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Course Common to All Engineering
Code 2002
Subject Applied Mathematics - II
Year/Sem. Second Semester

Time : 2% Hours ] I Max.Marks : 100

Note : Attempt all three sections. Assume English Version Correct, iI difference in Hindi Versiori.

Section -A (qrrr - 3T)

Note : Atbmpt any Ten qu$tions/ ffi qq gTfr *1 ee o1frq : 7ox2=20

1. Evaluate L, *'-4
x-+2 x-2
qn frord : Lt
*2 -4
x-+2 x-2

1-2tanx find the (o\

2 If f (x) = , of f
1 . r r-.. , "atue IZJ
1-2tanx - /z) tFT rlFI eilrq
1x; = 1.2t*r_ * t IZJ
zrR f I

3 Intbgrate : J
( r- cos 2 r ) dr
rFilifiln drqq : J
(1 - cos 2r) dr

d*.ir't-' I

( Find the value of ,
I Turn Over
6 Find the rank and degree of the differential equation

=o+1*ifr nqr qn qar{

#-*', r

7 ffy--ax2+bx+c,ft d
qfty=6f +bx+cd
# *crtFrdEir

iea* sinbx=----+c
9. Integrate :
i* dx
10. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y = 312
ffi y =: x2o1 svi tor o1 eqq-ot al6 6lfvq r

11. The marks obtained by the students of a class in mathematics is as follows :80,90,55,85, 90.
Find the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained.
tq"S +,m d s en) gnr r&rd ql c0il *
yr<i+. fiq-s-(t : 80,90,55,85,90
fryqffigqpegrcmt r

72. Write down the relation between mean, median and mode.
qqnirr qrq, qrisq-6r qi E-gr*. d qrq*t rf,r{q 1

Section -B (qrtr - O
Note : Attempt any Five questions. 7 to-ti d-a rfd *l Ag *1frq r 5x 6=30

13. If y = f (x) = g* ,find the value of f (y).
qt< y = f (r) =
2x+3 -
d r g1 +r qn qar{
5;; r

2002 t2l

lo8 *
14. Evaluate: Lt
x-+1 -1I

Lt lo' *
rtFI dn rht :
x-+1 l-a

15. Differentiate er by fir6t principle of differentiation with respect to r.

e'ql ysq kgr< t : * qrQcr er+r'e Wio aro ol r

76. lntegrate: -x +5 dx
vqr*-o-qafcq, -x +5 dx
I e2x+be

-n t2
1.7 . Find the value of Jo sins r . cosS r dr using Gamma function.

qq1 vt1a 6l s6s61 t ['1iru r. cos8 r dr q'r qH ia Et I

18. Solve: (x+y1'^dv

'-'t- = u'

Edft1fqS: (x+y)2fl="'

19. Find out the mode of the following table :

Class Interval 1.0-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Frequency 8 1.2 25 45 11 {)

Section -C(qrrr - T)
Note : Attempt any Five questions. 7 io-ti ufa rril ol ro qllqq r 5x10=50

20. Integrate:
sinx+ sin 2x

' : Jsinx+
qqrq-en qllqq
sin 2x

2002 l3t I Turn Over

27 I y= sinbl prove *, #-'* + (a2 + b2; v = 6

{ft y=
"a' ";r.,
6* 6 6s +lf<q,
# -^?r+ (a2 + b2; v=s

22. Find the equation of tangent and normal to the

+* t 3y' = 24 at the Point (16'
ellipse 2)

orFtiq ql q+drgl 31-c +lfvqt

d{Td 4x2 + ay2 = 2a$ fqg (.6, z) ed tsr \ts

and maximum volume is equal to the

23. Show that the height of a closed cylinder oI given surface
diameter of the base.
"nl4log (1 + tan x) dx = 7t
24. Prove that: Jo , log 2

