Instant ebooks textbook Draconomicon 2 Metallic Dragons A 4th Edition D D Supplement Richard Baker download all chapters
Instant ebooks textbook Draconomicon 2 Metallic Dragons A 4th Edition D D Supplement Richard Baker download all chapters
Instant ebooks textbook Draconomicon 2 Metallic Dragons A 4th Edition D D Supplement Richard Baker download all chapters
The Book of Vile Darkness A 4th Edition D D Supplement
Robert J. Schwalb
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D&D Senior Art Director Game rules based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS'·
Jon Schindehette rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the
later editions by David "Zeb" Cook (2nd Edition);Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
James Wyatt (4th Edition).
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Dragons of any variety worship deities only reluc civilizations they have deemed worthy. Metallic drag
tantly, and they do so in a much different spirit from ons that protect rising empires as stalwart guardians,
that of devout humanoids. Instead of humbling them or that invisibly manipulate dynasties by gUiding
selves before the deities, they strike bargains, seeing them toward prosperity, serve the goals of Erath is
divine beings as strong allies and examples worth whether they mean to or not. As such, metallic drag
emulating. Dragons have little patience for pious ritu ons study her teachings to take advantage of any
als and behavioral restrictions. They tolerate such divine sanction their plans might already warrant.
limitations only ifit helps their pursuit of divine Typical Followers: Gold and bronze dragons
knowledge and righteous power. (which have expansionist tendencies), and silver
dragons (which believe in the value of civilization).
The celestial platinum dragon who embodies the fair IOUN
ness, nobilHy, and strength ofIo, Bahamut represents Virtually all metallic dragons embrace the god of
the foundation of metallic dragon worship and is knowledge and prophecy. As creatures ofincred
universally respected by all metallic dragons, regard ible patience and extended life, dragons seek loun's
less of their faith. Strip away everything else, and inSights into both the nature of creation and the
Bahamut wil1 always be the wyrm who drove Tiamat unforetold future. If metallic dragons hold anyone
into a frightened retreat. Metallic dragons that battle deity in equal reverence to Bahamut, it would be
against chromatics draw inspiration from his original loun for this reason. All dragons have an interest
struggle. When his worshipers conduct themselves in the ability to accurately predict the future, espe
in the world, they do so with the dignity ofBahamut. cially those that work machinations that unfold
As they dispense justice onto lesser creatures, they across centuries. Dragons consider all the angles of a
ask what Bahamut would do in their place. When long-term venture before committing to a course of
they charge into battle against those that oppress the action. Despite how highly metallic dragons regard
weak, they believe that Bahamut invigorates their their own intellect, even they must acknowledge that
attacks. complications can arise that they couldn't foresee.
Typical Followers: Bronze and silver dragons. The ability to minimize those problems by looking
Virtually all metallic dragons invoke Bahamut's into the future is more prized than platinum to many
name for strength as they launch into battle against dragons.
chromatics. Typical Followers: Mithral and orium dragons.
The god of warmongering, subjugation, and tribute, A seasonal god who exemplifies summer, the sun,
Bane appeals to metallics that rule by fomenting and time, Pelor opposes evil in all forms. Though
fear. By honing their martial skill, his followers many dragons are not moved by definitions ofgood
master fear and spread terror. Since dragons inspire and evil, metallic dragons that feel compassion for
fear merely by existing, Bane favors them. They can lesser creatures and save communities from suffer
single-handedly wage war against an army or decide ing are quintessential forces for good. If the light of
the outcome of a battle. Metallic dragons pay homage Pelor can help protect their charges, then so much
to Bane by fighting when they have not been asked to the better.
do so, and then demanding payment for their service. Typical Followers: Gold, silver, and steel dragons.
Metallic dragons also honor Bane by making sure
neither side of a conflict definitively wins. They do TIAMAT
so by switching sides to sustain the war or by leaking
A metallic dragon would have to catastrophically
information to opposing sides.
lose its way before following the path ofTiamat, yet
Typical Followers: Brass, iron, and mercury
many have done exactly that. Tiamat represents all
that is antithetical to metallic dragons, and espe
cially to their predatory imperative to attack and
ERATHIS kill chromatic dragons on Sight. Still, with enough
Nothing is more important to dragon followers of self-loathing, metallic dragons can become willing
Erathis than achieVing stability through invention thralls of the draconic god. Although Tiamat is always
and lawfulness. Although dragons usually avoid a strict deity, she demands even more from her metal
living within societies, certain metallics protect lic converts than from the chromatics that revere her.
She constantly requires proof of their loyalty, usually THURKEARVAERI THENIGHTDANCER
by asking them to turn on their own kind. If a metal Deity: Bane
lic dragon knows where to find wealth, regardless of Dragon Variety: Mercury
familial bonds or lasting friendships, the dragon must Thurkearvaeri manipulated wars in the world, but
plunder in Tiamal's name. In return, she promises never revealed her agenda to any mortal creature
the strength to prevail against those that ,·vould seek while doing so. She orchestrated battles in which
reprisal, and a swift death to weaker opponents. opposing armies would clash. and ensured that the
Typical Followers: Iron dragons, and particularly combatants would be enraged on a personal level
greedy or envious adamantine and copper dragons. by having their loved ones assassinated and fram
ing a neighboring kingdom for the deeds. When a
EXARCHS battle reached fever pitch, the mercury dragon would
Deities operate in the mortal world primarily by appear for the first time. admit her part in causing
proxy through their exarchs. In addition to heeding the hostilities. then join in the bloodshed. Bane fell in
the prayers of worshipers, exarchs serve as divine love with Thurkearvaeri and successfully enticed her
intermediaries. determining what mortal events are to his realm.
worth mentioning to their patron gods. Dragons that revere Thurkearvaeri are drawn by
The following are a few of the more prominent her mystery and her wickedly rational mind, as well
metallic dragon exarchs. as her bloodthirsty nature and her ability to manipu
late humanoids into war on a grand scale.
