I. Ifanda*‡ , Didik Rostyono* , Rudi Purwo Wijayanto* , Nurry Widya Hesty* , Amiral Aziz*‡
, Khotimatul Fauziah* , Toha Zaky* , Ario Witjakso* , Ahmad Fudholi*,**‡
*Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy, National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia
(BRIN), South Tangerang 15314 Indonesia
**Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected])
Corresponding Author; Ifanda, Amiral Aziz, Ahmad Fudholi, Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy,
National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), South Tangerang 15314,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract- Wind resource assessments are required to identify a specific area capable of producing valuable energy from wind
speeds. This paper aims to optimize wind assessment through wind farm siting and layout in Indonesia’s semi-arid region. Wind
data collected on Sumba Island over a one-year period was analyzed to assess the area's wind energy potential. Wind Atlas
Analysis and Application Programme (WAsP) and Windographer were used to generate a generalized wind climate and resource
maps for the area. Wind farm layout and preliminary turbine micro-sitting were completed with various scenarios in mind to
achieve the best possible result. Four different scenarios are considered to maximize power output. There are 34 identical wind
turbines with a unit capacity of 90 kW in Scenario 1. Scenario 2 includes 20 identical wind turbines with a total capacity of 3000
kW. In Scenario 3, 14 identical wind turbines with 225 kW of unit capacity are used. There are 12 identical wind turbines with
a unit capacity of 250 kW in Scenario 4. The results showed that Scenario 1 produced the highest total net Annual Energy
Production (AEP) of 11,287 MWh/year with a 3.73% wake loss. The minimum wake loss seemed to be 2.62% in Scenario 4,
with a total net AEP of 10,221 MWh/year.
Keywords Wind resource assessment, semi-arid region, WAsP, wake loss.
GWp) are the three provinces with the greatest solar energy testing in New Zealand's established infrastructure. WAsP
potential. MMER estimates that Indonesia has 154.88 GW of was used to assess the wind power potential in Turkey's
wind energy potential, with onshore potential of 60.65 GW Mardin province, as well as the potential to meet specific
and offshore potential of 94.2 GW. Onshore locations with energy demands [18]. Kamdar et al. [19] investigated wind
high wind energy potential, including wind speeds of 6–8 m/s, energy potential using WAsP Tool for a small–scale wind
power densities of 400–500 W/m2, and AEP of 4-5 GWh/year, farm in south–eastern Thailand. Ratjiranukool [20] used the
can be found on the south coast of Java, South Sulawesi, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) meso-scale climate
Maluku, and East Nusa Tenggara. model to assess the wind energy potential of Thailand's
northern region. Meanwhile, Wang et al. [21] proposed wind
East Nusa Tenggara province, particularly Sumba Island,
energy potential assessment method based on wind speed,
has more than 200 MW of wind energy potential, with wind
wind direction and its power using finite mixture statistical
speeds ranging from 5 to 9 m/s. Sumba also had solar energy
distributions. Kwon [22] presented uncertainty analysis of
potential due to its daily solar insolation of 5 kWh/m2 [7].
wind energy potential assessment using probability models
Sumba was designated as the Iconic Island of Renewable
and Monte-Carlo based simulation procedure. Moreover,
Energy (RE) by a ministerial decree in 2015. The island's
several studies on predicting wind energy production using
sparsely populated settlements and huge open savannah plains
machine learning methods have also been developed to
provide plenty of open space for the construction of wind and
improve forecasting accuracy [23,24].
