The Wittenberg Outside Zone Play
The Wittenberg Outside Zone Play
The Wittenberg Outside Zone Play
Diagram 1C
It is important for the tailback to have
two gears. He must be patient initially, and
then be able to turn it on when he gets to
the line of scrimmage. His aiming point is
Our uncovered lineman will take a deep the outside foot of the tight end. This forces
drop step and chop any defender in his him to start out downhill in case the play
zone. He is responsible for anything that goes inside. After looking the pitch all the
runs between the covered down lineman way in to his hands, he should put the ball
The uncovered lineman’s first step is and himself. Nothing can split them. in his outside arm. This frees up his inside
also a drop step. It should be a quick up arm for a stiff arm move and helps protect
and down step with weight on his instep. Perimeter Blocking the ball. The tailback, similar to the fullback,
The depth of this step is adjusted to gain We try to give our perimeter blockers the should read the block of the tight end. A
outside leverage on the down defender. best matchups we can so they can make a good general rule for the tailback is to fol-
Again, the wider the defender, the deeper block that will help the play succeed. low your fullback. Once he gets to the line
the step. The next two steps will be on rail- Usually, this means we will have our full- of scrimmage, he needs to be able to dip
road tracks. He will eyeball the down back block primary force and the frontside inside to set up his perimeter blocks and
defender while feeling the linebacker. receiver block secondary force. It is impor- then accelerate back outside. He can only
When the third step hits the ground, he will tant that the fullback and receivers notice bounce the play in this fashion one time or
work to overtake the down defender or the coverage scheme presnap. he will get caught by backside pursuit.
Contact with players by agents almost always is done without the knowledge of the
coach. Some agents openly admit they will continue to make contacts and agree-
ments with players before their final season has been completed.
This could lead to forfeiture of games. Some agents are advising players not to risk
injury by playing. Your players must be warned about this problem. Do it more than