Practice problems-1 1. C program "Hello, World!" Program 2. C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User) 3. C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers 4. C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character 5. C program to find range of signed and unsigned basic data types 6. Write a C program to convert specified days into years, weeks and days 7. Write a C program that accepts three integers and find the maximum of three using Ternary operator 8. Write a C program to convert a given integer (in seconds) to hours, minutes and seconds. 9. C Program to find sum of first n natural numbers, sum of squares of first n natural numbers, sum of cubes of first n natural numbers 10. C program to find simple interest 11. C program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa 12. C Program to show how single-line and multiline comments are used 13. C Program to calculate compound interest 14. C Program to compute (a+b)2, (a+b)3, (a-b) 2, (a-b)3 15. C Program to compute the percentage on your inter marks. 16. C program to show how built-in functions of math library work (functions namely fmod, sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, log, fabs, etc.,) 17. C program to find the distance between two points when given two coordinates 18. C program to find the last digit of a number 19. C program to find a product of a number when multiplied by 4 without using the * operator 20. C program to find whether the character is an alphabet or not using conditional operator.