7. Case Studies on Green Institutional Buildings in India
7. Case Studies on Green Institutional Buildings in India
7. Case Studies on Green Institutional Buildings in India
Resource efficiency is a prerequisite to sustainability in the built environment. Various codes, standards,
manuals used by public agencies for design and execution of projects, and educational curriculum for graduate
studies require integration of green building principles. However, detailed case studies on prevalent building
envelope and energy system design strategies in the Indian context are required for education of students and
practitioners. This paper documents envelope and energy system details of three public sector institutional
buildings in the composite climate zone of India. Since these are government buildings, their environmental
performance has been evaluated using the GRIHA green building rating system. The information is published to
provide an education tool for various stakeholders.
Keywords - case studies, green building, GRIHA rating
Date of Submission: 01-09-2022 Date of Acceptance: 12-09-2022
architects may attempt to understand and advance
I. INTRODUCTION for their own academic or real-life projects. While
Detailed green building case studies serve several case study publications by the Central Public
as an important education tool for students and Works Department (CPWD) -an authority within the
practitioners, and allow for future project planning, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government
and data collection ahead of time. This paper of India, and GRIHA Council provide information
documents building envelope and energy system on the design approach, highlight overall strategies
design strategies implemented by three government for GRIHA compliance and provide guidance for
GRIHA rated institutional buildings in New Delhi. projects in India- detailed specifications, and
GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated examples to help learn and facilitate code
Habitat Assessment) rating framework is an compliance is not available. Popular media articles
evaluation tool for measuring and rating a building‟s repeatedly publish and highlight the same buildings,
environmental performance. It facilitates design and which accentuates the need to dissimilate
evaluates a project through its life cycle including information about green building projects that have
pre-construction, building planning and construction, not been documented so far.
and operation and maintenance stages. In addition to In this paper, project case studies include
reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from details include building specifications (building size,
buildings, GRIHA helps projects to optimise level of performance as per GRIHA rating, year of
electricity consumption while meeting comfort construction and occupancy, and cost of the project),
requirements, reduce dependence on fossil fuel- and green building features (architectural design,
based electricity and reduce stress on natural building materials (envelope and interiors), and
resources. Other benefits of GRIHA rated buildings building energy systems (visual, thermal, and other
include direct health benefits like reduced air and systems). All three projects are in the composite
water pollution. climate zone and provide useful insights into the
Green building case studies are prevalent sustainability linked practices in the Indian
instrumental in providing information for enhanced construction sector.
understanding, increasing the body of knowledge,
and disseminating information on design strategies II. METHODOLOGY
around resource efficiency in the built environment. To meet objectives of the paper, approach
They often outline new solutions to meet various towards case study selection, data collection, and
building and energy codes, which students and scope of research is provided below.
Case study selection has been done on the basis such buildings as per categorisation in the CPWD1
that (i) the building area is more than 20,000sqm (ii) Maintenance Manual 2019. Since three out of four
projects are code compliant and have received shortlisted projects have been described, the paper
environmental clearance and GRIHA rating, (iii) provides useful insights into the prevalent envelope
located in composite climate zone, (iv) day use, and energy system linked strategies used to achieve
public sector, institutional projects, and (v) more resource efficiency in the buildings.
than 40% of occupied built up area is air Table 4.1 describes key information about these
conditioned. buildings. Subsequent sections describe the detailed
Four projects located in Delhi meet the above- building characteristics, level of GRIHA provisional
mentioned criteria, however data was available only rating, year in which the project was completed, and
for three shortlisted projects. total project costs incurred. To systematically
Data collection for selected buildings is based on: understand the case study buildings, their details
Review of primary documents (for have been presented in two sections:
construction and operation) including (i) tendered Building specifications: Explains the
Bill of Quantities (BOQ) issued by the government building‟s size, level of performance as per GRIHA
agency, (ii) final agreement between government rating, year of construction and occupancy.
agency and contractor, and (iii) final bill under Green building features: Details the
agreement between contractor and government architectural design, building materials (envelope
agency. and interiors), and building energy systems (visual,
Questionnaire based interviews conducted thermal, and other systems). This section also
with green building consultants and concerned provides information on compliance with various
government officials of each project. components of the Energy Conservation Building
Code (ECBC) 2007 namely, U value for wall
Broad categories for project data collection include: assembly, external window assembly and lighting
General project details including cost power density.
