1. To understand the arrangement of windings of AC machines.
2. To understand the principle of production of pulsating and revolving magnetic fields.
3. To understand the principle of operation and characteristics of three phase Induction machines
4. To understand the principle of operation and characteristics of single phase Induction machines
5. To understand the principle of operation and characteristics of synchronous machine
6. To understand the principle of operation and characteristics of special electromechanical devices.
7. To solve problems of Induction machines, synchronous machines and special eletromechanical
1. Basic Electrical Engineering (ES-EE-101)
2. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
3. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
4. Electric Machine-I (PC-EE-401)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
1 Fundamentals of AC machine windings:
Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor;
slots for windings; single-turn coil - active portion and overhang;
full-pitch coils, concentrated winding, distributed winding, winding
axis,3D visualization of the above winding types, Air-gap MMF 5
distribution with fixed current through
winding-concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed
winding, winding distribution factor
2 Pulsating and revolving magnetic fields:
Constant magnetic field, pulsating magnetic field - alternating
current in windings with spatial displacement, Magnetic field
produced by a single winding - fixed current and alternating current
Pulsating fields produced by spatially displaced windings, Windings 5
spatially shifted by 90 degrees, Addition of pulsating magnetic
fields, Three windings spatially shifted by 120 degrees (carrying
three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic field.
3 Induction Machines:
Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Torque Slip
Characteristics, Starting and Maximum Torque. Equivalent circuit. 10
Phasor Diagram, Losses and Efficiency. Effect of parameter
variation on torque speed characteristics (variation of rotor and
stator resistances, stator voltage, frequency). Methods of starting,
braking and speed control for induction motors. Generator operation.
Self-excitation. Doubly-Fed Induction Machines.
Single-phase induction motors:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
4 Constructional features, double revolving field theory, equivalent 5
circuit, determination of parameters. Split-phase starting methods
and applications
5 Synchronous machines:
Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine -
generated EMF, equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, armature
reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation. Operating 10
characteristics of synchronous machines, V-curves. Salient pole
machine - two reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power
angle characteristics. Parallel operation of alternators -
synchronization and load division.
6 Special Electromechanical devices:
Principle and construction of switched Reluctance motor, Permanent
magnet machines, Brushless DC machines, Hysteresis motor, 5
Stepper motor, Tacho generators.
Text books:
1. Electric Machinery & Transformer, Bhag S. Guru and H.R. Hiziroglu, 3rd Edition, Oxford
University press.
2. Electric Machinery & Transformes, Irving L. Kosow, PHI
3. Electric Machinery, A.E.Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley,Jr. & Stephen D. Umans, 6th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
4. Electrical Machines, R.K. Srivastava, Cengage Learning
5. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery, Alexander S Langsdorf, Tata Mc Graw Hill
6. The performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, M.G.Say, CBS publishers &
7. Electric Machines, Charles A. Gross, CRC press.
8. Problems in Electrical Engineering, Parker smith, 9th Edition, CBS publishers &
Course Outcome:
1. To understand the basic principle of generation of Electricity from different sources
2. To find parameters and characteristics of overhead transmission lines and cables.
3. To find different parameters for the construction of overhead transmission line
4. To determine the performance of transmission lines.
5. To understand the principle tariff calculation.
6. To solve numerical problems on the topics studied.
1. Basic Electrical Engineering (ES-EE-101)
2. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
3. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
1 Basic Concepts:
Evolution of Power System and present day Scenario. Structure of
power system: Bulk power grid and Micro Grid.
Generation of Electric Power:
General layout of a typical coal fired power station, Hydro electric 10
power station, Nuclear power station, their components and working
principles, comparison of different methods of power generation.
Introduction to Solar & Wind energy system.
Indian Electricity Rule-1956: General Introduction.
Overhead transmission line:
Choice of frequency, Choice of voltage, Types of conductors,
2 Inductance and Capacitance of a single phase and three phase
symmetrical and unsymmetrical configurations. Bundle conductors.
Transposition. Concept of GMD and GMR. Influence of earth on 12
conductor capacitance.
Overhead line construction:
Line supports, Towers, Poles, Sag, Tension and Clearance, Effect of
Wind and Ice on Sag. Dampers.
