JEE Main D and F Block Elements Important Questions (2023-24)

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1. A magnetic moment of 1.73 B.M. will be shown by one of

the following compounds.
(A) [Cu(NH ) ]
3 4
(B) [NI(CN) ] 4

(C) TiCl
4 (D) [CoCl ]

Sol. A
Since magnetic moment.
= n(n  2)B.M.
Where n = 1 = no. of unpaired electron
Thus n = 1 for Cu 2

2. A light green coloured salt soluble in water gives black ppt.

on passing H2S which dissolves readily in HCl. The metal
ion present is:
(A) Co2+ (B) Fe2+
(C) Ni2+ (D) Mn2+
Sol. B
FeS soluble in HCl also Fe2+ salts are green.

3. Lead poisoning in the body can be removed by:
(A) EDTA in the form of calcium dihydrogen salt
(B) cis-platin
(D) Zeisse’s salt
Sol. A
EDTA is very strong chelating agent and it forms stable
chelate with Pb (II).

4. The acid anhydride of permanganic acid is

(A) Mn2O7 (B) MnO3
(C) MnO2 (D) MnO
Sol. A

5. Which equation does not involve the reduction of a

transition metal compound?
(A) Fe O  3CO  2Fe  3CO
2 3 2

(B) TiO  2C  2Cl  TiCl  2CO

2 2 4

(C) Cr O  2Al  2Cr  Al O

2 3 2 3

(D) TiCl  4Na  Ti  4NaCl


Sol. B
TiO2 
 TiCl4
(4) (4)

No change in oxidation number takes place.

6. Chemical volcano is produced on heating
(A) K2Cr2O7 (B) (NH4)2Cr2O7
(C) ZnCr2O7 (D) K2CrO4
Sol. B
On heating (NH4)2Cr2O7, N2 is given out with Cr2O3
produced at higher rate giving look of artificial volcano.

7. Find the statement which is not correct with respect to

transition metals.
(A) Most transition metals, should on thermodynamic
consideration liberate hydrogen from acids.
(B) The colour of the hydrated ions is due to transition of
electrons from different ‘d’ orbitals of the same principle
quantum numbers.
(C) The compounds of the elements in low oxidation states
are generally ionic.
(D) The complex formation of transition metal ions is often
accompanied by a change of colour and sometimes by a
change in the intensity of the colour.
Sol. A
Transition metals get rendered passive by their coating of
the oxide or having high hydrogen over voltage.

8. Cu2+ ion is more stable than Ag2+ ion because

(A) structure of Cu2+ is symmetrical.
(B) exchange energy of Ag2+ is high.
(C) exchange energy of Cu2+ is high.
(D) Ag2+ is hard.
Sol. C

9. Which of the following statements about the complex [CoF ] 6


which is paramagnetic in nature is correct?

(A) Cobalt involves d sp hybridisation
2 3

(B) Cobalt involves sp d hybridisation

3 2

(C) F is in zero oxidation state

(D) the oxidation state of cobalt is +2
Sol. B
F shows an oxidation state of I in its compounds.
Therefore statement (C) is wrong. The oxidation state of Co
in [CoF ] is (+III) and not (+II) hence statement (D) is wrong.

The correct statement is either (A) or (B). The hybridisation

of Co is sp d (high spin complex) and not d sp .
3 2 2 3

10. In aqueous solution Cd(II) exists as 6coordinate aqua

complex. The solution on treatment with Br ion forms 

finally 4coordinate Cd(II) complex with Br ions 

successively in four steps with stepwise formation

constants: log K  1.56, log K  0.54, log K  0.06 and log K  0.37 . The
1 2 3 4

higher value of K as compound to K is due to

4 3

(A) transformation of trigonal complex into tetrahedral


(B) change from octahedral to tetrahedral geometry.
(C) increase in H of the reaction.
(D) large increase in the number of particles when fourth
Br enters the coordination zone.

Sol. D
[Cd(H2O)4 (Br)2 ]  Br  [Cd(H2O)3 Br3 ]  H2O

[Cd(H2O)3 Br3 ]  Br  [CdBr4 ]2  3H2O


11. Iron is rendered passive by treatment with concentrated:

(A) H2SO4 (B) H3PO4
(C) HCl (D) HNO3
Sol. D
Due to the formation of an oxide film on the surface.

12. A magnetic moment of 1.73 B.M will be shown by one

among the following compounds
(A) TiCl4 (B) [CoCl6]4
(C) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (D) [Ni(CN)4]2
Sol. C

13. The product A in the following equations is

2KMnO4 A + MnO2 + O2 is
(A) K2Mn2O7 (B) K2MnO4
(C) K2O (D) K2O2
Sol. B

2KMnO4 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2

14. Which compound is formed when excess of KCN is added

to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate?
(A) Cu(CN)2 (B) K2[Cu(CN)6]
(C) K[Cu(CN)2] (D) K3[Cu(CN)4]
Sol. D
Firstly Cu2+ ion is reduced to Cu+ by CN– which then forms
complex with it.
2Cu2+ + 2CN– 2Cu+ + (CN)2
Cu   CN 
 CuCN 
 K3[Cu(CN)4 ]

15. The formula of ferrocene is:

(A) [Fe(CN) ]
(B) [Fe(CN) ] 6

(C) [Fe(CO) ]
5 (D) [(C H ) Fe]
6 5 2

Sol. D
Ferrocene is diphenyl iron complex.

