“The knowledge gained through observation and experimentation is called Science”.
Remember That:
The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia, which means knowledge.
Physical Sciences:
It deals with the study of non-living things.
Biological Sciences:
It is concerned with the study of livening things.
Measurements are not confined to science they are part of our lives. They play an important
role to describe and understand the physical world. Over the centuries, man has improved the
methods of measurements.––
“Physics is the branch of science that deals with matter, energy and their relationship”.
Physics is divided into the following branches:
1. Mechanics:
It is the study of motion of objects, its causes and effects.
2. Heat:
It deals with the nature of heat, modes of transfer and effects of heat.
3. Sound:
It deals with the physical aspects of sound waves, their production, properties and
4. Light (Optics):
It is the study of physical aspects of light, its properties working and use of optical instruments.
5. Electricity and Magnetism:
It is the study of charges at rest and in motion, their effects and relationship with magnetism.
6. Atomic Physics:
It is the study of the structure and properties of atoms.
7. Nuclear Physics:
It deals with the properties and behavior of nuclei and the particles within the nuclei.
8. Plasma Physics:
It is the study of production, properties of the ionic state of the fourth state of matter.
9. Geophysics:
It is the study of the internal structure of the earth.
Q-3: What are the types of physical sciences? Define physics also describe importance of
physics in daily life.
“Physics is the branch of science that deals with matter, energy and their relationship”.
For Example:
1. Consider the means of transportation such as car and aero-planes is made on the principles of
2. Refrigerator is based on the principles of thermodynamics.
3. In our daily life, we hardly find a device where physics is not involved. Consider pulleys that
make it easy to lift heavy loads.
4. Electricity is used not only to get light and heat but also mechanical energy that derives fans
and electric motors etc.
5. Domestic appliances such as air-conditioners, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and micro
ovens etc. are the fruits of hard work of physicist in the field of physics.
6. Similarly the means of communication such as radio, television, telephone and computer are
the results of applications of physics.
These devises have made our lives much easier, faster and more comfortable than the past.
For Example:
Think of what a mobile phone smaller than our palm can do?
It allows us to contact people anywhere in the world and to get latest worldwide information.
We can take and save the pictures, send and receive messages of our friends. We can also receive
radio transmission and can use it as a calculator as well.
“All measurable quantities are called physical quantities”.
For Example:
Such as length, mass, time and temperature etc.
A physical quantity possessesat least two characteristics in common.
i. One is its numerical magnitude
ii. Other is the unit in which it is measured
For Example:
If the length of a student is 104cm then 104 is its numerical magnitude and centimetre is the
unit of measurement. Similarly when a grocer says that each bag contains 5kg sugar, he is describing
its numerical magnitude as well as the unit of measurement. It would be meaningless to state 5 or kg
Base Quantities:
“Base quantities are the quantities on the basis of whi
There are seven physical quantities which form the foundation for other physical quantities.
These physical quantities are called the base quantities. These are length, mass, time, electric
current, temperature, intensity of light and the amount of a substance.
Derived Quantities:
“The quantities that are expressed in terms of base quantities are derived quantities”.
Those physical quantities which are expressed in terms of base quantities are called the
derived quantities. These include area, volume, speed, force, work, energy, power, electric charge,
electric potential etc.
Q-5: Define unit? What is international system of units? Also explain base units and derived
“Once a standard is set for a quantity then it can be expressed in terms of that standard
quantity. This standard quantity is called a unit”.
Measuring is not simply counting,e.g. If we need milk or sugar, we must also understand how
much quantity of milk or sugar we are talking about. Thus there is a need of some standard quantities
for measuring or comparing unknown quantities.
“A worldwide system of measurements is known as international system of units (SI)”.
With the developments in the field of science and technology, the need for a commonly
acceptable system of units was seriously felt all over the world particularly to exchange scientific and
technical information.
The eleventh General Conference on Weight and Measures held in Paris in 1960 adopted a
world-wide system of measurements called International System of Units. The International System
of Units is commonly referred as Sl.
Base Units:
“The units that describe base quantities are called base units”.
