The oral cavity of human is colonized by many microorganisms among
these Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis, is known as common parasite of
oral cavity and sub maxillary glands especially with poor oral hygiene and presence
of periodontal disease. This paper describes the prevalence and patterns of
Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomona stenaxin person with and without periodontitis
in Benghazi, Libya, emphasizing on the gender, age, pH of the saliva, smoking habit.
Methods Bio film and saliva samples were taken from 70 patients with periodontitis
and 30 healthy individuals. They were spread on sterile swab sample, diluted with
Special Conference Issue | Vol 1 Issue 1, May 2019
saline and examined with a light microscope. Descriptive statistic and chi-square test
were used. The over all prevalence of oral parasitic infections among individuals of
the sample participant was 24\100 (24%), the prevalence of Trichomonastenax
(31.6%) and Entamoeba gingivalis (68.4%) among individuals with periodontal
disease, while Trichomonas tenax recorded (20% ) and Entamoeba gingivalis (80%)
among healthy gingival individuals there was a high significant difference between
periodontal disease compared to healthy gingival group (P=0.000) in the rate of
harboring these parasitic infections. Prevalence of oral parasitic infections among
individuals of the sample participant was 24\100 (24%). However, further studies are
needed to determine the relationship between these species and periodontitis.
Keywords: Entamoeba gingivalis, Trichomonas tenax, Gingivitis, Parasitology,
The human oral cavity is an ecosystem suitable for the growth of numerous
microorganisms, due to inner environmental conditions. As many as 20-25 diferent species
have been isolated from the human oral cavity [1,2]. The protozoa, Trichomonas tenax and
Entamoeba gingivalis usually proliferates on the surface of teeth and gums associated with
gingival pockets near the base of the teeth and in the tonsils. Entamoeba gingivalis its
belong to Phylum: Amoebozoa ,Class: Archamoebae, Genus: Entamoeba [3]. It is important
to note that E. gingivalis is the only ameba that ingests white blood cells. While
Trichomonastenax belong to Phylum: Metamonada, Class: Parabasalia, Order:
Trichomonadida, Genus: Trichomonas [4]. Despite both parasites are considered by some
authors as nonpathogenic and is common in (Trichomonas tenax 10 %, Entamoeba
gingivalis 95 %) individuals with unhygienic mouth [5], Others show that these parasites
are linked to various pathological conditions in the tonsils, lungs, neck and pre-existing oral
diseases, such as periodontitis, favored by the use of prostheses and orthodontic appliances
[6, 7]. However, the evidence indicating their direct involvement in the etiology of these
conditions is still not fully documented. Both two species the Amoeba and Trichomonas,
due to absence of cystic forms requires direct personal contact, usually by kissing, droplet
spray or shared eating utensils. However, indirect contamination may occur through
sharing food, cups, cutlery and other fomites [8, 9]. Oral Trichomonas is more frequently
found in elderly people [10, 11]. Compare to children and edentulous [10, 12].
Aims of the study:
The aim of the present study
1- To estimate Prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax among
healthy and patients with periodontal disease in Benghazi - Libya.
2- To estimate the overall prevalence of oral parasitic infection in Benghazi - Libya.
3- Identify the factors that contribute to the spread of the protozoa parasites among
patients with periodontal disease and healthy population and the relationship
between Prevalence and sex, age, poor dental hygiene.
Study areas:
This study was carried out from February to April 2017 in Benghazi City, (23°10 N
/20°06 E), East Libya. the average temperature ranges from -19.5o to 34.4 ºC.
Study Population:
The study focused on periodontal patients who visit Department of Periodontics
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Benghazi. The people who visited the dental clinic unit
for routine checkup and healthy individuals in the study area served as control group.
