11th, so don’t be surprised to see
newsreaders or politicians wearing one on TV. Poppies are red flowers and they symbolise remembrance of
the blood shed during war. Some people prefer to wear white poppies as a symbol of peace and reconciliation.
In Australia Poppy Day is a chance for families to get together; Canadians usually watch ceremonies at the
National War Memorial in Ottawa; in Britain there is a large ceremony in London, but many smaller ones are
held at local war memorials. The first world war is more than 100 years ago now, but it’s still remembered on
Poppy Day.
1. Germany invaded Russia and France in 1914. T F
2. People commemorate Remembrance Day on 11th September. T F
3. Poppy Day is a public holiday, so schools and offices are closed. T F
4. It’s possible to see people wearing poppies before the 11th November. T F
5. In Australia Poppy Day is a chance to visit relatives. T F
Next week I’m planning to change my days in a crazy way. I’m going to sleep (1) ____ the middle of the day
and watch TV (2) ____ night. My cousin is visiting me (3) ____ Tuesday and together we plan to jump (4)
____ the cold water in the swimming pool. Next we’re going to go (5) ____ school even though it’s summer.
1. A. at B. on C. in
2. A. to B. at C. in
3. A. in B. at C. on
4. A. under B. towards C. into
5. A. at B. to C. on
15 Listen to the recordings (1–4). Match the responses (A–E) with the recordings. There is one extra ( ... / 1 p.)
Wysłuchaj nagrań (1–4). Dopasuj reakcje (A–E) do nagrań. Jedna reakcja została podana dodatkowo.
In the past, nobody used email, they only had (1) ____, so sending information took longer. Now you send an
(2) ____ with an email and it arrives a moment later. Forty years ago there were no mobile phones and you
used a (3) ____ to (4) ____. Now we only need one (5) ____ to do everything – a smartphone.
I often (1) ____ with my friends, and we (2) ____ into the town centre. We don’t do anything special, we just
(3) ____ in the park or on the main square. Sometimes we (4) ____ to someone’s house, but we can’t (5) ____
late because our parents don’t like it.
21 Match the prepositions with the words. Write A–D in the correct box. ( ... / 4 p.)
Dopasuj przyimki do wyrazów. Wpisz literę A–D w poprawne miejsce.
a b c
d e f
23 Translate the phrases in brackets into English. Use a maximum of three words in each gap. ( ... / 4 p.)
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy.
Dear Tina,
You asked me about my plans for the week, so this is what I’m doing. On Monday and Tuesday, I’m
attending karate classes at six o’clock. They last an hour and a half, so I won’t get home until after eight in
the evening. On Monday, I’m also going to my aunt’s to help my cousin with his homework. On Wednesday
I’m going to the theatre with my class. I don’t remember what play we are seeing, but we are going with my
English teacher, so we don’t have a choice. On Friday, some relatives are coming to visit us. They’re
organising a summer holiday with my family, and they want to tell us about their
Oto plan Nicka, o który prosiłaś. Najbardziej zajęty będzie w poniedziałek, ponieważ najpierw idzie na
trening karate a później pomaga (1) _________________________. We wtorek ponownie idzie (2)
________________________________. W środę razem ze swoją klasą idzie do (3)
_____________________. Na przedstawienie zabiera ich (4) ____________________________. W piątek
odwiedza go rodzina, żeby porozmawiać o (5) _____________________, które organizują. Mam nadzieję, że
uda Wam się jakoś umówić.
27 W twojej szkole organizowany jest koncert. Przeczytaj informacje o koncercie i napisz zaproszenie dla ( ... / 4 p.)
kuzyna. W zaproszeniu uwzględnij informacje o:
Dear Tina,
You asked me about my plans for the week so here’s what I’m doing. On Monday and
Tuesday, I’m attending karate classes at six o’clock. They last an hour and a half, so I won’t get home until
after eight in the evening. On Monday, I’m also going to my aunt’s to help my cousin with his homework. On
Wednesday I’m going to the theatre with my class. We are going with our teacher. On Friday, some relatives
are coming to visit us. They’re organising a summer holiday with my family, and they want to tell us about
their ideas.
