Background: Paralympic swimmers with vision impairment (VI) currently compete in one of the three classes
depending on their visual acuity (VA) and/or visual field. However, there is no evidence to suggest that a three-class
system is the most legitimate approach for classification in swimming, or that the tests of VA and visual field are the
most suitable. An evidence-based approach is required to establish the relationship between visual function and per‑
formance in the sport. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the relationship between visual function and
performance in VI Para swimming. The swimming performance of 45 elite VI swimmers was evaluated during interna‑
tional competitions by measuring the total race time, start time, clean swim velocity, ability to swim in a straight line,
turn time, and finish time. Visual function was measured using a test battery that included VA, contrast sensitivity, light
sensitivity, depth perception, visual search, and motion perception.
Results: Results revealed that VA was the best predictor of total race time (r = 0.40, p < 0.01), though the relationship
was not linear. Decision tree analysis suggested that only two classes were necessary for legitimate competition in VI
swimming, with a single cut-off between 2.6 and 3.5 logMAR. No further significant association remained between
visual function and performance in either of the two resulting classes (all |rs|< 0.11 and ps > 0.54).
Conclusions: Results suggest that legitimate competition in VI swimming requires one class for partially sighted and
another for functionally blind athletes.
Keywords: Paralympic sports, Swimming, Vision impairment, Evidence-based classification, Decision tree analysis
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Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 2 of 18
Classification systems are necessarily sport-specific. function[6].1 However, change is on the horizon. VI rifle
Indeed, while being heavier can be advantageous in some shooting recently became the first VI sport to implement
sports, it will be disadvantageous in others (e.g., gym- their own sport-specific system of classification. Research
nastic). However, the number of factors that can be con- in VI rifle shooting demonstrated that only one class was
trolled for in a given sport is limited. Indeed, there are a necessary in that sport, because functionally blind ath-
limited number of event slots in major competitions (e.g., letes could perform just as well as athletes with much less
in the Olympic and Paralympic games; [1]). Also, sports impairment, presumably because in that sport they can
that use too many classes encounter logistical challenges effectively rely on the auditory feedback used in the sport
when structuring competition. Moreover, by awarding to guide the rifle [8–13]. Research has also begun in other
too many medals, those sports can risk devaluing the VI sports including football [14, 15], judo [16–21], skiing
worth of an individual medal, especially at the highest [22, 23], athletics [24], goalball [25], and swimming [7].
level. Therefore, only those factors that have the greatest
impact on performance are usually controlled for. Classification in VI Swimming
In Para sports for people with impairment, classifica- Empirical evidence suggests that the existing system of
tion is required to account for the degree to which an ath- classification for VI swimming may not be fit for pur-
lete’s impairment impacts their performance in the sport pose. Studies suggest there may be no difference in the
[2]. Para athletes should compete against others with an performance of athletes in the S12 and S13 classes (i.e.,
impairment that has a comparable impact on their sport equivalent to B2 and B3; [26–28]). Both groups perform
performance. Moreover, an athlete’s class should be allo- better than the S11 athletes (i.e., equivalent to B1), sug-
cated based on the loss of function resulting from their gesting that VI does impact performance, but in a nonlin-
impairment, and that class should not change as a result ear fashion. In particular, S11 swimmers take more time
of training. Classification of impairment in Para sports than S12s and S13s to turn [26], suggesting that specific
was originally based on an athlete’s medical diagnosis aspects of a race might be influenced by their poorer vis-
(e.g., on the location of a spinal cord injury). A problem ual function.
with this approach was that it does not consider the like- It might seem as though the existing evidence compar-
lihood that the impact of impairment on performance ing the three classes should be sufficient to restructure VI
would differ depending on the sport. Moreover, a medi- swimming into two rather than three classes, but that is
cal condition such as a spinal cord lesion can leave some far from the case. There are several reasons why research
individuals with more functional ability than others [1]. that simply compares the performance of existing sports
For these reasons, the International Paralympic Commit- classes is not sufficient for designing an evidence-based
tee (IPC) within its Athlete Classification Code requires system of classification [1]. First, a comparison of the
all member sport federations to develop their own evi- existing class system relies on the assumption that the
dence-based system of classification designed to be suit- measures of visual function used in that system (visual
able for their sport [3, 4]. An evidence-based system of acuity [VA] and visual field) are the most suitable and
classification is a system that generates sport classes on only measures needed. That, however, is far from estab-
the basis of scientific evidence that demonstrates the lished, with a recent Delphi review revealing that experts
relationship between impairment and performance in in VI swimming feel that classification based only on VA
that given sport [1, 5]. Based on those findings, the sport and visual field might not fully capture the impact of VI
can determine who should be eligible to compete, and on swimming performance [7]. Those experts noted
what is the fairest manner by which to place athletes into that other visual functions such as depth perception,
sport classes. light sensitivity, contrast sensitivity, and motion percep-
Most sports for athletes with vision impairment (VI) tion should also be considered. For instance, athletes
continue to use an outdated classification system that with impaired depth perception might have a disadvan-
remains the same across almost all sports, and there- tage in their ability to evaluate their distance to the wall,
fore fails to account for the sport-specific relationship and therefore, their ability to optimally prepare a turn
between impairment and performance in each sport. The
existing system of classification places eligible athletes
into one of the three classes that were designed largely on 1
Two measures of visual function are used to classify athletes: (1) visual acu-
the basis of the World Health Organisation’s definitions ity, a measure of the sharpness of central vision, and (2) visual field, a meas-
ure of the size of the area which is seen. An athlete is allocated class B3 when
of low vision and blindness. Athletes who are function- they have a VA between 1.0 and 1.4 logMAR inclusive, or if their visual field is
ally blind (generally those with either no or only marginal less than 40 degrees diameter. Athletes are allocated to the B2 class if their VA
light perception) are placed in the B1 class, while athletes is between 1.5 and 2.6 logMAR inclusive, or their visual field is less than 10
degrees diameter. Finally, B1 can only be allocated based on VA, which must
in the B2 and B3 classes have progressively better visual be greater than 2.6 logMAR [7].