Each base quantity has its SI unit. Table shows seven base quantities, their SI units and their
Quantity Unit
Name Symbol Name Symbol
Length L Metre m
Mass M Kilogramme kg
Time T Second s
Temperature T Kelvin K
Electric current I Ampere A
Intensity of light L Candela cd
Amount of substance N Mole mol
Derived Units:
“The units used to measure derived quantities are called derived units”.
Derived units are defined in term of base units and are obtained by multiplying or dividing one
or more bass units with each other. e.g. The unit of area (metre)2and the unit of volume (metre)3 are
based on the unit of length, which is metre. Thus the unit of length is the base unit while the unit of
area and volume are derived units.
Speed is defined as distance covered in unit time therefore its unit is metre per second. In the
same way the unit of density, force, pressure, power etc. can be derived using one or more base
Table shows some of derived quantities, their SI units and their symbols.
Quantity Unit
Name Symbol Name Symbol
Speed v Metre per second ms–1
Acceleration a Metre per second per second ms–2
Volume V Cubic metre m3
Force F Newton N or kgms–2
Pressure P Pascal Pa or Nm–2
Density ρ Kilogram per cubic metre kgm–3
Charge Q Coulomb C or As
“The word or letter added before a unit and stand for the multiples or sub-multiples of
that unit is known as prefixes”.
For Example:
Table shows some multiples and submultiples of prefixes:
For Example:
Divide 20,000 g by 1000 to express it into kilogramme. Since kilo represents 1000 or 103. Thus
20,000 g = kg = 20 kg
or 20,000g = 20x103 g = 20 kg
i. Prefixes are used with both types of units i.e. base and derived units.
ii. Double prefixes are not used, prefix is used with kilogramme since it already contains
the prefix kilo.
“In scientific notation a number is expressed as some power of ten multiplied by a
number between 1 and 10”.
A simple but scientific way to write large or small numbers is to express them in some power of
ten. This saves writing down or interpreting large numbers of zeros.
For Example:
The Moon is 384000000 m away from the Earth. Distance of the Moon from the Earth can also
be expressed as 3.84 x108 m. This form of expressing a number is called the standard form or
scientific notation.
A number 62750 can be expressed as 62.75x103 or 6.275x104 or 0.6275x105. All these are
correct. But the number that has one non-zero digit before the decimal, i.e. 6.275x104 preferably be
taken as the scientific notation.
Similarly the scientific notation of 0.00045 s is 4.5x10–4 s.
“Measuring instruments are used to measure various physical quantities
length, mass, time, volume, etc”.
Measuring instruments used in the past were not so reliable and accurate as we use today.
e.g. sundial, water clock and other time measuring devices used around 1300 AD were quite crude.
On the other hand, digital clocks and watches used now a-days are highly reliable and accurate.
Q-9: What is metre rule and measuring tape? What are their functions and least count?
“A metre rule is a length measuring instrument”.
It is commonly used in the laboratories to measure length of an object or distance between two
points. It is one metre long which is equal to 100 centimetres. Each centimetre (cm) is divided into 10
small divisions called millimeter (mm).
“Measuring tapes are used to measure length in metres and centimeters”.
A measuring tape used by blacksmith and carpenters. A
measuring tape consists of a thin and long strip of cotton, metal or
plastic generally 10m, 20m, 50m or 100m long. Measuring tapes are
marked in centimetres as well as in inches.
Q-10: What is VernierCallipers? Describe construction, least count, zero error and working of
“An instrument used to measure small lengths such as internal or external diameter or
length of a cylinder etc is called VernierCallipers”.
A VernierCallipers consists of two jaws. One is a fixed jaw with main scale attached to it. Main
scale has centimetre and millimetre marks on it. The other jaw is a moveable jaw. It has vernier scale
having 10 divisions over it such that each of its division is 0.9 mm.
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Digital VernierCallipers:
Digital verniercallipers has greater precision than mechanical verniercallipers. Least count of
digital verniercallipers is 0.01 mm.
Q-11: What is screw gauge? Describe construction, least count, zero error and working of
screw gauge?
“A screw gauge is an instrument that is used to measure small lengths with accuracy
greater than a verniercallipers. It is also called micro meter screw gauge”.
A simple screw gauge consists of a U-shaped metal frame with metal stud at its one end. A
hollow cylinder (or sleeve) has a millimetre scale over it along a line called index line parallel to its
axes. The hollow cylinder acts as a nut. It is fixed at the end of U-shaped frame opposite to the stud.
