Kibitzer 2004 (50)-3 Fall
Kibitzer 2004 (50)-3 Fall
Kibitzer 2004 (50)-3 Fall
CWTC Winners: Linda Lee, Irene Hodgson, Ina Demme, Hazel Wolpert
See page
27 for a
complete list
of CBF
winners !!
NOTE: NOW leaving Dec 31. One extra free night in LA @ LAX Sheraton Hotel (arrive late
eve Dec 31). Breakfast incl. on Jan 1. Late checkout, then fly on Qantas departing eve of
Jan 1. One extra free night in Auckland. Early morn checkin on arrival in Auckland. This will
maximize us all being well-rested. All extra nights are paid for by Vision 2000 Travel.
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
5.00 pm Club Champions Dinner Party
6.00 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
7.00 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship/
E-Z Open & 0-200 Pairs Championship
7.00 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship/
0-50 & 0-100 Pairs Championship
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship/
E-Z Open & 0-200 Pairs Championship
7.30 pm Open & 0-100 Pairs Championship/
0-20 Novice Pairs Championship
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship/
E-Z Open & 0-200 Pairs Championship
7.30 pm Triple Jackpot Open & 0-500 Pairs Championship/
0-300 Pairs Championship
11.45 am Bagels & Bridge Tip With Alex
12.30 pm Open & 0-500 Pairs Championship
7.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
0-20 & 0-50 Pairs Championship
12.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
7.30 pm Open & 0-300 Pairs Championship
FLIGHT B: 1st. prize: Play 6 months FREE in any or all regular games
2nd. prize: 40 FREE plays per team
FLIGHT C: 1st. prize: Play 3 months FREE in any or all regular games
2nd. prize: 40 FREE plays per team
REGISTER NOW WITH DEPOSIT OF $180.00 per team which covers last 5 matches
LEAGUE CO-ORDINATORS: Bonny Norris, Alex Kornel & Barbara Seagram
(416) 484-9447 (12-4 or 7-11 pm)
or (416) 484-6039
Other Officials
Administrative Assistant/Secretary, Irene Warner, 342 Victoria Park Ave., Toronto ON
M4E 3S8 – 416-698-8473 – [email protected]
Auditor, Gary Westfall, 38 Mallard Cres., Brampton ON L6S 2T6 – 905-791-4239
[email protected]
CBF Zone III Director, Jim Priebe, 1510 Birchwood Dr., Mississauga ON L5J 1T4
905-823-6535 – [email protected]
Disciplinary Chair, John Ross, 9 Carrisbrooke Court, Brampton ON L6S 3K1
905-792-7532 – [email protected]
Dist. 2 ACBL Director, Jonathan Steinberg, #911 - 28 Hollywood Ave., Toronto ON M2N 6S4
416-733-9941 – [email protected]
Dist. 2 ACBL Board of Governors, Debbie Bennett, 102 Dorset Rd., Scarborough ON
M1M 2T1 – 416-266-7285 – [email protected]
Dist. 2 ACBL First Alternate Director, Barbara Seagram, 220 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto
ON M4N 1T2 – 416-487-8321 (416-484-9774, bus.) - [email protected]
GNT B & C Coordinator, Henry Caspar, 707 - 25 The Esplanade, Toronto ON M5E 1W5
416-861-1532 – [email protected]
Membership Chair and Webmaster, Martin Hunter, 12 Merrydrew Crt., Mississauga ON
L5M 1W7 – 905-858-7683 – [email protected]
Tournament Coordinator, Kay Allen, 44 Charles St. W., Apt. 4001, Toronto ON M4Y 1R8
416-929-5442 – [email protected]
209,933 207,699
1st Prize: 50% off package
2nd Prize: 35% off package
3rd Prize: 15% off package
President, Joe Sauro, 647 Tackaberry Dr., North Bay ON P1B 8R1; 705-840-6950
Vice President & Tournament/NAOP/GNT Coordinator, Lloyd Harris
