Floridadreef 108
3565AM Utrecht
Quotation # 2024/0250
Request Date: VAT: Quotation Date: Expiration: Incoterm: Salesperson:
12/09/2024 HR9105945501 12/09/2024 19/09/2024 EXW Marcos Sousa
[GT-332-102-COAT] Rear Axle E-Tuk GT - Ratio 1:12.6 1.00 unit 1,162.0000 1,162.00 €
Rear axel with rear gear ratio of 1.10:5. There is no possibility to split in components and sold by parts.
[3P-441-716] Electric Throttle Twist Grip 317.4 Ksz (MAGURA-RH) Subassembly 2.00 unit 96.0000 192.00 €
Transport Costs
No Transport Costs - Parts will be sent with the E-tuks that will be transported to Split
Subtotal 0.00 €
Subtotal 1,354.00 €
Total 1,354.00 €
Please include the Pro-Forma Invoice number. To be paid to bank account NL43 RABO 0351 5046 80
Signature SalesPerson
Please note that the projected delivery period can only be confirmed after the down payment has been received.
This quote is subject to final approvement by the board.
Dutch Law applies. The Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) does not apply, nor does any other international regulation that may be excluded. The Dutch civil court with jurisdiction in the
Contractor's place of business is authorised to take cognisance of any disputes. The Contractor may deviate from this rule governing jurisdiction and rely on the statutory rules governing
jurisdiction instead.
Signature Customer
CC: 75846683
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