solar farms. Sumba, like the rest of Indonesia, has only two
seasons: dry and rainy. Indonesia's climate and wind surface Studies on the investigation of wind energy based on the
direction are mostly influenced by the Asian-Australian use of simulation software have gained attention in recent
Monsoon (AAM) system [8]. According to Alifdini [9], the years. The programs utilized for wind energy can be used to
Asian (Australian) monsoon is distinguished by a assess the preliminary economic and technical viability of the
northwesterly (southerly) wind that blows from Asia projected investments. One of the most significant design
(Australia) to Australia (Asia), bringing humid (dry) air and challenges is the high initial investment cost of wind farms,
creating a rainy (dry) season in the majority of Indonesian which could result in significant financial losses if the
regions. Due to its wind patterns, the AAM system is also feasibility analysis is flawed. WAsP is a well-known wind
known as the northeast monsoon (rainy season), which peaks energy application program and a powerful tool for assessing
from December to February, and the southwest monsoon (dry wind resources. However, there has been little research on the
season), which peaks from June to August. Because of its application of the WAsP model to wind resource assessment
lengthy dry season, which lasts from April through November in semi-arid areas. Using a methodology that complies with
(7 months) every year, Sumba is considered a dry island with international standards, this research will offer a scientific
an unusually semi-arid climate [10]. Sumba, as a semi-arid method for evaluating wind resources in semi-arid regions like
region, receives the least rainfall in the country. The monsoon Sumba Island. According to the authors' knowledge, there is a
brings steady, strong winds from June to August, while from gap in the literature regarding optimizing wind assessment
December to April it brings calm winds. through wind farm siting and layout using the WAsP tool in
the semi-arid region. The WAsP and Windographer tools were
Despite Sumba's high renewable energy potential, the
used in this study to optimize wind farm siting and layout after
region's energy security index remains low [11]. Sumba's
a thorough analysis of the wind resources. The WAsP
electrical system currently consists of three electrical systems:
simulation calculates the mean wind speed and power density
East Sumba, West Sumba, and Southwest Sumba. All these
for selected eastern Sumba locations. The power and capacity
systems rely heavily on diesel power plants spread across
factors of the sites with different wind turbine capacities were
Sumba Island. According to PLN's (Indonesia's state utility)
calculated and analyzed. This will enable decision-makers to
long-awaited 2021–2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan
set goals about how to meet rising power demands through
(RUPTL), a total capacity of approximately 42 MW of various
renewable wind power. Furthermore, this study will contribute
thermal and renewable power plants is planned for the island
to the National Electricity Master Plan, which aims to replace
of Sumba, with a total wind power generation capacity of 3
fossil fuels with up to 23% renewable energy in its total energy
MW. RUPTL also indicates that a 70 kV transmission line and
mix by 2025. The paper discusses some results of the study
70 kV substations will be built to improve power transmission
that was conducted to optimize the turbine siting and wind
efficiency between the east and west Sumba systems. The
farm layout in the semi-arid region of Indonesia.
potential for wind power generation at any scale, whether for
grid-connected or stand-alone systems, must be thoroughly
2. Material and Methods
assessed [12,13]. Furthermore, the optimal use of the available
wind resources and the viability of a wind power project
2.1. Description of Object Study
depend on the siting of the wind turbines as described by
Mathew [14] and Manwell et al. [15]. A precise and accurate
analysis of the data for the relevant area is required to This research was carried out in Hambapraing, East
construct the wind farm to its full potential [16]. Numerous in- Sumba Regency. Sumba Island has a semi-arid climate type
depth scientific studies on wind energy have recently been with a short rainy season that lasts only for four months
undertaken on a global scale. In order to enhance wind speed (December to March) and total annual rainfall of 547 mm up
forecasting techniques for the wind pattern over complex to 1100 mm during the period of 2018-2022 (statistics of
terrain, Flay et al. [17] employed CFD, Wind Atlas Analysis Sumba Timur Regency 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
and Application Program (WAsP) models, and wind-tunnel According to statistics for Sumba Timur Regency (2022), the
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
average temperature varies between 36 C in October and 18 C The optimum wind farm layout should maximize energy
in July. The average rainfall in East Sumba Regency in 2021 production from an energy standpoint. This is mostly
was 102.17 mm, with the highest level in March at 286 mm. accomplished in wind farms by efficiently spreading the
Despite the fact that the most rain fell in March, the most rainy distance between wind turbines within the available region,
days occurred in January, with 25 days in contrast; from April maximizing the available wind resource while minimizing
to November, there was very little rain in East Sumba wake loss. However, from an economic standpoint, an
Regency. The short, wet season with little rainfall results in optimized wind farm layout is one that minimizes the unit cost
limited water availability. This area is characterized by a vast of produced energy. This is mostly accomplished by
expanse of savanna and short thorny plants that reflect the examining the trade-off between the energy yield benefits
nature of the region's dry climate, which deteriorates from increased wind turbine spacing and the greater
continuously due to successive drought years. with soils expenditures associated with the land costs, the electrical
containing sand, limestone, and coral rock. The brittle rock, cabling costs, and losses. Because the central part of Sumba
limestone, and soil in the area, which are unable to withstand where the wind farm is proposed is barren and uninhabited,
the force of the winds that carry the bits of disintegrating land prices are not an important consideration in the
material, are another problem. Due to stiff winds during the optimization process. In this study, we solely apply single-
dry months, there is a phenomenon where sand accumulates objective optimization to reduce the total wake effect of the
in some areas. wind turbine farm, without taking into account the cost of
connecting between wind turbines.