Love, Nick
Nick przesłał mi plan swojego przyszłego tygodnia, o który prosiłaś. Najbardziej zajęty będzie w
poniedziałek, ponieważ najpierw idzie na trening karate a później pomaga (1) ____________________ w
pracy domowej. We wtorek ponownie idzie (2) _______________. W środę razem ze swoją klasą idzie na
przedstawienie teatralne z nauczycielem. W piątek odwiedza go rodzina, żeby porozmawiać o (3)
___________________, które organizują. Mam nadzieję, że uda Wam się jakoś umówić.
29 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. ( ... / 10 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania, zakreślając poprawną odpowiedź.
1. k g h t i c k m a z i n t e r n e t h a g d e s k t o p d s f t e c h n o l o g y k d t e m a i l m i g
2. k l u a t t a c h m e n t p o j r e c e i v e y t l n e t w o r k c i g s m a r t p h o n e m l g c o n t a c t a g h
1. This is a gaming de _ i _ e.
2. This is a _ a _ top.
3. A funny name for letters is s _ ai _ mail.
4. He is surfing the i _ _ er _ et.
5. She wants to p _ s _ a letter.
6. She is using a la _ d _ ine, not a mobile phone.
7. You need to _ lic _ the button.
8. This is a di _ it _ l camera.
9. This is a _ ol _ er.
10. You can use a mobile to ma _ e a c _ ll.
a b c d e
f g h i j
1. t s y t o g e t h e r i s u f u n j b f t s t a y s l u f o r w a r d c i r c a l l w o p
2. o s t co m p a n y a g r s p a r k l e r s o t x b a l l o o n s e k u s h a r p y t i s e a t l a u
a b c d e
f g h i j
35 You are organizing a surprise birthday party for your sister. Write an invitation to her friends in which ( ... / 6 p.)
you say:
37 Translate the words in brackets. You can use a maximum of three words. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. He did ________________ (nie wszedł do) the café, but waited outside.
2. He ________________ (wszedł na) the stadium with his ticket in his hand.
3. Is the garage ________________ (z tyłu) of the house?
4. They walked ________________ (ze stacji kolejowej) station to the castle.
5. I’ve got an important exam ________________ (w czwartek).
38 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences (affirmative, negative and question forms). You ( ... / 10 p.)
can change the form of the verbs.
Last week my grandma asked me to show her how to use a computer. She is very traditional, so she doesn’t
like mobiles and other (1) ____________________, and she always (2) ____________________ letters by
snail mail. I thought teaching her would be difficult, but she learnt very quickly. She even bought a
smartphone and now she contacts her friends by texting them and often (3) ____________________ calls to
the whole family. It was very easy to teach her. I’m so proud of her!
40 Fill the gaps to complete the words. ( ... / 9 p.)
1. f _ ld _ r
2. t _ c _
3. _ ma _ l address
4. t _ c _ nology
5. i _ te _ net
6. at _ ac _ ment
7. c _ nta _ t
8. so _ i _ l net _ ork
9. s _ artp _ one
41 Label the pictures. The first letters are given. ( ... / 10 p.)
6. She is using 7. You need to 8. This is 9. This is 10. You can use
a l__________. c__________ a d_________ a f__________. a mobile to
She isn’t using the button. camera. m__________
a mobile phone. a c__________.
42 Translate the words in brackets. You can use a maximum of three words. ( ... / 5 p.)
44 Read the text. Fill gaps 1–3 with the words in the box. There are three extra words. ( ... / 6 p.)
I went to my friend’s house at the weekend to play board games. We (1) ____________________ great fun
and we (2) ____________________ for hours. At 2.00 a.m. my friend said it was getting (3)
____________________, so we stopped playing. We’re playing again next weekend.
45 Fill the gaps to complete the words and phrases. ( ... / 9 p.)
1. get t _ get _ er
2. b_ f_ e_
3. h _ ve f _ n
4. look for _ a _ d to
5. m _ k _ yourself at home
6. good _ ompan _
7. c _ ll b _ ck
8. _ al _ off
9. s _ ay _ n
Every year millions of people from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom celebrate Remembrance Day.