131 Adie St., Unit 405, Sudbury ON P3C 2C9; 705-670-0993; [email protected]
Treasurer & Membership Chairman, Norm Malette, 1307 Diane St., Sudbury ON P3A 4H4
705-525-2301; [email protected]
Acting Secretary, Wendy Champaign, 124 Fricker Ct., North Bay ON P1C 1C3
705-474-4052; [email protected]
Unit Recorder, Dale Freeman, 25 Tenth Ave., Englehart ON P0J 1H0; 705-544-8192
[email protected]
Charity Chairman & Disciplinary Chairman, Bruce Cunningham, 64 Gibson St.,
Parry Sound ON P2A 1X3; 705-746-4207; [email protected]
Novice Chairman & Unit Education Liaison, Brenda Geden, 1159-C Peninsula Rd.,
North Bay ON P1B 8G4; 705-476-2791; [email protected]
Chuck Crispin, 3-121 Dell St., Sudbury ON P3C 2Y4; 705-858-2436;
[email protected]
Jan Davies, 280 Spruce St. N., Timmins ON P4N 6N5; 705-360-1673; [email protected]
Marc Langevin, 133 Sable Cres., North Bay ON P1A 3X6; 705-474-8081;
[email protected]
Sheila Ross, 85 Maki Ave., Sudbury ON P3E 2P3; 705-522-4322; [email protected]
President, Danny Schamehorn, 7498 East River Rd., Box 40, RR 1, Washago
ON L0K 2B0 – 705-689-3089 – [email protected]
Past President, Greg Sweeney, 15 Burk Crt., Bowmanville ON L1C 3V7
905-623-3007 – [email protected]
Vice President, Charlotte St. Amant, 280 McGill St., Trenton ON K8V 3K8
613-392-0877 – [email protected]
Secretary, Paul Janicki, 74 Fincham Ave., Markham ON L3P 4E1
905-471-5461 – [email protected]
Treasurer, Peter Phemister, Box 328, Clarksburg ON N0H 1J0 – 519-599-3252
[email protected]
Webmaster, Cindy Forth, 52 Springbank Dr., Peterborough ON K9J 1L1
705-876-1782 – [email protected]
Education, Marilyn Kalbfleisch, 25 Brant St. E., Orillia ON L3V 1Y7
705-325-0538 - [email protected]
Judiciary, Graham Warren, 18 Bolton Ave., Newmarket ON L3Y 2X2
905-713-7172 – [email protected]
Membership Chair, Nick Wong, 47 Spanhouse Cr., Unionville ON L3R 4E2
905-477-6582 – [email protected]
Charity & Kibitzer Liaison, Bryce Johnston, 191 Collier St., Barrie ON
L4M 5L5 705-726-1185 - [email protected]
Tournament Coordinator, Terry Hartley, Box 528, Frankford ON K0K 2C0
Unit Supplies Coordinator, Dwight Goden, 1288 Keewatin Blvd.,
Peterborough ON K9H 6X3 – 705-742-0962 – [email protected]
Special Events, Janis Halbert, 39 Parkside Cres., Angus ON L0M 1B3
705-424-7948 - [email protected]
Member at Large, Tom Kinnear, 452 Big Bay Point Rd., Innisfil ON L9S 2P7
705-436-2546 - [email protected]
[ free parking
{ every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ] free coffee & refreshments
[ card fees $5.00 } no smoking in playing area
Please notify the ACBL, 2990 Airways Blvd., Memphis TN 38116-3847
([email protected]). This will correct your Kibitzer address automatically. The
Kibitzer office does NOT keep a mailing list.
Four issues per year: $20 plus GST.
Full Page $240 1/4 Page $84
3/4 Page $192 1/8 Page $48
1/2 Page $144 (All rates plus GST)
See back cover for contact information about placing an ad.
Other Officials
PRIZES: 1st place winners: $75 off package price; 2nd place: $50
off; 3rd place: $25 off, PLUS TABLE PRIZES at the closing luncheon
$219.95 per person based on double occupancy, plus taxes and 10%
service charge, including six scrumptious meals, two nights
accommodation and bridge galore! $50 deposit per person required
three weeks prior to applicable tournament date.