Least Count of Screw Gauge:
The thimble has 100 divisions around its one end. It is the circular scale of the screw gauge.
As thimble completes one rotation, 100 divisions pass the index line and the thimble moves 1 mm
along the main scale. Thus each division of circular scale crossing the index line moves the thimble
through 1/100 mm or 0.01 mm on the main scale.
Least count of a screw gauge can also be found as given below:
Least count =
Number divisionson circular scale
1 mm
= 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm
Thus least count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm or 0.001 cm.
electronic balances. You might have seen electronic balances in sweet and grocery shops. These are
more precise than beam balances and are easy to handle.
1. Beam Balance:
Beam balances are still in use at many places. In a beam balance, the unknown mass is
placed in one pan. It is balanced by putting known masses in the other pan.
2. Physical Balance:
A physical balance is used in the laboratory to measure the mass of various objects by
comparison. It consists of a beam resting at the centre on a fulcrum.The beam carries scale pans
over the hooks on either side. Unknown mass is placed on the left pan. Find some suitable standard
masses that cause the pointer to remain at zero on raising the beam.
3. Lever Balance:
A lever balance consists of a system of levers. When lever is
lifted placing the object in one pan and standard masses on the other
pan, the pointer of the lever system moves. The pointer is brought to
zero by varying standard masses.
4. Electronic Balance:
Electronic balances come in various ranges, milligram ranges,
gram ranges and kilogramme ranges. Before measuring the mass of a
body, it is switched on and its reading is set to zero. Next place the
object to be weighed. The reading on the balance gives you the mass
of the body placed over it.
a) Beam Balance:
Let the balance measures coin's mass = 3.2 g
A sensitive beam balance may be able to detect a change as small as of 0.1 g Or 100 mg.
b) Physical Balance:
Let the balance measures coin's mass = 3.24 g
Least count of the physical balance may be as small as 0.01 g or 10 mg. Therefore, its
measurement would be more precise than a sensitive beam balance.
c) Electronic Balance:
Let the balance measures coin's mass = 3.247 g
Least count of an electronic balance is 0.001 g or 1 mg. Therefore, its measurement would be
more precise than a sensitive physical balance.
Thus electronic balance is the most sensitive balance in the above balances.
“A stopwatch is used to measure the time interval of an event”.
i. Mechanical Stopwatch:
A mechanical stopwatch can measure a time interval up to a
minimum 0.1 second.
The digital stopwatch starts to indicate the time lapsed as the start/stop button is pressed. As
soon as start/stop button is pressed again, it stops and indicates the time interval recorded by it
between start and stop of an event. A reset button restores its initial zero setting.
Q-14: What is measuring cylinder? Explain the construction and working of measuring
“Measuring cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid or powdered substance.
It is also used to find the volume of an irregular shaped solid insoluble in a liquid by
displacement method”.
A measuring cylinder is a glass or transparent plastic cylinder. It has a scale along its length
that indicates the volume in millilitre (mL). Measuring cylinders have different capacities from 100 mL
to 2500 mL.
Q-15: What is meant by significant figure? What are the main points to be kept in mind while
determining the significant figures of a measurement? Also explain the rules of rounding the
“All the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit in an expression are called
significant figures”.
The value of a physical quantity is expressed by a number followed by some suitable unit.
Every measurement of a quantity is an attempt to find its true value. The accuracy in measuring a
physical quantity depends upon various factors:
➢ the quality of the measuring instrument
➢ the skill of the observer
➢ the number of observations made
For Example:
A student measures the length of a book as 18 cm using a measuring tape. The numbers 'of
significant figures in his/her measuredvalue are two. The left digit 1 is the accurately known digit.
While the digit 8 is the doubtful digit for which the student may not be sure.
Another student measures the same book using a ruler and claims its length to be 18.4 cm. In
this case all the three figures are significant. The two left digits 1 and 8 are accurately known digits.
Next digit 4 is the doubtful digit for which the student may not be sure.
A third student records the length of the book as 18.425 cm. interestingly, the measurement is
made using the same ruler. The numbers of significant figures is again three, consisting of two
accurately known digits 1, 8 and the first doubtful digit 4. The digits 2 and 5 are not significant. It is
because the reading of these last digits cannot be justified using a ruler. Measurement upto third or
even second decimal place is beyond the limit of the measuring instrument.