Envelope details
o Wall, fenestration, and roof Table 1: Key information about the case studies;
Internal lighting Source: Compiled by Priyanka Kochhar
o Connected lighting load, type of lamp, Date
Buil Built-up Total Project Salient
fixtures, and ballasts, and lighting controls ding Area Cost
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning •GRIHA 5
o Total tonnage, HVAC design parameters, Star
type of HVAC system (provisional)
• Optimal
Electrical system design North-South
o Total connected load, capacity of DG set, orientation
and building management system (BMS) • WWR=
• Daylight
While several parameters contribute to achieving integration
resource efficiency in any given project, this study • Self-shading
31,400 (Rs.63,670/sq
focuses on documentation of active and passive • EPI:
m2 m)
design strategies that contribute to climate change Buil G
mitigation and adaptation. Other parameters ding +7 Civ 2014
• 930KWp
1 3 il:63.45cr
included in GRIHA rating towards sustainability but rooftop solar
basement (31.74%)
excluded for the purpose of this study are outdoor power plant
s Elec.:23.51cr
• Chilled
lighting, power related infrastructure (transformers (11.76%)
beams for air
etc.), renewable energy, landscape/ site works, water conditioning
saving measures during construction, water works • Geothermal
inside the building/plumbing, rainwater harvesting, heat exchange
and waste management. • LED
This section describes the three government • Robotic car
parking in
institutional projects in Delhi identified for detailed
case study for the purpose of this research. These
buildings represent „Normal Office‟ non-residential Central Public Works Department, Government of
India responsible for execution of public works for
Government of India
produced by the heat pumps was insufficient for the Wood and PVC work for fenestrations
building heat load, in the event of low external All windows in the building are Un-plasticised Poly
temperatures, then the additional heat needed was to Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) windows with double
be provided by modular condensing gas-fired boilers glazed units. UPVC windows use recycled material,
which were designed to meet peak loads and give have low embodied energy, and low thermal
full back-up. When working in heat transfer mode, conductivity. The hermetically sealed double-glazed
the heat pumps had a maximum combined COP units (made of 6 mm thick outer toughened offline
(40% cooling / 60% heating) of 6.5. The energy coated advanced solar control and thermal insulation
efficiency ratio (EER) (cooling mode, full load) was glass + 12 mm dehumified air gap + inside 6 mm
2.75 and Heating COP (full load) was 2.31. The thick heat strengthened clear float glass) provide
boiler seasonal efficiency was 95.6%. high visual transmission and lower the heat gain.
There were two heating loops planned, one constant To meet the GRIHA rating requirement of heat load
temperature loop that ran at a fixed flow temperature reduction and achieve 40% energy savings, the U-
of 45°C and weather-compensated variable value of external window assembly is 1.5 W/m2K
temperature loop that ran at a maximum of 65°C (ECBC 2007 requirement: 3.3 W/m2K). The visual
during boost time. Underfloor radiant heating was light transmittance (VLT) is 0.59. With a Solar Heat
provided in circulation and communal areas and Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.31 of double glazing
trench heaters supplied heating to all offices and and appropriate shading design, achieved SHGC of
meeting rooms. Cooling for space conditioning, only fenestration is 0.25.
provided for meeting rooms, was supplied by chilled Roof
beams. The roof assembly in the building has been provided
Natural ventilation was the primary form of with a three-layer insulation system, bringing down
ventilation and was provided by vents which were the U-value of the assembly. After laying the
controlled via a BMS, based on CO2 concentration conventional brick koba treatment on the roof top,
and air temperature. A night-cooling strategy was the surface is subsequently covered with PUF (Poly
specified to keep the open-plan offices cool in Urethane Foam insulation) and heat reflective tiles.
summer. Manually openable vents were also A terrace garden to slow down run off, keep the
provided. Toilets and other enclosed occupied building cool and ameliorate the urban heat island
spaces had dedicated mechanical exhausts. effect is also provided on the 7th floor of the
3.1.2 Green features of the building building.
Building material Building energy systems
Brick work for walls Indoor lighting and control sensors
All the outer walls on Northern and Southern sides The lighting system of this building is designed with
of the building are double wall units with rockwool LEDs, T5 lamps and sensor controls, in such a way
insulation in between. The outer walls are made of that the Lighting Power Densities (LPDs) in all
AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks and the spaces are much less than the benchmark values
inner walls with FaLG (Flyash Lime Gypsum) specified in ECBC 2007. Daylight sensors (lux level
bricks. 50mm thick rockwool insulation is provided sensors) are provided in all areas along the outer
between the outer and inner walls. building envelope where daylight is available most
The outer walls on Eastern and Western sides of the of the time. Occupancy (motion) sensors are used in
building (where most of the non-occupied spaces all areas located away from the outer building
and select offices are located as thermal buffer) are envelope, where natural daylight is not available. All
made of single walls with rockwool insulation on the the workstations and toilets in the building are with
inner side, covered with gypsum board. occupancy sensors with turnoff time of 5 minutes in
All other outer wall facing the internal courtyard are steps of 1 minute, covering a functional radius of 6m
single walls with AAC blocks to provide better for each sensor.
thermal insulation. The internal walls and those Luminous efficacy of each type of LED lamp fixture
around the service shafts are provided with FaLG used is varying from 50 to 87 lm/W against the
bricks to ensure adequate fixity for doors, windows, GRIHA benchmark of 50 lm/W and that of T 5
and service lines. lamps is 57 to 85 lm/W.
