week 13
week 13
week 13
SUBJECT: Physics GRADE: 11S-11T TIME: WEEK: 13 DATE: 2024-11- 25/29 TOPIC/SUBTOPIC: Series and parallel circuits
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: students understand circuits and basic calculations involving simple circuits
Specific Objectives Content Teacher's Activities Student's Activities Resources Evaluation
After viewing the What is Rectification? Introduction: Introduction: Concise
PowerPoint and • - Rectification is the process of -greet students - students greets teacher Revision
attempting the converting alternating current (AC) to - Instruct students to prepare for - Students prepare for lesson by sitting Course
worksheet, Grade direct current (DC). lesson and preparing notebooks CSEC Physic,
11 students will: • - Essential in powering electronic devices - Recap previous class notes. - Ask questions and participate in By Peter
that require DC. - reviewing previous work. DeFreitas,
• - Achieved using components such as Stage 1: pg,44
Define diodes. - introduces lesson Stage 1:
rectificatio Why we use rectification ? - State objectives through a ppt - listen attentively
n and • The current that run through our - Brainstorm students on topic by -Copy objectives in notebooks Power Point
differentiat powergrids is A.C. current. asking the question: does anyone -Answer questions by raising of hands
e between • Our electronic devices are powered by know what ac and dc are? Smart board
half-wave D.C. current. - Does anyone know where ac and dc
and full- • Rectification is used in to convert the ac is used ?
wave current from the powergrids to the dc
rectificatio current our devices use .
n during the Components of a Rectifier Circuit
• - Diode: Allows current flow in one Stage 2: Stage 2:
worksheet - give students notes on topic -copy notes
direction, essential for rectification.
exercise • - Transformer: Steps up or steps down - explain notes Listen attentively while sitting still
with 90% the input voltage. - instructs students to ask questions Ask questions pertaining to lesson
accuracy. • - Capacitor: Smooths the rectified DC - show video on topic Copy examples in their notebooks
Identify output by reducing ripples. Pay attention to video and inquire
and • - Load Resistor: Consumes the output
explain the power.
function of Waveforms Stage 3: Stage 3:
key • - Input: Sinusoidal AC wave. - - collect worksheet
component • - Half-Wave Rectifier: Output contains give students individual worksheet Complete exercise on worksheet
positive half-cycles only. - Instruct students to complete Ask for clarity on questions
s in a
• - Full-Wave Rectifier: Output contains worksheet Ask for guidance
rectifier - Guide students through problems
both positive half-cycles.
circuit they are not clear about.
(diode, - Allow students to ask questions
r) during Conclusion: Conclusion:
the collect worksheet - give worksheet to teacher
worksheet Mark worksheet - Allow teacher to mark worksheet
exercise, Clarify problems that students are having - Engage in recap of lesson
trouble with. - Ask questions
with at least
Recap lesson by summarizing work done. - Copy homework
80% Give homework.