Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 101 1st Edition Donev 2024 scribd download
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 101 1st Edition Donev 2024 scribd download
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 101 1st Edition Donev 2024 scribd download
Advances in Structural Adhesive Bonding 1st Edition D.
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ISBN: 978-0-12-803367-8
ISSN: 1876-1623
Khaled Alawam
Forensic Medicine Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Daniela Amicizia
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Claudia Andrieu
INSERM, U1068, CRCM; Institut Paoli-Calmettes; Aix-Marseille University, and CNRS,
UMR7258, Marseille, France
Martin R. Berger
German Cancer Research Center, Toxicology and Chemotherapy Unit, Heidelberg,
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Rossen Donev
Biomed Consult Ltd., Swansea, United Kingdom
Roberto Gasparini
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Nadya V. Ilicheva
Institute of Cytology RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
Ilinka Ivanoska
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,
Slobodan Kalajdziski
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,
Sara Karaki
INSERM, U1068, CRCM; Institut Paoli-Calmettes; Aix-Marseille University, and CNRS,
UMR7258, Marseille, France
Ljupco Kocarev
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius;
Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, Macedonia, and BioCircuits Institute,
University of California, San Diego, California, USA
Aneliya Kostadinova
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
x Contributors
Claudio Larosa
Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Xi Liu
Bioinformatics Section, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Albena Momchilova
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Donatella Panatto
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Olga I. Podgornaya
Institute of Cytology RAS; Cytology and Histology Chair, Biological Faculty, St. Petersburg
State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, and FEF University, Vladivostok
Emanuela Rizzitelli
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Palma Rocchi
INSERM, U1068, CRCM; Institut Paoli-Calmettes; Aix-Marseille University, and CNRS,
UMR7258, Marseille, France
Ruixian Song
Bioinformatics Section, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Biljana Risteska Stojkoska
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,
Tanya Topouzova-Hristova
Faculty of Biology, Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Daniela Tramalloni
Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Via Antonio Pastore 1, University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy
Kire Trivodaliev
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje,
Rumiana Tzoneva
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
Ivana Valle
SSD “Popolazione a rischio,” Health Prevention Department, Local Health Unit ASL3
Genovese, Genoa, Italy
Contributors xi
Alex P. Voronin
Institute of Cytology RAS, and Cytology and Histology Chair, Biological Faculty,
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Nan Wu
Bioinformatics Section, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Jingwen Yang
Bioinformatics Section, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Hao Zhu
Bioinformatics Section, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Hajer Ziouziou
INSERM, U1068, CRCM; Institut Paoli-Calmettes; Aix-Marseille University, and CNRS,
UMR7258, Marseille, France
1. Introduction 2
2. eIF4E's Structure and Expression 2
2.1 Structure 2
2.2 eIF4E's Expression and Regulation 4
3. eIF4E's Functions 9
3.1 mRNA Translation Initiation 9
3.2 Nuclear Export 11
4. eIF4E: A Therapeutic Target in Cancer 14
4.1 eIF4E in Cancers 14
4.2 EIF4E’s Mechanisms in Cancer 15
4.3 Targeting eIF4E in Cancers 16
5. Conclusion 20
References 21
Cancer cells depend on cap-dependent translation more than normal tissue. This
explains the emergence of proteins involved in the cap-dependent translation as tar-
gets for potential anticancer drugs. Cap-dependent translation starts when eIF4E binds
to mRNA cap domain. This review will present eIF4E's structure and functions. It will also
expose the use of eIF4E as a therapeutic target in cancer.
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 101 # 2015 Elsevier Inc. 1
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
2 Sara Karaki et al.
When eIF4E was discovered, it was considered as an isolated protein,
not belonging to any known protein family. Research of the last decade
showed that all eukaryotes have several members of the eIF4E family.
Joshi et al. (2005) identified, through sequence analysis, 411 eIF4E family
members, in 230 species. Three isoforms (eIFF-1, 4EHP, and eIF4E-3)
are present in mammals ( Joshi, Cameron, & Jagus, 2004). Not all proteins
from eIF4E’s family bind to 7 methylguanosine mRNA cap (m7GDP) and
to the same ligand ( Joshi et al., 2004; Robalino et al., 2004; Rosettani et al.,
2007), which give them different physiological functions. Hernandez and
Vazquez-Pianzola (2005) suggested that in each organism, there is one
member of the eIF4E family expressed that intervenes in translation and that
other members have other functions (development, translation repression,
specific mRNA nuclear transport). This hypothesis is being confirmed since
eIF4E’s isoforms are thought to be involved in many functions such as sper-
matogenesis, oogenesis, aging, and other functions (Amiri et al., 2001;
Dinkova et al., 2005; Evsikov & Marin de Evsikova, 2009; Minshall
et al., 2007; Syntichaki, Troulinaki, & Tavernarakis, 2007). Cap-dependent
translation starts when eIF4E binds to the mRNA cap domain. Cancer cells
depend on cap-dependent translation more than normal tissues ( Jia et al.,
2012). This review will expose eIF4E’s structure and functions and will
expose the use of eIF4E as an anticancer target.
