We conducted a comprehensive review of behavioral and educational interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD). The most prominent type of intervention, Comprehensive Early Intervention, often referred to as Early Intensive Behavioral In-
tervention (EIBI), has been found to be particularly effective in improving intelligence and adaptive behaviors. The naturalistic develop-
mental behavioral intervention, designed to enhance social and communication abilities, showed effectiveness in improving language,
cognitive function, and social initiation. However, more studies are needed to examine its effectiveness. Intensive individualized inter-
vention, which provides a tailored intervention for a specific target behavior, was effective in improving social skills and communica-
tion, as well as reducing sleep, eating, and toileting problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective method for deal-
ing with emotional difficulties, but it has not been widely used because of the shortage of trained experts. Parent-mediated intervention
(PMI) involves parents acquiring knowledge and specific skills to improve their child’s functioning or reduce challenging behaviors.
Speech and language therapy, sensory integration, Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications Handicapped
Children, developmental approaches, and social stories are frequently used interventions. However, evidence of their effectiveness has yet
to be well established. Based on these findings, intervention recommendations for autism include EIBI, Early Start Denver Model, in-
tensive individualized intervention, CBT, and PMI. The choice of intervention should be tailored to the individual’s needs and delivered
by qualified professionals with expertise in the specific intervention.
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention; Naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention;
Parent-mediated intervention; Comprehensive treatment model; Focused intervention.
Received: March 21, 2023 / Revised: July 21, 2023 / Accepted: December 3, 2023
Address for correspondence: Eunsun Chung, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul 03722, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2123-4886, E-mail: [email protected]
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [1], as well as ter the age of 5, especially when parental and family involve-
the states of NY [12], WA [13], and Maine [14]. In this study, ment was high.
our primary focus was on treatments with a strong recom- However, two recent reviews reported no significant chang-
mendation, categorized according to the strictest evidence- es in symptom severity after intervention [24,25] and limited
based treatment criteria. Additionally, we introduce treat- long-term effects [25], questioning the effectiveness of EIBI.
ments that are widely used in clinical practice but need more Careful interpretation is needed because most studies in-
accumulated evidence. cluded in the two reviews used quasi-experimental designs
(e.g., clinical controlled trial) rather than randomized con-
COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT MODEL trolled trials (RCTs), and their sample sizes were small. Fur-
ther studies are needed to establish the effectiveness of EIBI.
The comprehensive treatment model (CTM) involves in- Recently, another line of intervention called naturalistic
tensive training in various developmental areas, including developmental behavioral intervention (NDBI) [26] was in-
language, cognitive function, social interaction, communi- troduced, which combines behavioral principles with a de-
cation, and self-help skills. This training is based on behav- velopmental approach that emphasizes social ability and
ioral principles and is typically started soon after the diagno- learning in a natural context. NDBI, along with EIBI, is ef-
sis of autism [7,8]. Early intervention, ideally before the age of fective in young children with ASD. The Early Start Denver
3 years, is recommended soon after the diagnosis. It is con- Model (ESDM) [27] is a prominent example that has been ex-
ducted in a one-on-one format for a few hours daily for an tensively investigated. Compared with traditional EIBI, ESDM
average of 2–4 years. focuses on improving the social development and commu-
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) [15] was nication skills of children with ASD by facilitating their so-
designed to teach specific skills in language, cognitive func- cial interaction with their caregivers in daily living settings
tion, self-help, social interaction, and motor skills using dis- [28]. Although limited, a few review studies have reported
crete trial training (DTT), which follows the principles of the positive effects of ESDM on improving children’s social
ABA. This service is provided by a team of professional communication, language, and adaptive behaviors. For ex-
therapists and implemented face-to-face with the child in a ample, Waddington et al. [29] reviewed 15 ESDM studies, and
structured environment for a few hours per day for a few the results showed improvements in language, imitation skills,
years, and active parental participation is required. and social communication after 3 to 12 months of ESDM in-
Six review studies that tested the effectiveness of EIBI re- tervention. Fuller et al. [30] conducted a meta-analysis of 12
ported significant improvements in IQ and adaptive behav- ESDM outcome studies (6 RCTs and 6 quasi-experimental
iors consistently 12 months after EIBI [16-21]. Some studies designs). The average effect size of ESDM (Hedge’s g) was
have also reported positive changes in other developmental 0.357 (p=0.024) across diverse developmental areas, which
areas. For instance, Reichow and Wolery [19] reported that is a medium effect size, indicating moderate improvements.