.n 14 ,t
fre*ti+: Jo log(1 +tanx) dx=flog2

25. Find the valueof t'#;"* usingTrapezoidalrule'

qki{t{qqi. iot'*z
o- *rqnirdatl 1

26. Find out Rank correlation coefficient from the following table :

frq qruft +1 vo+ar i rlfr vt qq*l yiq- 15r *1fvq :

x 60 34 40 50 45 4L 22 43 42 66 64 46

75 32 34 40 45 72 30 q,7
v -1-,, 36 72 41

,F rt ri *:r

t4l 13450
Course Common to all EngineeringBranches
Code 20u
Subject Applied Mathematics - II
Year/Sem Second Semester
Time : 2% Hours l I Max,llarks : 100
Nole : Assume English Yersion Correct, if dilference in Hindi Version,

Section - n (rrt-u)
Note : Attempt any Ten questions. /ftrdf Tfl crqt o] fa olfuq t 10x2=20


value of

li* i-l
(x) = /og"x, then show
qR"ft l=/og"xd

/iz i-l =l
r-)0 x
= t or qn qorgt
that:f (uv) = log"u + log"v
MA fu:/(av)

# -'J


3 fi y = o r2,then showthat, rff =z I

uRy=or2, d ffit fu: r*=r,
4 Find out slope oftangent at the point ( 3, I ) ofthe curvel +Sf = tl.
qfr x2 + 5 )? = 14. d fuS t 3, I ) q{ Frf tqr o1 c-a"rilr aro otfrri t

5. Find the value of

& ? 6r qFr 56 o1fuvt

i x
6. Inthepropertyofdefinitelntegrut lf {i e -O,ifl(x) is
Definite Integral d propertyli j,f t ) a,= O,oe f(x)r.tsr;t iFn
I Tum Over

7 Write down order and degree ofthe given differential equation -, = O

a qd\ 3rilfd qfi-f,{ur *-r=0 ol mq.r.r tltf, fuM I


8. Simpson's rule is used for calculating

fuq€-{ ftqq ol gq?iFI qu5qr fr fu-qr qror t t

9. Necessary and sufficient condition for differential equation Mdx + Ndy = 0, to be an exact is

BrrrrDEr qfi-f,wl Mah + Ndy = o d qertq di o1 orqrco qfrT+T t

10. Write down formula for Co-efficient of rank correlation
yrio or {r fufui I

II . Find out median of the marks obtained by students in mathematics, if their marks are such that:
irR Erit grr rrFrd ftq-q fr crw Gi6 ftq tr6R t d qrko'r sro otM :

50, 40, 45, 42, 48, 49, 44, 46, 39

12. Ifmean and median ofa distribution is 12 and 16'5 respectively then find out its mode.
op fta-rq or qrET 12 dqr qrk6, 16.5
ftffi t d ss{r
rgd-6 91-6 otM t

Section - e (.Tr.I-q)

Note : Attempt any Five questions./ffi[ dfs ss-it o] ra o1fuq t 5 x6=30

13. (a) Evaluate li- x3 -l

r-+l I-l

ri* *3-,1
crq Erd sifuc I
r-+l I-l

(b) Differentiate w.r /. x :

x d srier ord?FFFr oiftg :

tan -l x
v e

2fi2 121
lrtl Ify = A cos 2x + B sin 2x, then prove that : -|
lu + 4y = O
qR y: e cos 2x + B sin 2x d fu< dfrC fu : ll++y =o

15. Find the equation of tangent and normal for the curve x2 + /2: 36 , at the point ( 2, 1).
Tp a2 + y2:36 si ft-g ( 2, t ) w r{ftf den c{ft-dq tqr or qfi-f,r"r srd a1frd I

16. Prove that at x=
1 ,l= sinx I cosx )will be maximum also find out mar<imum value of
( +

the function.

fuq mm fu r=; lt , y=sinx(l +corx) rr*q drnf,eTI mEFI irtrrEffirrqrq

fr mn otftrtr
lan -lI
Integrate (qcr6d{ 6}ffi ) : (a) I dx (b) I e
17. l+ sin2x dx
1+ x2

