The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics OJOOO 2017
The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics OJOOO 2017
The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics OJOOO 2017
Matthias Aistleitner
Jakob Kapeller
Stefan Steinerberger
Citation metrics and its related indices and rankings become increasingly important in
the evaluation of research. Such indices are part of a more general tendency aiming for
The purpose of our contribution is to analyze the impact of such quantitative indices on
the further development of science with a special emphasis on economics. In this case
JEL classification
A14, B50
This work was funded by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) under grant numbers
INO1500038 and INO1500039. The manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic
* Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis oft he Economy (ICAE),
[email protected]
** Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis oft he Economy (ICAE) &
1. Introduction
disciplines is a complex problem of great current significance. Its relevance stems from
to evaluate research activities and facilitate comparisons on various levels, e.g. across
the form of rankings, which aim to ‘measure’ the ‘quality’ of universities, scientists,
scientific articles and journals on a single scale.1 This development also points to a
properties of academic publishing (e.g. De Solla Price 1965, Rip and Courtial 1984).
increasingly making way for new forms of ‘evaluative scientometrics’, which try to
interpreted as a part of a more general social trend oriented towards the numerical
assessment of social issues. One major historical impetus of this process of an increased
this context is the development of the system of national accounts (SNA) and its
corresponding parameters like the gross domestic product (GDP), which serves the
purpose of assessing a nation’s economic activities and thereby provides a yardstick for
measuring economic development. Aside from administrative interests, indicators like
the GDP were also developed to serve scientific purposes, since they facilitate the
and Stevens 2008, p. 401). From this point of view numbers fulfill two functions: for
one, they serve as symbolic placeholders representing single entities or events (e.g.
phenomena’ as a general tendency but they by themselves do not yet establish any
attention towards the relative properties of various entities: when assigning numerical
values to different entities of the same class, numerical information allows to create an
ordering that has the double function of unifying different objects across a uniform
scale, which, at the same time, makes it easier to distinguish and differentiate between
Recently, this process of quantification has gained additional momentum within science
The interplay between supply and demand for evaluation of academic performance
have the potential to create ever-new tools for and facets of numerical evaluation
procedures in academia.
While the rise of evaluative scientometrics within academia is clearly part of a broader
phenomenon, this paper focuses more particularly on its role and impact within the field
understand its impact on the development of specific research fields and the behavior
assessment with small case studies focused on economics, which are suitable for
hence, the intensified use of these routines has to be understood against this backdrop,
mechanical procedures that are easily reproducible and therefore cause incentives for
with a special focus on the impact of reactive evaluation routines on the citation
‘contested discipline’ (Lee and Elsner 2011). Unlike other social sciences, economics
has only one dominant paradigm: the axiomatic core of so-called mainstream
remains largely unchallenged except for the protest of a small minority of heterodox
economists (Dobusch and Kapeller 2012a) and, more recently, also students of
economics (ISIPE 2014). In this context, section 4 selectively summarizes and extends
past approaches analyzing interparadigmatic engagement in economics and discusses
this paper.
articles receive no or just very little attention, whereas a few researchers or research
articles receive a great deal of attention. From a formal point of view, this specific
distribution of attention, influence and prestige in science has similar characteristics to,
for instance, the distribution of wealth or the attractiveness of websites and follows a
‘power law’ Pareto/Zipf distribution at the top. Such types of distributions are common
within social contexts. To name a few examples, the population of cities, the number
of received phone calls, the number of words used in a text or the sales figures of book
titles tend to follow such a power law (Newman 2006). One main feature of this kind
of distribution is that just a few elements at the top of the respective distribution collect
a disproportionately large share of the variable of interest. One example, derived from
the population structure of Germany, is that the inhabitants of only four different cities
comprise about 10% of the German population. In the scientific discourse, a majority
literature.2 Figure 1 illustrates the characteristics of such distributions and shows three
cities in Germany, the wealth distribution in Austria, and the distribution of citations to
illustrate the properties of said samples, we compare these three distribution to that of
the birth weight of newborn babies, which is a normally distributed random variable.
