Hugh Westrup
Hugh Westrup
Pearl Tesler
Physics Instructor
City College of San Francisco
Paul Kostek
Principal, Air Direct Solutions,
Michael Patterson
Principal Systems Engineer
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Managing Editor
Diana Kenney, M.A.Ed., NBCT, Senior Editor
Dona Herweck Rice, Series Developer
Robin Erickson, Multimedia Designer
Timothy Bradley, Illustrator
Early Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Electric Glow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Your Turn!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Power Hungry
The date was August 14, 2003. The time was late afternoon.
A large part of eastern North America lost power. More than 50
million people had no electricity. Cell phone service went down.
Traffic lights failed. Trains and subways stopped in their tracks.
Service stations couldn’t pump gas. Businesses had to close.
4 Before
Most power was restored within two days. But the blackout
reminded people how much modern life needs electrical energy.
Almost everything we do requires electricity. We need it to travel.
We need it to communicate. We need it for cooking, heating,
and lighting.
After 5
Early Studies
It wasn’t always clear what electricity was or what caused it.
Thales (THEY-leez) was the first scientist to study this great force.
He lived more than 2,500 years ago in Greece. Thales worked with
pieces of amber. Amber is a hard, golden resin found in trees. Thales
rubbed the amber with a cloth. That gave it the power to attract bits
of straw. These were early studies of static electricity. Thales didn’t
know what was going on, but he saw its power.
re skeptical of
At first, scientists we
didn’t have a
Faraday’s work. He
d they couldn’t
college education an
scientist could
believe a self-taught
ng that they
figure out somethi
tually, Faraday
couldn’t. But even
s accurate.
proved his work wa
Electrons on
the Move
Electricity is still fascinating scientists two thousand years after
Thales. But today, it is better understood. All matter is made up of
particles called atoms. Atoms make up everything from our ears to
the air we breathe. They’re very small. Billions of atoms can fit on
the period at the end of this sentence.
It was once thought that an atom is the smallest thing there is.
In fact, the word atom comes from the Greek word atomos, which
means “indivisible.” The truth is that each atom can be divided. It’s
made up of smaller parts called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The protons and neutrons form the nucleus at the center of the atom.
Electrons are smaller and lighter. They move randomly around the
nucleus in sections called orbitals.
Smaller and Smom is not the
know that the at
Today, scientists r and can be divi
pi ec e of m at te
smallest allest piece
ching for the sm
They are still sear atter can
r. So m e scientists think m
of m at te can keep
ite ly di vi de d. That means you
be in fin
splitting matter fo
Electrons are active particles. They can jump from one atom to
another. They can even leap from one object to another. Sometimes,
the atoms in one object lose electrons. Then, that object has a positive
charge. The other object gains electrons. It develops a negative charge.
Static electricity is the resulting buildup of a charge in an object.
What’s in a Nam
The word voltage
is named for
Alessandro Volta
, the scientist w
invented the ba ho
ttery. Ampere
named for André is
-Marie Ampère,
one of the first
scientists to stud
electricity serio y
a hose, water moves from areas of high pressure
to areas of low pressure. In electricity, electrons
move between areas of different electric charges.
A high voltage means electrons are jumping more
often between atoms.
The electrical power of an object is
measured by multiplying voltage and amps.
Higher voltage and more amps means more
power. Electrical power is measured in watts.
A watt is the rate of energy transferred,
generated, or consumed. In other words,
it shows how much power is needed to run
something or how much power can be made.
Swimmers work hard to cut through water. They fight the
resistance of the water. Likewise, electric current doesn’t just
run freely in wires. When current travels through wires, there is
resistance. When resistance increases, current decreases. This
decreases power. One way to increase current is to increase voltage.
For instance, car companies can make electric cars go faster by
increasing the voltage of the car’s battery. This increases the
car’s power.
v o lt s x a m
ps = watt
Hamster Power
What can a generator do
for you? A 16-year-old
boy in England hooked up
a hamster wheel to a small
electric generator. When
the boy’s pet hamster ran
in the wheel, the spinning
motion turned the generator.
The boy used the current to
recharge his cell phone.
the Current
Electricity has the power to shock people.
But it’s really only useful if we can control
it. Modern cities rely on a network of wires
called an electrical power grid. The network
carries current to the city. Electricity made
by a power plant or a dam crosses the land in
large power lines. Smaller lines branch off from
the main lines. They carry the electricity above
or below ground to buildings.