B N-term
pocket dorsal
Trp 102 surface
Trp 56
m GpppA
Concave side
Figure 1 (A) Human eIF4E's primary structure. (B) eIF4E's structure. Crystal structure of
the human protein eIF4E (blue; dark gray in the print version) linked to the mRNA
m7GDP cap (light pink; light gray in the print version) and to its ligand 4E-BP1 (green;
gray in the print version) ( The eIF4E interaction with
the cap occurs on the concave side and requires two highly conserved tryptophan res-
idues (Trp). The interaction between eIF4E and its ligands 4E-BPs, eIF4G, and PML occurs
on the convex side.
on eIF4E’s concave side, due to the interaction with two highly conserved
tryptophan residues (56 and 102 in mice) (Fig. 1B). This interaction is sta-
bilized by three hydrogen bonds. The interaction with partner proteins
involved in translation regulation, such as eIF4G or 4E binding proteins
(4E-BP), takes place in a hydrophobic region on the convex side, and it
involves two conserved tryptophan residues (43 and 73 in mice)
(Fig. 1B). These proteins interact with eIF4E through a bonding pattern,
which consensus sequence is: Y(X) 4LΦ, with X being any amino acid
and Φ being a hydrophobic residue. The eIF4G or the 4E-BPs’ binding
to eIF4E causes conformational changes which increases eIF4E’s affinity
to the cap (Niedzwiecka et al., 2002; von Der Haar, Ball, & McCarthy,
2000). The PML protein (promyelocytic leukemia protein) and the viral
4 Sara Karaki et al.
2.2.2 Regulation
Studies show that the eIF4E inhibition can lead to HeLa cancer cell death
and its absence is lethal for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When overexpressed,
eIF4E can act like an oncogene, by promoting malignant transformation
and lymphomagenesis in rodent cells. An overproduction of eIF4E causes
uncontrollable cell growth or oncogenesis, which indicates its importance
in protein synthesis (Andrieu et al., 2010).
Given the important function of this protein, it is not surprising to find its
activity highly regulated.
2.2.5 4E-BP
The protein family 4E-BP regulates eIF4E capacity to form the cap-binding
complex (eIF4F). Currently, three 4E-BPs are known in mammals:
4E-BP1, 4E-BP2, and 4E-BP3. Their interaction strength is regulated by
6 Sara Karaki et al.
eIF4e transcription
eIF4e overexpression
Figure 3 eIF4E's implication in the mRNA translation initiation. The translation initiation
of most mRNAs occurs due to a cap-dependent mechanism that involves eIF4E. This
mechanism is regulated by eIF4E's phosphorylation by Mnk proteins, as well as by
4E-BP factors. ? ¼ activator or repressor role of eIF4E phosphorylation on translation.
prevent the interaction with eIF4G and inhibit the translation. When they
are hyperphosphorylated, they cannot bind to eIF4E, which is then released
to participate in the protein translation initiation (Fig. 3) (Gingras et al.,
2001). The 4E-BP proteins and eIF4G have the same binding site to eIF4E.
So there is a competition between these proteins. On the other hand, the
bond between eIF4E and 4E-BP does not prevent its bond to the cap. Oth-
erwise, some viruses can modulate eIF4E’s activity by acting on the 4E-BP
phosphorylation. For example, the picornaviruses induce 4E-BP’s dephos-
phorylation which inhibits protein synthesis. So the 4E-BPs work as inhib-
itors of the cap-dependent translation.
8 Sara Karaki et al.
2.2.6 Ubiquitination
Another eIF4E’s posttranslational modification is ubiquitination. It has been
demonstrated that it does not prevent the eIF4E mRNA cap binding but it
prevents the eIF4G bond and thus eIF4E phosphorylation is reduced
(Murata & Shimotohno, 2006; Othumpangat, Kashon, & Joseph, 2005).
However, the ubiquitination consequences on the translation initiation
are still unknown.
eIF4E degradation depends on the proteasome and happens principally
when ligases such as Chip ubiquitinate the Lys-159 residue (Murata &
Shimotohno, 2006; Othumpangat et al., 2005). This ubiquitination does
not prevent the bond to the mRNA cap, but the bond with eIF4G and
eIF4E’s phosphorylation is reduced. Moreover, Hsp27 interacts directly
with eIF4E and regulates it. After Hsp27 knockdown, eIF4E is ubiquitinated
and degraded through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway indicating that
cytoprotection induced by Hsp27 involves eIF4E. Andrieu et al. showed
in castrate-resistant prostate cancers that forced overexpression of Hsp27
increases the protein expression level of eIF4E without affecting its mRNA
expression level. They also showed that Hsp27 could exert an effect directly
on eIF4E and that the effect of Hsp27 on eIF4E level is independent of
4E-BP1. They showed that a decrease in eIF4E ubiquitination is associated
with resistance to androgen withdrawal and paclitaxel, concluding that
Hsp27 knockdown reduces eIF4E stability, enhancing its ubiquitination
and degradation, thereby reducing cell viability after androgen withdrawal
and/or chemotherapy (Andrieu et al., 2010). In pancreatic cancer cells,
Baylot et al. demonstrated that the C-terminal part of Hsp27 interacts with
eIF4E and that Hsp27 phosphorylation enhances this interaction and eIF4E
expression level and gemcitabine resistance. Hsp27 enhances eIF4E protein
expression by inducing a decrease of approximately 30% in the amount of
ubiquitinated eIF4E, thereby inhibiting its proteasomal degradation (Baylot
et al., 2011).
It has also been described that the DIAP1 protein of the IAP family
(inhibitor of apoptosis protein) interacts with eIF4E and leads to its
ubiquitination (Lee et al., 2007).