“Mrs. Culbertson played the diamond five, “What made this deal so memorable?” I
won by Zelig’s ten as she followed low. asked, knowing full well what the answer
Zelig returned the spade two, declarer was, but Professor Silver does so love to
played the jack, and Lenz covered with explain things.
the king. Dummy’s spade ace won the “Zelig’s double, of course. Every expert
trick and dummy’s sole club was led, who read the newspapers realized how
Zelig’s ten being covered by the queen, useful it was to have a convention that
and Howard won the trick with the ace demanded the lead of dummy’s first-bid
of clubs. Back came the four of diamonds, suit. Following the well-established
ducked in dummy and won by Zelig’s king, custom, they named it after its inventor
declarer playing the nine. Zelig played his and within weeks, every expert pair in
spade ten which was allowed to hold. the civilized world was playing Zelig.”
Slightly startled, he continued with his last “In justice, Professor, they should have
spade which was won by dummy’s queen. named it Lenz. It was he who figured out
Declarer won and exited with dummy’s what the double meant, with no
remaining spade which Lenz won, as Zelig agreement and, as you say, no precedent.”
and declarer both discarded clubs.”
“Point well taken,Wright,” said Professor
“After a moment’s thought, Howard led Silver approvingly, “but the bridge world
the heart deuce, Josephine played is unfair. Lenz was a brilliant bridge player
dummy’s jack and Zelig won his queen. and what’s-his-name could rely on him
He returned his fourth best heart and to work it out. It’s a pity I cannot have
Lenz’s ten forced a high honour from the same confidence in you. For years it
dummy. Now Mrs. Culbertson played ace was called the ...”
and another heart and when he won his
“Zelig Double.” I supplied helpfully.
nine, Zelig was finally endplayed and had
to play away from his diamond king into “Thank you. And the next time someone
dummy’s ace-jack tenace.” asks you if you play Zelig your answer
will be?
A smile reposed on the Professor’s
countenance as recalled the moment. “Everyone plays Zelig!”
“Think of it, Cardinal, three down, doubled “Right, Wright.”
and redoubled, that was 1600 points in
The Kibitzer – Fall 2003 – Page 21
Wed Aft 299er Swiss - Mary Anderson; Lynn
Moon; Donna Reimer; Louise Hollingsworth
Wed Aft Side Series Game 3 - May Jackman;
Anita Rose
Wed Aft 0-20 Pairs - Duane Herzig; James
Bracketed KO I A - Beverly Perry; Joe grue;
Kent Mignocchi; Gavin Wolpert; Vincent Demuy
B - Mark Brader; Catherine Brader; Michael
Levine; Eric Lee
C - David Hamer; Tina Blaauw; Mary Alton;
Robert Hanly
D - Ron Haney; Wallace Browne; William
Graber; Olly Smolak
Winners E - Connie Pratt; Marjory Williamson; Peggy
Pearson; Dorothy Slopek
Senior Swiss - Jay Levy; Jim Mathis;
City of Hamilton Sectional, Randolph Seidenberg; William Bascom
March 19-21 Wed Stratified Swiss - Samuel Marks; Joel
Fri Aft Stratified Pairs - John Moser; Colin Wooldridge; Jill Wooldridge; Joan Eaton
Harrington Wed Eve Side Game - Freda Zasada; Rosalie
Fri Aft 199er Pairs - William Bowslaugh; Anglellotti