18. Solvethe givendifferential equation ( erroa sfifl'r oi ra o1fut I = -

19. If mean of the given @uency distribution is 25, then find out unknown @uencies, when sum
ofall frequencies ( X/) is 160.
sR fri ,ri 3{qft froqq m qrq 2s t dt ersro ry6 otftrt q-cfu grfr
orqfra} ol qtrr 160tt
Class 0- 10 l0-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
1a,f arctra)

/ Frrgft) 17 fl 32 f2 l9

Section - c(trm-s)
Note : Attempt any Five questions/ftr€f dfs csqt o] ra dfuq t 5x l0=50

20. lfy= x+ x+ x+ I+____co ,thenshowthat : (2y -|)+

= L

qR v= .r+ x+ I+ r+____oo dfuqdfrrt fu:(2y-rr*=,

2002 I3I I Tum Over


21. prove that maximum *ru" or (|)' i, ,t".

frq o1fua a (])'* rrEETrI qrq r'l" EY'nl

22. lntegratefsqrf,d-{ o1M) : !sin3x&

23. Evaluate ( qrq gra o1ffi ) , J srna 0 cos6 O de (using gamma function)

24 Solve the given Differential Equati on ! *2y ,rrx = sinx

fi rrfi erao-s t$fi-f,{"r
fr tr, tanx: sinxol ra o-t} t

25. Calculate, by Simpson's rule on approx the Value of the integral O, *,ng ten equal
[ ft ,


q,Tr-o-@ i I +x -qr{, (fl

Jo I
6Nrct{ Grtr-{rEI *A gn, fuqsc ftqq qff wwror t sro

o1M t

26. The following table shows the ranks of l0 students according to their achievements in practical
and theory paper's of science. Find the Co-efficient of rank conelation.

ftq qr"ft to f+enfdfut 01 t-6 vc-d fugpq 6 Practical eltt rn"o.yd eiot d ernm
q{ q{rffr B I Co-efficient of rank correlation 5;6 dfug I

Practical 8 J 9 ) 7 l0 4 6 1 5

Theory 9 5 10 1 8 7 J 4 2 6


2002 t4I 13500



Course Common to ell
Code 2002
Subject Applied Maths-II
Year/Scm. II Semester
Time:2%Hrs. M.M.:lfi)
Note : All questions are compulsory.
cte : rrrff crq slftilrd Bt

I Attempt any fourparts. (at$ qn qrtr ?fffuq) 5x 4=20

1a) tf /(r) =;il then find the value of /(sc0)

qfE /(r)= j; d 1sece1qil qrq vr( dfrBt

4 4
(b) Findthevalueof ti. f -a
x- -a-
'Y.** ?n qrq Hrtr iF* I

(c) Find the l3o 1losfl + .r) .

liolrg(t + x) oI qrt Erf, 6q) |
(d) Differentiate w. r. to r- 7xa -4logi*s .

r A cilH BrqiDGFt End 6r) 7x< - 4logi''

(e) Differcntiate 2r3 with the help of first principle of diffcrtntiation.
2x3 6T st-{6-d[q qqq ftr€rril *
dfuc I
2. Attemptanyfourparts@}{ an wr dfuV) 5 x4=20
I + sin:
(a) Differentiate w. r. to .r-
I - sinr
l+sinx ot x d qrta sffio-tr{ dF.{ct
I - sinr

DSE/20022016(Sy4 (l) P.T.O.