2.2.7 Poly-A
A new translation repression mechanism of some specific mRNAs has been
described by Richter and Sonenberg (2005). In Xenopus laevis, during oocyte
development, there is a translation regulation mechanism based on the
length of the poly-A tail. Some dormant but stable mRNAs have a short
eIF4E and Cancer 9
poly-A tail, unlike the majority of mRNAs who have a long tail. The CPEB
protein controls polyadenylation by interacting with the CPE element on
the mRNA 30 extremity. CPEB also binds to the Maskin protein which
sequestrates eIF4E and prevents the translation of these specific mRNAs.
When the oocytes are stimulated, a signaling cascade takes place and allows
the poly-A tail’s elongation by CPEB and the Maskin protein’s moving. The
translation can now start. A similar mechanism is observed in the drosophila
with the Bicoid and Cup proteins (Nakamura, Sato, & Hanyu-Nakamura,
2004; Niessing, Blanke, & Jackle, 2002) or during neurogenesis, where the
neuroguidin protein binds to eIF4E to prevent the translation ( Jung,
Lorenz, & Richter, 2006).
3.1 mRNA Translation Initiation
There are two types of mRNA translation initiation: the cap-dependent
translation initiation and the cap-independent translation initiation. Fur-
thermore, there is another mRNA category (10%) that is translated in a
cap- and eIF4E-independent manner. These mRNAs have a structure called
“IRES” (internal ribosome entry sites) that allows the ribosome’s 40S sub-
unit to bind directly. Originally identified as a translation mechanism of viral
genes, it is now identified as playing an important role during the death cell’s
process, mitosis, and stress conditions, where cap-dependent protein synthe-
sis is reduced (Stoneley & Willis, 2004).
(Rogers, Komar, & Merrick, 2002). The protein eIF4G acts like a scaffolding
protein by linking the mRNA to the 40S subunit of the ribosome through its
interaction with eIF3, which stabilizes the complex (Gross et al., 2003; Prevot,
Darlix, & Ohlmann, 2003). This step leads to the recruitment of the
preinitiation complex 43S (40S + eIF3 + eIF1 + eIF1A + eIF5 + eIF2–GTP–
Met-tRNAi) on the mRNA cap and to the formation of the initiation com-
plex 48S (ARNm + 43S + eIF4F) (Fig. 3). The mRNA is then scanned in the
50 –30 direction in order to find the start codon (Kozak, 2002). This is due to
the following initiation factors: eIF1, eIF1A, eIF5, and the complex eIF2–
GTP–Met-tRNAi. Once the initiation codon is located, eIF5 interacts with
eIF2 and promotes the intrinsic hydrolysis of the GTP associated to eIF2. This
hydrolysis leads to the detachment of the initiation factor from the ribosome’s
subunit 40S and to the recruitment of the 60S subunit resulting in the forma-
tion of the 80S complex (Fig. 3). The protein synthesis can now begin. The 50
and 30 UTR extremities (untranslated region) also play an important role in
the translation initiation mechanism. In fact, on the 50 extremity, the sequence
surrounding the start codon plays a role in the initiation site selection by the
48S complex and gives an indication about the translation efficiency that
might be weak or strong. In mammals, the Kozak sequence is the best
sequence to initiate translation. At the 30 extremity, the poly-A tail is capable
of interacting with the cap in 50 through the PABPs (polyadenylate-binding
proteins) (Fig. 3). This interaction promotes the ribosome’s 40S subunit
recruitment through direct interaction between PABPs and eIF4G. This
interaction gives a circular conformation to the mRNA which improves
the translation initiation. So the eIF4E protein plays a major role in mRNA
cap-dependent translation regulation (Sonenberg, 2008) and therefore in the
cell cycle progression (O’Farrell, 2001).
Figure 4 (A) eIF4E's implication in the mRNA nuclear export. (A) eIF4E is localized in the
nuclear bodies in the NIH3T3 cells. DAPI ¼ nuclear marker (Culjkovic et al., 2005).
(B) U2OS cell's nucleus showing the eIF4E expression in the nuclear bodies (Culjkovic
et al., 2006, JCB). (C) eIF4E's implication in the mRNA nuclear export. Diagram rep-
resenting the eIF4E role in the nuclear export of an mRNA category. This mechanism
is regulated by the PML protein.
homeodomain proteins, the Z protein, and the PML protein which is the
most studied (Campbell Dwyer et al., 2000; Cohen et al., 2001; Lai &
Borden, 2000). These proteins regulate the eIF4E–cap bond, a bond that
is necessary for the mRNA export (Dostie et al., 2000a). The majority of
eIF4E nuclear protein colocalizes with the PML protein (Lai & Borden,
2000) as a result of stress, viral infection, or an interferon treatment
(Regad & Chelbi-Alix, 2001). This protein interacts on the convex side
through its RING domain using the 73th tryptophan residue (Cohen
et al., 2001; Lai & Borden, 2000). Even though this interaction site is
far from the cap-binding site, this bond can inhibit the eIF4E–cap inter-
action (Culjkovic et al., 2007). The PML protein binds to eIF4E and
lowers its mRNA’s cap affinity (100 times), thereby changing its mRNA
export function (Fig. 4C) (Cohen et al., 2001; Culjkovic et al., 2007;
Kentsis et al., 2001; Lai & Borden, 2000). PML would have an antitumor
function. There are approximately 200 homeodomain proteins containing
potential binding sites for eIF4E and could therefore regulate it (Culjkovic
et al., 2007). So it seems that the ability to modulate eIF4E’s activity by
acting on its binding to the cap is conserved from the cytoplasm to the
nucleus. Finally, it has been suggested that eIF4E contributes to the
mRNA translation in the nucleus (Dostie et al., 2000a; Iborra et al.,
2001). This nuclear translating phenomenon has already been observed
in mammals’ cells (Iborra et al., 2001) and an increasing number of proteins
from the translation machinery are involved in nuclear processes. This
translation may be involved in aberrant transcript elimination, by an
mRNA quality control system: NMD (nonsense-mediated decay). Indeed,
this system requires an active protein synthesis in order to detect the
appearance of premature STOP codons leading to the synthesis of trun-
cated proteins.