Corona: Principle of Corona formation, Critical disruptive voltage,
Visual critical corona discharge potential, Corona loss, advantages
& disadvantages of Corona. Methods of reduction of Corona.
Text book:
1. Electrical Power System, Subir Roy, Prentice Hall
2. Power Systems, A. Ambikapathy, Khanna Publishing House
3. Power System Engineering, Nagrath & Kothery, TMH
4. Elements of power system analysis, C.L. Wodhwa, New Age International.
5. Electrical Power System, Ashfaq Hussain, CBS Publishers & Distributors
Reference books
Course Outcome:
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To find mathematical representation of LTI systems.
2. To find time response of LTI systems of different orders
3. To find the frequency response of LTI systems of different orders
4. To understand stabilityof differentLTI systems.
5. To analyze LTIsystems with state variables.
6. To solve problems of mathematical modelling and stability of LTI systems
1. Basic Electrical Engineering (ES-EE-101)
2. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
3. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
4. Electric Machine-I (PC-EE-401)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Introduction to control system:
Concept of feedback and Automatic control, Effects of
1 feedback,Objectives of control system, Definition of linear and 04
nonlinear systems, Elementary concepts ofsensitivity and
robustness. Types of control systems, Servomechanisms and
regulators, examples offeedback control systems. Transfer function
concept. Pole and Zeroes of a transfer function. Propertiesof
Transfer function.
Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems:
Translational systems, Rotational systems, Mechanicalcoupling,
Liquid level systems, Electrical analogy of Spring–Mass-Dashpot
2 system. Block diagramrepresentation of control systems. Block 08
diagram algebra. Signal flow graph. Mason’s gain formula.
Control system components: Potentiometer, Synchros, Resolvers,
Position encoders. DC and ACtacho-generators. Actuators. Block
diagram level description of feedback control systems for
positioncontrol, speed control of DC motors, temperature control,
liquid level control, voltage control of anAlternator.
Time domain analysis:
3 Time domain analysis of a standard second order closed loop
system. Concept of undamped natural frequency, damping,
overshoot, rise time and settling time. Dependence of time domain 08
performance parameters on natural frequency and damping ratio.
Step and Impulse response of first and second order systems. Effects
of Pole and Zeros on transient response. Stability by pole location.
Routh-Hurwitz criteria and applications.
Error Analysis: Steady state errors in control systems due to step,
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
ramp and parabolic inputs. Concepts of system types and error
Stability Analysis:
4 Root locus techniques, construction of Root Loci for simple systems.
Effects ofgain on the movement of Pole and Zeros. 10
Frequency domain analysis of linear system: Bode plots, Polar
plots, Nichols chart, Concept ofresonance frequency of peak
magnification. Nyquist criteria, measure of relative stability, phase
andgain margin. Determination of margins in Bode plot. Nichols
chart. M-circle and M-Contours inNichols chart.
Control System performance measure:
5 Improvement of system performance through compensation. 05
Lead, Lag and Lead- lag compensation, PI, PD and PID control.
State variable Analysis:
Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of
6 State Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigenvalues and Stability 10
Analysis. Concept of controllability and observability.
Pole-placement by state feedback.
Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space models of
linear discrete-time systems.
Stability of linear discrete-time systems.
Text books:
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their
program educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To understand the functioning and characteristics of power switching devices.
2. To understand the principle of operation of converters.
3. To understand different triggering circuits and techniques of commutation of SCR
4. To find external performance parameter of converters.
5. To analyze methods of voltage control, improvement of power factor and reduction of harmonics
of the converter
6. To solve numerical problems of converters
1. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
2. Analog Electronics (PC-EE-302)
3. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
4. Digital Electronics (PC-EE-402)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Concept of power electronics, application of power electronics,
1 uncontrolled converters,advantages and disadvantages of power
electronics converters, power electronics systems,power diodes,
power transistors, power MOSFETS, IGBT and GTO.
PNPN devices:
Thyristors, brief description of members of Thyristor family with
symbol, V-Icharacteristics and applications. Two transistor model of
SCR, SCR turn on methods,switching characteristics, gate 05
characteristics, ratings, SCR protection, series and paralleloperation,
gate triggering circuits, different commutation techniques of SCR.