(b) Differentiats 1ry.1. v- le!
r=3: 6'r r A rrqa srdrsttr{ dfuc I

(c) Ifr = 4cos30,.y = asin30tlren *U*.

sR x - acos3 I .y =asin3O n * cH 5rd qtt t

(d) If y = as6s px + bsirtpx then prou" thut41 + p' y = o

vft y = agsspy + Dsinpx 6 6q dfuv- * r', =o

(c) Find the maxima and minima point of the function 7 =xt - 6x2 +9x +2
wfiq / =13 -6x2 +9x +2 6'r sfuE q frFaE frcE fne dfuS t

3. Attempt any four parts. (+t{ an o"r atfuV) 5x 4=20

(a) Solve j
xa + 2x2 +3

xa +b2 +3
I -_---_-----:- ,k iil qq 5rd otl
(b) Solve j x2x+l &

qil qrq ard 6-tlt
(c) SolveJxe-&.
qr qrr ara o-tt
(d) Find the val* i{'l
"r ', x'
* .

itll *i'r q,o EftT 6q) r

DSE/20022016(Sy4 - (2)

% tt
(e) Prove that
$nr ac =

0 0

rsd ilt J
srn, & - tcosx&
0 0

4. Attemptanytwoparts. (ot{dmtdfrq) l0x2=20

(a) With the help of Simpson's Rule find the value of i4rro=o.rr.
fuqs{ frqq t sriT ott l=o'zs
i* ^qFI

(b) Solve thc differential equati oon ' lft* rtany = 33

q?IirEFI qfr6{ur o' lfi* rwr.y=x3 6) 5g dlUV t

(c) Solve the differential equationx(x + iff= il, + l).

33r5-d Hfi-6.rur x1x + y1ff= y@ + y)ol ra o* I

5. Attempt any two parts. f+t{ d w.r dfrV) l0x2=20

(a) Find out Aritbmetic mean of the following table

ad er<tra
2o-25 2510 30-35 35+0 40-45
Class Interval

8 t0 12 20 l1

DSU2002/2016(Sy4 (3) P.T.O.


@ \
O) Find out standard deviation of the following table--
frt gq d6€i $ qrr6 f++ac ard ott
x: 10, 11, 17, 25, 7, 13, 21, 10, 12, 14.

(c) Integrate
! logsinx &

I logsinxdr Or qqro-rC dfuq


DSE/20072016(Sy4 (4)
, @
I _l


Course Common To All Engineering Branches
Code 202
Subject Applied Mrthemetics - II
Year/$em. II Semester (Old Course)
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M.: 100
Nole : Attempl live questlons lnclading question Na I whlch is compulsory.
rta: ffrd cf{ rri'+} ro +1&qr nq t'sr l qherd lr
l. Solve any ten parte- l0x2 = 20
ffi es qr+ +t cc alFqq-

(a) subtrao/uast,
[: :] [; i]
(D) rf (qft) A= 0 , find transpose of A.

(c) Determine median for the following / ffifue * clk6r arc dftg :

t4, 34, 6, 34, 42, 28, t02, 0, 25, 34, 1l

1a1 trof =zi-j+[, oE=si':j*i,find(miTo.t) AB.

(e) Find the onder (*18) ofthe differential equation :

(/) Laplace transform of I is ............... .

li5I AIqIrfi Sqrtr{or t ................ I

G) If (qR) y = x3, thcn (re) calculatc $.

(tr) Find the mode of the numbers : 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, l, 6, 2, 7, 2
ffi 2, 3, d 2, 3, t, 6, 2,7,24t rero am dfct r

o ll=
DSU2o2l2oIs(s)/l (r) IP,TO.l
(,1) Find the relation between B and 7 (gama) function.
p (+et) G r 0lrqr) $-fr{ $ qq;E R@1
(r) i,i = j, j=[,.[ =..........
(I) If /, m, n are direction cosines (dc's) of a line. Find the vlue of P + m2 + n2.
qfr /, m, n fr;ff tat t
q+' #",qr fr iz + m2 + n2 6r qrq ftfut r
) Attempt any two parts- 2xl0 = 20
I 2
(a) Find the inverse of the matrix A = 2 J
I I il
) 5
qra$ A= .,
3 I 6r gd5'r (Aj)Enrd dFdq I