The measuring mast is at 9° 31' 5.82" S latitude and 120°
10' 3.01" E longitude, with a height of 100 meters above sea Figure 2 shows the flow diagram of this study. The main
level as shown in Fig. 1. Meteorological instruments such as goal is to optimize the geographical location of every single
anemometers, wind vane, barometric pressure, thermometers, WT (wind turbine) in the selected region, including its
rain gauges, and hygrometers are housed in the measuring capacity, capacity factor, and AEP. The objective function is
mast. From September 2014 to September 2015, the to minimize the wake effect of the WT’s array on the wind
instrument measured and recorded a 10-min average of wind farm. Referring to Azlan [26], some previous studies have
speed and direction, solar radiation, temperature, and air provided several guidelines prior to WT positionings, such as
pressure, as given in Table 1, which are primarily considered land availability, forbidden zones, maximum investment, WT
over an international standard period for wind measurement quantity and capacity, WT spacing, and electrical
[25]. infrastructure. In this study, we consider capacity and spacing.
There is no issue regarding land availability or forbidden
zones on Sumba Island since it is a semi-arid region with no
conservation area. This research was carried out in
Hambapraing, East Sumba Regency. Sumba Island has a
semi-arid climate type with a short rainy season that lasts only
for four months (December to March), with a total annual
rainfall of 547 mm up to 1100 mm during the period of 2018–
We performed two types of preprocessing to simplify the
optimization algorithm. Firstly, the geospatial location and its
information regarding the wind potential; and secondly, we
did image manipulation by dividing it into the number of rows
and columns. The geospatial location and information refer to
Fig. 1. The wind speed map for Sumba Island. the Indonesia Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) via
DEMNAS with the numbers 2106-13 and 2106-41, and a map
of Sumba Timur is used as the data map reference. The
Table 1. Data set description of the location number of rows and columns in the matrix of a wind farm
represents the location of a single wind turbine. The distance
Parameter Unit Value between the columns is the spacing between two neighboring
Average wind speed (m/s) m/s 6.16 wind turbines or crosswind spacing. Meanwhile, the distance
Max wind speed (m/s) m/s 19.3 between two rows indicates the spacing between the turbines
Min wind speed (m/s) m/s 0.4 in the downstream direction or downwind spacing. Its spacing
Average Wind direction ° 128 depends on the WT diameter, which means that influenced by
Average temperature °C 26.8 capacity, a higher WT capacity usually has a wider diameter.
Average Solar Radiation W/m2 250 The crosswind spacing is between 4D and 6D, and the
Average Barometric Pressure mB 998 downwind spacing is almost twice that, between 8D and 12D.
The priority and non-priority of a single location of WT are
decided by its potential energy based on the annual wind
2.2. Methodology
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
where k 0; U 0; A 0 .
The Weibull probability density function of observed
wind speed U (m/s) is represented by f (U), the Weibull scale
parameter in m/s is defined by A, and the dimensionless
Weibull shape parameter is represented by k. The Weibull
shape parameter k has values between 1 and 3 and describes
the behaviour of wind in accordance with its speed; where
small values of k show variations in wind variables, a rather
constant wind speed can be shown with a large k value [25,28].