Phase controlled converters:
3 Principle of operation of single phase and three phase half wave,
half controlled, full controlled converters with R, R-L and RLE
loads, effects of freewheeling diodes and source inductance on the 06
performance of converters. External performance parameters of
converters, techniques of power factor improvement, single phase
and three phase dual converters
DC-DC converters:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
4 Principle of operation, control strategies, step up choppers, types of 05
choppers circuits based on quadrant of operation, performance
parameters, multiphase choppers.
5 Definition, classification of inverters based on nature of input 10
source, wave shape of outputvoltage, method of commutation &
connections. Principle of operation of single phase andthree phase
bridge inverter with R and R-L loads, performance parameters of
inverters,methods of voltage control and harmonic reduction of
Resonant Pulse Converters:
Introduction, Series Resonant inverter, Parallel Resonant inverter,
6 Zero-Current Switching Resonant converters, Zero-Voltage 05
Switching Resonant converter, Two quadrant Zero-Voltage
Switching Resonant converter, Resonant DC link inverter.
7 Applications:
Speed control of AC and DC motors. HVDC transmission. Static 05
circuit breaker, UPS,static VAR controller.
Text books:
Course Outcome:
Laboratory Experiments:
1. Different methods of starting of a 3 phase Cage Induction Motor & their comparison [DOL, Auto
transformer &Star-Delta]
2. Study of equivalent circuit of three phase Induction motor by no load and blocked rotor
3. Study of performance of wound rotor Induction motor under load.
4. Study of performance of three phase squirrel- cage Induction motor –determination of
iron-loss, friction &windage loss.
5. Speed control of 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor by different methods & their comparison
[voltagecontrol & frequency control].
6. Speed control of 3 phase slip ring Induction motor by rotor resistance control
7. Determination of regulation of Synchronous machine by
a. Potier reactance method.
b. Synchronous Impedance method.
8. Determination of equivalent circuit parameters of a single phase Induction motor.
9. Load test on single phase Induction motor to obtain the performance characteristics.
10. To determine the direct axis resistance [Xd] & quadrature reactance [Xq] of a 3 phase
synchronous machine byslip test.
11. Load test on wound rotor Induction motor to obtain the performance characteristics.
12. To make connection diagram to full pitch & fractional slot winding of 18 slot squirrel cage
Induction motor for6 poles & 4 pole operation
13. To study the performance of Induction generator
14. Parallel operation of 3 phase Synchronous generators
15. V-curve of Synchronous motor
Institute may develop experiments based on the theory taught in addition to experiments
Reference book:
1. Laboratory experiments on Electrical Machines, C.K. Chanda, A. Chakrabarti, Dhanpat Rai &
2. Laboratory manual for Electrical Machines, D.P. Kothari, B.S.Umre, I K International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Course outcome: After completion of this course, the learners will be able to
Special Remarks: The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes
based their program educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Laboratory Experiments:
1. Determination of the generalized constants A.B, C, D of long transmission line and regulation of a
3-Φ transmission line model
2. Study of distribution system by network analyzer.
3. Measurement of earth resistance by earth tester.
4. Determination of dielectric strength of insulating oil.
5. Determination of breakdown strength of solid insulating material
Institute may develop experiments based on the theory taught in addition to experiments
Course outcome: After completion of this course, the learners will be able to
Special Remarks: The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes
based their program educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Laboratory Experiments:
1. Familiarization with MAT-Lab control system tool box, MAT-Lab- simulink tool box & PSPICE
2. Determination of Step response for first order & Second order system with unity feedback with
the help of CRO &calculation of control system specification , Time constant, % peak
overshoot, settling time etc. from theresponse.
3. Simulation of Step response & Impulse response for type-0, type-1 & Type-2 system with unity
feedback usingMATLAB & PSPICE.
4. Determination of Root locus, Bode plot, Nyquist plot using MATLAB control system tool box for a
givensystem &stability by determining control system specification from the plot.