I 2 I
(6) Veri$ Caley-Hamilton theorem for matix A = 0 J
I 2 I
qrq6 A= I 0 3 + fds+n+fufr riq al roftcdFrcr
2 -l I

sin A sin B sin C

(c) Prove = , =? by vectormethod.
+€rFdEu Y=Y=$
3. Attempt any two 2xl0 =20
at{ s} ss Eil dftq-
(a) Find the shorGst dis{ance of the lines :
x-l y-2 z-3 x-2 y-4 z-4
and (eqr)
2 34 345
DSU20U201S(Syl (2)

(r) Ir (qfr) , = r,-'[H), *.n 0,o," that (fr Rra dftq) :

ar at
Ax 'Ay
(c) Ifa= 2i-3j+ai andb= i+j-[,thenfind lixSl'
lfra= zi-rj+4[ avrb: i+j-i,fr 1dx61 eiqrtslrfr*Fdgr
4 Attempt any two parts- ' 2x10=20
ql$ sl s"5 Eil diqC-
(a) Solve the differential equation /frq q-+oa-t tft*Iut 6fi diwg r

(l +x2)dy=(l +f)dx
(D) If (qfr) u=3x+2y-1v =x-2y+4w=x(x +2y-z)find (srmd@:
6(u, v, w)
(c) Find L (3f - 2 sin 3t + 4e).
t5i|;r L (3t2 - 2 sin 3t + 4e) 16I FIIFITS E1il<RET HkT dPtig I

5 Attempt any two parts- 2xl0 = 20

ot{ s"s Eil dfrC-
(a) Find median (qlk+r) and mode (rgro) for the iollowing table :
Numbers I o-ro
0-r0 l0-20 20-30 3040 40-50

lz ro I
Find standard deviation for the following table

7 3

frq ilffrqr irr qt=rtr frreq Erfr dFqg :

Numbers 0-4 4-8 8-12 l2-16 t6-20
Frequency I oI ,o l2 l0 I
(c) Find Karl earson's coefiicient ofcorrelation for variable x & y :
qd xil:fi ftC 6d
v* M'r
rasqq gqf.5 61-6 6{ :
! 2 4 5 6 8 ll
Y l8 l2 l0 I 7 5

DSEa02/2015(S)/1 (3)
e 6 Attempt any two parte- 2xl0 = 20
fi s) E s 5e dffrv-
(a) Prove that:
a b+cl
b c+al=o
c a+bl
(6) Solve given equation by matrix method :

orqr frfu * fr,r rfi-owil * rr dfrg :

7x * y - z= 0, l0x -2y + z = 8, 6x+ 3Y -22= 7
(c) Solve the differential equation :

q-{6'fr{ {+6{sr ro drfrg :

dxt dx
7 Attempt any two partF- 2xl0 = 20
*t{ d oo-e ro dfrg :

(a) Solve that folloriving equation by Cramer Rule :

*qtftqqlP1 sftaurEfrdfrg:
x + y + z= 7,x+ 2y + 3z= 16, x+ 3y + 4z= 22
(6) If P = x2 + yz + l,
then find grad ro.
qfr =;z a yz a l, *
grad r" r5r qFr iril #dg I

(c) Find'

DSE/202/2015(S)/1 (1)

Subject Code : 202

Common to all the Branches of Engin eering
Applied Mathematics - II
Second Semester
Time: 3 Hours I I Max.Marks : 100
Note : Afie-mp1 any five questions, including question
no.l which is compulsory.
oN qi-q c$r Efr afuc, cyr sqr .r

