COVID19 Security
COVID19 Security
COVID19 Security
Miguel Mujica Mota(a) Paolo Scala(b)
Alejandro Di Bernardi(c) Angel Orozco(d)
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences,(b)Amsterdam School of International Business, (c) National University of La
Plata, (d)Independent Researcher
[email protected] (b) [email protected] (c)
[email protected] (d)
[email protected]
COVID-19 arrived in the world suddenly and
unexpectedly. It caused major disruptions at
economical, operational and other levels. In the case of
flight traffic, the operations were reduced to 10% of
their original levels. The question after COVID-19 is
how to restart the operations and how to keep the
balance between safety and capacity. In this paper we
present an analysis using simulation techniques for
understanding the impact in a security area of an
important airport in Latin America; the airport of
Mexico City. The results allow to illustrate the potential
consequences of implementing some actions and also
some policies to deal with the raised limitations. The
results will raise situational awareness for airport
stakeholders when implementing the actions suggested
by different international institutions like WHO, IATA
or ICAO.
● Passenger distance between each other of 1.5 The current layout is illustrated by Figure 3. As it can
meters be seen there are four lines available. However, with the
restrictions caused by the COVID-19 regulations, only 2
● No adjacent lines
out of those four lines can be used, as adjacent lines are
● Frequent cleanings of the tray/equipment area forbidden. With these restrictions in place, the capacity
is expected to decrease.
○ Passengers queuing to the boarding pass
The passengers go to the boarding pass control where
they are processed according to a specific processing
time. Two different types of queue are tested: a “snake”
shape queue, and a “normal” queue. The former is the
one traditionally used, the latter is more likely to be
used due to the Covid-19 restrictions (see Fig. 1).
● traffic recovery
○ Passenger bags X-Ray scan
● layout of the queue
Bags are moved through the X-Ray scan. The scanning ● dedicated line for vulnerable passengers
operation takes a specific time.
Traffic Recovery
○ Passenger body re-scan/bag re-scan For the “traffic recovery” parameter we have tested 5
This operation is conducted based on a specific different values which consider a gradual recovery of
occurring probability, and it takes a certain time. the traffic starting from 10% until 30%, this will cover a
time frame of short-medium term (next 2 years).
○ Passenger bags claim
After being scanned, the passengers take their own bags Queue Layout
and leave the area. This operation is based on a specific The parameter “layout of the queue” indicates whether a
processing time. “snake” shaped queue or a parallel queue is utilized (see
Figure 4). Due to the COVID-19, the latter is being
4. CASE STUDY recommended, however, the former is currently in use
We will evaluate the impact of the different actions in our case study airport.
suggested by ICAO, IATA or WHO for managing
Extra-Line Scenario
An extra scenario was tested based on a potential
mitigation of the current restrictions where an extra line
is added besides the line for regular passengers and the
line for vulnerable passengers, to have in total 3 lines.
5. Results
Table 2 and 3 show the results regarding the queue
length and queuing time of the pre-security area. The
pre-security area is defined as the airport corridor just
before entering the security area and undergoing the
boarding pass control and security control operations.
By measuring its performance in terms of queue length
and queuing time we evaluate the level of congestion of
the airport and whether the security area is able to
Figure 4. Queue layout: snake queue (left); parallel process the total inbound passenger flow or not. The
queue (right) results reveal that for the snake queue and parallel
queue without a dedicated line for vulnerable
Dedicated Lines passengers we obtained similar results both for queue
The parameter “dedicated line for vulnerable length and queuing time, generating long queues in the
passengers” is a boolean where, in a parallel queue airport corridor once the traffic recovery gets to 25%..
layout scenario, means that one security line (and the
Table 2. Queue length Pre-security (Passengers)
related queue) will be entirely dedicated to vulnerable
passengers. In this context, vulnerable passengers are
defined as the ones more exposed to be infected by the Queue layout
virus, due to age or to current illness. In the present
study, the amount of passengers with this condition is Traffic Snake Parallel queue
assumed to be 20% of the total passengers. This value recovery queue
Dedicated line for vulnerable
was based on statistics reports. Table 1 summarizes the
values used for each of the parameters. It is worth
mentioning that the scenario with a dedicated line for no yes yes + extra line
vulnerable passengers was considered only for the
parallel queue layout. 10% 8,72 9,1 10,4 8,8
Layout of the snake parallel What can be noticed is that the trend for both queue
queue length and queuing time is not linear with the increase
of traffic, as it gets congested between 20% and 25% of
Dedicated line yes no traffic recovery. Regarding the scenario where a
for vulnerable dedicated line is reserved for vulnerable passengers, it
passengers generates big queue lengths and high queuing time just
with the increase in 15% for the traffic recovery. On
the other hand, the extra line scenario, shows better
Base Case Scenario values for all the scenarios. In this scenario, the queue
The base case is chosen as the one currently length starts to get considerably big only when the
implemented in Mexico City airport terminal and it has traffic recovery reaches 30%, while queuing times are
the following parameters: 10% traffic; snake queue; no kept low. These trends can be better illustrated in
dedicated line for vulnerable passengers. The simulation figures 5 and 6.
of each scenario has been run for 50 replications.
Results are presented as average values of the different
Table 3. Queuing time Pre-security [min] from there stays stable for the other scenarios. On the
other hand, the snake and parallel queue without a
Queue layout dedicated line scenario reaches the maximum capacity
at 20% traffic recovery scenario, with a value of 101
Traffic Snake Parallel queue passengers per hour until reaching 105 passengers per
recovery queue hour in both traffic recovery scenarios 25% and 30%.
Dedicated line for vulnerable The extra line scenario, shows similar values of
passengers capacity as the snake queue and the parallel queue
without a dedicated line scenario, in the instances of
no yes yes + extra line traffic recovery up to 20%, then the capacity increases
up to 127 and 132 passengers per hour for the traffic
10% 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
recovery of 25% and 30%, respectively.
15% 1,0 1,0 18,8 1,0
Figure 7. Security area capacity
20% 2,3 4,0 19,9 1,1