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KoBLE’s 2 Years’ KoBLE Receives Its VSPD Supports Its EIP The Ministry Of Education
Evaluation Report Next 2 Years’ Funding Students During And Training’s Home
COVID-19 School Package

KoBLE’s 2 Years’ Evaluation Report

KoBLE is excited to present its first ever external independent evaluation report of its
program. The report was commissioned by a pool of consultants from Nepal which was
headed by Dr Indra Mani Rai. The final report was submitted to KoBLE and the Global
Partnership for Education.

The evaluation focused on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability,

cross-cutting areas, and lessons learned and adaptations of KoBLE’s 2 year-project.
KoBLE’s project activities has looked into its membership expansion, representation from
the marginalized groups, capacity building for interest groups or members, management
capacity and governance of the Secretariat and Board, capacity in policy analysis and
dialogue, coordination and collaboration, capacity in participation and strategic education
planning, capacity in research and monitoring, learning collaborative shared lessons, learning collaborative generated lessons, and
learning collaborative established.

The Evaluation of EOL Financed National Education Coalition Project 2020-2021 Evaluation Full Report can be viewed via

KoBLE Receives Its Next 2 Years’ Funding

KoBLE has been successful in receiving its 2 years’ funding extension for the Education Out
Loud program, funded by the Global Partnership for Education. The funding period is from
1st January, 2022 to 31st December, 2023. Other regional National Education Coalitions in
the Pacific region countries, like the PNG Education Advocacy Network, the Samoa
Education Network, and the Coalition of Education Solomon Islands, have also received
funding. KoBLE is excited to kick start its project activities in May, 2022, after finalizing the
contract’s formalities.

On a positive note, KoBLE is happy to announce its new office location! In January 2022,
KoBLE moved office from within Save the Children’s premises, to its new premises at the
Ardmani Building, above Jungle Café, Lini Highway Street.

An yearly calendar planning was also developed by KoBLE staff and has been approved by the Regional Management Unit based in
Nepal. Please follow our website, Facebook account and weekly email updates for information of upcoming activities.

VSPD supports Its EIP Students During COVID-19 Lockdown.

Vanuatu Society for People with Disability (VSPD) has stepped up in its community relief
support to assisting the Early Intervention Program students during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Vanuatu for the first time, has experienced a COVID-19 community transmission where the
country declared a lockdown from March to May 2022. The Early Intervention Program
(EIP) is a core educational initiative of VSPD in supporting children with disabilities from
ages 1 to 6 years, towards transitioning into the mainstream schools.

Currently, there are 52 children attending the EIP classes from within five municipal wards
and five area councils in Port Vila. During the lockdown, the VSPD staff went into the
communities to distribute the EIP Home School Packages to support continuous learning for
the EIP students. Parents are very positive about having the opportunity to help and support their children at home with the HSP
materials during the lockdown. However on the other hand, full-time working mothers are finding it difficult to support their child’s
learning during homeschooling and this responsibility had to be shared with other family members in the household. The EIP students
will continue doing the HSP during the month of May and will be looking forward to resuming classes in June 2022.

Ms. Nancy Swua, VSPD’s Community Based Inclusive Development Officer, who is also a board member of KoBLE, expresses
gratitude to the Vanuatu Government through its bilateral funding from New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and
Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in making sure that the program still continues; and also to a number of
charitable trusts, and the VSPD donors, for their support and donations to the EIP students during the COVID-19 lockdown. Butterfly
Trust has donated hand sanitizers and masks; Friends Vanuatu gave cash donations of VT3000 to all EIP students; Vanuatu Yumi
Wan donated food parcels; and World Vision donated hygiene kits.

The Ministry Of Education And Training’s Home School Package

On 9th March 2022, the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) uploaded the
Home School Package (HSP) for students on its website as its response to the COVID-19
lockdown which was declared on 5th March, 2022. MoET clarified that the HSPs were
inclusive and were developed as an easy-to-use material that could be used by parents or
caregivers, and students at higher levels, to support students in their learning.

The HSPs cater for a 10 week period to maintain the continued learning of the students
during times of emergency and to give time for teachers to prepare lessons from their Lesson
Plans, for their students. The ministry also provided 3 Facebook pages, ECCE Home School,
MoET Vanuatu; Primary Home School, MoET Vanuatu; and Secondary Home School, MoET
Vanuatu, where parents or caregivers could interact and share their stories on the HSP

The MoET in its press release ‘More than 26, 000 home school booklets to be printed,’ which was published in the Daily Post Issue
6453 on 27th January 2022, acknowledged KoBLE’s work and considered its Home School Package Report’s recommendations.

Kolisen Blong Leftemap Edukesen

Ardmani Building
PO Box 6463
(+678) 26280


'This publication was produced with the financial support of Education Out Loud. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kolisen
Blong Leftemap Edukesen and do not necessarily reflect the views of funding partner the Global Partnership for Education.’

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