Attempt any Ten Questions :

fu6 <q qs-{i oi ro dfuqr
(a) Write down cramer,s nrle of solving linear
tsq sfi6-i,,tid re rnri a nA "#"*; # q* fufuir
(b) ,r,@
lz xl [r 21 [: sl
,] L,
,l =1, I, t)
then find the value ofx andy (d x deTI y O.r qFI Erd qtffi l)
(c) Find out Rank of Matrix (orffi qfi qrft Art aftm l) , ,s =lz I
,l lo ,
(d) tr li+! =
li - Tl tt "n p.ove that i and 6 are perpenaicom tl eu.t, otr,e. '

vR [+!= E-El, d tuc o-r) tu ; oen 6 ro qut w aq dr

(e) Writedownleibnitz'srheorem ('*Ea* rf+ fufut f)
(0 Provethat (fuq otm fu') : aivi=:
G) W^rite down order and degree ofthe differential equation -

(fr g-{ q-q-6-d H+fiur ol m-q q srd fuM) [,.[::)']'=.,lpl'
Write Necessary and Sufficient condition for differential equation Mdx+ Nd),= 0, to be exact ?
3ffif,d sft-f,{ur Mdx+Nd/=0\16 qelfer w$-6-rur t f qgd ftri errqr+o qfu{+T
fttui r

G) L{coszt}=
0) f, "-'x'-t
(k) Write down fourier series and formula for its constants a o, a , , b , .

slft{i *"ft ftfud opn sqrd s1q{ rgr'1q. ao,a,,b- d qe,fi frMr
0) Marks obtained by some students, in a subject are as follows -
qo urai ErtT ffi frqq d sr<io ftq n-on t
Marks (ero) 20 2l 22 23 24 25
No. ofstudentsffifqi d do 1 J 5 7 4 3

Finditsmode ({fl ile-c 6l {gd6 srd stM)


2 Attempt any Four Parts : 5x4=20-

ftr€t qrqlTni 41ra dfug :

(a) By using cramer's mle, solve the following system ofequations -

dqr n-qq ol w6r+or e ft-q qffi oi ra o1ftri -
5x-y+ 4z= 5, 2x+ 3y + 5z=2, 5x-2y t 6z=-1
1 2 2

(b) rf (qR) I = 2 I 2 , then prove that (d fu{ +tfud @, ,q2 - 4 A- 5 I = 0

2 2 I

(c) Find out Rank of the matrix :

16 3 4 7l
(fte erqr 01qrfr srd otm) l, 1o r)
(d) Prove that vectors i , +a-T+27 and -6i+5T+4i are co-planer.
3i + T +5

fuq o-t fu a-qer 3i+E+si , qa-i+27 *s -oi+s6++i lrrafiq tt

(e) Find out Area of a parallelogram ABCD, whose Adjecent sides n-A = 'l * Zf + S t una

Ad= st- zf . *t
qqmi a-Efq ABCDo-r eteq-d Erd dftt q-{F6. vs+1 eir*rq gqril qiqqr:

Ad= t* z?* gt uitr Ad= et- zf *t t r

3 Attempt any Four Parts : 5x4=20

ft,€i qrq qrqt d r.rq fifuc :

(a) ,r.",-'[;)=,,"r(i),,n."o.vethat x2
#. -ff* n,y - o

un *.-r(;)=,,"r(;),d tud or tu x2 n,y

#..#* - o

(b) rf (zrR) z - y2 6n-1/ - y2 tun-l x

x v
o-u *2-y2
thenprove that (d fuA 6t fu) - )1
a-oy= x'+y'

(c) rr (uR) u = ,"r["] I , rhen prove that (d '- o-t.

\ fu€ fu)
/ ry0x +y 0u I
[x+//" oy

202 421
.. (d) lf x+ y+z -u, y+z=tlv, Z = llwy, then find out Jacobian of vrVWw.r.t
x, y, z.
qR x+y+z=u, y+z-uv, Z = ltvw,d r,r,o orffifuqq ,,y,rd
wrta gro o1ffi r

(e) Dnlsin(ax+b)l
4 Attempt any Four Parts: 5x 4:20
ftr€ en qr'il S
s-* frfug ,

(a) Solvethediffercnriat equations (fte ero-o-a wfi-sxoi o) fa dfuq) -

(, lL="r-y +12"-! (ii)

