Bid Documents_PIU-Krishnagar_West Bengal

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Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (5 No’s) having size 20 ft.

X 30 ft on Barasat-Baharampore section
of NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km. 193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal (Location as selected by Competent
Authority of NHAI) on Rent/ Lease basis ( on NHAI land)


(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India)
Project Implementation Unit - Krishnagar

Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (Flex) (5 No’s) having size 20
ft. X 30 ft. on Barasat – Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km.
193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal (At location as selected by
Competent Authority of NHAI) on Rent/Lease basis (on NHAI land).


September 2017


(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Project Implementation Unit - Krishnagar
Vill & P.O.-Bhatjangla, Krishnagar,
Dist.-Nadia, PIN – 741102
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (5 No’s) having size 20 ft. X 30 ft on Barasat-Baharampore section of
NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km. 193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal (Location as selected by Competent
Authority of NHAI) on Rent/ Lease basis ( on NHAI land)

M/s ________________________


Name of work: Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (Flex) (5 No’s)
having size 20 ft. X 30 ft. on Barasat – Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km.
31.000 to Km. 193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal on Rent/Lease basis
(on NHAI land).


S. No. Description Page Nos.

1 Notice Inviting Quotations (short term) 1

2 Quotation Form 2

3 Terms and Conditions 3-6

4 Schedule – A 7

Bidder NHAI

1.0 The term “Work” shall mean and refer to Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead
Hoardings (Flex) (5 No’s) having size 20 ft. X 30 ft. on Barasat – Baharampore section of
NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km. 193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal on
Rent/Lease basis (on NHAI land).

1.1 A reference to Law means, the applicable Laws of India and West Bengal.
1.2 A reference in the Singular shall include reference in the Plural and vice-versa.
1.3 The Annexure to this quotation, form a part of this work.

1.4 The “Employer” shall mean “National Highways Authority of India, PIU, Krishnagar”
1.5 The term “Contract Period” shall mean the time period for which the agency is
required to execute the work under Duties & Responsibilities.

1.6 The “Agreement” means, the Agreement entered into with the agency on Rs.100/-
(Rupees One hundred only) Non – Judicial Stamp Paper.
1.7 Engineer – in-charge is representative of NHAI, PIU, Krishnagar.

1.8 The Location as selected by the Project Director NHAI PIU-Krishnagar in the Barasat-
Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km. 193.000 in the state of West
Bengal of the projects. Agency will claim rent/ lease (including hoarding matter and
printed canvass charges) for the structures only. Space / land will be provided by NHAI.

2.0 Scope of Work:

2.1 The scope of work of providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (including
structural design, erection of structure , frame, hoarding matter and printed canvass )
(5 No’s) having size 20 ft. X 30 ft. on Barasat-Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km.
31.000 to Km. 193.000 in the state of West Bengal (1. Km. 67+950 to Km. 68+050, 2. Km.
93+800 to 93+900, 3. Km. 118+600 to Km. 118+700, 4. From Km. 153+700 to Km.
153+900, 5. Km. 191+600 to Km. 191+700) (Location as selected by Competent Authority
of NHAI) on Rent/ Lease basis (on NHAI land). The content of display on the hoarding
shall be changed from time to time on an average monthly basis.
2.2 The Firm / Agency shall erect and rent / lease Five (05) hoardings in the locations
shown by the Project Director, NHAI.
2.3 The hoardings shall be erected by 22.09.2017, so that the first Advertisement can be
placed w.e.f. 23.09.2017.

2.4 The hoarding matter for printing on Canvass will be given / the responsibility of
NHAI. The art work shall be provided by NHAI on the Canvass.
2.5 The matter on the Canvass shall be updated at monthly intervals.

2.6 The provisions for putting up / replacing the art work is the responsibility of the
Firm / Agency and the rates in quotation shall cover the same.
2.7 The display of canvass shall be 20 feet above the ground.
3.0 Rates

3.1 The rates quoted in the enclosed Bill of Quantities shall remain firm and fixed
throughout the contract period including extended period without any variation for
whatsoever reasons and purpose.
The rates in the quotation shall include all the taxes (GST, Municipal Taxes etc.,)
overhead charges etc., and no other payment will be made by NHAI on this account. The
rates includes cost of materials and labour, complete for finished item of work,
including the insurance etc.
3.2 The GST shall be payable as applicable.

4.0 Price to Include:

4.1 Cost of compliance with safety regulations in respect of the works to be carried out
under scope of work as well as compliance with Acts, Rules, Laws, Bylaws, concerned
with the work.

5.0 Time Period for the work:

5.1 The time for Rent/ Lease period of the work shall be 1 Year from the start date.

5.2 The contract period shall be extendable at sole discretion of NHAI as per
6.0 Earnest Money / Bid Security
6.1 The Bidder shall furnish as part of the quotation, Earnest Money / Bid Security
amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only)
6.2 The Earnest Money shall be in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “NHAI”,
payable at Hyderabad.

6.3 Any quotation not accompanied with cost of bid document & Earnest Money,
Certificate in Support of experience, signed copy of NIQ, shall be rejected by the
Employer (NHAI) as non-responsive.

6.4 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned within 28 days from the
date of opening of tender.
6.5 The Earnest Money of the successful bidders will be converted in to performance
security on issue of work order & commencement of service.

