Perception of Academic Stress

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Stess Academic Scale

Dimension 1: Stress related to academic expectations

- Competition with my peers fotr grades is quite intense

- My teachers are critical of my academic performance
- Teachers have unrealistic expectations of me
- The un realistic expectations of my parents tresses me out

Dimension 2: Stresses related to faculty work and examination

- The time allocated to classes and academic work is enough

- The size of the curriculum (work load) is excessive
- I believe that the amount of work assignment is too much
- Am unable to catch up if getting behind my work
- I have enough time to relax after work
- The examination questions are usually difficult
- Examination times is short to complete the answers
- Examination times are very stressfull to me

Dimension 3: Stresses related to students academic self-perceptions

- Am confident that I will be a successfull student

- Am confident that I wull be successful uny my future career
- I can make academic decisions easily
- I fear failing courses this year
- I think that my worry about ecaminations is weakness of character
- Even if I pass my exams, am worried about getting a job

Academic Stress Scale

Dimension 1: Cognitive

- Difficult to concerntrate
- Forget easily
- Day fream a lot
- Dont answer
- Doubt my abilities
- Hesitate in asking

Dimension 2: Affective

- Feel inferior
- Lack confidence
- Feel under presure
- Feel failure
- Worry about parents expectations
- Feel sad about

Dimension 3: Physical Indicator

- Get headache
- Get nervous
- Less desire to eat
- Loos of sleep
- Heart beats fast

Dimension 4: Social/interpersonal

- No body help me
- Get irritated with everyone
- Not feel like talking to
- Like to stay alone
- Nobody understands me

Dimension 5: Motivation

- Lack of interest in
- Not enjoy ectracurricular activities
- Difficultty in completing lessons
- Get bored easily
- Fell discontinue
- Not feel like going to school
- Feel sleepy

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