Study design:
This was a case control study which used parasitological investigation conducted
to determine the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax among
patients with periodontal disease and healthy population served as a control. One hundred
Individuals, their ages ranged between 18 to 60 years were taken. Specimens were collected
from seventy patients with periodontal disease who did not used antibiotics for the last one
week and 30 from peoples with healthy gingiva. After obtaining consents from the
participants a structured questionnaire was administered by student personnel to collect
clinical information and socio-demographic characteristics including age, sex, oral hygiene
by means of tooth brushing, using of antibiotics, oral health and dental problems of each
patient was noted.
Sample collection:
Samples of saliva and dental biofilm/calculi were collected from all patients in the
morning, before any oral hygiene. After determining the frontal mandibular area most
affected by periodontal disease, dental biofilm/calculi samples were collected by scraping
the area with sterile periodontal curettes. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected as
recommended by (Navazesh.,1993) [13]. Each participant was examined using a dental
mirror and a periodontal probe. Then they learned how to use plaque disclosing tablets. All
samples were placed in Sterile cotton swaps and diluted with saline at room temperature
(25 to 28°C).
Immediately after dilution, the samples were examined under a light microscope.
Then, a control sample was taken from the cleansed tooth surface of each tooth
Microscopic examination:
Direct wet smear method:
The samples were examined by direct wet smear method.
1. Sterile cotton swaps were used to collect samples from gingival and teeth with complete
aseptic precautions under the assistance of dentist.
2. All patients were requested to rinse the mouth with 5.0 mL of sterile saline solution for
approximately one minute and, soon afterwards, spit this fluid into sterile vials duly dated
and identified.
3. A drop of sediment from each tube was prepared on slides and analyzed with optical
microscopy (400x).Sterile pipettes were used to put droplets of the samples on microscope
slides, which were then examined under x10, x40 and x100 magnification. Amoebae were
detected by their producing one lobose pseudopodium at a time, with dark intracellular
vacuoles and one nucleus containing a central karyosome and peripheral chromatin.
83.30% 100.00%
Infected 60.00%
Non infected 27.10% 40.00%
Healthy gingival Periodontal disease
Figure (1): Prevalence of oral parasitic infection among examinedpatients (healthy and
periodontal disease) (N=100)
Table (1): Percentage distribution of Trichomonastenax and Entamoebagingivalisamong examined
periodontal disease and healthy gingival Individual
periodontal disease
Healthy gingival
Figure (2): Relationship between prevalence of parasitic infection and sex among periodontal
disease and healthy gingival groups
Table (2): prevalence of oral parasitic infection in each age groups among Periodontal disease and
Healthy gingival participants
Healthy gingival
40% 40% 50%
Periodontal disease
20% 30%
10.20% 20%
0.00% 10%
Good Poor Fair
Figure (3): Distribution of oral isolates of parasites with respect to oral hygiene status of study
Table (3 ): The prevalence of parasitic infection and Smoking and drinking stimulant
To our knowledge, this is the first study was carried out to detect the Prevalence
parasitic infection emphasizing more of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax
among patients with periodontal disease in Benghazi – Libya . The results obtained in this
study can provide important information for future understanding of oral parasitic infection.
In the present study oral parasites was detected in both patients with periodontal disease
and healthy gingival control groups. This finding is in agreement with previous reports
from different countries of the world. The overall prevalence was 24 % this prevalence in
concordance with that reported in the word [14, 15, 16, 17,18]. In the present study
Entamoeba gingivalis higher than Trichomonas tenax in both period on taldisease and
healthy gingival group, 68.4% (13), 80% (4) respectively this result agreement with some
previous studies [17]. The rate of infection in females was lower than in males in
periodontal disease group. This is agreement with the Al-Najar and Ismaeel 1986 study
[17]. The rate of infection varies in different age groups, it seems increased with the age of
patients being highest > 40 years, this might be related to oral unhygienic condition. Want
land and Lauer found that the rate of infection increased with the age of patients up to the
age of 40 years and then decreased.[12].
In conclusion, oral parasitic infection appears to be an important infection in
Benghazi , Libyan population. From the results of this study it is concluded that the
prevalence of both T. tenax and E. gingivalis is high and proper care of teeth and gums,
should be taken.
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