the EIBI group showed additional improvements in recep- Among these, cognitive function (g=0.412) and language (g=
tive and expressive language compared to the treatment-as- 0.408) showed significant improvements [30]. In addition to
usual (TAU) group. Reichow et al. [20] analyzed the effect the ESDM, other models have gained attention and demon-
sizes (Hedge’s g) for each area. The results showed the aver- strated similar effectiveness. These include Joint Attention,
age of medium to large effect sizes (language [g=0.50–0.57], Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulation (JASPER) [31],
daily communication [g=0.74], social interaction [g=0.42], Early Social Interaction [32], and Pivotal Response Treat-
and self-help skills [g=0.55]) in the EIBI group compared to ment [33].
TAU group. In Korea, treatment outcome studies on EIBI and NDBIs are
Recently, a few studies have explored factors affecting the rare. One study [34] examined the effectiveness of 6 months
effectiveness of EIBI. Caron et al. [22] found that treatment of EIBI in 19 children aged 2–5 years in an EIBI center using
dosage (the amount of time spent on therapy) and adher- a one-group pre- and post-test design. The study showed sig-
ence (compliance with the treatment program’s contents and nificant improvements in the developmental scores of the
procedures) were positively correlated with treatment effec- children, along with improved parental quality of life. How-
tiveness. Based on these findings, they recommended ad- ever, it is difficult to generalize the effectiveness of the EIBI
ministering EIBI for 25–40+ hours per week for 12–24 months. in Korea because the study lacked a comparison group and
Zwaigenbaum et al. [23] emphasized the importance of ear- had a small sample size.
ly intervention, reporting that interventions started before
the age of 3 had more positive effects than those started af-
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Behavioral and Educational Intervention for Individuals With ASD
Eating problem 3–12 years. However, further evidence is required [65]. Urine
Approximately 50% of individuals diagnosed with autism training should be continued until children reach 24 months
report eating problems, such as food refusal or food selec- of age, followed by bowel training when the urine training is
tivity. Similar to sleep, behavioral interventions based on completed.
ABA are effective in addressing these eating problems. A me-
ta-analysis of 23 intervention studies [54] reported an in- Emotional difficulties
crease in food intake when contingent reinforcement (CR)4) As children with autism grow into adolescence and adult-
and non-removal of the spoon (NRS)5) were used in combi- hood, they often report emotional difficulties, such as de-
nation (improvement rate difference [IRD]=0.69) in children pression, anxiety, and anger, in addition to ongoing behav-
with ASD under 6 years. However, a small effect size was ioral problems [66]. Recent studies have shown that cognitive
reported for the reduction of mealtime problem behaviors, behavioral therapy (CBT), an evidence-based treatment for
such as tantrums (IRD=0.39). For severe food selectivity and depression, anxiety, and anger, can be successfully applied to
related mealtime problem behaviors, a treatment package adolescents and adults with autism [67-69]. However, con-
that includes both antecedent manipulation (such as stimu- sidering that CBT requires significant verbal and cognitive
lus fading) and consequence-based procedures (such as NRS skills, it is important to assess the verbal, cognitive, and emo-
and differential reinforcement) has been reported to be ef- tional abilities of adolescents and adults with autism before
fective [55]. implementing CBT [70,71]. In Korea, access to CBT for indi-
While experts typically lead interventions, there are re- viduals with autism is limited because very few experts pro-
ports that active participation by parents can be more effec- vide CBT for adolescents and adults with autism.