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 3 of 18
or finish might be impaired. Similarly, impaired con- common way of measuring performance in swimming,
trast sensitivity could impact the ability of swimmers to but there are also specific components of the swim time
navigate if they are less able to identify the black line at more likely to be impacted than others and therefore
the bottom of the pool. It remains possible that a sub- might provide a more sensitive measure to changes as a
set of athletes may exist in the S12 and S13 classes who result of impairment [1]. Indeed, establishing the rela-
are disadvantaged because of an impairment to a visual tionship between determinants of performance and over-
function that is important for swimming but is not yet all swim performance is vital, because knowing which
assessed during classification. In that case, those athletes determinants of performance are the most impacted
might warrant their own separate sport class. by an impairment is a crucial step in conducting evi-
A second concern about studies that compare existing dence-based classification research [29–32]. Based on
sport classes is that the sport rules can differ between their Delphi study canvassing the views of experts in VI
some classes. In swimming, athletes in the S11 class com- swimming, Ravensbergen and colleagues [7] proposed a
pete with blackened goggles, whereas athletes in the S12 conceptual model that outlined the determinants of per-
and S13 classes do not. This rule is in place to ensure formance in a swimming race most likely to be impacted
that all athletes in the S11 class are reduced to no per- by VI. That model included the ability of a VI swimmer
ception of light, enhancing the likelihood that those with to optimise their performance in each of the start time,
remaining vision have no advantage, and minimising the the clean swim velocity (with a specific emphasis on the
likelihood of athletes intentionally misrepresenting their ability to swim in a straight line in the lane), the turn
vision during classification to unfairly enter the S11 class. time, and the finish time. For instance, the start and turn
This rule may though impact the ability to make infer- times are likely to be affected by an inability to effectively
ences about the impairment–performance relationship use the full extent of the allowed distance to streamline
based on existing race data, because it remains possible underwater (i.e., 15 m), with longer underwater distances
that athletes with some remaining vision in the S11 class in particular at the start associated with better race times
could in fact perform better if they were allowed to swim [26, 27, 33]. Each of these determinants of swim perfor-
without occluding goggles. mance could be impacted in their own right by specific
A third limitation of an approach that compares the aspects of VI.
performance of existing sport classes is that it is not pos- The aim of this study was to establish the relationship
sible to identify whether an existing class should be sepa- between visual function and performance in VI Para
rated into multiple sport classes. For instance, it could be swimming. To do so, we measured the vision and swim-
that the swimmers with the poorest VA in the S12 class ming performance of international-level swimmers with
are at a disadvantage and should either join the S11 class VI. We first sought to establish which visual functions
or should be placed in their own separate class. These best predicted sports performance (addressing Step 4
types of decisions can only be made when knowing each in Tweedy et al.’s framework for research needs for evi-
athlete’s specific level of visual function rather than just dence-based classification; [31, 32]), and then to charac-
their sport class. terise the optimal number of sport classes necessary to
A fourth limitation when comparing sport classes is minimise the impact of VI on the outcome of competi-
that, even if access to the measures of visual function is tion (Step 5 in Tweedy et al.’s framework; [31, 32]). Based
available, those measures may not be sufficiently reli- on the views of the experts in the existing Delphi study
able for research purposes. The aim of athlete evaluation [7], we expected that the relationship between visual
during classification is to determine which sport class function and performance would be better explained by
an athlete should be allocated to. Accordingly classifiers the addition of new visual functions (e.g., CS) than when
sometimes do not establish the exact level of VA or visual using VA alone. Further, we expected that at least two
field if they have already established the class the athlete classes would be necessary to minimise the impact of
will be allocated to, especially when VA is worse than 2.6 impairment on the outcome of competition [26–28].
logMAR and so the classifier knows that the athlete will
be in the S11 class irrespective of any further testing [19, Methods
21]. To properly establish the relationship between visual Participants
function and performance, a study is necessary that accu- Seventy-eight (N = 78) international-level VI swimmers
rately measures different aspects of vision in all athletes. (46.2% female; Mage = 21.3, SD = 6.9, range 13–52) par-
An examination of the relationship between VI and ticipated in this study. However, to allow a comparison
performance in swimming should focus on those deter- of visual function with performance while controlling for
minants of swimming performance most likely to training volume and age, we included only those partici-
be impacted by VI. The overall race time is the most pants (1) who compete in 100 m freestyle swimming, and
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 4 of 18
Table 1 Characteristics of VI athletes according to sports classes Participants’ gender was deduced from the competition
Variables Sport class
in which they took part.