Nancy Bowslaugh Wed Eve 0-20 Pairs - Pat Brown; Gilda
Fri Eve Open Pairs - Jacques Cloutier; Tom Grossman
Ramsay Wed Eve 299er Swiss - Shawn Mahood;
Fri Eve 199er Pairs - Mark Rau; Chuck Ratna Omidvar; Leila Bessada; Karen Lane
Paulissen Tue Aft 0-20 Pairs - John Ebden; Adrian
Sat KO Bracket 1 - Alan Brooks; Daniel Graham
Cecchelli; Peter Speksnyder; Neil Masterman Tue Eve 299er Pairs - Gertrude Huntingford;
Sat KO Bracket 2 - Sharon Berghaus; Carol J Fleetwood
Bongard; Carolyn Overland; Pierre Seguin Side Game Series I - Rene Lewand; Mary
Sat Aft Newcomers - Sharon Yachetti; Lewand
Marlene Pritchard Tue Stratified Pairs - Naveed Ather; John
Sat Aft 199er Pairs - Russell Lindsay; Sheila Ross
Lindsay School Novice Event - Iryna Gel; Sumia
Sat Eve 199er Pairs - Ruth Mori; Gordon Mori Shaukat (WH Morden)
Sat Flight A Pairs - Janice Howlett; Bill Howlett Thu Aft Side Game - Kai-Wang Yu; Patricia
Sat Flight B/C Pairs - Korrie-Sue Marshall; Karpen
Shea O’Loughlin Thu Senior Pairs - George Geyer; Hal Beggs
Sun Aft 199er Swiss - Gordon Mori; Ruth 0-5 Newcomer Pairs - Glen Armstrong;
Mori; Trevor Jones; Gail Deyell George Perkins
Sun Flight A Swiss - John Rayner; John Thu Compact KO Bracket 1 - Daniel Korbel;
Duquette; John Ross; Bill Koski William Koski; Kevin Conway; Dale Freeman
Sun Eve 199er Swiss - Ann Shaw; Louis Bracket 2 - Gary Fife; Susan Dufton; Marise
Brooks; Else Kovacs; Anders Kovacs Mitchell; Brian Maciver
Sunday Flight B/C Swiss - Robert Lees; Gary 0-20 Novice Pairs - Chris McDonald; Glen
Duncan; Terry Bradley; Clark Craig Findlay
Thu Eve Side Game - James Gleick; Jeff
Thu Open Pairs - Mickie Chambers; Joan
Tue Aft 299er Pairs - Wendy Marshall; Thu Women’s Pairs - Leigh Ives; Gloria Orr
Beverley Burge Thu Eve Novice Pairs - Niki Coons; Jason
Tue Aft Side Game - Louis Laucke; Fima Woerner
Rakhinshteyn Thu Eve 299er Pairs - Robert Spencer; Mary
Tue Eve Swiss - John Ayer; Jerry Vopicka; Shapcott
Birte Ayer; Jeanne Gray Thu Eve 199er Pairs - Ian Sirett; Marcel
Wed Fast Pairs - Debbie Bennett; Ron Smith Villeneuve
3105 Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga
The Kibitzer – Fall 2003 – Page 24
Vince Oddy Bridge Supplies
Pro Bridge 610 - Portable Bridge Computer -
Play bridge anywhere, any time, with this
powerful portable. Choose from random or
numbered deals $169.95
New plastic playing cards that have the feel and durability
of much more expensive cards at a fraction of the cost -
$49.95 per dozen/$9.95 per double deck
Bargain Basement New Arrival: Bridge - Techniques & Tips From the
Masters. Contains over 2000 diagrammed hands & plays Hale & Starr.
WAS $49.95 - NOW $25.00
2E Tremont Drive (Unit 6), St. Catharines, ON
(Across from PEN CENTRE)
e-mail: [email protected]
The Kibitzer – Fall 2003 – Page 29
contract. They both congratulate me on
playing the hand well. WIllIAM BRIdgE CluB
The second board is very distributional William Lea Room, Leaside Gardens
and it couldn’t have come up at a better 1073 Millwood Rd. (at Laird)
time. There’s going to be a lot of bidding.
I pick up: Monday afternoon at 12:30 p.m.
(except Nov. 22/04)
Dealer East. NS Vul.