5. Determination of PI, PD and PID controller action of first order simulated process.
Institute may develop experiments based on the theory taught in addition to experiments
Course outcome: After completion of this course, the learners will be able to
Special Remarks: The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes
based their program educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Laboratory Experiments:
1. Study of the characteristics of an SCR.
2. Study of the characteristics of a Triac
3. Study of different triggering circuits of an SCR
4. Study of firing circuits suitable for triggering SCR in a single phase full controlled bridge.
5. Study of the operation of a single phase full controlled bridge converter with R and R-L load.
6. Study of performance of single phase half controlled symmetrical and asymmetrical bridge
7. Study of performance of step down chopper with R and R-L load.
8. Study of performance of single phase controlled converter with and without source inductance
9. Study of performance of step up and step down chopper with MOSFET, IGBT and GTO as switch
10. Study of performance of single phase half controlled symmetrical and asymmetrical bridge
11. Study of performance of three phase controlled converter with R & R-L load. (simulation)
12. Study of performance of PWM bridge inverter using MOSFET as switch with R and R-L load.
13. Study of Zero Voltage Switching Resonant converter and Zero Current Switching Resonant
Converter andto plot its output waveforms.
14. Study the speed control of universal motor to plot speed v/s α
Institute may develop experiments based on the theory taught in addition to experiments
Reference book:
Course outcome: After completion of this course, the learners will be able to
Special Remarks:
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their
program educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To understand the basics of abstract data types.
2. To understand the principles of linear and nonlinear data structures.
3. To build an application using sorting and searching
1. Programing for problem solving (ES-CS 201)
2. Mathematics ( BS-M-102)
3. Mathematics (BS-M-202)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data Organizations,
Data Structure Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal etc.;
1 Analysis of an Algorithm, Asymptotic Notations, Time-Space trade 10
off. Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search Technique sand
their complexity analysis.
Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and
their complexity analysis, Applications of Stacks: Expression
2 Conversion and evaluation – corresponding algorithms and
complexity analysis. ADT queue, Types of Queue: Simple Queue, 10
Circular Queue, Priority Queue; Operations on each types of
Queues: Algorithms and their analysis.
Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory,
3 Algorithms of several operations: Traversing, Searching, Insertion
into, Deletion from linked list; Linked representation of Stack and 10
Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list: operations on it and
algorithmic analysis; Circular Linked Lists: all operations their
algorithms andthe complexity analysis. Trees: Basic Tree
Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded
Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on
each of the trees and their algorithms with complexity analysis.
Applications of Binary Trees. B Tree, B+ Tree: definitions,
algorithms and analysis
Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of different sorting
4 algorithms: Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort,
Merge Sort, Heap Sort; Performance and Comparison among all the 10
methods, Hashing. Graph: BasicTerminologies and Representations,
Graph search and traversal algorithms and complexity analysis.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Text books:
1. Data Structures and Program Design In C, 2/E by Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung. PHI
2. Data Structure & Algorithms Using C, R.S. Salaria, 5th Ed., Khanna Publishing House
3. Data Structures in C, Aaron M. Tenenbaum. Pearson.
4. Data Structure, S. Lipschutz.. Mc Graw Hill.
Reference books
Course Outcome:
1. differentiate how the choices of data structure & algorithm methods enhance the performance
of the program.
2. solve problems based upon different data structure & also write programs.
3. write programs based on different data structure
4. identify appropriate data structure & algorithmic methods in solving problem.
5. discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting, searching, and
6. comparethe benefits of dynamic and static data structures implementations.
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To understand simple abstract data types
2. To understand features of object-oriented design such as encapsulation, polymorphism,
3. To understand common object-oriented design patterns
4. To design applications with an event-driven graphical user interface.
1. Programing for problem solving (ES-CS 201)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
1 Abstract data types and their specification. How to implement an 08
ADT. Concrete state space, concrete invariant, abstraction function.
Implementing operations, illustrated by the Text example.
2 Features of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation, object 08
identity, polymorphism – but not inheritance.
3 Inheritance in OO design. Design patterns. Introduction and 08
classification. The iterator pattern.
Model-view-controller pattern. Commands as methods and as 08
4 objects. Implementing OO language features. Memory management.
5 Generic types and collections GUIs. Graphical programming with 08
Scale and Swing . The software development process
Text books:
1. Mastering Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, R.S. Salaria, Khanna Publishing House.
2. Object Oriented Modelling and Design,Rambaugh, James Michael, Blaha Prentice Hall India.
3. The complete reference-Java2, Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt, TMH
4. Core Java For Beginners, R.K. Das, VIKAS PUBLISHING
5. Java How to Program, Deitel and Deitel, 6th ED, Pearson
Reference books
Course Outcome:
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To understand the analysis and design of various digital electronic circuits.
