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Agreement 2nd-F-F-Sar107 Nitheesh

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This agreement is lease is made and entered into this on 1 st December, 2023 at Bangalore
by and between :-
Sri. Purna Chandra Sahu, S.O Late Udaya Nath Sahu, aged about 50 yrs residing at
Boatman-1302, SJR Watermark, Subh Enclave, Harlur Road, Bellandur Post, Off
Sarjapur Road, Bangalroe–560102. hereinafter called the LESSER ON THE ONE

Mr Nitheesh M N, H. No. 107, Second Floor Front Side, 5th Cross, CSB Layout,
Kasavanahalli, Bellandur post, off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore – 560035. ( S/O Mr
Gireeshan M N, Krishna Kripa, Alakkad South, Konginichal Kavu, Kankole,
Kannur, Kankol, Kerala-670307) here in after referred to as the ‘LESSEE’ on the other

The plot No. 107, 5th Cross, CSB Layout, Kasavanahalli, Bellandur post, off Sarjapur
Road, Bangalore – 560035 is bounded as follow :

EAST : Site No. 108

WEST : Road
NORTH : Road
SOUTH : Site No. 122

The terms, Lesser and Lessee used herein shall mean and include their respective legal
representatives, administrators, heirs, attorneys and successors etc. wherever the context
so requires and admits.

Whereas the Lesser is the absolute owner in possession and enjoyment of the immovable
property at premises bearing No. 107, Second Floor Front Side, 5 th Cross, CSB Layout,
Kasavanahalli, Bellandur post, off Sarjapur Road, Bangalore – 560035 , which is more
fully described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter referred to as the
And whereas, the Lesser has agreed to let out the Second Floor Front Side portion of the
scheduled property in favor of the Lessee on lease, and Lesser has agree to lease out
under the following conditions. This agreement is contains three pages.


1. The Lessee has deposited a sum of Rs.60,000 – 00 (Rupees Sixty Thousand

only ) Lesser towards security deposit in respect of aforesaid rent.

2. The monthly rent in respect of the aforesaid rent is Rs.16,000/- (Rupees

Sixteen Thousand Only) per month plus Rs. 1500 (Rupees One Thousand Five

Hundred Only) inclusive of water and outside cleaning charges but exclusive
electricity charges and also other damages, effecting from the date of this
rental agreement for period of eleven months. The rent agreement may be
renewed for an additional period of 11 months from the date of the expiry of
this agreement on mutual consent and the monthly rental shall be 5% over and
above the monthly rent of the previous leave period during succeeding period
of 11 months.

3. The tenancy month shall be that of English calendar month and agreement
takes effect from 1st December, 2023 and the monthly rent shall be paid on or
before 5th of every succeeding month.

4. The security deposited amount deposited shall not carry any interest during
the lease period and deposited security amount shall be refundable by the
Lesser to the Lessee after the expiry of lease period or at the time of vacating
and handling over the possession of the premises by he Lessee, after
deducting rent / Electricity / water other maintenance charges and damages if
any, due from the Lessee.

5. The lease period 11 (Eleven) months can be terminated by either parties to

this agreement by giving one month notice in advance or by paying one month
rent on either side, if any one of the parties is not interested to continue the
lease without assigning any reasons there.

6. All notices and other communications required to be served on the Lessee

under this agreement shall be considered to be duly saved if the same shall
have been delivered to, left with or posted by registered mail to the Lessee at
his address indicated elsewhere in this lease agreement. Similarly, any notice
to be given to Lesser shall be considered as duly served if the same shall have
been delivered to left with or posted by registered mail to the Lesser at his
address given below.

7. Whereas, if the Lessee fails to pay the rent than 2 months, the Lesser shall be
at his liberty to evict the Lessee from schedule property without any prior
notice, after deducting rent due from the deposit amount.

8. The Lessee shall not sub – lease, under – lease, sub – let or part with the
possession of scheduled premises to any party.

9. The Lessee shall not make alterations to the scheduled premises by way of
removing and putting up structures or fixtures / furniture.

10. The Lessee shall use utility area without causing any inconvenience to
occupants of the ground floor, first floor, second floor and third floor of the
scheduled property.

11. The Lessee shall allow the Lesser or his agents to inspect the scheduled
premises at all reasonable times with prior intimations from the Lesser.
12. The Lessee shall use the scheduled premises for residential purpose only and
shall not use it for any illegal purpose or to store any articles intended for
commercial purposes.

13. The Lessee shall maintain all decorum without disturbing either Lesser or the
other tenants in the scheduled property.

14. The Lessee shall keep and maintain the schedule premises in a good tidy and
tenantable condition subject to natural ware and tear, Lessee shall bear the one
month rent and maintenance expenses for painting at the time of vacating
the schedule premises and upkeep, which shall be deducted from the security

15. The Jurisdiction for all legal matters shall be the city of Bangalore.

All that part and parcel of the premises of the Second Floor Front Side portion of
the No.107, 5th Cross, CSB layout, Kasavanahally, Bellandur post , off Sarjapur road,
Bangalore –560035, which includes one living cum dining room, one kitchen, One bed
rooms, One bath cum toilets, Utility and common space leading to the staircase of the
property along with following fixture.

1. Ceilling Fans – 2 nos 2.Led Tube light fixture –2 nos 3.Mirror-2 Nos
4.Gyser–1 nos 5. Led Bulb – 4Nos. 6. Exhaust Fan -1No.
7. Shoe Stand (movable) 8. 7. Invertor with Battery.

IN WITNESS whereof , both the parties have consented to this agreement and affixed
their respective signatures on this day, month and year first above written.

The Lesser retains a copy of this agreement.





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