the differences between median-, mean- and maximum-values are significantly larger
than they would be for a quantity that follows a normal distribution. Indeed, for some
Pareto distributions with heavy tail the notion of mean is not even defined. The simple
interpretation of this pattern is that in the case of power-law distribution more extreme
values occur and, hence, these extreme values are quantitatively more important than
in the case of normally distributed properties. For distributions following a power law,
we observe a remarkable difference between median and mean as a large amount of the
In 1965, Derek J. de Solla Price undertook the first systematic study on the distribution
that current generations of scientific results only refer to a small number of past
contributions. However, the mechanism from which this uneven distribution emerges
was not apparent at first and only later clarified by Robert K. Merton’s classical work
on the ‘Matthew Effect in Science’ (Merton 1968): he postulated that the acquisition of
prestige and attention given to scientific work is closely correlated with the amount of
attention acquired in the past. Merton based his argument on citation data as well as
interviews conducted with Nobel Prize laureates. The implicit logic of this mechanism,
namely ‘whosoever has, will be given more’ is nowadays aptly called the ‘Matthew
repute and the withholding of such recognition from scientists who have not yet
in the special case of Matthew effects in science, have the following structure: ‘If an
author/article x is cited, then x will become a more attractive point of reference in the
Self-reinforcing effects appear in similar form in a series of social contexts, which for
instance has been discussed in detail in economic literature about path dependency
(Sydow et al. 2009; Dobusch and Schüßler 2013). The main thesis of this theoretical
strand is that the establishment of technical, organizational or social standards can lead
standards. The former kind of dominance (relative dominance) can be observed in most
Classical applications of path dependency theory can be found in examples such as the
see David 1985), the evolution of monopolies in software markets (Shapiro and Varian
1999), the relative attractiveness of file sharing networks and social networking sites or
the cluster structure of the high-tech industry (Arthur 1994). Moreover, the
2003). Self-reinforcing mechanisms can be empirically identified and range from direct
network effects (the more a standard is used, the more attractive it becomes) over
learning effects (the better a standard has been understood, the more attractive it
becomes) to indirect network effects (if a certain standard is a requirement for the use
Based on the examples presented above, the Mertonian Matthew effect can be
point of reference correlates with the number of past references. The consequence of
many others remain largely unnoticed. It is indeed observed that most scientometric
These patterns of academic reproduction do not only hold for the level of individual
researchers and articles, but also apply to scientific institutions (e.g. academic journals)
as well as specific schools of thought and paradigmatic traditions (in the sense of Kuhn
1962). Such a perspective, which applies the basic idea of a Matthew-effects to specific
simulation-based study of John D. Sterman and Jason Wittenberg (1999), which
For example, Sterman and Wittenberg found that the intrinsic quality of the core ideas
of a single paradigm is only of minor importance for its success, which provides a
and stands in line with Thomas S. Kuhn’s historical observations. A prime example in
this context is given by the advent of Copernican theory, which in its beginning – in
terms of its empirical explanatory power and precision – lagged behind the geocentric
view. The main reason for the initial superiority of the Ptolemaic theory was that it
could employ a sophisticated theoretical apparatus with numerous correction terms (so-
For the purpose of this paper, it seems promising to take a closer look at the structure
of the Sterman and Wittenberg model, in which three essential positive feedback loops
emerge. These feedback loops stabilize the persistence of paradigms and thereby
dependence theory. The feedback loops take the form of direct network effects and refer
to the academic labor market, the perceived relative explanatory power of paradigms
and the role of obvious anomalies. In all three cases, a greater number of practitioners
paradigm and therefore stabilize the dominance of established patterns of thought in the
‘The prevalence of positive feedback processes in paradigm development
of this process is striking, since quality is essentially equated with influence and impact.