2. To understand how Computer Systems work & its basic principles
3. To understand how I/O devices are being accessed and its principles etc.
1. Programing for problem solving (ES-CS 201)
2. Digital Electronics (PC-EE 402)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
1 Basic organization of the stored program computer and operation 08
sequence for execution of a program. Role of operating systems and
compiler/assembler. Fetch, decode and execute cycle, Concept of
operator, operand, registers and storage, Instruction format.
Instruction sets and addressing modes. Commonly used number
systems. Fixed and floating point representation of numbers.
2 Overflow and underflow. Design of adders - ripple carry and carry 08
look ahead principles. Design of ALU. Fixed point multiplication -
Booth's algorithm. Fixed point division - Restoring and non-
restoring algorithms. Floating point - IEEE 754 standard.
3 Memory unit design with special emphasis onimplementation of 10
CPU-memory interfacing. Memory organization, static and dynamic
memory, memory hierarchy, associative memory. Cache memory,
Virtual memory. Data path design for read/write access.
Design of control unit - hardwired and microprogrammed control. 10
4 Introduction to instruction pipelining. Introduction to RISC
architectures. RISC vs CISC architectures. I/O operations - Concept
of handshaking, Polled I/O, interrupt and DMA.
Text books:
1. explain basic structure of digital computer, stored program concept, different arithmetic and
control unit operations, operating systems and compiler/assembler, memory and I/O
2. differentiate between RISC vs CISC architectures, cache memory, virtual memory.
3. performfixed point multiplication and division.
4. applyrestoring and non-restoring algorithms, floating point - IEEE 754 standard.
5. design adder, memory unit and control unit, data path for read/write access.
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1. To understand the breakdown phenomenon of solid, liquid and gases.
2. To understand the method of generation of high voltage AC and DC.
3. To understand measurement techniques of high voltage and current
4. To understand the over voltage phenomenon and insulation coordination in Electric power
5. To understand different methods of high voltage testing.
6. To solve numerical problems of breakdown phenomena, generation and measurement of high
voltage and currents, over voltage phenomena and high voltage testing.
1. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
2. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
3. Electric Machine-I (PC-EE-401)
4. Electrical and Electronics measurement (PC-EE-403)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Breakdown phenomena:
Breakdown of Gases: Mechanism of Breakdown of gases, Charge
1 multiplication, Secondaryemission, Townsend Theory, Streamer 10
Theory, Paschen’s Law, Determination of Minimumbreakdown
voltage, Breakdown in non-uniform field, Effect of polarity on
corona inceptionand break down voltage.
Partial Discharge: definition and development in solid dielectric.
Break Down of Solids: Intrinsic breakdown, Electromechanical
break down, Thermalbreakdown, Streamer Breakdown.
Breakdown of Liquid: Intrinsic Break down, Cavitation Theory,
Suspended particle Theory.
Breakdown in Vacuum: Non-metallic electron emission mechanism,
Clump mechanism,
Effect of pressure on breakdown voltage.
Generation of High Voltage and Currents
Generation of highDC and AC voltages: half wave rectifier circuit,
2 Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit, Electrostatic generator, 08
Cascaded transformers, Series resonant circuit.
Generation of Impulse voltages and currents: standard impulse wave
shapes, Multistage impulse generators, generation of switching
surges, generation of impulse currents, tripping and control of
impulse generators.
Measurement of High Voltage and Currents
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
3 Sphere gap, Uniform field spark gap, Rod gap, Electrostatic
voltmeter, Generating voltmeter, Impulse voltage measurements 08
using voltage dividers, Measurement of High DC and Impulse
currents. Cathode ray oscillographs for impulse voltage and current
Over voltage phenomenon and insulation coordination in
4 Electric power systems:
Lightning Phenomena, Electrification of cloud, Development of
Lightning Stroke, lightning induced over voltage, direct stroke,
indirect stroke. 08
Protection of Electrical Apparatus against over voltage, Lightning
Arrestors, Valve Type, Metal Oxide arresters, Expulsion type. Effect
of location of lightning arresters on protection of transformer.