All known data on eIF4E’s role in translation initiation and nuclear
export led to the hypothesis that there is an eIF4E regulon (Culjkovic
et al., 2007). The “regulons” are a set of genes regulated by the same pro-
tein. The hypothesis has suggested that mRNAs belonging to the eIF4E
regulon have a signal that allows its recruitment. The eIF4E protein is
considered as regulatory since it allows, on the one hand, the nuclear export
through the 4E-SE site recognition and, on the other hand, the protein
translation through another unknown signal. In some cases, eIF4E acts on
both mechanisms likely due to the presence of both of these signals. The
eIF4E protein can thus orchestrate genes’ expression and control the cell
cycle progression.
14 Sara Karaki et al.
2002; Li et al., 2002), it is not found in some aggressive cancers (Yang et al.,
2007). In breast cancer, it was shown that patients who, after therapy, have
low eIF4E levels have a better survival rate (Hiller et al., 2009). However,
those who have high eIF4E levels have a higher risk of recurrence (Holm
et al., 2008). eIF4E overexpression also leads to the TLK1B protein over-
expression that induces resistance to doxorubicin treatment as well as to
radiotherapy (Li et al., 2001; Sillje & Nigg, 2001). In prostate cancer, immu-
nohistochemistry studies on 148 tissues showed that eIF4E’s and 4E-BP1’s
phosphorylated form expressions were significantly increased in the
advanced prostate cancer compared to benign hyperplasia (Graff et al.,
2009). In addition, it has been shown that phosphorylation of eIF4E is
required for the translation of several proteins involved in tumorigenesis.
Furthermore, phosphorylated eIF4E levels are correlated with pancreas
and prostate cancer progression (Baylot et al., 2011; Bianchini et al.,
2008; Furic et al., 2010). Moreover, we previously showed that Hsp27
knockdown leads to eIF4E ubiquitination and degradation by the
ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and that a decrease in eIF4E ubiquitination
and degradation is associated with resistance to androgen withdrawal and
paclitaxel in prostate cancer and gemcitabine in pancreatic cancers
(Andrieu et al., 2010; Baylot et al., 2011). In vivo studies show that blocking
eIF4E’s hyperactivity by inhibiting the mTOR pathway (PP242) causes an
inhibition of tumor growth after its formation in a transgenic mouse model
developing thymus lymphomas (Hsieh et al., 2010). All these works dem-
onstrate eIF4E’s oncogenic potential and the interest of therapeutically
targeting this protein’s activity.
Figure 6 eIF4E's inhibitors. Diagram showing the different strategies to inhibit eIF4E in
cancer therapy: inhibition of eIF4E's production by ASOs (e.g., 4E-ASO4). (A) Inhibition of
eIF4E's interaction with its ligands 4E-BPs and eIF4G through inhibitory molecules (e.g.,
4EGI-1, 4E1RCat) (B) and inhibition of the eIF4E/cap interaction through mRNA's cap
analogs (e.g., the ribavirin) (C).
18 Sara Karaki et al.
able to reduce eIF4E level and thus induce apoptosis in several cancer cell
lines in vitro. In vivo models of breast cancer, 4E-ASO4 significantly inhibited
tumor growth without side effects or weight loss. eIF4E’s expression is
reduced by 64% in the observed tissues. Moreover, similar results were
observed in prostate cancer xenografts after treatment (Graff et al., 2007).
On the other hand, siRNAs targeting eIF4E have recently been described
for their ability to inhibit tumor growth, induce apoptosis, and enhance the
effect of chemotherapy with cisplatin in breast carcinomas in vitro and in vivo
(Dong et al., 2009). In prostate cancer models, in vivo, eIF4E knockdown
using siRNA reverses the cytoprotection to androgen withdrawal (serum-
free media) and paclitaxel treatment normally conferred by Hsp27 over-
expression. Moreover, eIF4E’s overexpression confers resistance to combine
treatment with paclitaxel and androgen withdrawal in LNCaP cells (Andrieu
et al., 2010).
et al., 2011a). It has been reported that this compound may partially inhibit
the cap-dependent translation and restore the chemosensitivity in a lym-
phoma mouse model. Another compound from the same screen, 4E2Rcat,
inhibits the cap-dependent translation and the coronavirus 229E replication
which is dependent on complex eIF4F (Cencic et al., 2011b).
survival and overall survival by 2.4 and 3.6 months, respectively. Further-
more, preclinical evaluation of two TORKinibs (second-generation
small-molecule inhibitors), PP242 and PP30, demonstrates stronger inhibi-
tion of protein synthesis and cell proliferation than sirolimus (Blagden &
Willis, 2011).