The day is also known as Poppy Day. In September 1914 Germany attacked France and Russia, starting the
first world war. Remembrance Day commemorates all the soldiers who died in that war, as well as other wars
since. The war ended at 11.00 on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, which is why the main
event of Poppy Day is a two-minute silence at 11.00 am. Although most people do not take a break from
school or work for this, they might attend a parade or religious ceremony on the Sunday nearest to the 11th
November. Many people wear paper poppies in the days leading up to the 11th, so don’t be surprised to see
newsreaders or politicians wearing one on TV. Poppies are red flowers and they symbolise remembrance of
the blood shed during war. Some people prefer to wear white poppies as a symbol of peace and reconciliation.
In Australia Poppy Day is a chance for families to get together; Canadians usually watch ceremonies at the
National War Memorial in Ottawa; in Britain there is a large ceremony in London, but many smaller ones are
held at local war memorials. The first world war is more than 100 years ago now, but it’s still remembered on
Poppy Day.
1. Germany invaded Russia and France in 1914. T F
2. People commemorate Remembrance Day on 11th September. T F
3. Poppy Day is a public holiday, so schools and offices are closed. T F
4. It’s possible to see people wearing poppies before the 11th November. T F
5. In Australia Poppy Day is a chance to visit relatives. T F
Next week I’m planning to change my days in a crazy way. I’m going to sleep (1) ____ the middle of the day
and watch TV (2) ____ night. My cousin is visiting me (3) ____ Tuesday and together we plan to jump (4)
____ the cold water in the swimming pool. Next we’re going to go (5) ____ school even though it’s summer.
1. A. in B. on C. at
2. A. to B. in C. at
3. A. at B. on C. in
4. A. under B. into C. towards
5. A. on B. to C. at
15 Listen to the recordings (1–4). Match the responses (A–E) with the recordings. There is one extra ( ... / 1 p.)
Wysłuchaj nagrań (1–4). Dopasuj reakcje (A–E) do nagrań. Jedna reakcja została podana dodatkowo.
In the past, nobody used email, they only had (1) ____, so sending information took longer. Now you send an
(2) ____ with an email and it arrives a moment later. Forty years ago there were no mobile phones and you
used a (3) ____ to (4) ____. Now we only need one (5) ____ to do everything – a smartphone.
I often (1) ____ with my friends, and we (2) ____ into the town centre. We don’t do anything special, we just
(3) ____ in the park or on the main square. Sometimes we (4) ____ to someone’s house, but we can’t (5) ____
late because our parents don’t like it.
21 Match the prepositions with the words. Write A–D in the correct box. ( ... / 4 p.)
Dopasuj przyimki do wyrazów. Wpisz literę A–D w poprawne miejsce.
a b c
d e f
23 Translate the phrases in brackets into English. Use a maximum of three words in each gap. ( ... / 4 p.)
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy.
Dear Tina,
You asked me about my plans for the week, so this is what I’m doing. On Monday and Tuesday, I’m
attending karate classes at six o’clock. They last an hour and a half, so I won’t get home until after eight in
the evening. On Monday, I’m also going to my aunt’s to help my cousin with his homework. On Wednesday
I’m going to the theatre with my class. I don’t remember what play we are seeing, but we are going with my
English teacher, so we don’t have a choice. On Friday, some relatives are coming to visit us. They’re
organising a summer holiday with my family, and they want to tell us about their
Oto plan Nicka, o który prosiłaś. Najbardziej zajęty będzie w poniedziałek, ponieważ najpierw idzie na
trening karate a później pomaga (1) _________________________. We wtorek ponownie idzie (2)
________________________________. W środę razem ze swoją klasą idzie do (3)
_____________________. Na przedstawienie zabiera ich (4) ____________________________. W piątek
odwiedza go rodzina, żeby porozmawiać o (5) _____________________, które organizują. Mam nadzieję, że
uda Wam się jakoś umówić.