Protection of substation, Ground wires.
Insulation Co-ordination, Basic Insulation level. Basic Impulse
level, Switching Impulse level. Volt time characteristics of
protective devices, Determination of Basic Impulse level of
substation equipment.
High Voltage Testing:
5 Various standards for HV Testing of electrical apparatus, IS, IEC
standards, Testing of insulators andbushings, testing of isolators and 06
circuit breakers, testing of cables, power transformers. High voltage
laboratory layout, indoor and outdoor laboratories, testingfacility
requirements, safety precautions in H. V. Labs.
Text books:
1. High-Voltage Engineering : theory and practice, Mazen Abdel-Salam; Hussein Anis; Ahdab
El-Morshedy; RoshdyRadwan, New York, N.Y. : Marcel Dekker, ©2000.
2. High Voltage Engineering, E. Kuffel, W.S. Zaengl, J. Kuffel, 2nd edition, Butterworth-
Course Outcome:
1. To understand methods of selection of power plant and its economic.
2. To understand the principle of operation different types of power plants.
3. Tounderstand methods of site selection of different power plants.
4. To understand the cause of pollution and its remedy for power plants.
5. To understand methods of cooling of generators and transformers.
6. To solve numerical problems of load estimation, economics of power plants.
1. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
2. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
3. Electric Machine-I (PC-EE-401)
4. Electrical and Electronics measurement (PC-EE-403)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Power and energy, sources of energy, review of thermodynamic
1 cycles related to powerplants, fuels and combustion 08
calculations.Load estimation, load curves, various terms and factors
involved in power plantcalculations. Effect of variable load on
power plant operation, Selection of power plant.
Power plant economics and selection:
Effect of plant type on costs, rates, fixed elements, energy elements,
customer elements andinvestor’s profit; depreciation and
replacement, theory of rates. Economics of plantselection, other
considerations in plant selection.
Steam power plant:
General layout of steam power plant, Power plant boilers including
2 critical and supercritical boilers. Fluidized bed boilers, boilers 08
mountings and accessories, Different systemssuch as coal handling
system, pulverizers and coal burners, combustionsystem, draft, ash
handling system, Dust collection system, Feed water treatment
andcondenser and cooling towers and cooling ponds, Turbine
auxiliary systems such asgoverning, feed heating, reheating, flange
heating and gland leakage. Operation andmaintenance of steam
power plant, heat balance and efficiency, Site selection of a
steampower plant.
Diesel power plant:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
3 General layout, Components of Diesel power plant, Performance of
diesel power plant, fuelsystem, lubrication system, air intake and
admission system, supercharging system, exhaustsystem, diesel
plant operation and efficiency, heat balance, Site selection of diesel 08
powerplant, Comparative study of diesel power plant with
steampower plant.
Gas turbine power plant:
Layout of gas turbine power plant, Elements of gas turbine power
plants, Gas turbine fuels,cogeneration, auxiliary systems such as
fuel, controls and lubrication, operation andmaintenance, Combined
cycle power plants, Site selection of gas turbine power plant .
Nuclear power plant:
4 Principles of nuclear energy, Lay out of nuclear power plant, Basic
components of nuclear reactions, nuclear power station, Nuclear
waste disposal, Site selection of nuclear power plants.
Hydro electric station: 10
Hydrology, Principles of working, applications, site selection,
classification and arrangements, hydro-electric plants, run off size of
plant and choice of units, operation and maintenance, hydro systems,
interconnected systems.
Non Conventional Power Plants: Introduction to non-conventional
power plants (Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal)etc.
Electrical system:
5 Generators and their cooling, transformers and their
cooling.Instrumentation Purpose, classification, selection and 06
application, recorders and their use,listing of various control
rooms.Pollution due to power generation and its remedy
Text books:
1. Steam & Gas Turbines & Power Plant Engineering by R.Yadav, Central Pub.House.
2. An introduction to thermal power plant engineering and operation, P.K.Das and A.K. Das,
Notion press.
Course Outcome:
1. explain the principle of operational of Steam, Hydroelectric, Diesel, Gas turbine, Nuclear
power and non-conventional power plant.
