Name : ( ) Score:
Class :
Date : (Total: 60 marks)
1 Which of the following combinations about the laboratory apparatus and its function is
Laboratory apparatus Main Function
2 Which of the following statements about the nature of science are correct?
(1) Scientific knowledge is always true.
(2) Scientific knowledge can be overturned when new evidence is found.
(3) Some scientific problems cannot be solved by present scientific knowledge.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
3 The hazard warning symbol below is found on a reagent bottle which contains chemical P.
4 Which of the following instruments is most suitable for measuring the head circumference of
a baby?
A Digital caliper
B Measuring tape
C Half-metre rule
D Metre rule
*5 The figure below shows a set-up used to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of
dissolving of chemical X in solvent Y. Chemical X of different shapes is used in the
solvent Y
chemical X
25 °C 75 °C 25 °C 75 °C 25 °C 75 °C
6 Which of the following combinations about the processes of change in states of water and their
descriptions is INCORRECT?
Process Description
A evaporation from liquid to gas
B freezing from liquid to solid
C melting from solid to liquid
D condensation from gas to solid
7 Our hands feel cool when we rub them with alcohol sanitizer. Which of the following is / are the
possible explanation(s) for this phenomenon?
(1) Alcohol absorbs energy from our hands when it evaporates.
(2) The alcohol on our hands releases energy to the surrounding air.
(3) Water vapour in the surrounding air condenses on our hands.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only
8 A student heats a beaker of distilled water from 20 °C to 100 °C. Which of the following graphs
correctly shows how the water temperature changes with time?
A te 120 B te 120
mp mp
er 80 er 80
atu atu
re re
(° 40 (° 40
C) C)
C te 120 D te 120
mp mp
er 80 er 80
atu atu
re re
(° 40 (° 40
C) C)
Which of the following substances will remain in the filtrate when we purify muddy water using
the column?
(1) Salt
(2) Small wood pieces
(3) Bacteria
A (1) only B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only D (2) and (3) only
11 Carol is formed by a group of living things known as polyps (珊瑚蟲). The photo below shows the
polyps in a carol.
Plants W to Z
Produce seeds Do not produce seeds
Have vascular tissues Do not have vascular tissues
Have vascular tissues ✗ ✓ ✓
Have flowers ✗ ✗ ✗
Produce seeds ✗ ✗ ✓
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.
1 Fair testing, pattern seeking and classifying are examples of types of scientific investigation.
4 Crabs are classified as vertebrates because they have a hard and rigid shell.
1 When we take a reading from a measuring cylinder, we should make sure that our eyes are at the
same level as the bottom of the (a) .
1 Sabrina observes that a flowering plant does not grow any new side leaves when its shoot is
shoot tip
growing shoot
side leaves
a Sabrina hypothesizes that the shoot tip of the plant prevents the growth of new side leaves.
Outline the method she could use to test her hypothesis and the expected result if her
hypothesis is correct. (2 marks)
b David tells Sabrina that the shoot tip produces chemical X to prevent the growth of new
side leaves. Sabrina then designs an experiment to test whether David’s idea is correct. The
diagram below shows the experimental set-up Sabrina uses.
agar block containing
chemical X
i Explain whether Sabrina should carry out one trial or three trials for the experiment.
(2 marks)
ii State the independent variable and dependent variable of this experiment. (2 marks)
iii State the expected result if David’s idea is correct. (1 mark)
c Flowering plants have vascular tissues for transporting water.
i Describe an experiment to identify the location of vascular tissues in the stem of a
flowering plant. (3 marks)
ii Suggest TWO similarities in key features between flowering plants and non-flowering
plants. (2 marks)
Total: 12 marks
2 Solar distillation uses energy from the sun to distil sea water. The diagram below shows a set-up
of solar distillation.
water droplet
transparent glass
a Before adding the sea water into the set-up, the sea water is first treated by process Y to
remove any large insoluble impurities.
i Name process Y. (1 mark)
ii Explain how process Y helps remove large insoluble impurities in the sea water.
(2 marks)
b Outline how sea water is purified by solar distillation. (3 marks)
c Suggest TWO advantages and ONE disadvantage of using solar distillation to purify water.
(3 marks)
Total: 9 marks
a Using the X-ray photos, identify ONE similarity between animals P and Q.
(1 mark)
b Name the group of animals which animals R and S belong to. (1 mark)
c Name ONE other animal that belongs to the group in b. (1 mark)
d Using the features visible in the X-ray photos, draw a key to distinguish animals P, Q, R
and S. (3 marks)
e Animal P is listed as an endangered species because its number is small. Suggest THREE
ways in which human activities may reduce the number of animal P. (3 marks)
Total: 9 marks
Name : ( ) Marks:
Class :
Date : / 60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement. /5
a b c
d e
/ 30
1 a ________________________________________________________________________
b i ____________________________________________________________________
iii ____________________________________________________________________
c i ____________________________________________________________________
ii ____________________________________________________________________
/ 12
2 a i ____________________________________________________________________
ii ____________________________________________________________________
b ________________________________________________________________________
c TWO advantages:
ONE disadvantage:
b ________________________________________________________________________
c ________________________________________________________________________
- END -
2 a i Filtration. (1m)
ii The filter has many small pores. (1m)
Substances smaller than the pores can pass through the filter while substances larger than the
pores cannot. (1m)
b Sea water absorbs energy from the sun and the water evaporates into water vapour. (1m)
Salt and other impurities are left in the sea water. (1m)
The water vapour condenses into pure water on the glass. (1m)
c Advantages:
It uses renewable energy to purify water. / It has a lower operation cost. / It is easy to carry out.
(Any two) (Or other reasonable answers) (2m)
Have limbs Do not have limbs Have tentacles Do not have tentacles
e Deforestation and urbanization destroys the natural habitats of animal P. / Humans overhunt
animal P. / Human activities release harmful substances which kill animal P. / Humans introduce
foreign species kill / compete with animal P. (Any three) (Or other reasonable answers) (3m)
- END -