CHECK LIST- XII(2023-24) (1)
CHECK LIST- XII(2023-24) (1)
CHECK LIST- XII(2023-24) (1)
2) Current Electricity
➢ To prove vd= eEτ/m, I = neAvd, V = IR & J=σE
➢ To prove r = (E/V – 1)R
➢ To find net emf and current for series and parallel combination of two cells.
➢ To verify balancing condition of Wheatstone bridge using KVL.
Upasna Chandra
➢ Power associated with series LCR circuit
5) Elecromagnetic Waves
➢ Derivation for displacement current.
6) Optics
Wave optics
➢ Reflection and refraction on the basis of Huygen’s (wave) theory.
➢ To prove Imax/Imin = (a+b)2/( a-b)2
Ray optics
➢ Derivation of mirror formula and lens formula.
➢ Refraction at spherical surface
➢ Derivation of Lens maker’s formula
➢ Power of a lens
➢ To prove A + δ = i + e
➢ Derivation of Prism formula
➢ Δ = (n-1) A
➢ Magnifying powers of microscope and telescope.
8) Atomic Nucleus
➢ Derivation for Bohr’s radius, speed, frequency and energy of electron
➢ To prove 1/ λ = R (1/n12 – 1/n22)
➢ To prove nuclear density is independent of mass no.
➢ Expression for binding energy per nucleon
9) Electronic Devices
➢ To prove σ = (neµe + nhµh)
Important Devices
❖ Wheatstone bridge
❖ Moving Coil Galvanometer
❖ Ammeter
❖ Voltmeter
❖ A C generator
❖ Transformer
❖ Compound Microscope (Least distance vision and normal vision)
Upasna Chandra
❖ Astronomical Telescope (Least distance vision and normal vision)
❖ Reflecting type telescopes (Newtonian & Cassegrain)
❖ Half-wave and full-wave rectifiers
Important Experiments
Faraday’s experiments
Single slit diffraction experiment
Photoelectric effect
Characteristics of a pn junction diode
Geiger-Mardsen experiment
Important Laws
o Coulomb’s law
o Ohm’s law
o Biot Savart’s law
o Ampere’s circuital law
o Gauss’s law in electrostatics
o Gauss’s law in magnetism (special case of monopoles)
o Faraday’s laws of EMI
o Maxwell Ampere’s law
o Huygen’s Principle
o Rules to find the direction of magnetic field, force and induced current
o Laws of photoelectric emission
o Bohr’s postulates of nuclear model
o Curie’s law in magnetism
To Differentiate
Electric & magnetic field lines
Ammeter & voltmeter
Dia., para & ferromagnetic substances
Capacitive & inductive reactance
Resistance, reactance & impedance
Fleming’s left & right hand rule
Interference & diffraction
Interference & diffraction pattern
Different types of EM radiations
Metals, semiconductors & insulators on the basis of band theory
Half Wave Rectifier & Full Wave Rectifier
Important Conceptuals
✓ Effect on C,V,Q,E & U on inserting a dielectric slab between the plates of capacitor with battery
connected/ disconnected
Upasna Chandra
✓ Effect of temperature on drift speed of relaxation time
✓ Ratio of drift speed in series & parallel
✓ dW = 0 on an equipotential surface
✓ Effect of temperature on magnetism
✓ Induced emf and current using Lenz’s law
✓ Effect on fringe width in interference & diffraction
Important Graphs
Variation in resistivity with temperature
Representation of EMW
Upasna Chandra
Photoelectric Effect
Upasna Chandra
Variation in De broglie wavelength
Curve of Nuclear forces and potential energy with separation between nucleons:
Pn junction diode
Upasna Chandra