27 W twojej szkole organizowany jest koncert. Przeczytaj informacje o koncercie i napisz zaproszenie dla ( ... / 4 p.)
kuzyna. W zaproszeniu uwzględnij informacje o:
Dear Tina,
You asked me about my plans for the week so here’s what I’m doing. On Monday and
Tuesday, I’m attending karate classes at six o’clock. They last an hour and a half, so I won’t get home until
after eight in the evening. On Monday, I’m also going to my aunt’s to help my cousin with his homework. On
Wednesday I’m going to the theatre with my class. We are going with our teacher. On Friday, some relatives
are coming to visit us. They’re organising a summer holiday with my family, and they want to tell us about
their ideas.
Love, Nick
Nick przesłał mi plan swojego przyszłego tygodnia, o który prosiłaś. Najbardziej zajęty będzie w
poniedziałek, ponieważ najpierw idzie na trening karate a później pomaga (1) ____________________ w
pracy domowej. We wtorek ponownie idzie (2) _______________. W środę razem ze swoją klasą idzie na
przedstawienie teatralne z nauczycielem. W piątek odwiedza go rodzina, żeby porozmawiać o (3)
___________________, które organizują. Mam nadzieję, że uda Wam się jakoś umówić.
29 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. ( ... / 10 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania, zakreślając poprawną odpowiedź.
1. k p o t e c h n o l o g y m s x r e c e i v e h i z c o n t a c t d p z t i c k q v k n e t w o r k c r m
2. s f k i n t e r n e t p u i s m a r t p h o n e y x t d e s k t o p c p x a t t a c h m e n t m p d e m a i l h t a
1. This is a di _ it _ l camera.
2. He is surfing the i _ _ er _ et.
3. This is a gaming de _ i _ e.
4. You can use a mobile to ma _ e a c _ ll.
5. This is a _ ol _ er.
6. She is using a la _ d _ ine, not a mobile phone.
7. You need to _ lic _ the button.
8. This is a _ a _ top.
9. She wants to p _ s _ a letter.
10. A funny name for letters is s _ ai _ mail.
a b c d e
f g h i j
1. t g v s e a t i p s f u n j g h co m p a n y s o z b a l l o o n s c y t s h a r p w o u
2. o k i f o r w a r d a g u s p a r k l e r s x t u c a l l i k p s t a y q p y t o g e t h e r l o x
a b c d e
f g h i j
35 You are organizing a surprise birthday party for your sister. Write an invitation to her friends in which ( ... / 6 p.)
you say:
37 Translate the words in brackets. You can use a maximum of three words. ( ... / 5 p.)
Last week my grandma asked me to show her how to use a computer. She is very traditional, so she doesn’t
like mobiles and other (1) ____________________, and she always (2) ____________________ letters by
snail mail. I thought teaching her would be difficult, but she learnt very quickly. She even bought a
smartphone and now she contacts her friends by texting them and often (3) ____________________ calls to
the whole family. It was very easy to teach her. I’m so proud of her!
40 Fill the gaps to complete the words. ( ... / 9 p.)
1. t _ c _
2. f _ ld _ r
3. t _ c _ nology
4. _ ma _ l address
5. at _ ac _ ment
6. i _ te _ net
7. so _ i _ l net _ ork
8. c _ nta _ t
9. s _ artp _ one
41 Label the pictures. The first letters are given. ( ... / 10 p.)
42 Translate the words in brackets. You can use a maximum of three words. ( ... / 5 p.)
44 Read the text. Fill gaps 1–3 with the words in the box. There are three extra words. ( ... / 6 p.)
I went to my friend’s house at the weekend to play board games. We (1) ____________________ great fun
and we (2) ____________________ for hours. At 2.00 a.m. my friend said it was getting (3)
____________________, so we stopped playing. We’re playing again next weekend.
45 Fill the gaps to complete the words and phrases. ( ... / 9 p.)
1. c _ ll b _ ck
2. _ al _ off
3. b_ f_ e_
4. s _ ay _ n
5. get t _ get _ er
6. h _ ve f _ n
7. look for _ a _ d to
8. m _ k _ yourself at home
9. good _ ompan _