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the study. Then, the Weibull distribution is expressed according to
the cumulative probability function in Eq. (2) [30,31]
Figure 3 shows the two preprocessing datasets before feeding
them to the optimization algorithm as a matrix. This research
was carried out in Hambapraing, East Sumba Regency. Sumba U
Island has a semi-arid climate type with a short rainy season f (U ) = 1 − e A
that lasts only for four months (December to March) and total
annual rainfall of 547 mm up to 1100 mm during the period of where f(U) is the cumulative distribution function of the
2018-2022 (statistics of Sumba Timur Regency 2018, 2019, observed wind speed U. The cumulative distribution is the
2020, 2021, 2022). According to statistics for Sumba Timur integral of the density or PDF with respect to speed [25].
Regency (2022), the average temperature varies between 36 C
in October and 18 C in July. The average rainfall in East 2.4. Calculation of Wake Effect
Sumba Regency in 2021 was 102.17 mm, with the highest
level in March at 286 mm. The Jensen wake model is mostly used in previous
We proposed a total capacity of 3 MW of WTs based on studies, and other wake models are Gaussian or Frandsen [26].
Indonesian electricity planning [RUPTL] for the region. Due The Jansen wake model is shown in Fig. 4 [32], there are no
to the limited facilities and infrastructure in the study region, external forces acting upon the control volume and only the
including transportation, facilities, port capacity, bridges, angular momentum is conserved inside the wake.
roads, etc., it is not possible to choose a wind turbine with a
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Pre-processing using WAsP and (b) Pre-processing image with the value of the rectangular area to identify
nonpriority and priority area as constraints.
rd = r0 (6)
1 − 2a
where r0 is rotor radius, and a is axial induction factor.
The wind slows down as it approaches the turbine. The
ratio of this reduced wind speed and free stream velocity, u0,
is axial induction factor, a, calculates use the Thrust
Coefficient ct, as given in Eq. (7)
ct = 4a (1 − a ) (7)
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
( n ) = 1 − P ( n) (10)
The objective function is to minimize the total wake effect 2.6. Variations of Wind Speed
of the wind turbine farm as defined by Eq. (11)
Knowledge of wind variations at a site is required to
6 10
total =
m = 2 n −1
( m , n ) x( m , n ) x( m −1, n ) (11)
demonstrate the seasonal behavior of wind speed at a specific
location. Such differences are critical for the design and
selection of suitable wind turbines, energy storage, and
where ωtotal is wake effect of all installed wind turbines, ω(m,n) scenario planning. Figure 6 depicts these variations. Figure 6
is a wake constant for a wind turbine in the m rows and n (a) depicts how the wind fluctuates significantly throughout
columns, m is wind turbine in rows, n is wind turbine in the day and night based on 12 months of data collected at 33
columns, and x(m-1,n) is the existence of wind turbine in the m. There are 10-minute intervals with wind speeds of less than
previous row m and column n. 3 m/s, as seen. Similarly, wind speeds can exceed 10 m/s at
The wake constant refers to Table 2, with only using 2D
and 5D downwind spacing on this study. The wake calculation A box plot representing the monthly maximum wind
starts from the second row of the Wind Turbine Generator speed, average daily high, average daily low, and monthly
(WTG) farm with the assumption that is wake effect on the mean wind speed of the data gathered at altitudes of 34 m is
first row is zero since there is no obstacle from the upwind displayed in Fig. 6 (b). Maximum wind power may be
direction. captured due to the faster speed. The figure clearly shows that
from June to August, the wind speed is higher. The box plot
We used two constraints on this optimization; the first is can also be used to identify outliers for a typical thunderstorm
the limitation of the total capacity of the WTG and the second wind.