6.6 The quotations shall be valid for 30 days from date of opening.
7.0 Bid Security

7.1 Bid Security / Earnest Money will be forfeited if the Bidder withdraws the Bid after
submission of bid / quotation.
7.2 Bid Security / Earnest Money will be forfeited In case the successful Bidder fails to
commence the work within 3 days time after acceptance of work order.

8.0 Contractors Responsibility:

8.1 The Contractor is responsible for implementation of works as defined in the Contract
Documents. The main responsibility of the Contractor would include the following.
8.1.1 Preparing methodology and schedule for carrying out maintenance activities, the
responsibility of advertising agency would include publishing the content/art work
provided and specified by NHAI PIU-Krishnagar. The content of display on the hoarding
shall be changed from time to time on an average monthly basis
8.1.2 Providing necessary and sufficient equipment, labour and material resources for
completing the Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (5 No’s) having size 20ft X 30 Ft.

8.1.3 Rectifying defects in compliance with specification requirements.

8.1.4 Carrying out additional special and emergency works as directed by the Engineer.

8.1.5 Safety during the work execution shall be maintained as per norms.
8.1.6 All the fixers, wires/ cables, lights as applicable shall confirm to relevant BIS
specification / ISI standards as a minimum.

8.1.7 The Firm / Agency shall take permissions from local authorities / local bodies as
required and any taxes on this account shall be paid / borne by the Firm / Agency.
8.1.8 The hoardings shall be on steel structure with LED lighting. The size of the
hoarding /display shall be 20ft X 30 Ft.

8.1.9 The design for stability of the structure shall be carried out through the Qualified
Structural Engineering Consultants and the same shall be certified by them on
completion of erection of structure & hoarding.
8.1.10 It is the responsibility of the Firm / Agency if the canvass is teared due to wind /
rain / any other reasons and need be replaced by it within 48 hours, at its cost.
8.1.11 It is the responsibility of the Firm / Agency to remove/clean the place along with
structure/hoarding within 48 Hrs after completion/termination of the contract.

9.0 General Scope of work:

Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (including structural design, erection
of structure, frame , hoarding matter and printed canvass) (5 No’s) having size 20ft X 30
ft. on Barasat-Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km. 193.000 in the
state of West Bengal (1. Km. 67+950 to Km. 68+050, 2. Km. 93+800 to Km. 93+900, 3.
Km. 118+600 to Km. 118+700, 4. Km. 153+700 to Km. 153+900, 5. Km. 191+600 to Km.
191+700) (Location as selected by Competent Authority of NHAI) on Rent/ Lease basis.
10.0 Payment Terms:
10.1 The payment shall be made after submission of monthly bill duly certified by
Authorized Representative of NHAI/ The structural engineering consultant about the
stability as per Rent/ Lease Agreement.
10.2 The payment shall be released within 10 days of submission of invoice and
certification from the consultant.

10.3 Income Tax and other taxes as applicable shall be deducted at source.
10.4 All payments shall be made only by way of RTGS/NEFT in the name of the agency.

10.5 GST will be reimbursed by NHAI, on production of GST challan paid to Government.

11.0 Labour Laws:

11.1 The agency shall be responsible to comply with the applicable Acts, Rules,
Regulations, Guidelines, Norms, etc. In respect of engagement of manpower in the
works, including the procurement of necessary permission and approvals as well as
submission of necessary reports and returns regularly to the concerned authorities and
making any payments, fee, charges, etc.

11.2 The agency shall remain bound and responsible for providing all facilities and
compensation, dues to the manpower in accordance with the Labour laws in force.
12.0 Agreement:

12.1 The agency shall enter into the agreement on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-
within seven days of receipt of L.O.A.

13.0 Technical specification of Hoarding Structures:

The Steel structure for hoarding will make by agency. Structure should be 10 Ft.
Underground and frame should be start from 10 Ft from ground level. (Indicative images
are attached for reference)
14.0 Indemnity:

14.1 The agency shall at all times, keep the employer indemnified against all liabilities
on account of various statutory and technical compliances, losses to the third party of
whatever nature of all persons including servants and agents of the employee of bodily
injured a part from damages to property or other losses which may arise out of the
work, against all costs, charges and expenses that may be occasioned to the employer
from the claims of such persons.

15.0 Settlement of Disputes:-

15.1 Any dispute difference or controversy of whatever nature howsoever arising under,
out of or in relation to this Agreement including incompletion of the work between the
Parties and so notified in writing by either Party to the other (the “Dispute”) shall be
resolved amicably.

Signature of the Bidder

Project Director
NHAI, PIU-Krishngar

Quotation for Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (Flex) (5 No’s) at

Name of work: Providing and Fixing Outdoor Overhead Hoardings (Flex) (5 No’s) having
size 20 ft. X 30 ft. on Barasat – Baharampore section of NH-34 from Km. 31.000 to Km.
193.000 of NH-34 in the state of West Bengal (At location as selected by Competent
Authority of NHAI) on Rent/Lease basis (on NHAI land).

Sr. Rate (Rs.)

Item Unit Quantity
No. In Figures In Words
01 Hoarding with Lighting Per/month/each 5 nos
(LED) & Canvass
Printing including all
work & Mounting

Signature, Name & Seal

Project Director
National Highway Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways)
Project Implementation Unit-Krishnagar
Vill & P.O.: Bhatjangla, Krishnagar, Dist.: Nadia
PIN – 741102, Tel. 03472-271713
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

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