The Mars number test consists of three charts, each hav- cues from the base of the targets and the sliding rail. The
ing a sequence of eight rows of six numbers, starting with sliding target was placed at the far end of the slider (approx-
the highest contrast of 1.92 logCS on the top left and each imately 400 mm further away than the stationary target).
number successively decreasing in contrast by 0.04 logCS The athlete was instructed to move the sliding target until
units. The charts were placed almost vertically on a read- it was the same distance from them as the stationary tar-
ing stand, with the athlete asked to read out the num- get. This task was repeated twice more, and the distance
bers. The examiner stopped the test when two consecu- between the centres of the two targets was determined in
tive incorrect answers were given. The CS threshold was millimetres. The sliding target was then moved to the end
defined as the contrast level of the final correct number of the slider closest to the athlete (approximately 400 mm
minus 0.04 logCS units for each incorrect response prior closer than the stationary target). Again, the athlete was
to the final correct answer. A higher logCS value on the instructed to move the target until it was equidistant
Mars chart indicates better CS. The acuity demands of the with the stationary target. This task was repeated twice
Mars chart meant that not all athletes were able to per- more, with the distance between targets determined. The
form the test (n = 16). A dummy value of 0.00 logCS was mean absolute value across all six trials was used as the
attributed in those cases. dependent variable. Results were transformed logarithmi-
cally because the distribution was skewed towards zero.
Light Sensitivity (LS) LS was measured as the difference A lower logarithmic value indicates better DP. A dummy
in logCS (using the Mars test) when viewed with stand- value equal to the maximum observed mean distance plus
ard lighting versus when viewing through a bright light 10% was allocated to athletes not able to perform the test
simulated using the Brightness Acuity Tester (BAT) at (n = 17).
its brightest setting of 400 foot-lamberts (Marco Oph-
thalmic, Inc., Jacksonville, FL). The BAT is a hand-held Visual Search (VS) A test of VS was developed in
instrument consisting of an internally illuminated small Psykinematix to assess the ability of participants to search
white bowl that the participant holds over one eye. The for a target (i.e., whether a circle was present in a grid
bowl has a central opening of 12 mm for the participant to of squares using Sloan-style characters; [38, 39]). The
look through. The Mars test was performed monocularly test was conducted on a 27″ Apple display screen with
on the athlete’s better eye because the BAT only allows a refresh rate of 60 Hz and a resolution of 2560 × 1600
monocular testing. All athletes first performed the test pixels. The task was separated into three difficulty levels,
under standard lighting conditions. The test was then with six trials per level. Athletes always started with the
repeated while looking through the BAT with the light easiest level and only continued to the next level if they
source switched off to assess whether the central open- answered four out of six trials correctly. For the first level,
ing affected test performance. Finally, the light source a 3 × 3 grid was shown (subtending 18.5° of visual angle)
was turned on and the Mars test repeated. The difference with black shapes (each subtending 8.3°, equivalent to
in logCS between normal lighting (through the central 2.0 logMAR) on a white background. At the intermedi-
opening) and bright light was calculated. Results were ate level, an 8 × 8 grid was used with shapes subtending
transformed logarithmically because the distribution was 2.6° (equivalent to 1.5 logMAR). The most difficult level
skewed towards zero. A bigger logarithmic difference consisted of a 15 × 15 grid with shapes subtending 0.83°
indicates higher LS. A dummy value of zero was allocated (equivalent to 1.0 logMAR). Each trial was presented for a
to athletes who were not able to perform the test (n = 16; maximum of 30 s, during which the athlete was required
i.e., highest possible value on the test), largely because to respond as quickly as possible using the up or down
their visual function/CS was so bad that bright lighting key on a keyboard to, respectively, indicate whether a cir-
made little difference to their ability to see. cle was present or absent. The circle was present in two-
thirds of trials. The order of the present and absent trials
Depth Perception (DP) A modified version of a How- was randomly selected by Psykinematix, as was the loca-
ard–Dolman test was specifically created for individuals tion of the circle. The response time for the most diffi-
with low vision to assess DP [37]. One stationary white cult level completed by the athlete (considering only trials
rod (20 mm diameter) was placed 300 mm to the left of where the target was present) was used for analyses, as
an identical target placed on a rail (both reaching 555 mm it was the only measure not correlated with VA, provid-
above the table surface). The athlete could move the slid- ing a potentially unique contribution to the analysis (i.e.,
ing target with a pole attached to the slider. Athletes were response time in other levels and response accuracy in
seated 1.5 m away from the stationary target. The back- all levels correlated significantly with VA). Results were