Measuring impact then serves as a basis for institutional evaluation, which further
authors, articles and research fields whose initial level of paid attention is already high
(Dobusch and Kapeller 2009). Accordingly, a fourth feedback loop can be added to the
model of Sterman and Wittenberg, which can be formulated in the following way: The
bigger a paradigm or research field is, the higher the amount of received citations in
this field will be – ‘big is beautiful’. Finally, this number of received citations is used
as a rarely questioned hallmark of scientific quality and therefore further improves the
This additional feedback loop appears in the form of an indirect network effect: The
evaluation favors ‘bigger’ fields of research and makes them more attractive for those
researchers, who have internalized the ruling quality standards of scientific evaluation.
cut argument on the expected effects of this additional feedback-loop of rankings – and
should boost its visibility and lead to an increase in attractiveness for potential authors,
comparable size and character, which joined the most important ranking of journals –
Thomson Scientific’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR), in the years 2010/11.6 Their
aggregate average submission numbers in the years before and after inclusion in the
While Table 1 gives a first intuition on the impact of the indirect network effect
say, for whom the inclusion in the JCR obvious implies a boost in attractiveness. For
the established journals, institutions and paradigms the very same effect obviously leads
once more and thereby shedding light on those, who are already visible (see also
Demange 2012). Hence, it is possible to state a first finding regarding the power of
There are a large number of quantitative evaluation methods. Most of them are based
on conventional empirical techniques such as surveys (e.g. the peer-review process for
requirements. Among these minimal requirements are the validity (which means really
should lead to similar results) of measurement techniques. Both aspects require that
empirical measurement procedures are non-reactive, which means that their application
This idealized methodological viewpoint is widely contradicted by the fact that the
change in behavior of the observed subjects. In the social sciences reactivity is primarily
repeatedly. In the case of methodologically guided evaluations this bias translates into
Michael Sauder (2007). In a comprehensive study about the effects of a law school
ranking introduced by the magazine U.S. News, they find that evaluative measures,
especially rankings, can have a strong influence on the social environment as well as
Specifically, the authors show that behavior and perception of relevant agents in the
US-law school context (deans and faculty, students, public institutions, donors, etc.) is
commensuration. The first mechanism, self-fulfilling prophecies, means that the law
school-ranking leads to a behavioral change which further reinforces and polarizes the
ranking position: the ranking assumes a self-affirming character. The ordering of the
law schools according to a ranking score signalizes decisive differences which induces
a behavioral change of the social environment (students, public, donors, etc.) and
(downward or upward) in the ranking process. For example, former ranking scores are
not only used to determine the allocation of financial resources, but also impacts peer-
review processes itself when former ranking positions are interpreted as indicators of
quality by reviewers. Towards the lower end of a ranking list, the power of such a self-
fulfilling prophecy can lead to a downward spiral: the lower the ranking position, the
lower the equipment with financial resources through external financiers (which play a
central role in the US-higher education system), the harder it becomes to move up or
For law schools the internalization of such factors leads to a stronger focus on aspects
that influence the position in the ranking list. At the same time, aspects that are
irrelevant for the ranking are neglected (Espeland and Sauder 2007, p. 11-14).
more like what rankings measure, which reinforces the validity of the
object. Here, the conceptual clarity of rankings plays a central role: it suggests that the
‘[Commensuration] changes the locus and form of attention, both creating and
In the context of the law school ranking, the commensuration mechanism is triggered
the context of economics journal rankings serve as main reference points for research
evaluation (Lee 2007; Bloch 2010; Corsi et al. 2010) and, hence, as the main medium
for commensuration making the journals the prime level for comparisons of all sorts.
