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What is Philosophy?

- “philos” which means LOVE and “Sophia” which means wisdom.

- Greek thinkers call themselves “wise men”, but Pythagoras wanted to call himself simply a “lover of wisdom” or

- Is the study of knowldege, truth and meaning.

- It is a science that seeks to explain the ultimate cause of everything by the use of human reason alone.

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• Philosophy is the highest form of inquiry

• Philosophy is the world view of the person or the persons philosophic view of the universe or reality in relation
to the purpose of actions and events.

William James

• Philosophy is a collective name for questions that have not been answered to the satisfaction of the one asking
the question.

• For others, philosophy is a conceptual analysis or thinking about thinking or simply reflecting on the contents of
our thoughts

Theoretical or Speculative Philosophy

COSMOLOGY -It is a subject that studies the origin and destiny of the universe, its evolution, and the ultimate
fate of the entire universe. The first philosophers were actually “cosmologists” since they dealt with the questions
regarding the origin of the universe in a scientific and philosophical manner.

• ONTOLOGY - It deals with the nature of the existence of things and the status of reality. The word “onta” is a
Greek word which means “being”. Ontology is also referred as theory of being. Ontology is a branch of
metaphysics. - What does to exist mean? - What is the nature of being?

METAPHYSICS - It came from the Greek words –Meta (beyond) and phsyikon (nature). As a branch of
philosophy, metaphysics studies the nature of mind, the self, and consciousness. It also investigates the nature
of religion, existence of God, the concepts of time, space, cause, and chance.

PSYCHOLOGY - For the Greeks, Psychology was basically a study of the nature of the soul of the person and
other entities. Aristotle coined the word “Psychology” It came from the Greek words –psyche meaning
soul and logos meaning science or study. Psychology is defined as a science that studies human and animal

THEODICY - It is also known as Rational Theology. Theodicy came from the Greek words –Theos meaning God
and Dike meaning justice. As a branch in philosophy, Theodicy investigates the nature, being, and
attributes of God not based on the Bible and divine revelation but by logical abstractions and reasoning.

• SEMANTICS - It comes from the Greek words “sema” meaning sign or mark and “semantikos” meaning
significant. This studies the meaning of words and its linguistic forms: Forms and their Relationship to

• AXIOLOGY - It comes from the Greek word “Axios” meaning worthy, and “Logos”, meaning discourse or
study. It studies values, its origin, types and characteristics.

• AESTHETICS - It came from the Greek word “aisthetikos” which means one is perceptive of things
through his sensations, feelings, and intuitions. It aims to establish general principles of art and beauty

• LOGIC - It deals with the nature of thinking and reasoning using empirical support to establish the truth
Logical Validity- if the premises of the argument are true then the conclusion must be necessarily true.

• Deductive Reasoning. Reasoning from universal truth to particular.

• Inductive Reasoning. Reasoning from particular to universal or general principles.

• Greek word “ethos” meaning “custom” used in the works of Aristotle

• “Moral” is the Latin equivalent

• Ethics deal with Morality

• Deals with moral standards

• the conduct that we deem to be both morally right and objectionable, address issues that have the
potential to seriously hurt or benefit people.

• Seeks of the good or bad qualities of an individuality.

• Deals with idea, norms of morality, conscience , moral values and virtues.

• Study of morality of Human Act and Moral Agents.

• Distinct and Contradictory Principles - First, man believes that there are certain things that he should not do to
anyone or to others. Second, man believes that values are “subjective” and incapable of being disputed
between different individuals

Felix Montemayor (1994)

Ethics is the practical science of the morality of human acts.

Ethics is the study of human conduct from standpoint of morality.

Ethics is a normative science based on reason which studies human conduct and provide norms for its natural
integrity and honesty.

• Ethics is a practical science that guides us in our actions that we may live rightly and well.

• Ethics is the science that lays down the principles of right living.

• Ethics is the science of human acts with reference to right and wrong

• Ethics is the scientific inquiry into principles of morality.

Three Branches of Ethics

Metaethics - Studies the very foundation of Morality itself.

It is concerned with analysis of the meaning of words and the logic of moral reasoning.

It does not describe moral beliefs of people, does not evaluate the process of moral reasoning but
simply analyzes the usage .

Normative Ethics - Deals with “norms” or set considerations on how one should act.

Stud of ethical actions and set out the right and wrong of actions.

Known as the Perspective of Ethics

Applied Ethics

• Attempts to apply ethical principle and moral notions in REAL WORLD MORAL ISSUES

• Deals with ethical questions specific to practical fields

• Euthanasia , Child Labor, Abortortion and etc.

MORAL STANDARD - Norms serves the frameswork of determining what ought to be done ,
what good and bad actions.
MS are either consequences standard (like Stuart Mills’ utilitarinism) dependes on result , outcome or non-
consequence standard (Aristotle’s Virtue, St. Thoma’s Natural law, or Immanuel Kant good will or sense of
Do not lie

Do not steal

Do not cheat to others

Don not kill


Non- moral Standards – rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical consideration, what should be followed
according to the society , rules are called FOLKWAY in sociology, and moral categories cannot be applied. i.e
social rule, demands of etiquette and good manners.

• No talking while your mouth is full.

• Black or white for mourning, not red.

• Males should be the one to propose

• Observe correct grammar when writing and Speaking English.

• IF you are Male stay by the danger side (roadside) when walking with female.

• Go with fashion or your not “in”.

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