tive in generalizing and maintaining the effects of eating in-
terventions [55,56]. PARENT EDUCATION
Toilet training Parental education refers to the provision of either infor-
Evidence has accumulated from diverse ABA-based toilet mation or specific skills or both to parents to support their
training programs for individuals with autism [57]. A review children appropriately. Psychoeducation provides knowl-
of 28 toilet training intervention studies found that techniques edge and strategies to deal with autism issues. However, its
such as shaping6), graduated guidance7), scheduled toileting8), effectiveness has yet to be investigated [72]. In contrast, par-
and stimulus control9) were effective. In clinical practice, these ent-mediated interventions (PMI) involve training parents to
techniques are often used in combination and are tailored to implement various intervention techniques directly with their
the age and cognitive abilities of individuals [58,59]. children. They have been frequently used for comprehen-
The most typical toilet training for children with autism sive early intervention and intervention of challenging be-
is a modification of rapid toilet training (RTT), originally haviors [73].
devised by Azrin and Foxx [58,60,61]. The RTT is an inten-
sive training method that combines positive reinforcement, PMI for comprehensive early intervention
positive punishment, and scheduled toileting, typically last- PMI has been actively pursued as a means of providing in-
ing 8 hours a day for 1–2 weeks [62,63]. This method has been terventions to young children with autism, typically in com-
reported to be particularly effective for individuals with au- bination with EIBI [15]. However, PMIs may also serve as pri-
tism and intellectual disabilities [64]. Specifically, it was ini- mary services in regions with limited accessibility to EIBI
tially designed for infants and toddlers aged 2–4 years, and [74]. While the quality of intervention and service hours for
a recent review showed promise for use in the age range of PMIs may not be comparable to those of therapist-led inter-
ventions, their advantages include high accessibility to treat-
4) Contingent reward refers to when the child receives positive reinforcement for com-
pleting a desired behavior. ment and high generalizability, mainly because treatment is
5) Non-removal of spoon involves an adult holding the spoon in front of the child’s provided by parents almost every day in diverse real-life set-
mouth until he or she takes a bite of food.
tings [75]. Numerous studies have reported improvements
6) In stimulus shaping, positive reinforcement is presented contingent on completion of
steps in the stimulus shaping hierarchy. in children’s communication skills, expressive and receptive
7) Therapist first provides the controlling prompt (e.g., physical prompt) and allows the language, and adaptive behaviors upon the implementation
learner to react independently by gradually removing the controlling prompt in the
subsequent sessions. of PMI [41]. Additionally, its collateral effects on parental ad-
8) A procedure where individuals are placed on the toilet with scheduled time and then justment and mental health, including maternal depression
positively reinforced when voiding occurs.
and parenting stress, are well-documented [76]. However, a
9) A procedure used to detail circumstances where a behavior is triggered by the exis-
tence or absence of a stimulus. review of 17 studies questioned the effectiveness of PMI due
KM Chung, et al.
to inconsistencies in results across studies [77]. Another re- cause of their cost-effectiveness and accessibility.
cent meta-analysis study, including 19 RCTs, also reported PMIs are also recommended for managing sleep-related
small effect sizes (Hedge’s g=0.18–0.27) [78]. However, these problems, which are reported in 40%–80% of children with
review studies included trials using diverse intervention tech- autism [92]. PMI for sleep typically includes psychoeduca-
niques, such as floor time, massage, and ABA. Therefore, tion and hands-on training in recording a daily sleep diary,
caution should be taken when interpreting the effectiveness setting up a sleep hygiene routine, and applying faded bed-
of PMIs. times to reduce sleep problems [93]. A review of 11 PMI stud-
More recently, a parent-implemented Early Start Denver ies found that PMI is effective in reducing sleep-related mal-
Model (P-ESDM) has gained attention as an alternative to adaptive behaviors, such as sleep resistance and waking at
therapist-led ESDM, whose effectiveness has been well-doc- night, and in improving overall sleep time in children with
umented [79]. In P-ESDM, certified ESMD trainers teach autism [92].