reward and punish, and organize interventions.’ (Espeland and Stevens 2008,
p. 416)
In Espeland and Stevens’ case the imposition of a ranking leads to a series of specific
patterns of action on the side of the law schools, like increasing expenses for marketing
to raise the chance of successful future peer review processes8, creating specific
students' test results are relevant for the ranking, many law schools increased the
number of merit-based scholarships in order to attract better students and decreased the
importance of other evaluation criteria when selecting students, and so on. In short, the
economics to induce similar systematic incentives. Since journal rankings play a core
role in economics and provide an arena for the mechanisms of commensuration and
visibility and importance of journal rankings to affect journals more strongly than single
authors or articles as journals reside in the focal point of said rankings. This argument
this expectation indeed holds for the case of economics by means of a period-based
the number of articles receiving at most one citation within a fixed time period (papers
The insight of de Solla Price (1965) that the majority of the scientific literature – in our
case the majority of articles in a journal – receives little to no attention from future
articles was already mentioned in Chapter 2 and has been confirmed empirically by
several works (Garfield 2006, p. 91; Nature 2005, Seglen 1996). In light of this, the
results shown in Figure 3 are quite surprising as they indicate a substantial reduction
in the number of articles that are neglected in terms of citations. However, at this point
one could argue that the change of this citation pattern may be due to an overall increase
of the citation frequency. Put differently, the decrease in neglect articles could point to
across the whole distribution of papers published in each period. The resulting pattern
again supports our theoretical expectations – a decrease in the share of citations (by
corresponding increase in lowest eight deciles.
Overall, these findings weakly support our hypothesis that academic attention is
undergoing a shift away from attention focused on single authors and contributions to
attention being focused on highly ranked journals; further work to better disentangle
the sources of the observed patterns would be highly appreciated. In a first step,
additional evidence on this issue can be obtained from more large-scale empirical
analysis, which indicates that the distribution of attention and, hence, the discursive
authors, departments and journals (Glötzl and Aigner 2015). This latter trend thereby
al. 2009).
Regarding the power of scientometrics, we find in this section that the currently
practiced form of scientometrics has the power to influence the behavior of researchers
and scientific institutions. In the case of economics, this identified power crystallizes
especially – as shown at the end of this chapter – in the institutional field of economic
The scientific discourse in economics is different from other social sciences because it
is dominated by a single paradigm – neoclassical economic theory – which significantly
Dobusch and Kapeller (2009) for a discussion of the historical roots of this
especially the 1970s and 1980s stand out: in this period, not only Keynesian
but also the journal culture experienced a significant theoretical narrowing. This led to
the economic discourse; such articles were – with some exceptions – rejected in review
journals, like the Cambridge Journal of Economics, the Journal of Post Keynesian
Economics or the Journal of Economic Issues (King 2003, p. 134-136). In this sense,
economics is still a ‘contested discipline’ (Lee and Elsner 2011). For the same reason
small fraction inside the economic discipline, since they are confronted which such
Of course, the description of this specific constellation per se does not suffice to draw
ideas are regarded within the mainstream discourse has to be answered primarily from
an empirical perspective. Past works analyzed the interaction between heterodoxy and
5, which compares the relative citation flows between 26 economics journals (13
highly ranked mainstream and 13 heterodox) over a period of twenty years (1989-
2008).9 It shows that heterodox journals exhibit a quite balanced citation pattern
(heterodox and mainstream journals are cited equally), while the citation behavior of
A more detailed analysis of the data from Figure 5 furthermore shows that the
percentage of citations from the top thirteen heterodox journals exported into
citations. Of these, the majority (613 citations) is caused by only three journals that
hold a special position within the economic discourse.10 Within the remaining 23
journals only a minimal transfer of ideas in the form of 140 citations within a period of
economic approaches in mainstream economic literature, it is still not clear whether the
economic discourse on articles published in highly ranked journals. After all, the
orthodox sample represents the top 13 from the Journal Citation Report 2007, whereas
the heterodox sample is scattered between ranking position 17 and 130. Considering