Tumorigenesis is highly affected by the regulation of the cap-
dependent translation. The cap-dependent translation consists of the
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex that can recognize the
50 end of cellular mRNAs at the 7-methylguanosine cap structure. eIF4E
is a component of this complex which makes it crucial to the cap-dependent
translation initiation and regulation of tumor cell apoptosis, proliferation,
and, potentially, metastasis. Indeed, since eIF4E’s inhibition induces cellular
death, we are entitled to ask about this inhibition’s consequence on normal
cells. It seems however that eIF4E’s residual and low levels after drug treat-
ment are tolerated and without adverse effects on normal tissues. In contrast,
eIF4E’s activity is so important in cancerous cells that its inhibitions have
a more visible effect (Graff et al., 2008). Many approaches over the years
have been used to try to inhibit eIF4E’s function, particularly by using
eIF4E and Cancer 21
Amiri, A., et al. (2001). An isoform of eIF4E is a component of germ granules and is required
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translation in cancer. Nature Reviews. Clinical Oncology, 8(5), 280–291.
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Chaudhry, Y., et al. (2006). Caliciviruses differ in their functional requirements for eIF4F
components. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(35), 25315–25325.
22 Sara Karaki et al.
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Antitumor Lipids—Structure,
Functions, and Medical
Aneliya Kostadinova*,1, Tanya Topouzova-Hristova†,
Albena Momchilova*, Rumiana Tzoneva*,1, Martin R. Berger{
*Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Biology, Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
German Cancer Research Center, Toxicology and Chemotherapy Unit, Heidelberg, Germany
Corresponding authors: e-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]
1. Introduction 28
2. Development of Antitumor Lipids 29
3. Combining ATLs with Other Anticancer Approaches 29
3.1 Combining APLs with Other Anticancer Agents 30
3.2 Treatment with APLs and Radiation 31
3.3 Combined Treatment of APLs and Electroporation 32
4. Structure of Antitumor Lipids 32
5. Clinical Trials and Therapeutic Effect 37
6. Anticancer Mechanism of Action 40
6.1 Membrane Localization and Lipid Rafts 40
6.2 Targets of APLs in Leukemic Cells Versus Solid Tumor Cells 41
6.3 Major Biological Processes and Targets Affected by ATLs 49
6.4 Effect of ATLs on Cell Cycle and Mitosis 49
6.5 Interference with Phospholipid Metabolism 50
6.6 Signal Transduction Pathways Involved in the ATLs Action 52
6.7 Activation of SAPK/JNK AKT-mTOR Ras/Raf, PKC 53
7. Conclusion and Perspectives 55
Acknowledgments 56
References 56
Cell proliferation and metastasis are considered hallmarks of tumor progression. There-
fore, efforts have been made to develop novel anticancer drugs that inhibit both the
proliferation and the motility of tumor cells. Synthetic antitumor lipids (ATLs), which
are chemically divided into two main classes, comprise (i) alkylphospholipids (APLs)
and (ii) alkylphosphocholines (APCs). They represent a new entity of drugs with distinct
antiproliferative properties in tumor cells. These compounds do not interfere with the
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 101 # 2015 Elsevier Inc. 27
ISSN 1876-1623 All rights reserved.
28 Aneliya Kostadinova et al.
DNA or mitotic spindle apparatus of the cell, instead, they incorporate into cell mem-
branes, where they accumulate and interfere with lipid metabolism and lipid-
dependent signaling pathways. Recently, it has been shown that the most commonly
studied APLs inhibit proliferation by inducing apoptosis in malignant cells while leaving
normal cells unaffected and are potent sensitizers of conventional chemo- and radio-
therapy, as well as of electrical field therapy. APLs resist catabolic degradation to a large
extent, therefore accumulate in the cell and interfere with lipid-dependent survival sig-
naling pathways, notably PI3K-Akt and Raf-Erk1/2, and de novo phospholipid biosynthe-
sis. They are internalized in the cell membrane via raft domains and cause downstream
reactions as inhibition of cell growth and migration, cell cycle arrest, actin stress fibers
collapse, and apoptosis. This review summarizes the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials of
most common ATLs and their mode of action at molecular and biochemical levels.
The development of antitumor drugs remains to be one of the most
significant challenges in modern medicine. Chemotherapeutic agents were
used for the first time in the early 1940s to repress tumor growth. Later,
researchers discovered and synthesized a variety of chemotherapeutic drugs
(e.g., mercaptopurine, fluorouracil, vincristine, and cisplatin), which dis-
played one or more of the following similar features: (i) inhibition of tumor
growth and proliferation as a consequence of inhibition of RNA and DNA
synthesis, (ii) inhibition of cell division via blockade of microtubule poly-
merization, and (iii) induction of apoptosis. However, the impact of con-
ventional chemotherapeutic agents affected not only tumor tissues but
also rapidly dividing cells of healthy organs (e.g., bone marrow, gastrointes-
tinal tract cells, gonads, and skin cells, especially hair follicles). Furthermore,
other organs, like the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys, were also damaged. In
addition, one of the major obstacles in anticancer therapy was the presence
of multidrug resistance (MDR) mechanisms, which manifested by drug
efflux, drug inactivation, alterations in drug targeting, and evasion of apo-
ptosis (Wong & Goodin, 2009). Therefore, it was necessary to develop
novel strategies to overcome these significant problems. After more than
a half century of cancer research, it is evident that new antitumor drugs
should be metabolically stable, well adsorbed after oral administration,
and characterized by low toxicity at biologically effective doses, while gen-
erating limited effects to the bone marrow and intestinal epithelium.