The entire vertical building envelope is thermally HVAC
insulated, and all filler walls are fly ash based. The 64% of the building superstructure is air conditioned
U -value of wall assembly of the insulated building and designed for both cooling and heating. The air
envelope is 0.37 W/m2K (ECBC 2007 requirement: conditioning load is estimated to be 400 TR for
0.44 W/m2K). which two water cooled screw chillers (1 working +
1 standby) of 240 TR each and one 200 TR water
screw chiller have been installed for chilled beam multi-storey (B+G+5) building is a composite
system. structure of RCC and structural steel. It comprises
The chilled beam system is designed to heat or cool lecture halls with 500, 300, 150, 60 and 30 seating
large buildings where pipes of water are passed capacities, laboratories for physics, chemistry,
through a “beam” (i.e. heat exchanger) suspended a biology, applied mechanical, computers, humanities,
short distance from the ceiling of a room. As the and design studio along with an auditorium with 500
beam chills the air around it, the air becomes dense seats, and conference rooms. The building is divided
and falls to the floor. It is replaced by warmer air in 5 blocks, A, B, C,D & E by construction/ seismic
moving up from below, causing a constant flow of expansion joints and has been designed to
convection and cooling the room. Heating also accommodate all undergraduate and post graduate
works similarly. students.
This is the first time that chilled beam air
conditioning is provided in any government building
in India. The technique has lower operating costs, is
noiseless, requires reduced air distribution duct
networks and less ceiling space as compared to
forced air HVAC systems that lead to less building
The vertical closed loop system of geo-thermal heat
exchange has been used to bring about load
reduction on the HVAC system. The geothermal
cooling system utilises the advantage of difference
between ambient temperature and the temperature
below ground level. It is a vertical loop system with Figure 2: building 2 image; source: Priyanka
a network of 32mm diameter HDPE (high-density Kochhar, assisted by Kanika Trivedi
polyethylene) U-loops lowered into 180 bores (80 m
deep) spread along the building premises, resulting The whole building is on raft foundation of
in reduction of 160TR load on cooling tower with RCC and designed as compact building to save
subsequent reduction in use of water. energy. It is centrally air conditioned and meets
This technique has been adopted for the first time in GRIHA 4 Star compliance on energy and other
a government building in India. standards. Select features of the building are as
Electrical follows:
The total electrical load of the building is 830kW. RCC framed structure with shear walls
There are two 1000KVA dry type transformers and Cavity walls and double-glazed glass
one step up dry type transformer of capacity 1250 Aluminium doors and windows
KVA provided to supply power from solar panels to External dry cladding in sandstone
NDMC2 grid to make it net zero building. Fire resistant structural glazing and
Two 500 kVA, 415 volts, 50Hz, radiator cooled aluminium composite panel
diesel generator sets for emergency power are Vitrified tile in labs, kota stone in corridor
provided. Further, UPS power has been provided to and granite in foyer
support critical service such as emergency lighting, Acoustic treatment of lecture halls
power points for workstations, security system and Fire alarms, sprinklers, and wet risers
building automation system and NIC server room. Adequate number of lifts in three blocks
Three 120kVA in parallel and one 60kVA UPS have Centrally air-conditioned classrooms and
been provided for server equipment. labs
An integrated building management system to Smart classrooms with projectors and audio
control and monitor the building‟s mechanical and video facilities
electrical equipment such as HVAC, power system, Block A comprising central foyer and entry area has
lift, indoor air quality etc has also been provided. a double height (10.75m) opening. This block is
circular in shape and the RCC structure has circular
3.2 Building 2 beams that are curved in plan along with circular
Building 2 is an important building in an columns (10.75m height).
autonomous public research and engineering Block B is circular in shape and comprises the
institute located in Hauz Khas in South Delhi. The lecture halls. Due to the long spans of lecture halls
(24.3mx21.15m), structural steel plate girders that
2 rest on shear walls have been provided. Built up
New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) is the
municipal council of the city of New Delhi. sections of structural steel are used as primary and
secondary (beams) members. Primary members brick clad with thick stone on the external side and
(plate girders) are supported by RCC shear walls. It plaster on the internal side, resulting in U -value of
consists of 3 lecture halls of 300 capacity on the 0.766 W/m2K (ECBC 2007 requirement: 0.44
ground floor, 4 lecture theatres of 150 capacity and W/m2K).