ground of the test was black, and a black barrier blocked transformed logarithmically because the distribution was
the lower part of the athlete’s view to remove any visual skewed towards zero. A lower logarithmic value indi-
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 6 of 18
cates better VS. A dummy value equal to the maximum during competition [7]. In-competition data were col-
recorded score plus 10% was allocated to athletes not able lected at international swim meets between June 2016
to perform the test (n = 15). and April 2017. Competition data were only included if
collected within the 6 months before or after we tested
Motion Perception (MP) A test of global motion coher- that athlete’s visual function. The performance meas-
ence was designed in Psykinematix (KyberVision Japan ures were: (1) best race time; (2) start time; (3) clean
LLC) specifically for individuals with VI and conducted swim velocity; (4) turn time; (5) finish time; and (6)
on the same display monitor as the VS test [21, 40]. One mean lateral position in the lane. Note that athletes in
hundred dots subtending 1.66° of visual angle were pre- the S11 sports class compete with blackened swimming
sented in a square envelope of 25°. The lifetime of each goggles and so there results were recorded without any
dot was 200 ms and the movement speed was 6°/s. Dots vision (i.e., it remains possible that the performance of
moved either vertically (up or down) or in any other ran- these athletes could be better than what was measured
dom direction, with the percentage of dots moving in a if they were to swim without blackened goggles).
coherent direction (up or down depending on the trial) The best race time was defined as each athlete’s fastest
systematically manipulated to find the threshold pro- 100 m freestyle race time recorded at an international
portion of dots that needed to be coherent for the ath- competition within 6 months of when we tested their
lete to correctly identify the global direction in which the vision. Data were obtained from official race results
dots were moving. Athletes were asked to determine the held by World Para Swimming, the International Fed-
general direction of the movement of the dots from two eration for Para swimming. The best race time for each
options (upward or downward motion) using the upward athlete was standardised according to the Olympic
and downward key on the keyboard. Each trial was pre- world record for that athlete’s gender as follows (with
sented for a maximum of 8 s, within which time athletes the world record representing a score of 100%):
were required to respond.
Best race time
The test started with a set of six familiarisation trials Standardised performance = *100%
World record time
where all 100 dots were moving in the same direction (i.e.,
100% coherence). When athletes provided at least four To assess other aspects of swimming performance,
correct responses, the full test protocol commenced. A video footage of the swimmers was recorded using
1-up-2-down staircase procedure with five reversals was GoPro 3 cameras during 100 m freestyle races at inter-
used, where the coherence levels of the final four rever- national competitions in 50 m pools (side-on cameras
sals were averaged to determine the threshold coherence unless stated otherwise; when multiple races were
level where global motion could be detected in 66.7% of available for a participant, the fastest time for each
presentations. Within the staircase, global motion coher- race segment was used). Start time was defined as the
ence started at 100% coherence and decreased by 25% time taken from the start of the race to that to reach
prior to the first reversal, and decreased or increased by the 15 m flags. Clean swim velocity was defined as the
10% after the first reversal. The test was aborted if six average speed (m/s) across the 15th to 45th meter and
successive incorrect responses were provided at 100% the 55th to 95th meter markers. Turn time was the
coherence. time taken to travel from the 45th to the 55th meter
Initial inspection of the results showed a dichotomous marks (with the turn at the 50 m mark). Finish time was
pattern, with athletes recording motion coherence lev- the time taken to swim through the final five meters.
els either similar to or below that of a control group of Finally, mean lateral position was the average absolute
unimpaired individuals tested previously. Accordingly, distance of the swimmer from the centre of the lane (in
the results were dichotomised as ‘normal’ or ‘impaired’. A cm). Video footage was recorded from an elevated posi-
cut-off was established between the two categories at 56% tion at the end of the pool so that the lateral position
threshold coherence using k-means cluster analysis, with of the swimmer in the lane could be manually digitised
a higher threshold reflecting poorer MP. Participants throughout the race (1 Hz, Kinovea, Bordeaux, France;
not able to perform the test were classified as ‘impaired’ https://w ww.kinovea.org/). Note that footage from nine
(n = 11). participants were not clear enough to produce usable
data on at least one of those measures. Data were not
replaced in those cases. The performance measures
Performance Measures showed excellent inter- (ICC = 0.92–0.96) and intra-
For measures of swimming performance, the objective rater reliability (ICC = 0.88–0.95) when tested on 20%
was to assess aspects of the athletes’ performance that of our dataset (excluding best race time given that it
experts had nominated were likely to be impacted by VI was extracted from official race results).