. .dv 1
(b) Solve (Ed ot): p2-SO+6)y=s4x
(c) Solve (EeI ot) : (D2-+; y = 12
(d) Find out (gn offtri) : L{etsinrt}

(e) Find out (wro alfirdl , .-' {. ,it , ] . }

5 Attempt any Four Parts: 5x 4:20
ft;€t srt qFrt d sus dfrg ,

(a) -t/
Find the value of /2 7t
/2 deIT 5/, or qrc Ekr otmt r

(b) Sorve (6d o1m)- !: ox *5 / 2 7*

(c) Show that Y = 2xyz i + (xzz+ 2y) j+ xzy k is a inotational vectorpoint fi.rnction.

@ fu v = z *y, l * 622 + 2y) ! * *2y t go. rWt+o t-et ft'g tn-o<

(d) Prove that functi ons u = xy + xz, tt = yc * yz andw = zx - zy are functionally dependent
also find the relation.
fu€ dfu fu qd{ u=xy*xz,v=p+yzeitt *=r*-ryl sil{ s-f,fiq Hq,er
t nqr nqq fr corritt
(e) Abag contains 14 balls. 3 Red, 7 White and 4 black in colour. If three balls are drawn at
random, then find the probability ttnt three balls are similar in colour.
t tt t
c6 ?tA r+ r fuqfr 3 Fnrr, 7 q6-E den e orfr r qfr vfi srer fi-{
t tt
ftorfr qdt, d frt v6 A v'r fr 6f, {ff-+t crfuo-dr ara sfrmr
202 t3I I Turn Over
6 AtremptanyFourParts (fu-€l qn qFrf d vfl {fuC) , Sxa=?H

(a) lf xxyr2z:c,thenshowthat at x:y:2, -(x log ex )-l

tft vxrr "'-c . aifuq 6-t fu . x-y=2.* #* = -1xlog ex )-l
(b) By the given table find mean and median-
frq H|quft d Am sqrrert rtTEzI deTT qTfufr Frd 6-t -
Class Interval zlri 3li=lt-fc{ 8-l0 t0-12 t2-14 14-16 16- l8 18-20 20-22

Frequency ql-{qfadl 6 10 14 27 17 10 6

(c) Find equation ofa plane which passes through the intersection ofthe planes x +2y +32 = 4
md 2x + y - z+5 = 0 and perpendicular to the plane 5 x + 3 y + 6z + 8 = 0 .

d qffi-ffi tqr € 6t4rr qrar t dqr srrcter 5x +3y + 62 + 8 = 0 rR dq t I

(d) Find out equation ofa sphere such that the co-ordinates ofthe diameter ofthe sphere are
(2, -3,1) and (3,-r,2)
ss rild 5y qft6rur srd f,t ffi zqrs d frrt d frfu6 (2,-3,1) tterr
(3,-1,2 ) B I

(e) By vector method prove that Cos (cr + B) = Cos o Cos B - Sin cr Sin p
rrR{r frB t fu€ o-t fu Cos (a+ B) = CosoCos p -Sincr Sin B

7 AttemptanyTwo Parts (fu-df d,rTrrt) d vrrs €fu( ) : t0x2:20

(a) lf y =s mcos-lx,showthat- (l- xz)yn*Z-(2n+l)xyn*a-(n2 + m21yn
qft y=emcos-lx d fu€ omd fr -
(t- xz)/n+z-(2n+l)xyn*,-(n2 + m2lyn _ g
O) Solve the differenrial equation (ero-oa efr-o-*"r o) fa dftN) :

*rd,r{ _z*lL_4v_x4
dx" dx
(c) Find fourier series for the function (x) =x , L < x <
"f -
fttt 'ri qqc, f(x) =x, - jt < x < 7t A frri qiRw ffi

q,t enqfl. otftrdr

I4I 16190

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