3b Estimators of μ and σ

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(xl) r(Afqd of s. ln Furo it r'ra !e glo.rrrr th.r,t X"-AUf:fo-

C - t ffi 0=I*; X\1ffi
i.--,bgil WJ--f, ,/ Zw;=t
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-" l^,r* -to ul€ c-r.n 'Q!{rnc{-1 C 6i2 trttt 6aJ -
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to crt:D"f,l: *h.ri{"jr:1TA:f
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bi,r,s -c"rr".**J q ,FEFI
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lV(1n,ot) qte l'.J rpenJer*

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il{,\r€vtt,we Fq}+.t1 k,''.,.r -rhu P{X).W" nueJ exrfrn 1u*}r *tr Hfigrre exti* |r*o*-fl"Jge!

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