Antitumor lipids represent a group of agents, which fulfill many of these
criteria. In the following, their discovery, development, and first clinical
use will be detailed.
Antitumor Lipids 29
2001; Ruiter, Zerp, Bartelink, van Blitterswijk, & Verheij, 1999; Vink, van
Blitterswijk, Schellens, & Verheij, 2007). ATLs may also disturb signaling
pathways implicated in mediating chemo- and radioresistance of tumor cells
and are, also for this reason, attractive compounds in combination therapies
(Belka et al., 2004; Richardson et al., 2012; van Blitterswijk & Verheij,
2008; Vink et al., 2007).
O O− O O− O O− O O − O O− O O− O O−
Miltefosine Perifosine
Erucylphos- Erufosine
CH3 CH3 phocholine
ilmofosine has not yet found wide use, for it acts at relatively high cytotoxic
concentrations only and for the necessity to perform a selective synthesis,
which is required to obtain the respective enantiomer with a satisfactory
anticancer effect.
In contrast, the glycerol backbone in APCs is absent, the alkyl chain
being linked directly to the phosphate group. These molecules consist of
a simple long-chain alcohol conjugated to the polar phosphocholine head
group. High antibacterial activity was revealed for these compounds along
with anticancer properties. Miltefosine (hexadecylphosphocholine) (Fig. 2)
represents the prototype of this class. Miltefosine exhibits antitumor effects
in different cell lines; however, also a strong hemolytic effect was observed
for this compound (Scherer & Stoffel, 1987). Therefore, the application of
miltefosine is restricted to per oral and local uses. Similar to edelfosine, acting
upon adhesion and suspension cells, tumor cells of epithelial and leukemic
origin are both sensitive to miltefosine (Konstantinov, Eibl, & Berger, 1998;
Konstantinov, Topashka-Ancheva, Benner, & Berger, 1998). Prospects of
using miltefosine for the treatment of cancer diseases and leishmaniasis are
being evaluated presently (Croft, Snowdon, & Yardley, 1996;
Konstantinov, Kaminsky, Brun, Berger, & Zillmann, 1997; McBride,
Mullen, Carter, & Roberts, 2007). Another well-studied and promising
new APC is perifosine (D-21266, octadecyl-(1,1-dimethyl-piperidino-4-
yl)-phosphate), in which the choline moiety of miltefosine is replaced by
a heterocyclic methylated piperidyl residue (Fig. 2). The presence of the
N,N dimethyl piperidinium fragment attached to the alkylphosphate chain
in the perifosine structure increased its stability under physiological condi-
tions and enhanced the anticancer efficiency. Like miltefosine, perifosine is
considered for per oral administration. Perifosine is well adsorbed from
Antitumor Lipids 37
proliferation, APCs act at the cell membrane, where they disturb several
pathways, among which is the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal transduction path-
way (Fig. 9). Initial preclinical tests were promising, indicating a good anti-
cancer activity in chemically induced, autochthonous mammary carcinoma
(Berger et al., 1993; Berger, Muschiol, Schmahl, & Eibl, 1987; Muschiol
et al., 1987; Sobottka, Berger, & Eibl, 1993) and in several human tumor
xenograft models in the mouse (Arndt, Zeisig, Eue, Sternberg, &
Fichtner, 1997; Fichtner et al., 1994), including different breast cancer cell
lines like: MT-3 (Zeisig, Arndt, Stahn, & Fichtner, 1998), MDA-MB 435
and MDA-MB 231 (Sobottka & Berger, 1992), MaTu (Arndt, Zeisig,
Fichtner, Teppke, & Fahr, 1999), MT-1 (Naundorf et al., 1992), C3H,
Ca 755 (Zeisig, Fichtner, Arndt, & Jungmann, 1991), and also syngeneic
models like murine P388 leukemia, and B16 melanoma (Zeisig et al.,
1991). Preclinical experiments further demonstrated that APCs, if used in
liposomal form, are able to abolish MDR in human breast cancer xenografts
(Zeisig, Teppke, Behrens, & Fichtner, 2004) and inhibit metastasis if com-
bined with an aggregation inhibitor inside liposomes in murine syngeneic
(Wenzel, Zeisig, & Fichtner, 2010) and human xenograft breast cancer
models (Wenzel, Zeisig, & Fichtner, 2009). Perifosine in combination with
DOPE as a component of the liposome bilayer also enhances transport of
drugs across the blood–brain barrier and in this way improves the treatment
of intracerebral tumors and metastases (Orthmann et al., 2010). Miltefosine
was also tested as an alternative approach for treatment of patients with pro-
gressive cutaneous lesions from breast cancer in phase I and II studies, which
indicated that miltefosine (either used alone or in conjunction with other
therapies for distant metastases) is an effective and tolerable local treatment
for cutaneous breast cancer (Clive, Gardiner, & Leonard, 1999; Unger &
Eibl, 1991). Gills et al. (Gills & Dennis, 2009) summarized the clinical trials
with Perifosine as single agent until 2009. Seven phase 1 single agent studies
of perifosine have been completed. The trials demonstrated that perifosine
can be safely given to humans with a manageable toxicity profile. The dose-
limiting toxicity of the phase I studies were similar to that of miltefosine,
involving gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Perifosine as single agent has been further evaluated in phase II studies for
the treatment of the most common cancers, including breast, prostate, head
and neck, pancreatic cancers, melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, advanced
brain tumors, soft-tissue sarcomas, hepatocellular carcinoma as well as in
hematological malignancies including MM and Waldenstrom’s macroglob-
ulinemia (WM). Potent activity with perifosine, given as single agent, has
Antitumor Lipids 39
conclusions have been reported. A high number of patients did not reach the
1-year follow-up, mainly due to systemic progression, which compromised
the power of the trial to detect an effect of the study treatment on the local
control rate. For the subgroup of patients without prior chemotherapy, time
to local failure was slightly better in the perifosine group (mean 230 vs.