An improvement in the quality of measurement by using better instrument increases the
significant figures in the measured result. The significant figures are all the digits that are known
accurately and the one estimated digit. More significant figure means greater precision.
Q-16: What are laboratory safety rules and what are the laboratory safety equipments?
Ans: Here distance is the base quantity.
3. Measure the length of pencil using your paper scale and with meter ruler. Which one is
more accurate and why?
Ans: The measurement of pencil measured by paper scale is 5.5 cm while the measurement of
pencil measured by meter ruler is 5.2 cm.
The measurement of pencil measured by the meter ruler is more accurate because it even can
measure the length in millimetres.
Ans: The instrument screw gauge is more precise than verniercallipers because the least count of
verniercallipers is 0.01 cm while the least count of screw gauge is 0.001 cm.
2. What is Andromeda?
Ans: Andromeda is one of the billions of galaxies of known universe.
6. Which instrument is most suitable to measure the internal diameter of a test tube?
a) metre rule b) verniercallipers
c) measuring tape d) screw gauge
7. A student claims the diameter of a wire as 1.032 cm using verniercallipers. Upto what
extent do you agree with it?
a) 1 cm b) 1.0 cm
c) 1.03 cm d) 1.032 cm
9. A student noted the thickness of a glass sheet using a screw gauge. On the main scale,
it reads 3 divisions while 8th division on the circular scale coincides with index line.
Itsthickness is ……………………
a) 3.8 cm b) 3.08 mm
c) 3.8 mm d) 3.08 m
Q-1.2: What is the difference between base quantities and derived quantities? Give three
examples in each case.
Base Quantities Derived Quantities
Base quantities are the quantities on the The quantities that are expressed in
basis of which other quantities are terms of base quantities are derived
expressed. quantities.
There are seven base quantities. These There are more than seven derived
are length, mass, time, electric current, quantities. These include area, volume,
temperature, intensity of light and the speed, force, work, energy, power,
amount of a substance. electric charge, electric potential etc.
Q-1.4: Find the base quantities involved in each of the following derived quantities?
a) speed b) volume c) force d) work
Ans: a) Speed:
The formula of speed is
Speed =
unit of distance
Unit of speed =
unit of time
= ms–1
Unit of speed shows that speed is derived quantity and it is derived from base quantities length
and time. Moreover unit of length is metre and unit of time is second.
b) Volume:
The formula of volume of cube is
Volume = length x width x height
Unit of volume = unit of length x unit of width x unit of height
= m x m x m = m3
Unit of volume shows that volume is derived quantity and it is derived from base quantity
length. Moreover unit of length is metre.
c) Force:
The formula of force is
Force = mass x acceleration
Unit of force = unit of mass x unit of acceleration
= kg x ms–2
= kgms–2
Unit of force shows that force is derived quantity and it is derived from base quantities mass,
length and time. Moreover unit of mass is kilogramme unit of length is metre and unit of time is
d) Work:
The formula of work is
Work = force x distance
Unit of work = unit of force x unit of distance
= kgms–2 x m
= kgm2s–2
Unit of work shows that work is derived quantity and it is derived from base quantities mass,
length and time. Moreover unit of mass is kilogramme unit of length is metre and unit of time is
Q-1.10: What is a stopwatch? What is the least count of a mechanical stopwatch you have
used in the laboratories?
“A stopwatch is used to measure the time interval of an event”.
A mechanical stopwatch can measure a time interval up to a minimum 0.1 second.
For Example:
Time period of simple pendulum and in free fall experiments time taken in falling the bob etc,
these time intervals must be measured with perfect accuracy.
For Example:
i. 0.055 has 2 significant digits ii.2.907 has 4 significant digits.
For Example:
If length of rod is measured using ruler and it is 5 cm. When the same length is measured by
using verniercallipers it becomes 5.02 cm. In first case significant figure is 1 while in the second case
it becomes 3. Since second measurement is more precise because the number of significant figures
are increased. Hence greater number of significant figures means greater precision.