is the priority and nonpriority location value based on Fig. 3
(b) for the single wind turbine on the location x(m,n). The matrix Figure 6 (c) shows the average monthly wind speed for
size is (6,10) means 6 rows and 10 columns with the binary Hambapraing. From the graph, it is clear that there are
value 0 and 1 for the location x(m,n). The value of 0 means the significant monthly variations in average wind speed. While
non-existence of WTG and 1 means the existence of a single June through August have the strongest seasonal prevailing
WT for the location x(m,n). winds, October through December have the lowest wind
speeds. Due to the fact that it offers a reliable estimate of the
The wind farm has singular capacities, which means using amount of electricity a wind farm can supply to the power
the same capacities for a single wind turbine. In this study, we system in a given month, this information is essential for wind
proposed 90 kW, 150 kW, 225 kW, and 250 kW for a single farm installation. This research was carried out in
wind turbine. On results, we have four scenarios of a WTG’s Hambapraing, East Sumba Regency. Sumba Island has a
configuration based on its single WTG capacity. semi-arid climate type with a short rainy season that lasts only
for four months (December to March) and a total annual
rainfall of 547 mm.
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
2.7. Wind Direction wind energy possible [27]. Figure 7 depicts the annual and
monthly sector-wise distribution of wind roses, divided into
The dominant wind direction is crucial when assessing a 16 distinct portions spaced at 22,50 consecutive intervals. It
wind energy resource and looking for ideal locations to put was found that the dominant strong winds for the entire year
wind turbines [34]. If most of the wind energy moves in one come from the southeast sector. The dominant wind direction
direction, there shouldn't be any obstructions or interference is northwest from December to March and southeast for the
in the path of the wind. The wind generator's orientation needs remaining eight months.
to be perpendicular to the wind's direction to capture the most
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
2.10. Optimization Results in WTGs’ Array 4 has the lowest wake loss of 2.62% and produces a net AEP
of 10,221 MWh/yr.
Figure 10 shows the optimal result of micro-siting WTG
with identical 90 kW, 150 kW, 225 kW, and 250 kW as
Scenario 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Using the software Arc
GIS 10.8 and WAsP version 12.7, Fig. 11, Fig. 12. Fig. 13,
and Fig. 14 show a location map and the layouts of Scenario
1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, and Scenario 4, respectively, for the
wind turbine. It is based on optimization calculations in the
East Sumba Regency of East Nusa Tenggara Province using
the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system coordinates
for Zone 51. Scenario 1 is a configuration of 34 wind turbines
with a capacity of 90 kW each; Scenario 2 is a configuration
of 20 wind turbines with a capacity of 150 kW each; Scenario
3 is a configuration of 14 wind turbines with a capacity of 225
kW each; and Scenario 4 is a configuration of 12 wind turbines
with a capacity of 250 kW each.
By using WAsP version 12.7, the results of the
calculations for the four scenarios can be seen in Table 4-8.
From Table 4-8, it can be seen that Scenario 1, with a
configuration of 34 WTGs, produces the largest total net AEP
of 11,287 MWh/yr with a wake loss of 3.73%. The wake loss
and total net AEP for Scenarios 2 and 3 are 3.6%, 10,742
MWh/yr, and 2.98%, 11,429 MWh/yr, respectively. Scenario Fig. 10. Configuration of identical WTG in various
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
Table 5. Turbine coordinates, wake loss, Gross and Net AEP Table 7. Turbine coordinates, wake loss, Gross and Net AEP
for Scenario 2. for Scenario 4.