the high level of self-reference as well as a strong elitist orientation inherent to the
scientific discourse in economics, this is a strong argument. These aspects were recently
documented by Fourcade et al. (2015), who showed in detail that the economic
disciplines (self-reference) and has a stronger focus on a small group of top journals
whose authors primarily stem from a small and homogeneous quantity of universities
(concentration; see also Hodgson and Rothman 1999). This does not only refer to a
more focused attentiveness within the economic discipline but also a relatively tightly
published in the Journal of Economic Literature, was limited to the observation of only
We will now replicate the procedure shown in Figure 5 with a corresponding control
consisting of those thirteen mainstream journals in the JCR 2007 ranking which are –
in each case – one position below the heterodox journal sample. The result in Figure 6
shows that the observed discursive pattern cannot exclusively be explained by the
relative ranking position of the heterodox journals; on the contrary, the citation
frequency of the control group is more than three times higher than in the heterodox
sample. Indeed, paradigmatic factors seem to play a central role and suggest a
Of course, this aspect is not the only weakness in our examination about
before the crisis – could be another possible point of criticism. The financial and
postulates of neoclassical theory (such as the efficient market hypothesis and the
changed the perception of basic facts of economy and has lead to a more inclusive
pluralist approach.
A theoretical answer is provided by Kuhn (1962), who argues that a dominant paradigm
facing a significant anomaly will try to resolve this dissonance by an adaption of already
established theses, models and methods and, at the same time, aim to avoid fundamental
debates. While it is beyond question that economic research has changed in some way
in response to the recent crisis (e.g. Young 2014), a more nuanced analysis seems
Here again – supporting the prediction of Kuhn – no substantial change in the citation
behavior of the dominant paradigm can be observed; indeed, the behavior of the
economic mainstream remains widely constant. So far, the anomaly of the financial and
economic crisis has not intensified the reception of alternative theoretical approaches
The following thesis can now be established: inner-scientific criteria, with citation
economic development (the most drastic example being the financial and economic
crisis). One major reason for this lies in the ‘size-bias’ of citation metrics: by definition,
First indications for such a development, for example, can be found in France, where
citation metrics have started to play a significant role in the centralist appointment
achieve – due to this ‘size-bias’ of citation metrics – a significantly lower score, making
indeed reflected in the French appointment policy: parallel to the introduction of the
scoring system, the relative amount of heterodox economists newly appointed fell from
almost 18% in the period of 2000-2004 to 5% in the period of 2005-2011 (FAPE 2014).
Similar trends can also be identified in other countries where evaluation routines based
on citation metrics are used. For example, in Great Britain the so-called Research
the appointment policy of these institutes. Hereby, ranking criteria are anticipated in
economic applicants (see also Lee 2007, who analyzes the situation at the beginning of
the 2000s).
5. Conclusion
reproduction and further increase any existing bias in the distribution of attention,
prestige and resources (Chapter 2). Secondly, there exist various instances of reactive
actively influence the behavior of scientific agents (Chapter 3). Thirdly evaluative
paradigm and limit the influence of alternative or critical approaches within the
scientific discourse (Chapter 4). Illustrative evidence was supported to indicate how the
discussed mechanisms can be assessed empirically and to provide inspiration for further
research on the role of evaluative citation metrics in academic reproduction and
scientific development.
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Figure 2: The role of evaluative scientometrics as additional feedback loop (dashed line) in stabilizing
a scientific paradigm (author’s own graph based on Sterman and Wittenberg 1999, 333).
Neglected papers in top economic journals
10.49 %
one citation
10.33 % 12.51 % zero citations
8.64 % 7.01 %
18.35 %
5% 10.7 % 9.89 %
6.91 % 7.32 %
3.44 % 0.99 %
2.21 %
1.28 % 2.48 %
0.49 % 0.85 % 1.1 % 1.33 %
0% 0.49 %
1981-1985 2004-2008 1981-1985 2004-2008 1981-1985 2004-2008 1981-1985 2004-2008 1981-1985 2004-2008
(citations (citations (citations (citations (citations (citations (citations (citations (citations (citations
up to 1990) up to 2013) up to 1990) up to 2013) up to 1990) up to 2013) up to 1990) up to 2013) up to 1990) up to 2013)
Figure 3: Comparison of citations to published articles in five prestigious economic journals (authors’
own graph based on data from Thomson Scientific). Note: Published document types such as editorials,
book reviews or biographic items were excluded in this analysis.