[ — $7/8 Free Parking & Refreshments
] K J 10 9 6 For information call:
{ KQ9854
Bill Sharpless
West North East South 416-425-7366
— — Pass 1{
1[ Double 4[ 5]
5[ 6] Pass Pass trumps. When you hear the expression
6[ Pass Pass 7] “the ace of trumps can’t go away,” don’t
Pass Pass Pass believe it. This is a true story. As for my
You can’t be perfect over pre-empts, and opponents, the operation was a success
in highly competitive auctions, it’s difficult but the patient died. We all have a laugh
to ascertain how high your side should and my partner is thrilled to have his story
bid. In this instance, we have bid too for the night (and probably the year).
much.The opponents have done their job. Revokes are among the most common of
I’m in seven hearts off the ace of trumps!!! irregularities. Almost everybody has
I trump the opening lead of the ace of revoked at least once in their bridge
spades and play a trump. LHO discards career. Sometimes a card will be hidden
the spade three. RHO ducks. I play behind another, sometimes you get ahead
another trump and encourage my of yourself. Nevertheless, don’t fret. But
opponent to take his ace. He does and make sure that the director is called.That’s
returns a trump. I play the last round of what they get paid for, to restore equity.
hearts to extract his last trump only to (There has always been debate about
see a spade come out of his hand. Is it whether the revoke rule does restore equity
true? Has there been a revoke? I play the in a case such as this. – Ed.).
hand out as partner has a fit. “She’s still There are several different rulings
not claiming,” he chuckles. I’m trying to concerning revokes, more than I can get
discover where that missing heart has into in such a short space. Some revokes
disappeared to. Finally, at the conclusion involve penalty cards, some involve
of the hand, I ask my LHO if I could see transferring one or two tricks to the non-
his hand.There it is, the five of hearts.We offending side. PLEASE CALL THE
have an established revoke. DIRECTOR and let him/her give the
We summon the director. RHO agrees ruling and proceed accordingly. There’s
that his partner played a spade on the a lesson to be learned here.WHENEVER
first round of hearts. Since a trick was partner fails to follow suit, ask whether
won after the revoke, one trick is they have a card of the suit led. It sure
transferred to the non-offending side. I saves a lot of headaches later. As I
just made seven hearts off the ace of expected, this was a wild round.
The Kibitzer – Fall 2003 – Page 30
Win Junior Trials
Gavin Wolpert, Daniel Lavee and David Grainger of the Toronto area and Vincent
Demuy of Montreal won the Junior Team Trials, held at the Kingston Regional,
May 22-24. The winners will be joined by Charles Halasi and Tim Capes of Toronto
in forming Canada’s Junior Team for the World Championship, to be held in Sydney,
Australia August 8-17, 2005. Jonathan Steinberg will be the Non-Playing Captain
of the team. Halasi and Capes were on the second-place team in the Trials.
Snack Bar
Free Apples
During All & Apple
Sessions! Cider!
HWY 89
Shelburne Primrose Alliston
Dufferin Rd. # 8,
which is paved
HWY 10
into Mono
Dufferin Rd. #8
Centre Centre, is also
Airport Rd.
called Mono
Centre Rd. & 20
km COMMUNITY Sideroad off
Camilla < 6. #8 Airport Rd.
R Watch the
<8.8 km>
You can qualify by playing in special games at your local club during
August, 2004. There are no Unit finals. You go directly into the District
Final, which will be held simultaneously at four sites across the District
and scored across all sections. The southern Ontario final will be held:
October 30/31, 2004
Mississauga-Oakville Bridge Centre
3105 Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga
Flight B will be on Saturday, October 30 (1:30 & TBA).
Flights A and C will be on Sunday, October 31 (Noon & TBA).
First prize in each flight is airfare and three nights’ accommodation in
Pittsburgh at the Spring 2005 NABC
NAP District Coordinator: Eric Platt
Adelaide St. Stn., Box 848, Toronto ON M5C 2K1
Saturday, October 16
Stratified Pairs…………………………… 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
- Single sessions
- Evening entries always welcome
Sunday, October 17
Stratified Swiss Teams…………………... 11:00 a.m.
- Playthrough with half hour break
Holiday Inn is located 1 block west of Trafalgar, directly south of the QEW
Argus Rd.