165 days; median 206 vs. 126 days). Kaplan–Meier survival curves indicated
a trend toward an advantage for perifosine patients without prior chemo-
therapy (p ¼ 0.088). The most frequently observed toxicity in the perifosine
group was gastrointestinal (grade 3–4: 15% vs. placebo 5%). Plasma concen-
trations of perifosine on the first and last day of radiation were comparable
and in the same range as determined previously (Verheij et al., 2010). The
final analysis of this study is currently ongoing. Based on several preclinical
observations, ErPC and erufosine are considered attractive candidates to be
further evaluated in patients and, after establishing safety and feasibility, to be
combined with radiotherapy (Kaufmann-Kolle, Berger, Unger, & Eibl,
1996; Rubel et al., 2006; Vink et al., 2007). This is based on the following
considerations. First, in vitro efficacy studies showed favorable IC50 values
for different tumor cell lines, including gastrointestinal, cervical, brain,
and breast cancer cell lines. Second, unlike other ATLs, ErPC and erufosine
show no significant in vitro hemolysis up to micromolar concentrations.
Third, in vivo efficacy studies in rat mammary gland and intracerebral glioma
models show significant antitumor effects after repeated i.v. doses. Fourth,
pharmacokinetic parameters after i.v. administration have been established
which allow guiding the dosing schedule. Fifth, biodistribution studies have
shown that ErPC can cross the blood–brain barrier of healthy rats and accu-
mulate in brain and brain tumor tissue. Finally, both toxicology and safety
pharmacology reports demonstrate no concerns that preclude the initiation
of a phase I/II clinical trials.
Liersch, Eibl, & Unger, 1992), IF-gamma (Hochhuth, Vehmeyer, Eibl, &
Unger, 1992), and/or nitric oxide (NO) (Zeisig, Rudolf, Eue, & Arndt,
1995). This effect was improved when the APCs were used in liposomal
form. Because of their amphiphilic structure, they are able to form lamellar
bilayers, if combined with lipids of opposite molecular shape. Liposomes
were reported to be taken up by macrophages much better than free, micel-
lar lipids and to induce, after cellular uptake, the release of IF-gamma and
NO (Eue, Zeisig, & Arndt, 1995). But their potency as immune stimulators
was limited because the chemokines were not released at amounts sufficient
to completely inhibit tumor cell proliferation. Due to their amphiphilic
nature, ATLs are easily incorporated into cell membranes in substantial
amounts and then spread among intracellular membrane compartments,
where they accumulate and interfere with a wide variety of key enzymes
(Unger, Fleer, Kotting, Neumuller, & Eibl, 1992; van Blitterswijk,
Hilkmann, & Storme, 1987). At lower, clinically relevant concentrations,
ATLs interfere with phospholipid turnover and lipid-based signal transduc-
tion pathways. In mouse S49 lymphoma cells, ATLs are accumulated in
detergent-resistant, sphingolipid- and cholesterol-enriched lipid raft
domains and are rapidly internalized by clathrin-independent, raft-mediated
endocytosis (van der Luit et al., 2007). APLs uptake in KB carcinoma cells,
however, appears to be raft-independent and mediated by a yet unidentified
ATP-dependent lipid transporter (Vink et al., 2007).
