chapter 1 introduction
chapter 1 introduction
chapter 1 introduction
The advantages of using local task management with mobile agents, versatile approach,
mutual signal, expandable, scalability and reduces network transmission and delays [1-
3]. Mobile agents do the process of data collection and data filtering. Unwanted packet
flow is managed in data aggregation to reduce the congestion. The method of data
filtration removes the duplicate packets. The base stations use the bridges for the
their closest base station, so they can communicate with each other[4]. Definitions of
these types of networks are local area networks (WLANs) and wireless offices.
Mobile wireless networks which are mobile networks without infrastructure are also
known as ad hoc networks. In infrastructure-less networks all nodes can switch from
one position to another without fixed routers being limited. Nodes can link up with each
other in a dynamic way. The mobile nodes serve as routers that establish and maintain
routes to other network nodes[5]. The example of such networks are emergency search-
The wireless design of these networks made them popular in different areas, because
their setup and deployment is easy and cost-effective. Among these wireless networks
is known as the wireless sensor network, which is the one more common. Wireless
Sensor Networks ( WSNs) have recently drawn a great deal of interest from researchers
because of their persistent capacity and large use in Cyber Physical Systems[9], the
Internet of Things (IoT)[10] and other areas[11]. Another explanation for the success
of wireless sensor networks is the rapid growth of sensor technology, and the cost of
sensor devices. The advancement in sensor technology allows to track cars, equipment
and structures using sensors in an simple way. In recent years, the sensor technology
has been combined with networks such as wireless networks and ad hoc mobile
devices[12]. They use sensors to monitor and record environmental physical conditions.
The information gathered from the sensor nodes is stored at the central location.
Wireless sensor networks also rely on wireless connectivity and network spot-forming
such as wireless ad hoc networks so that the sensor node collects the data. The network's
sensor nodes collect data about temperature, sound, pressure etc. The main source of
the wireless sensor network was military for battlefield surveillance purposes[13] but
is used today in many areas such as health[14], customer products monitoring[15] and
The wireless sensor network comprising hundreds and thousands of "nodes" and
connecting each node to one or more sensor nodes. The key function of sensor nodes is
and wireless) c) a central point d) a central point resource for collecting the information
[17]. So every node in the sensor network performs the computation and senses the
network system needed for managing them[18]. Figure 1.1 prescribes the wireless
The number of the sensor nodes can be hundreds or thousands, combined with a BS to
create a standard WSN network. They are designed to process, collect and integrate
data along with the communication with other nodes. Creating the sensor node
robustness[19]. Figure 1.2 shows the basic components of a sensor node that are: unit
• Sensing unit: The sensing unit consists of two parts: sensors and digital
humidity , pressure, motion etc. The output of the sensor is usually an electric
signal which is analog in nature. Thus, an ADC is used to convert the analog
signal generated by the sensor into digital form for processing and storage.
• Processing unit: The processing unit contains a small RAM (Random Access
Memory) disk, and a microcontroller for local data processing. It collects data
from various sensors, analyzes the collected data, and stores it to a memory
certain relay nodes between the sensor nodes and the BS. The transmitting
Through WSN the communication cycle uses more energy through
transmission, receipt, and idle state than the method of computation. Therefore
the sensor node's transceiver radio must be kept in a sleep state whenever
• Power unit : The power unit consists of a battery and tension generator. The
battery is the sensor node energy storage unit that is used to power up the
parameters. The sensor node's lifetime depends on the battery that is equipped
with the power unit. The voltage regulator inside the power unit provides the
that work collaboratively to collect and transmit information from the target area to the
sink(s). The sink can be located within the sensing area or outside. The transmission of
data from the sensor nodes to the sink is affected either by long distance single-hop
network architecture.
collect the information periodically and forward it directly to the sink as shown
overhead for transmitting data to the sink. When the transfer distance increases,
the amount of energy needed for data transmission increases. The distance
between the sensor nodes and the sink is perfect when the sink is located outside
of the sensing area. So the energy cost of transmitting the data to the sink is
rising. Given that the energy resources of the wireless sensor nodes are limited,
or replaced [23].
nodes forward their data to the neighboring nodes nearer the sink instead of
sending data directly to the sink. And these nodes forward the data to the sink.