Gross Net Gross Net
Number Wake Number Wake
of loss of loss
UTM51S UTM51S (MWh/ (MWh/ UTM51S UTM51S (MWh/ (MWh/
turbine (% ) turbine (% )
yr) yr) yr) yr)
1 190943 8951613 1.52 519 511 1 190813 8951694 0.58 854 849
2 190817 8951694 2.95 562 546 2 190706 8951525 0.97 843 835
3 190763 8951609 2.41 553 540 3 190633 8951690 3.19 856 828
4 190709 8951525 1.34 557 550 4 190526 8951522 1.85 877 861
5 190636 8951690 6.09 559 525 5 190453 8951687 4.16 903 865
6 190529 8951522 2.03 575 564 6 190345 8951518 1.84 946 928
7 190421 8951353 1.15 520 514 7 190238 8951350 0.64 838 832
8 190564 8951855 4.46 512 489 8 190273 8951683 5.12 869 825
9 190510 8951771 5.38 579 548 9 190165 8951515 3.57 899 867
10 190456 8951687 4.54 589 562 10 190093 8951680 5.79 844 795
11 190349 8951518 3.19 614 595 11 189985 8951512 2.39 940 918
12 190241 8951350 1.81 552 542 12 189931 8951427 1.25 828 818
13 190061 8951347 1.65 568 558
14 190007 8951262 0.34 525 523
15 190168 8951515 4.47 585 559 Table 8. The proportional wake loss and Annual Energy
16 190276 8951683 4.91 570 542 Production for various scenarios.
17 190330 8951768 6.88 524 488 Sce Numb Turbi Total Proport Total Total
18 189988 8951512 3.41 618 597 nari er of ne Rating ional gross net
19 190096 8951680 5.4 559 529 o Wind Ratin Capacit wake AEP AEP
20 190149 8951764 8.29 492 451 Turbi g y loss (MW (MWh/
ne (kW) (kW) (% ) h/yr) yr)
Table 6. Turbine coordinates, wake loss, Gross and Net AEP 1 34 90 3060 3.73 11,681 11,287
for Scenario 3. 2 20 150 3000 3.60 11,133 10,732
3 14 225 3150 2.98 11,780 11,429
Gross Net 4 12 250 3000 2.62 10,496 10,221
Number Wake
of loss
UTM51S UTM51S (MWh/ (MWh/
turbine (% ) generators (WTG) with a unit capacity of 90 kW in Scenario
yr) yr)
1. Scenario 2 includes 20 identical wind turbine generators
1 190813 8951694 0.71 836 830
with a total capacity of 3000 kW. In Scenario 3, 14 identical
2 190706 8951525 1.15 825 816
WTG with 225 kW of unit capacity are used. In Scenario 4,
3 190598 8951357 1.19 759 750
there are 12 identical WTGs with a unit capacity of 250 kW.
4 190633 8951690 2.89 832 808
The results showed that Scenario 1 produced the highest total
5 190526 8951522 3.15 853 826
net AEP of 11,287 MWh/year with a 3.73% wake loss. The
6 190418 8951354 2.11 779 763
minimum wake loss seemed to be 2.62% in Scenario 4, with a
7 190453 8951687 4.06 874 838
total net AEP of 10,221 MWh/year.
8 190345 8951518 3.63 912 878
9 190238 8951350 2.06 819 802 The findings of this study are one of the solutions to the
10 190273 8951683 5.15 847 803 proposed wind farm project in the same location by Win Rock
11 190165 8951515 4.22 868 832 International and NREL in 2015, which was delayed owing to
12 190058 8951347 1.62 842 828 the state of infrastructure and land transportation on the island.
13 190093 8951680 5.59 827 781 Because of these issues, we limited the wind turbine capacity
14 189985 8951512 3.74 909 875 to less than 500 kW.
This single-objective optimization has drawbacks in that
it does not simultaneously investigate minimizing the total
4. Conclusion
wake effect of the wind turbine farm and minimizing energy
production costs. The investment cost includes not only the
In this work, an optimization method for minimizing the infrastructure of the WT towers and the cost of the land
total wake effect of a wind turbine farm on the island of occupied but also the cost of connecting and maintaining grid
Sumba, Indonesia, using a genetic algorithm is developed and stability between the WT generators and the load distributions.
simulated with WaSP software to estimate the AEP. The wind
For future studies, we will investigate multi-objective
farm layout and preliminary turbine micrositing were optimization with a focus on the maximization of annual
completed with various scenarios in mind to achieve the best energy production and the simultaneous minimization of
possible result. Four different scenarios are considered to investment costs.
maximize power output. There are 34 identical wind turbine
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I. Ifanda et al., Vol.13, No.3, September, 2023
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