2. identifythe cause of pollution for power generation and its remedy.
3. suggest location to set up Steam, Hydroelectric, Diesel, Gas turbine and Nuclear power plant.
4. compare Steam, Hydroelectric, Diesel, Gas turbine, Nuclear power and non-conventional
power plant.
5. suggest methods of maintenance of Steam, Gas and Hydroelectric power plants
6. solve numerical problems of load estimation and economics of power plants.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Special Remarks (if any)
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.
1. To understand the difference between Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
2. To understand methods of conversion of solar energy and wind energy to other form of energy.
3. Tounderstand methods harnessing energy from Biomass, Geothermal and ocean
4. To understand the principle of operation of Magneto Hydrodynamic power generation:
5. To understand the principle and operation of fuel cell.
6. To solve numerical problems of Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
1. Electric Circuit Theory (PC-EE-301)
2. Electromagnetic field theory (PC-EE-303)
3. Electric Machine-I (PC-EE-401)
4. Electrical and Electronics measurement (PC-EE-403)
Unit Content Hrs Marks
Introduction to Energy sources:
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, energy consumption
1 as a measure of Nation’s development; strategy formeeting the 03
future energy requirements Global and National scenarios, Prospects
of renewable energy sources. Impact of renewable energy generation
on environment, Kyoto Protocol.
Solar Energy:
Solar radiation - beam and diffuse radiation, solar constant, earth sun
2 angles, attenuation and measurement of solarradiation, local solar
time, derived solar angles, sunrise, sunset and day length. flat plate 08
collectors, concentratingcollectors, Solar air heaters-types, solar
driers, storage of solar energy-thermal storage, solar pond , solar
water heaters,solar distillation, solar still, solar cooker, solar heating
& cooling of buildings, photo voltaic - solar cells, different typesof
PV Cells, Mono-poly Crystalline and amorphous Silicon solar cells.
Design of PV array. Efficiency and cost of PVsystems & its
applications. PV hybrid systems
Wind Energy:
3 Principle of wind energy conversion; Basic components of wind
energy conversion systems; wind mill components, varioustypes and 05
their constructional features; design considerations of horizontal and
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Electrical Engineering
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
vertical axis wind machines: analysis ofaerodynamic forces acting
on wind mill blades and estimation of power output; wind data and
site selection considerations
Energy from Biomass:
4 Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas generation plants,
classification, advantages and disadvantages, constructional details, 05
site selection, digester design consideration, filling a digester for
starting, maintaining biogas production, Fuel properties of bio gas,
utilization of biogas
Geothermal Energy:
5 Estimation and nature of geothermal energy, geothermal sources and
resources like hydrothermal, geo-pressured hot dryrock, magma. 05
Advantages, disadvantages and application of geothermal energy,
prospects of geothermal energy in India.
6 Energy from Ocean:
Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion (OTEC) systems like open
cycle, closed cycle, Hybrid cycle, prospects of OTEC inIndia. 05
Energy from tides, basic principle of tidal power, single basin and
double basin tidal power plants, advantages,limitation and scope of
tidal energy. Wave energy and power from wave, wave energy
conversion devices, advantages anddisadvantages of wave energy.
7 Magneto Hydrodynamic power generation: 05
Principle of MHD power generation, MHD system, Design
problems and developments, gas conductivity, materials forMHD
generators and future prospects.
8 Hydrogen Energy:
Introduction, Hydrogen Production methods, Hydrogen storage, 03
hydrogen transportation, utilization of hydrogen gas,hydrogen as
alternative fuel for vehicles.
9 Fuel cell:
Introduction, Design principle and operation of fuel cell, Types of 03
fuel cells, conversion efficiency of fuel cell, applicationof fuel cells
Text books:
1. Renewable energy sources and conversion technology, Bansal Keemann, Meliss, Tata Mc
Graw Hill.
2. Energy Technology, O.P. Gupta, Khanna Publishing House.
3. Renewable energy resources and emerging technologies, D.P. Kothari, PHI.
4. Non-conventional Energy sources, G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers.
5. Non Conventional Energy Resources, Chandra, Khanna Publishing House.
Reference books
Course Outcome:
The above-mentioned outcomes are not limited. Institute may redefine outcomes based their program
educational objective.