GO/VIA Oakville
Beaver Motel, 161 King St E, 519-599-3054
1 bed: $55 2 beds: $65 housekeeping Mention BRIDGE
Penny’s Motel, Hwy 26 E. 519-599-3909 for these rates
1 bed: $40 2 beds: $45
B&B Golden Apple, 78 Spruce St S, 519-599-3850.
Single: $85 Double: $100 + GST. Includes big breakfast
November 6-7, 2004
401 Exit
is called
Rd. Exit
Simcoe St. S.
First St. though it
Albert St.
Ritson Rd.
Drew St.
you off at
LVIV Drew St.
LVIV Blvd.
Exit it
Bloor St. n
Toronto Belleville
Tuesday, November 9
Bracketed KO Teams 7:00 pm
The Brock Plaza
The Sheraton on the Falls
Charity Open Pairs Game 7:00 pm
The Skyline Inn
Wednesday, November 10
Open KO Teams 9:00 am 1:00 & 7:00 pm
5685 Falls Avenue
Open Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6W7
Senior Pairs 10:00 am & 3:00 pm 1 (800) 519-9911 or (905) 374-4444
Side Game Series (1st session) 1:00 pm
Side Game Series (2nd session) 7:00 pm Reserve before Oct 10, 2004 and
Thursday, November 11 request the Special Bridge Rate
Bracketed Morning KO (1st session) 9:00 am All prices are in Canadian $$$’s
Senior Swiss Teams 1:00 & 7:00 pm
Open Swiss Teams 1:00 & 7:00 pm Package at the Brock Plaza
Open Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm Includes room, breakfast, dinner,
Side Game Series (3rd session) 1:00 pm
Taxes &gratuities not included
Side Game Series (4th session) 7:00 pm
$94.00 per person Double
Friday, November 12
Bracketed Morning KO (2nd sess.) 9:00 am $143.00 Single
Swiss Teams (1st session) 9:00 am Room only (taxes extra)
Open Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm
Senior Pairs 10:00 & 3:00 pm
Brock Plaza & Sheraton on the Falls
Bracketed KO (1st&2nd sess.) 1:00 & 7:00 pm $99.00 Single or Double
Side Game Series (1st session) 1:00 pm add $10.00 each for 3rd or 4th person
Side Game Series (2nd session) 7:00 pm Room only (taxes extra)
Night Owl KO Teams 11:00 pm
Saturday, November 13 Skyline Inn
Bracketed Morning KO (3rd sess.) 9:00 am $59.00 Single or Double
Swiss Teams (2nd session) 9:00 am add $10.00 each for 3rd or 4th person
Bracketed KO (3rd&4th sess.) 1:00 & 7:00 pm
Smoke-Free Playing Site in the Brock
Senior Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm
Stati-Flighted Open Pairs 1:00 & 7:00 pm Plaza
Night Owl KO Teams 11:00 pm Hospitality Suite
Side Game Series (3rd session) 1:00 pm Overall & Section-Top Prizes
Side Game Series (4th session) 7:00 pm
Sunday, November 14 Tournament Chair
Bracketed Morning KO (Final) 8:00 am Fred Andreychuk
Senior Swiss Teams 11:00 am Tel: (905) 684-8330
Flight A/X Swiss Teams 11:00 am Fax: (905) 684-8436
Flight B/C/D Swiss Teams 11:00 am
299er Swiss Teams 11:00 am
E-mail: [email protected]
All games are stratified Partnerships
Strats: A=1250+ B=500-1250 C=0- 500 Irene Warner
StratiFlighted Events
A/X A=3000+ B= 1000- 2000 C=500-1000 D=0-500 Tel: (416) 698-8473
0-299 Games Every Day. 0-20 & 99er Games (single E-mail: [email protected]
sessions) if numbers warrant
Tournament Manager:
Perry Hill: (519) 273-1407
email: [email protected]
Partnerships: Mae Reed (519) 271-7977
The Victorian Inn
on the Park
Ontario St.
n d 7 to
Hwys. 7 & 8 to
Lo wy.
on for
Use this coup Full-time studen
ONE FRE play rubber brid
B B E R B RIDGE ge for
you play
the first time half price!
t. Clair Club
at the Regal-S