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 7 of 18
Table 3 Improvement of the prediction of the hierarchical linear regressions of training volume and gender on all performance
measures, with training volume being forced into the model at step 1, and gender at step 2
Confounders Performance measures (Adjusted R2)
ST (n = 40) CSp (n = 40) TT (n = 42) FT (n = 41) MLP (n = 38)
might confound any relationship between visual func- Relationships Between Visual Function and Swimming
tion and performance (i.e., age and training volume). Performance
Results revealed that training volume correlated sig- Excluding Missing Values for Measures of Visual Function
nificantly with five of the six measures of performance Correlation analyses presented in Table 4 reveal VA to be
(all except for the mean lateral position in the lane). significantly associated with four of the six performance
The age of the swimmer correlated significantly with measures. Contrast sensitivity was the only other visual
three of the six performance measures, though for five measure related to performance, with significant associa-
of the six performance measures, the strength of the tions with the finish time and mean lateral position in the
correlation was weaker than it was between training lane. Some measures of visual function were correlated
volume and performance (meal lateral position being with each other, with VA and CS showing the strongest
the exception). Note that age and training volume were association (r = − 0.84, p < 0.001; see Table 5). Partial cor-
highly correlated with each other (r = 0.79, p < 0.001). relations between CS and performance measures while
Because training volume had the highest correlation controlling for VA confirm that there were no remain-
of the two confounders in almost all cases, we chose ing associations for any of the performance measures
to first control for training volume. The best model fit (|rs|≤ 0.14, ps ≥ 0.411). These results provide the first
for each performance measure was a quadratic fit so we suggestion that VA remains the best candidate measure
adjusted using that. To check whether age should also of visual function for predicting swimming performance.
be controlled for, partial correlations were run between
age and each performance measure while controlling Including Missing Values (Using Dummy Values) for Measures
for training volume. Results indicated no remaining of Visual Function
associations (|rs|≤ 0.27, ps ≥ 0.14). This suggested that We ran additional correlations when allocating dummy
performance need only to be adjusted according to the values to participants who were not able to complete
athlete’s total training volume in hours. Next, hierar- each test of visual function. All the significant correla-
chical regressions confirmed that gender significantly tions found previously remained (i.e., between VA, CS,
improved prediction of performance in all cases except and performance), in addition to correlations between
for mean lateral position in the lane (Table 3). As a LS, DP, VD, and measures of swimming performance
result, all those performance measures reported forth- (see Table 4). However, almost all measures of visual
with are adjusted for both training volume and gender function significantly correlated with each other when
by reporting the standardised residuals of the regres- dummy values were allocated (Table 5). Partial corre-
sion of training volume on each performance meas- lations were conducted to determine whether any of
ure. The residuals can be interpreted as follows: zero the measures of visual function remained correlated
represents the level of performance expected based on with swimming performance while controlling for VA.
the swimmer’s training volume; a positive value repre- Results revealed that only an association between DP
sents poorer performance than what would be expected and mean lateral position in the lane remained when
based on their training volume (with + 1 correspond- controlling for VA (r = − 0.33, p = 0.049; all other asso-
ing to a race time one standard deviation slower than ciations between visual function and performance,
expected); and a negative value represents better per- |rs|≤ 0.29, ps ≥ 0.07). These results provide further sup-
formance than expected based on their training volume port for VA being the best predictor of swimming per-
(i.e., faster race time). For mean lateral position, a lower formance, but also suggest a potential association with
value represents a swim closer to the centre of the lane. DP.
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 9 of 18
Table 4 Correlation between visual functions and standardised residual performance measures with and without missing values
Visual functions Performance measures
Table 5 Correlation matrix of visual functions for all participants in swimming). Results revealed no further association
with and without missing values between VA and start time (r = 0.05, p = 0.75), clean speed
Visual functions 1 2 3 4 5 (r = 0.20, p = 0.23), or turn time (r = 0.01, p = 0.95). Those
measures of performance were therefore dropped from
Excluding missing values further analyses. However, VA remained related to finish
1. Visual acuity time (r = 0.35, p = 0.026) and mean lateral position in the
2. Contrast sensitivity − .84*** lane (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). In the following subsections, we
3. Light sensitivity − .03 − .44* explore how visual functions, with a specific emphasis on
4. Depth perception .44* − .38 − .10 VA, are related to each of the three remaining measures
5. Visual search .25 .04 .10 .02 of performance. Analyses are fully described for the best
6. Motion perception − .38 .10 − .04 − .23 − .46* race time, but for the sake of brevity, only a summary of
Including missing values (using dummy values) the findings (using the same analyses) are presented for