Figure 4: Relative change of citation patterns in top journals (journal sample from Figure 3). (authors’
own graph based on data from Thomson Scientific).
Figure 5: Interaction pattern between mainstream economics and heterodoxy (1989-2008; taken from
Pre-crisis Flow of citations between Top 13 Heterodox and Top 13 Orthodox
Dobusch and Journals
Kapeller 2012b, p. 474).
97.15% Orthodox Heterodox 52.42%
2.85% 47.58%
97.15% Flow of citations between Top 13
Orthodox Heterodox52.42%
Heterodox and Top 13 Orthodox
Pre-crisis Flow of citations between Top 13 Heterodox and Top 13 Orthodox
91.09% Orthodox
Control Group 33.85%
Figure 6: Interaction pattern between top mainstream journals and a control group (1989-2008; author's
own calculation based on data
Pre-crisis from
Flow of citations 66.15%
Thomson Scientific).
Top 13 Heterodox and Control Group
2.39% (2.85%)
97.61% Orthodox Orthodox 74.42%
97.61% (97.15%) Orthodox Heterodox 74.42% (52.42%)
24.58% (47.58%)
Examples for internationally known rankings in academia are the Times Higher Education World Reputation
Ranking or the QS World University Ranking. In the field of journal evaluation rankings like the Journal Citation
Reports from Thomson Scientific stand out.
For economists, such distributions have been known for a long time, especially in the context of the analysis of
income and wealth distributions, where they are discussed on the basis of the Pareto-formula.
The citations assigned to these articles stem from 1981-1990.
‘For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what
he has will be taken away.’ (Mt 25,29)
Although citation data has already been widely used in the 20th century to assess the relative impact of academic
literature (in economics, already the traditional ‘Diamond list’ of distinguished economics journals, published in
Diamond 1989, was based on citation data), its direct institutional impact has strongly increased in the last fifteen
years due to the introduction of various means of quantitative research evaluation (e.g. Lee 2007) and the
associated emergence of popular journal rankings, most notably ISI’s/Thomson Scientific’s „Journal Citation
Reports“ (starting in 1999).
We obtained this data through personal correspondence with a series of editorial offices.
See also:
Therefore, the brochures are sent primarily to other law schools (cf. Espeland und Sauder 2007, 26).
The basis for our sample was the Web of Science database from Thomson Reuters. For the selection of the
relevant journals the Journal Citation Report 2007 was used, whereby the thirteen best ranked journals were
interpreted as ‘top 13 orthodox’ journals. The ‘top 13 heterodox’ where identified by means of the Heterodox
Economics Directory (
On the heterodox side of the sample, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, which is attractive
both for heterodox and mainstream articles account for 340 exported citations. On the mainstream side of the
sample, two journals from the field of economic geography (Journal of Economic Geography und Economic
Geography) are included, which import further 273 citations. In this connection, the relative openness of economic
geography for heterodox approaches is disproportionately higher than in strict mainstream economics.
Data sources: The population of the German cities is taken from the Mathematica10-database. The estimate of
property assets is based on data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) of the Austrian
national bank. The number of citations to the American Economic Review is retrieved from the Web of Science
database and the birth weight data of the newborns represents the collected number of births in the first two weeks
of February 2015, which took place in an Austrian hospital. All data are available on request.
A comparison of the relative change in citation behavior of the orthodox journals with data from Figure 5 shows
a statistically significant difference on the 1%-level.