Dragon Variety: Mithral Deity: Bahamut
Athearsauriv was an oracle who saw the future not Dragon Variety: Brass
as a fixed path but as an obstacle to be overcome. Vivexkepesk challenged every chromatic dragon he
No venture was wasted, because she knew well in could find, young and ancient alike, and relentlessly
advance whether it would succeed or fail. No battle hunted these creatures. As a side effect, his battles
was lost. because she foresaw every feint or lunge leveled towns. shook the earth, and shattered the
before her opponents attacked . Eventually. Athear landscape. The gods readied to smite Vivexkepesk
sauriv could foresee the future of an idea she idly to prevent this destruction. but Bahamut inter
contemplated : She no longer predicted the future , vened , volunteering to personally fight the brass
but could define what would happen. Ioun opened dragon and calm its dangerous rage. Miraculously.
her realm to Athearsauriv out of necessity, and the Vivexkepesk managed to keep the god constantly off
dragon now guides the fates of mortals remotely. balance. Seeing that the brass dragon merely wanted
Dragons that revere Athearsauriv request her a challenging opponent, Bahamut offered him the
visions, the bewildering accuracy of which is opportunity to become an exarch. so he could fight
regarded as a mixed blessing. Bahamut's greatest foes.
Dragons that revere Vivexkepesk respect his fero
cious combat prowess and his refusal to back down ,
even when he's fighting a clearly superior opponent.
Deity: Erathis
Dragon Variety: Gold
Edarmirrik, a glutton and master manipulator, infil NO DE1TY AT ALL?
trated the family of a great dynasty while he was still
Metallic dragons are prone to hubris when they com
a young wyrm. As an adult, he broke red commerce
pare themselves to gods, seeing the potential for thei
between every capital city on his territorial continent.
own deification. Although all dragons carry themselves,
Now an elder dragon, he manages the gold trade by
with an arrogant sense of entitlement. metallic dragons'
proxy through a global merchant guild, shaVing every
interactions with lesser creatures feed their ambitions.
gold coin in circulation to supplement his hoard.
Metallics are often worshiped as gods in their own rlght_
Erathis, pleased with the civilization the dragon had
50 although metalllcdragons devoted to a deity do exist,
fostered, invited Edarmirrik to her domain. The
they number far fewer than chromatic dragons, whose
dragon refused at first, but then the god assured him
constant Aght to survive causes them to seek a higher
that he could still remain active in the world and
power's aid more frequently.
sleep on his mountains of gold.
Dragons that revere Edarmirrik commend his
single-mindedness and his expert management of
humanoid societies.
Adamantine dragons rarely encounter other metallic
dragons, except when those that live in caves delve too
deeply into the Underdark. However, they frequently
clash with purple dragons, since the two kinds prefer
the same type of territory. Although adamantine drag
ons are more powerful (assuming comparable age),
purple dragons tend to be smarter, wilier, and more
likely to use minions, making the contests more even.
Most frequently, adamantine dragons interact
with other Underdark-dwelling sentient creatures,
particularly humanoids. These include grimlock and
troglodyte tribes, which adamantine dragons typi
cally annex, and drow and duergar communities, with
which they frequently war. Although adamantine
dragons demand obedience from all creatures in their
"kingdoms," they don't demand that their "subjects"
do anything. (They're far less likely than purple drag
ons, for instance, to use humanoid spies or assassins.)
the morning sun. Typically, an intruder can access
the lair only by scrambling or climbing up a long,
BRASS DRAGONS exposed, barren slope that offers the dragon plenty of
Although weaker than many other varieties of opportunity to spot the visitor's approach.
dragonkind, brass dragons are still powerful crea
tures by any measure. They have a strong mercenary FAVORED TREASURE
streak and often agrce to serve as guardians or battle Although they value all precious items, brass dragons
champions for anyone "villing to pay SUitably well. are especially fond of handcrafted work in materi
als such as bOlle, wood, stone, or fabric (particularly
Brass dragons crave sunlight and dry heat , so natu
rally they prefer deserts, arid savannahs, and similar PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
areas. They spend hours lying on sunning rocks high A prominent head crest shaped like a plowshare dis
above the desert floor. Brass dragons also live in lands tinguishes brass dragons from other varieties. Young
where hot, dry conditions are seasonal-for example, brass dragons are a dull, mottled brown. As they age,
a temperate forest that sees little rainfall in the their color becomes more brassy, taking on a warm
summertime. Brass dragons residing in sllch lands luster. They havc a faintly acrid odor reminiscent of
either migrate to warmer climes or retreat to subter hot. oiled metal.
ranean lairs during the cool, rainy months.
Brass dragons make their lairs in rocky caves
atop mesas, steep hills. or the walls of inaccessible
Brass dragons typically hunt on the wing and prefer
canyons-preferably faCing east, so they can enjoy
to eat mountain goats, sheep, antelope, and other
A mercury dragon has scales of whitish-silver and a for civilized life, and the nuances of specific cultures Z
sleek and serpentine body. Its frame lacks some of the are often beyond its understanding. Sometimes, 0
muscular bulk that other dragons have, and its scales even the basics of humanoid life are foreign to a ~
are smaller and more closely set. Mercury dragons mercury dragon. For instance, a shapechanged mer- C!
are peerless shapechangers, capable of taking both a cury dragon might walk into a butcher shop craving 0
humanoid form (to blend in among civilized people) something new to eat, purchase a leg of lamb, and u
and an amorphous, liquid form (for defense and to consume it raw on the spot while the butcher looks
slither where others cannot go). on in horror.