parent-specific behavioral skills, such as joint attention and In Korea, there have been a few PMI studies focused on
imitation, to facilitate social interaction with their child. Par- reducing challenging behaviors. These studies have report-
ents are then encouraged to apply these skills to their chil- ed a decrease in challenging behaviors in children [94,95], as
dren’s everyday routines and activities in their homes and well as a reduction in parenting stress and an improvement
other daily living settings [80]. Although no systematic re- in parental self-efficacy [94,96].
view of the effectiveness of P-ESDM is available, individual
studies have reported improvements in children’s parental OTHER INTERVENTIONS
interaction skills [81], social communication skills [82], lan-
guage development [83], and a reduction in autism symptoms Speech-language therapy
[84]. Due to high parental preference for P-ESDM, more ef- Speech and language therapy (SLT) is the most common
forts have been made to disseminate it, including the devel- special education program for children with autism [97]. SLT
opment of internet-based P-ESDM, which has also demon- is not a specific intervention but rather a general term encom-
strated effectiveness [83,85]. passing a wide range of therapies implemented by speech-
In Korea, single-subject design studies have reported in- language pathologists (SLPs). Therefore, the targeted skill
creased joint attention [86] and improvements in social in- development areas of SLT are highly diverse, and SLPs may
teraction and communication behaviors [87,88] for PMI. employ various heterogeneous intervention models depend-
However, further studies with better experimental designs ing on their trained practice area. A recent review reported
are required to conclude their overall effectiveness. that the developmental-naturalistic model is the most exten-
sively studied approach, followed by ABA, in SLT for indi-
PMI for challenging behaviors viduals with autism [97]. Therefore, it is recommended that
Studies investigating the effectiveness of PMI for challeng- parents seeking SLT services first evaluate whether the inter-
ing behaviors, such as aggression and self-injurious behav- vention goals of a prospective SLP are appropriate for their
iors, have been actively conducted. In this type of PMI, a cer- child’s needs and whether the intervention model employed
tified ABA therapist (e.g., BCBA or BCaBA10)) runs individual is evidence-based [98].
or small-group sessions for 4–16 weeks to teach parent-spe-
cific behavioral skills to deal with challenging behaviors, Sensory integration therapy
which include both didactic lectures and hands-on training Sensory-based interventions aim to enhance children’s
[89]. A meta-analysis reported that PMI reduced challenging levels of arousal and behavioral control through activities
behaviors (standardized mean difference [SMD]=0.67) and such as wearing weighted vests or swinging [99]. Although
hyperactivity (SMD=0.31) in children, as well as parenting it is often used as an intervention to improve core symptoms
stress (SMD=0.37) [90]. Recently, a study reported that tele- in children with autism, there is currently limited evidence
health-based PMI could be as effective as in-person PMI in supporting its efficacy [99,100].
reducing challenging behaviors [91]. Social distancing poli-
cies implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic have fa- Developmental approaches
cilitated the adoption of long-distance service delivery meth- Developmental approaches prioritize child-led spontane-
ods, including telehealth and internet-based services. These ous play and joint attention with adults to enhance the com-
are expected to continue even after the pandemic ends be- munication skills of young children with autism. In Korea, the
DIR/FloorTime [101] and Hanen’s More than Words [102]
10) B
CBA, Board Certified Behavior Analyst; BCaBA, Board Certified Assistant Behav-
ior Analyst. See bacb.com for more information. programs have been introduced, but scientific evidence for
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Behavioral and Educational Intervention for Individuals With ASD
their effectiveness needs to be more consistent or sufficient tioning students that provides lessons promoting cognitive
[75,103]. and behavioral flexibility in everyday situations [112].
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