• Flat Architecture: All Wireless Sensor Nodes are viewed as equals in the flat
architecture shown in Figure 1.4. Transmission of data from distant nodes to the
sink is done through multi-hop paths. Here the nodes of the sensors use their
Therefore, if the data from the nodes near to each other is aggregated before
eliminated. The aggregated data is then forwarded to the sink. Considering that
the energy required for transmission is directly proportional to the number of
grouping of wireless sensor nodes together into clusters is called clustering for
data aggregation and forwarding. Within every cluster one of the nodes is
elected to be the cluster leader. The head of the cluster collects data from all
members of the cluster, aggregates it and sends the aggregated data to the sink.
uses two layers of nodes – cluster leaders and cluster headers. The cluster heads
into the sink. Figure 1.5 and Figure 1.6 demonstrate the wireless sensor network
Through multi-hop transmission, remote cluster heads forward their data to
neighboring cluster heads closer to the sink. The cluster heads near the sink
Characteristics of WSN
sensor network. The node is active inside the network until the available battery
resources. Therefore the network's key concern is the safe and successful usage
of battery energy.
• Mobile nature of nodes: Every node on the network has the feature of mobility.
Without restriction the nodes can switch from one network to another network.
means that the forms of nodes are similar. Node type heterogeneity means that
in the network can easily be increased and diminished. It defines the Wireless
• Easy to use and Deploy: Wireless sensor network can be implemented quickly
without the need for wired infrastructure. The network of wireless sensors is
Advantages of WSN
2. Applicable in those areas where connectivity such as sea, rural area, mountains
etc. is difficult.
3. Instant networks can be built where additional workstations are required.
4. The network deployment cost is smaller than that of the wired network.
5. The cost of buying wires reduced and complicated wired network not needed
Disadvantages of WSN
1. WSNs are less secure anyone can be part of this network and hack the important
5. Using the radio waves for communication purposes the waves can easily spread
Applications of WSNs
This section describes the various applications of WSN. Various WSN applications
Precision Ahriculture
Automotive/Vehicular Application
Military Applications
Applications of WSNs
Area Monitoring
Healthcare monitoring
Landslide detection
Industrial Monitoring
• Precision Agriculture: WSN may be used for monitoring in precision
agriculture: plant, soil , climate, insect, disease, and weed. Greenhouse that can
adapt to different plant species in different seasons is widely used for precision
farming[32]. Research in (Chi1, Chen, and Gao), for example, describes the
methods make up the protocol stack. The agro project Low Frequency Array
temperature are used for this; atmosphere and soil humidity are deployed in the
field. Also in the field is a weather station that tracks luminosity, air pressure,
transmit sensor data to MS. The data is then forwarded for thorough review to
the Internet. Finally, a decision support system lets the farmer take steps such
consisting of 32 nodes[34]. The goal was to track a bird storm petrel's natural
environment and its actions according to climate change. The sensors could feel
passive infrared sensors and photo resistors were mounted to detect their
data through sensor nodes was transferred to a local MS that maintained the
database. The database was available via the internet and was used to duplicate
environment to another remote location for bird protection. WSN also leads to
behavior, and contact with the world around them. The information generated
by sensor nodes helps farmers understand pasture status and best ways to use
those tools. Attached to cattle collars in one such application defined in sensor
nodes. The nodes communicated in a peer to peer fashion to the location of the
animal's Global Positioning System (GPS). The cattle's person and herd
behaviors were modelled based on the positioning data of each node and inertial
information. Farmers can use these models to plan grazing areas to avoid
wireless sensor network area[36]. It helps avoid road collisions and keep cars
vehicle communication and also has huge applications, such as smart parking,
collision avoidance, track information, car theft detection and monitoring [37].