1. Visual acuity finish time and mean lateral position.
2. Contrast sensitivity − .79***
3. Light sensitivity .59*** − .76*** Best Race Time The decision tree analysis revealed that
4. Depth perception .80*** − .80*** .55*** a single split at a VA of 3.5 logMAR provided the best
5. Visual search .77*** − .62*** .49*** .64*** possible split in the race times of the swimmers (Fig. 1a;
6. Motion perception − .38** .38** − .26 − .51*** − .50** note though the lack of data between 2.6–3.5 logMAR).2
The number of participants included in each correlation vary between n = 27 Performance was significantly poorer in the group with
and n = 45 VA worse than 3.5 logMAR (n = 11; M = 0.872) than
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 it was in the group with VA better than or equal to 3.5
logMAR (n = 34; M = − 0.281), t(17.64) = 3.88, p < 0.002,
Measures of Performance d = 1.35. The algorithm found no further split based on
VA was used as the main measure of visual function VA. Because swimming races typically contain eight com-
for further analyses given its primacy as the key predic- petitors, Fig. 1b illustrates the top eight performers from
tor of performance. Partial correlations were conducted
between VA and each of the performance measures while 2
We also ran the decision tree by entering all the visual functions as predic-
controlling for the best race time (i.e., theoretically and tors and found the same result, suggesting that VA shares too much variance
practically the most relevant measure of performance with other visual functions for them to find their own split in the data.
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 10 of 18
Fig. 1 Residual race time and VA for a all participants, and b the eight best performers in each group created on the basis of the decision tree
analysis. Circles represent participants with VA > 3.5 logMAR, and triangles represent participants with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR. The crosses represent
the means of each group, with the horizontal and vertical branches representing the standard errors of the means of VA and residual race time,
each group. Results show that even the best athlete from was found to split at least once in 55.0% of the 10,000
the > 3.5 logMAR group would not have made the final if bootstrap samples, with a single split being the most
conducted for the top-8 performers in the ≤ 3.5 logMAR likely outcome (54.3% of all cases). Two splits were found
group. in only 0.7% of cases. Of the trees that found at least one
Bootstrapping of the decision tree mostly supported cut-off point (Fig. 2), the majority of the first splits were
the validity of a single split at 3.5 logMAR. The dataset either at 3.5 logMAR (36.6%) or 2.6 logMAR (33.3%). The
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 11 of 18
Step 1
Intercept 13.28 < 0.001
Visual acuity 10.56 0.001
Step 2
Intercept 13.28 < 0.001
Fig. 2 Histogram of the first VA split points of best race time using Visual acuity 10.56 0.001
10,000 bootstrapped samples. The data split at least once in 5,498 Contrast sensitivity 1.61 0.205
cases Light sensitivity 0.03 0.855
Depth perception 0.82 0.365
Visual search 0.26 0.613
Motion perception 1.68 0.195
next most frequent were 2.2 logMAR (14.2%) and 2.5 log-
MAR (9.2%). Bold indicate predictors kept in the model. χw refers to Wald Chi-Square.
Dummy values for CS, LS, DP, VS and MP were used for participants not able
Having classified the participants into two groups on to complete those tests. The goodness of fit Hosmer–Lemshow test was not
the basis of VA, we sought to establish whether classifi- significant, χ2(7) = 6.67, p = 0.464, indicating good reliability of the model
cation would improve if additional measures of visual
function were included. To do so, first the performance
of each swimmer was classified as ‘high performing’ alone provided the most parsimonious means of separat-
or ‘low performing’. The threshold race time for clas- ing the group into two classes.3
sification was determined by choosing the standardised
residual best race time that optimally classified those Finish Time and Mean Lateral Position Table 7 presents
with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR as ‘high performing’ and those the main results for finish time and mean lateral position,
with VA > 3.5 logMAR as ‘low performing’. Optimal clas- including the respective decision trees, bootstrapping,
sification occurred at Youden’s J when the standardised and logistic regressions. Three main conclusions differ
residual best race time was 0.352 (sensitivity = 0.85, spec- between best race time and results regarding finish time
ificity = 0.82). Performance was indeed poorer in those and mean lateral position. First, the decision tree split
placed in the low performance group (n = 14; M = 1.19) finish time and mean lateral position at 2.6 logMAR as
than it was in those placed in the high performance group opposed to the 3.5 logMAR found for the best race time.