student lounge on the first floor, 4 lecture theatres of Wood and PVC work for fenestrations
150 capacity and student lounge on the second floor, 24 mm thick double glazed hermetically sealed
4 lecture theatres of 150 capacity and 3 classrooms windows are provided in the Northwest/ Southwest
of 60 capacity on the third floor, and 9 classrooms of sides of the building. Sun louvers are also provided
60 capacity and 9 classrooms with 30 people to reduce the cooling load. Glazing U-value for air-
capacity on the fourth floor. conditioned area: 1.9 W/m2 °K and for common/
Block C is the laboratory block which is an RCC non-air-conditioned area is 5 W/m2 °K. Glazing
structure in rectangular shape (45.08mx17.65m). Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) for air-
The height of each floor is 4.2m, where the main conditioned area is 0.28 and for common/ non air-
structural members are beams and columns. There conditioned area is 0.43. Glazing Solar Coefficient
are 5 laboratories on each floor. for conditioned area is 0.32 and that for
Block D has a composite structure of structural steel common/non-conditioned area is 0.49. the total
and RCC. Due to the long span (42.04mx20.74m), window to wall ratio is 23.5%. To meet the GRIHA
height (8.54m) and circular shaped auditoriums, rating requirement the visual light transmittance
built up sections of structural steel have been (VLT) is 0.39.
provided as primary and secondary members. Plate Roof
girders are supported by shear walls. It comprises an The roof assembly has been provided with
auditorium of 500 capacity on the ground floor (up reinforced cement concrete slab, with 50mm fibre
to mezzanine floor roof slab), an auditorium of 500 glass wool insulation and 150mm brick coba.
capacity on first floor (up to second floor roof slab) Building energy systems
and 2 laboratories on the third floor. Indoor lighting and control sensors
Block E consists of ramp area in between C&B The lighting system of this building is designed with
blocks and B&D blocks. T5 lamps with electronic ballasts and CFLs to
achieve Lighting Power Density (LPD) of 1.5 W/ ft2
3.2.1 Building specifications for Lecture Theatre/Classroom; 1.0 W/ ft2 for
Built on a 19,690sq m site inside the 320 acres Equipment Room and 0.5 W/ ft2 for Miscellaneous
campus, the building has been designed to Areas and meet ECBC 2007 recommended levels in
accommodate a floating occupancy of 2200 students all spaces.
and faculty. It has a total built up area of 45,761sqm HVAC
out of which about 40% is air conditioned. Building 40% of the building superstructure is air conditioned
envelope U-values (W/m2K) were as follows: Wall and designed for central cooling. The air
(thick stone cladding+230mm flyash brick+115mm conditioning load is estimated to be 550 TR for
flyash brick+plaster): 0.766; Window (i.e. glazing in which 3x275 TR variable air volume with water loop
air conditioned area): 1.9 with VLT of 0.39 and chiller system (2 working+1 standby) have been
SHGC of 0.28; Roof assembly (RCC slab with installed.
50mm fibre glass wool +150mm brick coba): 0.596. Electrical
The building design ensures daylight to 51.6% of The total electrical load of the building is 1271kW.
occupied areas and artificial lighting is provided Two diesel generator sets (500kVA+750kVA) are
using T5 lamps with electronic ballasts and CFLs. used for emergency purposes or during power
The LPD achieved is better than ECBC failure.
requirements. The HVAC systems have been There are three 2000KVA dry type transformer and
designed to maintain a room temperature of 24 ± one 1000kVAtransformers provided on site.
1°C. The total cooling load is 550TR, where 3x275 Further, UPS power (100kVA) and integrated
TR variable air volume with water loop chiller building management system has been provided.
system (2 working+1 standby) have been used. The
total load of electrical systems is 1271kW, and an 3.3 Building 3
integrated building management system is also Building 3 is an Indian public sector banking and
provided. financial service company, with its headquarters in
3.2.2 Green features of the building New Delhi, India. It is a Public Sector Undertaking
Building material (PSU) working under Central Government of India
Brick work for walls regulated by Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and
The outer walls of the building comprise a cavity Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
wall made of 230mmflyash brick and 115mm flyash
Table 2: Case study building envelope compliance with relevant section of the ECBC
specifications; Source: Compiled by Priyanka including U-values for external wall and window
Kochhar assemblies, and lighting power densities.
In summary, the research paper documents
three building case studies to achieve the following
• Provide an education tool for students and
practitioners, and
• Showcase envelope and energy system
details, vis a vis compliance with ECBC, building
performance and level of GRIHA rating.