and fault tolerance characteristics make them a valuable technology for military
applications [40]. WSNs are used as an integral part of the structures of military
targeting. Sensor networks are used for combat operations in hostile areas where
• Area Monitoring: Area monitoring is very widely used in WSNs. The WSN is
used to identify enemies; a civilian example would be gas or oil pipeline geo-
wearable and implanted [44]. Wearable devices are attached to the human body
surface, or even in near proximity to the user. Those are the implantable medical
devices that are inserted within the body. There are also several other uses, e.g.
measurement of body position and of the person, overall monitoring of the ill
London, and Brisbane) wireless sensor networks have been installed to track the
influence of hazardous gases for citizens [46]. They may use random wireless
to detect any time a fire has started. The nodes typically have sensors to measure
fire[48]. The first identification is crucial to get the fire fighters to act
successfully; As wireless tests as Sensor Networks allow the fire brigade to
know when a fire starts you and when it can spread [49].
network to track the subtle soil changes and modifications to various parameters
that may occur before or during a landslide. With the data gathered it may be
rivers , seas, reservoirs, oceans, and dams, sensor networks support. With the
• Industrial Monitoring: In the industrial area the sensors are used to for the
purpose of data logging and condition of the machine. For customized products,
edibility in fracturing units and (iii) broad band wireless networks for
composed of: (i) wireless sensor and actuator network for machine control and
monitoring (ii) wireless personal area networks for local communication with
with the installation of a sensor near the dams. The water level in the dams can
be easily assessed and preventative steps can be taken to avoid flooding
In WSN, various challenges and issues are available which required to be handle
reputation. When the essential information flows from the networks thus rising
areas where power supply to the sensor nodes is difficult to access. Sensors are
mounted in those types of position where it is difficult to adjust and charge the
power the sensor nodes can't work. So to increase the life span of the WSN there
Small devices known as sensors which have limited battery resources, small
techniques of encryption and decryption the more computations are needed that
use the more energy resources. The security methods should be managed like
this they provide robustness to the network without using the more network
resources [62].
• Routing: Because of WSN 's wireless nature these networks are unstructured.
Thus the WSN routing protocols are not suitable for wired networks. The WSN
routing protocols should be light weight that requires less resources[63]. The
routing protocol should be data-centric, flood control and energy resource usage
The network nodes that would dynamically alter their configurations when there
were some changes in the network[64]. The research becomes more repetitive
Energy usage is one of the major design problems in the architecture of wireless sensor
networks. The life of each sensor node depends on the dissipation of their energy.
Sensors with depleted batteries can no longer work in applications where the sensors
are not fitted with energy scavenging devices like solar cells [65,66].
All steps are sending, detecting, receiving , storing (calculating), idle and sleeping [67]
circuitry inside the node and collecting environmental data. It is called energy
sensing. The magnitude of this energy depends on which mission the sensor is
• Transmitter Energy: A transmitter circuitry is required to transmit the data
towards the destination. A certain amount of energy is used for this operation
transmitter, data packet size, distance between nodes and data transmission rate.
• Receiver Energy: A sensor node is also responsible for the forwarding of data
packets produced from other sensor nodes, as a relay node. Sensors must be able
to obtain certain packets of data for this operation. Receiver energy must be
• Computation Energy: For such circuitries to work, the sensor node processing
carried out.
• Idle Energy: A node is disabled in idle mode but the transceiver circuit is on,
and ready to receive. Therefore the same amount of energy is expended as idle
• Sleep Energy: Active and inactive modes switch between the sensor nodes. A
node may consume more energy for sensing , processing, and transmitting or
receiving, in active state. While a node goes into sleep mode in inactive state
Figure 1.8 shows the amount of energy consumption during these modes of operation.
Figure 1.8: Energy consumption during different modes of operations
The cycle of data communication is mode of sending , receiving, idling and sleep. From
the figure it is clear that communication consumes more energy than sensing and
processing a data.