(n = 31; M = − 0.54), t(21.43) = 8.42, p < 0.001, d = 2.98. Second, the logistic regression to predict high/low per-
Second, a hierarchical logistic regression revealed that formance suggests that VS, LS, DP, and MP can improve
the addition of other measures of visual function did the quality of the prediction of finish time above what is
not improve the rate of classification (see Table 6). VA possible with VA alone, and can even replace VA at Step
was forced into the regression model at Step 1, and the 2. However, the increase in percentage of correct classifi-
additional measures of visual function at Step 2. Not cation is marginal (from 85.4 to 87.8%; Table 7). Similarly,
surprisingly, VA significantly predicted group member- VA alone is also not sufficient to predict mean lateral posi-
ship at Step 1 (B = − 1.26, S.E. = 0.39), odds ratio = 0.28 tion, with DP contributing to the quality of the predic-
(95% CI = 0.13–0.61), where poorer VA indicated higher tion (note though the decrease in the quality of correct
odds of being categorised in the low performance group, classification from 89.5 to 86.9%; Table 7). Overall, results
Nagelkerke R2 = 0.36 (82.2% of correct classification). from finish time and mean lateral position suggest that
Vitally, none of the additional measures added to the other measures of visual function may be related to per-
quality of prediction at Step 2 (i.e., no further significant formance in some aspects of the swimming race, but that
predictors and therefore no change in Nagelkerke R2 their addition does not practically improve the percent-
nor percentage of correct classification, see Table 6 for
regression statistics). Results suggest that the use of VA 3
Note that the interpretation of these results requires caution because of the
low participant numbers. A suitable sample size for this analysis would typi-
cally have been N ≈ 150 (N = 10 k/p, where p is the smallest of the propor-
tions of negative or positive cases and k is the number of predictors, here
(10*6)/0.41; [41]). Nonetheless, no other predictors were close to reaching
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 12 of 18
Table 7 Results summary for finish time and mean lateral position
Performance Main outcomes
Decision tree Performance Trees with at Frequency of Splitting Logistic Logistic
split difference least one split first split performance regression regression
(%) included at included at
step 1 step 2
Finish time Single split at 2.6 > 2.6 logMAR 83.92 2.6 logMAR Youden’s J Intercept Intercept
logMAR n = 12 41.6% 0.398 p < 0.001 p = 0.079
M = 0.939 2.1 logMAR Sensitivity Visual acuity Visual acuity
≤ 2.6 logMAR 24.4% 0.86 p < 0.002 p = 0.283
n = 29 2.5 logMAR Specificity χ2 = 15.10 Visual search
M = − 0.364 10.7% 0.83 Nag. R2 = 0.43 p = 0.102
t(26.83) = 5.07, 1.9 logMAR 9.3% % Cor. Motion percep‑
p < 0.001, d = 1.6 Others Class. = 85.4 tion
14.0% p = 0.060
Light sensitivity
p = 0.095
Depth perception
p = 0.141
χ2 = 30.03*
Nag. R2 = 0.72
% Cor.
Class. = 87.8
Mean lateral Single split at 2.6 > 2.6 logMAR 99.97 2.6 logMAR Youden’s J Intercept Intercept
position logMAR n = 12 44.6% 0.505 p < 0.001 p = 0.997
M = 0.689 2.5 logMAR Sensitivity Visual acuity Visual acuity
≤ 2.6 logMAR 27.4% 0.85 p < 0.001 p = 0.009
n = 26 2.2 logMAR Specificity χ2 = 22.59 Depth percep‑
M = 0.277 17.8% 0.91 Nag. R2 = 0.61 tion a
t(23.79) = 7.37, Others % Cor. p = 0.070
p < 0.001, d = 2.5 10.2% Class. = 89.5 χ2 = 27.70*
Nag. R2 = 0.71
% Cor.
Class. = 86.8
% Corr. Class, percentages of correct classification, Nag. R2, Nagelkerke R2
*Indicates a significant change in χ2 from step 1 to step 2
Predictor is kept in the model despite p > 0.05, because the selection criteria was based on the AIC
age of correct classification into high or low performing Having ruled out the need to split the group using
athletes. individual measures of visual function, we used linear
multiple regression (enter method) to verify whether
a combination of two or more measures of visual func-
Relationship Between Visual Function and Swimming tion would better predict performance (i.e., when taking
Performance for Athletes with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR into account the influence of other predictors on per-
Further analyses conducted on the subgroup of athletes formance). Results revealed that, taken together, there
with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR created by the original decision was no combination of visual functions that was able to
tree suggest that further splits are not necessary on the significantly predict the best race time, F(6, 27) = 0.36,
basis of the other measures of visual function. p = 0.897, Adjusted R2 = − 0.13, suggesting that no fur-
ther split in this subgroup was necessary.
Best Race Time
Correlation analysis considering only athletes with
Finish Time and Mean Lateral Position
VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR revealed no significant relationship
Table 9 summarises the results for finish time and mean
between performance and any of the measures of visual
lateral position, incorporating the respective correla-
function (|rs|< 0.11, ps > 0.54; see Table 8 and Fig. 3). This
tions and multiple linear regression among athletes with
finding suggests that no further split may be necessary on
VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR. Note that even if the initial decision
the basis of the other measures of visual function. Note
tree for mean lateral position and finish time split the
that missing values were replaced with dummy values for
data at 2.6 logMAR, the analyses in this section were run
CS, LS, DP, VS, and MP.