Drug preparation
Fas FasL
FasL Fas Fas cluster and sequential
activation of signaling
molecules resulting to
Fas FasL
FasL Fas
membrane receptors is the most common and, consequently, the most stud-
ied mechanism of receptor-mediated initiation of apoptosis. In the case of
edelfosine, it has been demonstrated that receptor activation occurs via
the classical pathway of ligand binding to corresponding receptor; in this
case, the biologically active lipid acts as a ligand (Fig. 3). Triggering of
the extrinsic apoptotic pathway is associated with activation of caspase
8 by Fas/CD95 receptors, which form the death-inducing signaling com-
plex (DISC) (Fig. 3; Wei et al., 2013). DRs such as CD95 directly induce
activation of caspase-8 inside the DISC complex, which consists of the
receptor cluster, the molecular adaptor FADD, and procaspase-8
(Mollinedo, Gajate, Martin-Santamaria, & Gago, 2004). In many cases, cell
caspase-8 activates a cascade of effector caspases by means of proteolytic
cleavage. However, in cells with low initial level of activated caspase-8 a par-
allel process may occur, involving proteolytic cleavage of the proapoptotic
proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL. These proteins delay onset of apoptosis by for-
ming apoptosomes and the cascade of effector caspases is triggered later and
this is known as the phenomenon of late apoptosis. The formation of these
complexes was based on the redistribution of Fas in lipid rafts (Eramo et al.,
Antitumor Lipids 43
treatment, HL-60 cells were differentiated toward cells with features of nor-
mal nontransformed mature neutrophils, and in this differentiated state the
uptake of the ether lipid was dramatically decreased as well as the sensitivity
to the drug (Alonso et al., 1997; Heesbeen et al., 1993; Mollinedo et al.,
1997; Vallari, Smith, & Snyder, 1988). These data indicate that the action
of the ether lipids is specific for tumor cells and that both cellular uptake
and edelfosine-induced apoptosis are dependent on the malignant state of
the cells. Another interesting finding is that normal human fibroblasts are
resistant to the exogenous addition of edelfosine because they do not take
up significant amounts of the ether lipid. But when edelfosine was micro-
injected the fibroblasts rapidly underwent apoptosis (Gajate et al., 2000),
indicating that the cell surface acts as a barrier to the ether lipid in normal
cells. In addition, the microinjected edelfosine induced apoptosis in a
dose-dependent way (Gajate et al., 2000), suggesting that a threshold for
intracellular edelfosine concentration must be reached in order to trigger
apoptosis. The mechanism of edelfosine uptake from cells involves two crit-
ical steps: (a) selective incorporation of edelfosine into the cell, likely to the
inner leaflet of the plasma membrane triggering of Fas/CD95 oligomeriza-
tion and (b) capping in membrane rafts, independent of FasL/CD95L and
activation of a Fas/CD95-mediated signaling route. Three major scenarios
can be found following incubation of edelfosine with distinct cell types
No apoptosis No apoptosis
(Fig. 4): (A) Cells are unable to take up edelfosine, and therefore they are
spared after edelfosine treatment, despite their expression of Fas/CD95
(nontransformed, normal cells and resting T cells). (B) Cells are able to
incorporate edelfosine, but they do not undergo apoptosis following
edelfosine treatment because of Fas/CD95 absence (some resistant tumor
cells). (C) Fas/CD95-expressing cells are able to take up edelfosine and, once
inside the cell, edelfosine triggers Fas/CD95 oligomerization and capping
into membrane rafts (black dots) leading to apoptosis (cancer cells and acti-
vated T cells).
In summary, the selective action of ether lipids (for instance edelfosine)
to different cells can be explained by the degree of their transformation and
the specific chemical structure of the drug. Therefore, the membrane of nor-
mal cells is considered as a barrier for ether lipids (Gajate & Mollinedo,
2002). It is known that the composition of tumor membranes differs from
those of normal cells. These differences involve changes in the concentration
of major lipids (cholesterol (Chol), sphyngolipids and phosphatidylcholine
(PC)) and the proportion of saturated to unsaturated acyl chains. All these
modifications change the properties of tumor cells membranes, which are
more fluid as compared to normal cells (Ashkenazi & Dixit, 1998;
Evan & Littlewood, 1998; Green & Reed, 1998; Hengartner, 2000). The
fact that edelfosine and miltefosine are of higher affinity to unsaturated phos-
pholipids ( Jendrossek & Handrick, 2003; Jendrossek, Muller, Eibl, & Belka,
2003) and affect more strongly model membranes of higher fluidity
(Green & Kroemer, 1998; Igney & Krammer, 2002) explains an easier inser-
tion of these drug molecules into tumor membranes. In addition, it was
shown that the uptake of the ether lipids is strongly related to their interac-
tion with cholesterol in the lipids rafts (Wiecek, Covic, Locatelli,
Macdougall, & ORAMA Study Group, 2008). But this cannot yet explain
the active uptake of APLs into tumor cells, as in most cancer cells the amount
of cholesterol is at a lower concentration than in normal cells (Berra et al.,
1994). However, other factors should also be taken into consideration, like
the presence of specific molecules in tumor membranes, which are either
absent in normal cells or present at trace amounts, only. For instance, a char-
acteristic feature of tumor cells is the overexpression of gangliosides, the
concentration of which in normal cells is very low. In this regard, Hac-
Wydro and Dynarowicz-Latka (2010) have shown that edelfosine has tight
binding to molecules of the GM1 ganglioside. That fact gives reason to
hypothesize that gangliosides are those molecules which attract edelfosine
in membrane rafts and thus facilitate its inclusion in cancer cells (Fig. 3;
Hac-Wydro & Dynarowicz-Latka, 2010).
46 Aneliya Kostadinova et al.
It has been shown (Gomide et al., 2013) that APCs (e.g., 10-(octyloxy)
decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate, ODPC, and perifosine)
can disrupt membrane raft domains in giant vesicles (Fig. 5) as the process
depends on the lipid composition. For instance, the presence of hospho-
lipids and cholesterol in homogeneous fluid lipid bilayers protects the
membrane from disruption. It was observed that ATLs have a tendency
to partitioning preferentially to the domain boundaries and lowering the
tendency for domain formation which later leads to membrane dissociation.
Therefore, the initial stage of lipid raft disruption by both ODPC and peri-
fosine, and maybe other APCs, by promoting lipid mixing, may be corre-
lated with their toxicity toward neoplastic cells, since selective (dis)
association of essential proteins within lipid raft microdomains must take
place in the plasma membrane. Accordingly, the changes in the lipid bilayer
biophysical properties and the selective (dis)association of essential proteins
within lipid bilayers have been demonstrated to trigger signaling pathways
(Cremesti, Goni, & Kolesnick, 2002). For instance, AKT/PI3K cell signal-
ing disruption by APCs has been observed (Kapoor, Zaharieva, Das, &
Berger, 2012), which is probably due to a primary action of the ATLs on
the organization of lipids in rafts and raft-associated proteins. For example,
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