16. Atomic radii of transition elements Sc and Ti are

(A) 1.43, 1.33 (B) 1.16, 1.17
(C) 1.15, 1.25 (D) 1.44, 1.17
Sol. A

17. Maximum oxidation number is found in which of the
following compounds of transition elements?
(A) chloride (B) fluoride
(C) nitrite (D) sulphide
Sol. B

18. A solution containing 0.319 g of complex CrCl3.6H2O was

passed through cation exchanger and the solution given out
was neutralized by 28.5 ml of 0.125 M NaOH. What is the
correct formula of complex?
(A) [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 (B) [Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2.H2O
(C) [Cr(H2O)3Cl3].3H2O (D) [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl.2H2O
Sol. A
Milliequivalents of NaOH = 28.5 × 0.125 = 3.5625
Milliequivalents of NaOH  Milliequivalents of salt
3.5625 
52  6  18  35.5  3  1000  charge
Charge = +3
So, formula  Cr(H O)  2 6
 3Cl , i.e. [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3

19. The compound which does not show paramagnetism is
(A) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2 (B) [Ag(NH3)2]Cl
(C) NO (D) NO2
Sol. B
[Ag(NH3 ) 2 ]  Cl 
[Ag(NH3 )2 ]Cl 

So, there is no unpaired electron in [Ag(NH3)2]+ but rest all

have unpaired electrons, so they are accountable for being

20. Which of the following complex ion has a magnetic

moment same as [Cr(H O) ] . 2 6

(A) [Mn(H O) ] 2 6
(B) [Mn(H O) ] 2 6

(C) [Fe(H O) ]2 6
(D) [Cu(H O) ] 2 6

Sol. A
In [Cr(H O) ] the oxidation state of Cr is (+III) having
2 6

electronic configuration [Ar] 3d ; contains three unpaired 3

electrons. Out of all the four complex ion given, only

[Mn(H O) ] contains Mn with three unpaired electrons.
2 6
4 4

Therefore [Cr(H O) ] and [Mn(H O) ] will have the same

2 6
2 6

magnetic moment.

21. The aqueous solution of each of the following salt is
coloured except
(A) TiCl 4 (B) FeCl 3

(C) CuCl 2 (D) MnCl 2

Sol. A
Except Ti(+IV) in TiCl all other metal ions Fe in FeCl , Cu

in CuCl and Mn in MnCl contains unpaired electrons and are



22. Which one of the following could not act as a ligand?

(A) F– (B) CH3CH3
(C) NH2NH2 (D) CH3OCH3
Sol. B
C2H6 do not carry lone pair of electrons.

23. From the stability constant which one is strongest ligand?

(A) Cu  4NH
[Cu(NH ) ] ; K  4.5 10
3 3 4
2 11

(B) Cu 2  4CN [Cu(CN)4 ]2 ; K  2.0 1027

(C) Cu 2  2en [Cu(en)2 ]2 ; K  3.0 1015

(D) Cu 2  4H2O [Cu(H2O)4 ]2 ; K  9.5 108

Sol. B
Greater the value of stability constant, stronger are the


24. If co-ordination number of [M2+] is four, how many moles

of acetylacetonate anion is needed to form stable complex
Sol. 2
Acetyl acetate anion is bidentate ligand, so two moles are



25. An ionic compound AB has zinc blende structure. If the

radius of A is 11.25 pm, then the ideal radius of B is
 

Sol. 50 pm
In zinc blende structure Zn is in alternate tetrahedral void
surrounded by 4 sulphide ions.
rA 
So, rB
 0.225

From this rB can be calculated.

26. The most stable oxidation state of Mn is

Ans. 2

As half filled orbitals are more stable than partial filled

ones. Therefore, + 2 is most stable oxidation state.
27. The number of unpaired electrons in Mn 3 is
Ans. (4)

28. In acidic medium one mole of MnO accepts how many 


moles of electrons in a redox process?

Ans. (5)
Oxidation state of Mn changes from +7 to +2 in acidic
medium i.e. one mole of it accepts 5 mole of electrons.

29. The equivalent weight of potassium permanganate for acid

solution is
Ans. (31.6)
Equivalent weight of KMnO in acidic medium is M/5

 Equivalent weight = 158

= 31.6

30. The equivalent weight of K 2 Cr2 O 7 in acidic medium

Ans. (49)
K 2 Cr2 O7  3H 2SO 4  K 2SO 4  Cr2 (SO 4 )3  3(O)  3H 2

No. of electrons lossed = 12 – 6 = 6

 Equivalent weight = M6  294
 49.


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