SA 1_Oct QP (2)
SA 1_Oct QP (2)
SA 1_Oct QP (2)
A student mixed 10 cm3 of starch solution with 5 cm3 of amylase solution and kept the tube in a water bath
at 25°C.
The student tested the solution for starch and for glucose every 30 seconds.
(ii) Another student repeated the investigation with the same volumes of solutions and at the same
temperature of 25°C.
Give two other variables that would need to be controlled in the investigation.
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(iii) Both students also included a tube containing 10 cm3 of starch solution with 5 cm3 of distilled water
instead of 5 cm3
of amylase solution.
They tested the solution for starch and for glucose every 30 seconds.
Give one reason why this tube was included in their investigations.
Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct . If you change your mind
about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .
Figure 3 shows some onion cells that have been soaked in a concentrated salt solution.
(iii) The salt solution outside the cell has a higher concentration than the solution inside the cell.
Explain why the cytoplasm shrinks away from the sides of the cell when the cells are in salt solution.
Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct . If you change your mind
about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .
When milk curdles the proteins in the milk clump together and become solid.
As part of an investigation, milk was heated in test tubes to different temperatures using a Bunsen burner.
Two drops of chymosin solution were added to each test tube and the time taken for the milk to curdle
was recorded.
(ii) Explain why the time taken for the milk to curdle decreases from 30°C to 40°C.
(iii) Explain what the expected result would be if two drops of chymosin were added to the milk at 70°C in
the test tube.
(iv) As part of this investigation, test tubes containing only milk were heated to each temperature and no
chymosin solution was added.
State why these test tubes containing only milk were used.
(v) Describe two improvements that could be made to the method of this investigation so that the
optimum temperature for chymosin can be found.
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(i) Which diagram represents the arrangement of the sugar, phosphate and the
base in a DNA nucleotide?
(ii) An allele starts with the DNA sequence ATGCATGTACCG.
Give the sequence of the complementary DNA sequence.
(iii) The length of one DNA nucleotide was measured at 3.3 × 10–10 metres.
Calculate the approximate length of a gene containing 250 nucleotides in nanometres.
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After two hours the student weighed each carrot stick again.
(i) Give one reason why the student used three carrot sticks instead of just one carrot stick.
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The graph in Figure 4 shows the volume of oxygen an athlete absorbs at different running speeds.
Figure 4
(ii) Which uses more oxygen when the running speed of the athlete changes from 4 to 6 km per hour?
A increasing aerobic respiration
B increasing anaerobic respiration
C decreasing aerobic respiration
D decreasing anaerobic respiration
(iii) Explain why the athlete produces lactic acid when running at 14 km per hour.
Figure 5 shows the position of the drop of coloured liquid after ten minutes.
(i) Use information from Figures 4 and 5 to calculate the mean rate of respiration of the maggots in mm
per minute.