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 13 of 18
Table 8 Correlation matrix for measures of visual functions and best race time for participants with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 3 Relationships between residual race time and each of the six measures of visual functions (a–f) for athletes with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 14 of 18
Table 9 Results summary for finish time and mean lateral Table 10 Results summary for finish time and mean lateral
position for participants with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR position for participants with VA > 3.5 logMAR
Performance Main outcomes Performance Main outcomes
measures measures
Correlations with Multiple linear t test Bayes factor
visual function regression
measures Finish time Light perception 1.65 times more likely
n=7 to have no effect of
Finish time |rs|< 0.15 F(6, 23) = 0.49 M = 1.0 light perception on
ps > 0.414 p = 0.81 No light perception performance
Adjusted R2 = − 0.12 n=4
Mean lateral position |rs|< 0.19 F(6, 20) = 0.59 M = 0.73
ps > 0.341 p = 0.74 t(5.28) = 0.78, p = 0.47
Adjusted R2 = − 0.11 d = 0.58
Mean lateral position Light perception 1.85 times more likely
n=7 to have an effect of
M = 0.62 light perception on
on participants with VA ≤ 3.5 to facilitate comparison. No light perception performance
The conclusions related to finish time and mean lateral n=4
M = 0.82
position are the same as those from best race time, sug- t(6.73) = 2.32, p = 0.06
gesting no further split was necessary. d = 1.6
include (1) setting the cut-off at a conceptual border mean lateral position in the lane and not with overall race
between partially sighted athletes and functionally time or any other measures of performance. Moreover,
blind ones, (2) or at 2.9 logMAR, which is the highest given the relatively low number of athletes with only light
numeric VA value measurable by the BRVT [35], (3) or perception or no light perception taking part in VI com-
that the decision should not be entirely scientifically petition [10, 16, 21, 23], a split within that class would
based, but that it could also be an ethical issue that result in two classes with very few athletes and therefore
requires the input of multiple relevant stakeholders in a relatively low level of competition.
(e.g., athletes, coaches, scientists, sports philosophers). Within our study, the performance of the S11 swim-
The present study found little evidence to suggest that mers was evaluated while swimming in competition with
there would be any benefit of including a third class blackened goggles. It remains possible that the S11 ath-
by separating the athletes who had some measurable letes with light perception could have performed better if
visual function (i.e., VA < 3.5 logMAR) into multiple allowed to swim without the goggles. If that would have
classes. Effectively, these results are in disagreement been the case, then it would have provided further sup-
with the current system of classification whereby ath- port for the need to consider splitting those S11 swim-
letes in the S13 and S12 classes compete separately. mers into two separate classes. However, this would only
The existing system implicitly suggests that S12 swim- apply if a decision was made to allow those swimmers to
mers would have a disadvantage if they were to com- compete without blackened goggles (or even for them to
pete against S13 swimmers, however, our findings do compete against those athletes with measurable visual
not support this. Instead, S12 swimmers appear to have function). However, in our experience, those athletes
no disadvantage if competing against S13s. Given that with light perception anecdotally report that their visual
some of our results showed relationships between spe- function is so rudimentary that the benefit of swimming
cific visual functions (i.e., visual search, motion percep- without goggles is negligible. Moreover, the experts in VI
tion, light sensitivity and depth perception) and specific swimming remain largely satisfied with the use of black-
aspects of the race (i.e., finish time and mean lateral ened goggles during competition and so there is no plan
position in the lane), it would remain possible that a to change the current requirement for S11 athletes to
specific class of athletes may exist in the S12 and S13 wear blackened goggles [7].
classes who are disadvantaged because of an impair- An important principle in evidence-based classification
ment to a visual function that is important for swim- is that classification should seek to place athletes into
ming, but is not yet assessed during classification. classes based on a loss of function resulting from their
Therefore, one could ask whether competition would be impairment, and not based on a skill that will improve as
more legitimate for those athletes if other visual func- a result of training [1]. This vital principle guided the way
tions would be included in the classification procedure. both vision impairment and performance were measured
In other words, would there be a difference in the per- in the present study. The measures of vision impairment
formance of athletes in classes newly formed on the were chosen to represent fundamental characteristics
basis of further measures of visual function? We found of visual function (e.g., visual acuity, contrast sensitiv-
no relationship between any visual function and overall ity, motion perception) that should not improve as a
performance, finish time and mean lateral position in result of sport-specific training [6]. That choice makes
the lane for athletes with VA ≤ 3.5 logMAR (Fig. 3 and those measures suitable for use during classification if
Table 9). It appears that there is little or no justification they limit sperformance. We then sought to establish the
to split the S13 and S12 swimmers (or any other newly impairment–performance relationship by relating sport
formed subgroups) by adding new measures of visual isual function to determinants of swim performance
function to classification. (e.g., race time, turn time, position in lane) in a group
There was some suggestion that a split might be nec- of VI swimmers. Those determinants are indeed likely
essary within the group of functionally blind swimmers to improve as a result of training, which is why we sta-
(i.e., with light perception or no light perception), though tistically controlled for each athlete’s estimated training
such a split is unlikely to ever be practically necessary. volume when quantifying the impairment–performance
Athletes with light perception appeared to have a modest relationship. This helped us to achieve our goal of estab-
advantage in their ability to remain in the middle of the lishing the degree to which each visual function may limit
lane while swimming, even though they swim with black- an athlete’s ability to perform those skills that represent
ened goggles during competition. Caution is warranted vital determinants of swimming performance.
though given the low participant numbers within that Finally, this study is limited by the fact that only 45
group (i.e., seven swimmers with light perception and 100 m freestyle swimmers were included. Although this
four without) and that the association was only with the represents a considerable proportion of the international
Fortin‑Guichard et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:20 Page 17 of 18
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