Wireless sensor networks are combinations of autonomous sensor nodes, also known
referred to as a base station or sink node that links directly to an network or the Internet
through a gateway that allows remote users to access the data stored. Gateways are used
promising technology for a wide variety of specific needs areas. The WSN still has a
few issues to solve in order to become a mature network. The energy resources are one
of the key problems needed to manage them efficiently. Sensor typically has power
constraints in wireless sensor network[68]. The sensors are totally dependent on their
energy resources for carrying out the network activities. Each sensor is fitted with
battery operated units for sensing, data storage , data processing , memory, and
communicating. Radio signals are used with other sensors and the base station to
Another approach known as clustering and another is mobile agent for handling the
The vast number of distributed sensor nodes had to be divided into small numbers of
manageable clusters to be handled. Every cluster had the head of the cluster fitted. The
head of a cluster may be static and dynamic. In networks where power leakage problem
occurs, nodes have non-zero power and have the static heads unable to communicate
with the sink nodes. The heads inside the selected network are dynamic heads based on
the available energy resources[70]. In short, clustering strategy increases the network's
life span by reducing the number of network transactions. The clustering problem
The heads inside the selected network are dynamic heads based on the available energy
resources[70]. In short, clustering strategy increases the network's life span by reducing
the number of network transactions. The clustering problem decreases the delays,
calculations to decrease energy resource use. Each head of cluster collects data for all
members of its cluster. The CMs are also recognized members of the cluster, or leaf
Figure 1.9: Cluster architecture
nodes[72]. In their sensing range each leaf node is connected to each other. Details
rotated from one leaf node to another leaf node until the destination is not reached. In
cluster, the data are used to move from one cluster head to another cluster head
The advantages of splitting the networks into clusters are a) it improves scalability b) it
and summing up the data, c) it decreases the number of relay nodes d) load balancing
between clusters e) it improves energy efficiency and f) it increases the lifespan of the
network etc.[73].
Clustering characteristics
clustering. We'll describe each key section in depth in the following. Figure 1.9 includes
Cluster properties
• The number of clusters: The number of clusters that were created may either
• Cluster size: The size of the clusters may be equal or unequal, depending on
the uniform distribution of the load among all the clusters created. The cluster
inequality is based on the distance between the nodes and the BS.
and members when the number of CHs is low and the size of the clusters high.
between the CHs and the BS (usually in small-scale networks and conventional
CH properties
Since the CH option is the key part of each clustering algorithm, the elected CHs have
a major impact on the efficiency of the clustering algorithm[74]. They mention the
• Mobility: The CHs can be stationary or mobile, either. Mobile CHs can travel
for a limited distance but mobile CHs' topology management process is more
• Node type: Compared to the normal nodes, the distributed CHs around the
network may be rich in resources; that is, the network supports node
• Role: The chosen CHs will play different roles in the network, depending on
the algorithm. Those are relay and aggregation / fusion functions. A CH may
act as a simple relay node, such as managing and synchronizing data traffic or
Clustering process
Due to the fact that WSNs are networks with a large number of nodes,
• Objectives: Clustering the nodes inside WSNs may have different goals. As
already stated, certain goals are more important than the others. A full list of
• CH selection: That clustering algorithm has its own mechanism for choosing a
CH. But the CH election algorithms can generally be divided into three
categories: fixed, random, and attribute based methods. The CHs are elected in
preset before nodes are deployed in the sector. The CHs are chosen randomly
of their characteristics, like the residual energy and distance to the BS.
specifications of the network such as the number of CHs and some converge in
• Clustering nature: Within the literature several clustering algorithms have been
proposed for WSNs. A limited number of such solutions are based on the
suggested are constructive and do not embrace the reactivity and some of them
use a mixture.