Example 1.1: Find the diameter of a cylinder placed between the outer jaws of verniercallipers
as shown in figure:
Example 1.2: Find the diameter of a wire using screw gauge as shown in figure:
Example 1.4: Find the number of significant figures in each of the following values. Also
express them in scientific notations.
a) 100.8s b) 0.00580 km c) 210.0 g
Sol: a) All the four digits are significant. The zeros between the two significant figures 1 and 8 are
To write the quantity in scientific notation, we move the decimal point two places to the left,
thus 100.8s = 1.008 x102 s
b) The first two zeros are not significant. They are used to space the decimal point. The digit 5,
8 and the final zero are significant. Thus there are three significant figures.
In scientific notation, it can be written as 5.80x10–3 km.
c) The final zero is significant since it comes after the decimal point. The zero between last
zero and 1 is also significant because it comes between the significant figures. Thus the number of
significant figures in this case is four.
In scientific notation, it can be written as 210.0 g = 2.100 x 102g.
Problem 1.2: How do the prefixes micro, nano and pico relate to each other?
Sol: As we know
µ = 10–6
n = 10–9
p = 10–12
Relation of micro with nano:
One n = 10–9
= 10–3 x 10–6
= 10–3 µ
Relation of micro with pico:
One p = 10–12
= 10–6 x 10–6
= 10–6 µ
Relation of nano with pico:
One p = 10–12
= 10–3 x 10–9
= 10–3 n
Problem 1.3: Your hair grows at the rate of 1 mm per day. Find their growth rate in nms –1.
Sol: Given data:
Growth rate = 1 mm/day
Growth rate in nms–1= ?
As we know
1 milli = m = 10–3
1 nano = n = 10–9
In one day = 24 x 60 x 60 = 86400sec
Growth rate in m/day = 1 x 10–3m/day
1 x 10–3
Growth rate in nm/day = nm/day
= 1 x 106 nm/day
1 x 106
Growth rate in nm/sec = nm/sec
= 0.00001157 x 106
= 11.57 nm/sec
Problem 1.6: On closing the jaws of a verniercallipers, zero of the vernier scale is on the right
to its main scale such that 4th division of its vernier scale coincides with one of the main scale
division. Find its zero error and zero correction.
Sol: Vernier division coinciding with main scale = 4 div
Least count of vernier calipers = 0.01 cm
Zero error (Z.E) = 4 x 0.01 cm
= +0.04 cm
Zero correction (Z.C) = – 0.04 cm
Problem 1.7: A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The pitch of the screw
gauge is 0.5 mm. What is its least count?
Sol: No of divisions on circular scale = 50 div
Pitch of Screw Gauge = 0.5 mm
Least count of a screw gauge can be found as given below:
Least count =
Number divisionson circular scale
0.5 mm
= 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm
Thus least count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm or 0.001 cm.
Problem 1.8: Which of the following quantities have three significant figures?
a) 3.0066 m b) 0.00309 kg c) 5.05 x 10–27 kg d) 301.0 s
Sol: a) 3.0066 m
The significant figures in this quantity are five.
Because the zeros between significant figures are also significant.
b) 0.00309 kg
The significant figures in this quantity are three.
Because the zeros used for spacing the decimal point are not significant.
c) 5.05 x 10–27 kg
The significant figures in this quantity are three.
Because the zeros between significant figures are also significant.
d) 301.0 s
The significant figures in this quantity are four.
Because the zeros after decimal are also significant.
Hence (b) and (c) have three numbers of significant figures.
Problem 1.9: What are the significant figures in the following measurements?
a) 1.009 m b) 0.00450 kg c) 1.66 x 10–27 kg d) 2001 s
Sol: a) 1.009 m
The significant figures in this quantity are four.
Because the zeros between significant figures are also significant.
b) 0.00450 kg
The significant figures in this quantity are three.
Because the zeros used for spacing the decimal point are not significant.
c) 1.66 x 10–27 kg
The significant figures in this quantity are three.
Because all the digits before the power of 10 are significant.
d) 2001 s
The significant figures in this quantity are four.
Because the zeros between significant figures are also significant.
Problem 1.10: A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm wide. Calculate its area upto
reasonable number of significant figures.
Sol: Length = 6.7 cm
Width = 5.4 cm
Area =?
Area = Length x Width
= 6.7 x 5.4
= 36.18 cm2
= 36 cm2