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Class Date Test Name Test No Days Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

Units and Measurements, Mathematical (Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox

(Structural Organization in Animals,
Tools, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Reaction, Atomic Structure (Cell : the unit of life, Cell Cycle & Cell
Biomolecules, Breathing and Exchange of
Dropper NEET 19-October-2024 PAT 3 Saturday Plane Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Division) Principles of Inheritance &
Gases) Body Fluids and Circulation,
Newton's Laws of Motion, Work, Energy & Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Variation
Excretory Products & their Elimination
Power, Centre of Mass & System of Particles Structure, Solutions)
(Units and Measurements, Mathematical
Tools, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a (Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox
Plane, Newton's Laws of Motion, Work, Reaction, Atomic Structure (Structural Organization in Animals
(Cell : the unit of life, Cell Cycle & Cell
Energy & Power, Centre of Mass & System Classification of Elements and Periodicity in (including Frog & cockroach), Breathing and
Division, Principles of Inheritance &
Dropper NEET 9-November-2024 PAT 4 Saturday of Particles) Rotational motion, Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
Variation) Molecular Basis of
Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Structure, Solutions) Thermodynamics & Circulation, Excretory Products & their
Inheritance The Living world
Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermochemistry, Equilibrium, Elimination) Locomotion & Movement
Thermal Properties of Matter Electrochemistry

"(Units and Measurements, Mathematical

(Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox
Tools, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a (Structural Organization in Animals
Reaction, Atomic Structure, Classification of
Plane, Newton's Laws of Motion, Work, (Cell : the unit of life, Cell Cycle & Cell (including Frog & cockroach), Breathing and
Elements and, Periodicity in Properties,
Energy & Power, Centre of Mass & System Division, Principles of Inheritance & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure,
Dropper NEET 23-November-2024 PAT 5 Saturday of Particles, Rotational motion, Gravitation, Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance Circulation, Excretory Products & their
Solutions, Thermodynamics &
Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical The Living world) Biological Elimination, Locomotion & Movement)
Thermochemistry, Equilibrium,
Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Classification Neural Control & Coordination, Chemical
Electrochemistry) Organic Chemistry:
Matter) Kinetic Theory of Gases, Coordination & Integration
IUPAC Nomenclature
(Units and Measurements, Mathematical (Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox
(Structural Organization in Animals
Tools, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Reaction, Atomic Structure, Classification of
(Cell : the unit of life, Cell Cycle & Cell (including Frog & cockroach), Breathing and
Plane, Newton's Laws of Motion, Work, Elements and, Periodicity in Properties,
Division, Principles of Inheritance & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
Energy & Power, Centre of Mass & System Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure,
Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance Circulation, Excretory Products & their
Dropper NEET 14-December-2024 PAT 6 Saturday of Particles, Rotational motion, Gravitation, Solutions, Thermodynamics &
The Living world, Biological Elimination, Locomotion & Movement,
Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Thermochemistry, Equilibrium,
Classification) Microbes in Human Neural Control & Coordination, Chemical
Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Electrochemistry, Organic Chemistry: IUPAC
Welfare, Plant Kingdom Coordination & Integration) Animal
Matter, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Nomenclature) Organic Chemistry:
Thermodynamics) Oscillations, Waves Isomerism
(Units and Measurements, Mathematical
(Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox
Tools, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a
Reaction, Atomic Structure, Classification of (Cell : the unit of life, Cell Cycle & Cell (Structural Organization in Animals
Plane, Newton's Laws of Motion, Work,
Elements and, Periodicity in Properties, Division, Principles of Inheritance & (including Frog & cockroach), Breathing and
Energy & Power, Centre of Mass & System
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
of Particles, Rotational motion, Gravitation,
Solutions, Thermodynamics & The Living world, Biological Circulation, Excretory Products & their
Dropper NEET 11-January-2025 PAT 7 Saturday Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical
Thermochemistry, Equilibrium, Classification, Microbes in Human Elimination, Locomotion & Movement,
Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of
Electrochemistry, Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Welfare, Plant Kingdom) Morphology of Neural Control & Coordination, Chemical
Matter, Kinetic Theory of Gases,
Nomenclature, Organic Chemistry: Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Coordination & Integration, Animal
Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves)
Isomerism) Organic Chemistry: General Flowering Plants Kingdom) Human Reproduction
Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic
Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbon
Potential and Capacitance
Dropper NEET 25-January-2025 PAT 8 Saturday FST FST FST FST

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