static. In dynamic approaches, the CHs are selected on the basis of the
time scheme. In static approaches, the CH election and related operations are
Mobile Agent
A mobile agent (MAs)[77] is a piece of software that is performed on any changes that
have arisen in the network. Alternatively, knowledge rotates within the network and the
message floods the whole network. Mobile agent only transfers certain hops that
required any action to be carried out within the network. The most widely used model
for data aggregation in WSN is mobile agent. Mobile agent performs the function of
aggregating data at node level rather than sink level, reducing the overhead of redundant
network. The mobile agent has identified the entity in the context of WSNs as having
four components: mobile agent Identification (ID), itinerary, storage space, and
services, Where mobile agent ID is used to define the mobile agent uniquely, data space
is the data buffer of the agent carrying partially aggregated information, itinerary is the
order of sensor nodes to be visited during mobile agent migration and service is the
processing code carried with the agent as shown in Figure 1.10. The computing
transferring the computational process to the position of the sensed data; otherwise its
raw transmission will consume more node energy[78]. This survey thus examines the
The mobile agents switch hop to hop before it hits destination. Within the network,
mobile agents carry out their mission autonomously and intelligently. Mobile agents
perform better if nodes are well connected, cluster is low in size. The advantages of
local task management using mobile agents, versatile approach, mutual signal,
expandable, scalability and reduces network transmission and delays. Mobile agents
do the process of data collection and data filtering. Unwanted packet flow is managed
in data aggregation to reduce the congestion. The method of data filtration removes the
duplicate packets. The technique of mobile agents also has other inconveniences, such
entity operates in the real world: a robot, an airplane or a vehicle. At the other
hand, the virtual object is an object that does not physically exist and that
• Autonomy: That means it is not powered by the user's or other agent's commands
but by itself. And it's got some freedom of movement. The world in which the
• Communication: The agent has the ability to communicate directly with other
• Efficiency: This reflects the pace of the agent 's execution and interference.
Representative capability Agents have only a partial view of their world, that is,
they do not have a broad perception of all that happens to their surroundings.
An agent doesn't know all the information, he just has three kinds of knowledge;
of knowledge. These tools make the agent dependent on his environment, but
they do give him some flexibility and are able to handle it.
activity, which is condensed to interact, act and possibly replicate, aims from
There are other optional features that distinguish agents such as [81]:
• The control: It can be entirely distributed between the agents, but can be
• Anticipation: The agent can more or less have the capability to anticipate events
• Granularity or Complexity: The agent can be very simple like a neuron but also
more difficult.
• The contribution: The agent participates more or less in resolving the problem
• Rationality: Rational agents have criteria for assessing their actions, and select
of engagement. A cooperative agent schedules its actions with the other agents
agent gives himself the means to achieve it and then commits to carrying out
the acts that accomplish that aim; the agent believes he has created, which
The client gives a purpose to an agent. To achieve this goal, the agent moves in the
network of machines retrieving the services offered by these machines locally. Three
2. The execution of the mission by the agent.
Chapter Outline
The research work present in this thesis has been focused on the energy efficient
techniques in WSN. After a detailed discussion on the areas related to the objectives of
Chapter 3 presents the research gaps in the existing literature and objectives of the
research work that have increased the lifetime to sensor networks by introducing energy
Chapter 4 presents a systematic anylysis on the energy-efficient clustering schemes and
mobile agent based schemes that have been employed by the protocols for data
schemes and mobile agent based schemes with emphasis on their objectives along with
their strengths and limitations. This comparative analysis facilitates the researchers to
select the appropriate clustering schemes and mobile agent based schemes employed
for WSN for IoT application that uses Mobile Agents (MA) for the data collection from
the nodes. In this approach first the GSA has been used for optimal selection of cluster
heads and then GSA has been used for optimizing itinerary of the Mobile Agent to
collect data from the sensor nodes. The various parameters used for optimizing the
cluster head selection were the remaining energy of the nodes, their communication
cost with the base station and number of neighbors having emergency data. While in
data transmission phase, the k means clustering was used for allocating source nodes to
MA and GSA was used for itinerary optimization. The proposed approach has been
compared with other clustering protocols in terms of network lifetime and energy
consumption. Also, GSA based itinerary planning of the MA has been compared with
other itinerary planning approaches for the MA in terms of success rate and task energy
consumption. The proposed protocol has shown better network stability, lesser energy
Chapter 6 concludes the thesis by highlighting the main contributions of this research
work. It emphasizes on the contributions of the clustering and mobile agents for data
the performance of data aggregation protocols by exploring several interesting