Snap, Crackle, Pop
Have you ever heard a
light near a
sound or seen a blue
en there’s
set of power lines? Wh
h- voltage
moisture in the air, hig
e a type
power lines can produc
of electrical spark.
One way to control electricity is by carefully choosing the
materials we use to build machines and appliances. Some materials
can carry an electric current. Electrons jump easily between the
atoms in these materials. These materials are called conductors.
Metals are the most common conductors. Aluminum is a good
conductor. Copper and silver are, too. That’s why electrical wires
are often made of long, thin strips of copper.
copper wire
Direction of Current
free electron
Law of Nature
can’t be
Energy can’t be created. It
ge from
destroyed. It can only chan
kind of
one form to another. That
dro ele ctric
change occurs at a hy
y of
dam. It changes the energ
movement into electrical en
hydroelectric dam
ric Cu
elemef metal
electr e
on s
o ns
ed th at
Ha ve yo u ev er no tic
se em to go slo we r
ce ll ph on es
Co ld
wh en th ey ar e ho t?
ts el ec tr ici ty
me ta l co nd uc
ho t me ta l.
be tte r th an
Some materials don’t carry electric currents. Their atoms are not
like the atoms in a conductor. They don’t give up their electrons freely.
A poor conductor is called an insulator. Wood, glass, paper, rubber,
and plastic are all insulators.
Resistors are just what they sound like: materials that have
high resistance to something else. Electrons move in resistors,
but not as easily as they do in conductors. Resistors reduce the
flow of current. They also lower voltage levels. They create
resistance, just like what happens when currents run through
wires…but more so! Some resistors stop large amounts of
current, and others make small changes to an electrical grid.
Resistors are an important part of any electrician’s tool kit.
Think of a model train set. Imagine it running ’round and
’round the track. Break the track, and the train stops. Electricity is
like that train set. An electric current doesn’t follow a straight path.
It runs in a loop. That loop is called a circuit. Break the circuit,
and the current stops.
Switches are an
essential part of circuits.
They make or break the
circuits. When a switch is
on, the circuit is complete.
A current flows through
it. When a switch is off,
the circuit is incomplete.
A current cannot flow
through it.
Make Your
Want to ma
ke your ow Own
board to bu n circuit? Y
ild it. Have ou don’t ne
batches of an adult he ed a fancy
dough—on lp you mix
e salty and up two
The salty d one sugary
ough condu .
resists elec cts electric
tricity. Con ity. The su
and a lightb nect them gary dough
ulb, and yo with wires,
u’ve got a c add a batte
Salty Doug ircuit! ry
Mix ingredie Sugary Dou
nts in a pot gh
over mediu S et aside 1 c
m heat. On up of flour.
it forms a b ce Mix the rem
all, knead it a in ing dry
until it form ingredients
s a dough. and oil in a
bowl. Slow
• blue food ly mix in th
coloring water. Kne e
• 4 cup salt
1 a d the mixtu
until it form re
s a ball. Th
• 1 Tbsp. v k nead in the e n,
egetable oil flour.
• 1 cup wa
ter • red food
• 1 21 cups fl coloring
our • 21 cup sug
• 3 Tbsp. c ar
ream of tart • 3 Tbsp. v
ar egetable oil
• 21 cup wa
• 1 21 cups
Electricians must control two types of current. Remember Faraday?
He found that moving a magnet near a wire created an electric field. It
was the movement that was vital. As the magnet changes direction, the
current also changes direction. It alternates back and forth, back and
forth. This is what we call alternating current (AC). It’s the form used
to bring power to houses.
A Closer Look pliances,
w er pl ug s co nn ect computers, ap
AC po nt in
r m ac hi ne s to alternating curre
and othe ve different
erent countries ha
our homes. Diff tors. All
ze s, an d types of connec
sh ap es , si electricity can
s ha ve at le as t two prongs so
flow in a loop.
Be sa fe . Ne ve r
st ic k
an yt hi ng ex ce pt
a pl ug in
an ou tle t. An d be
ca re fu l
wh en yo u do th at
In a battery, electrical currents only flow in one direction.
This is called direct current. Batteries are another way to control
electricity. They power everything from watches to cell phones to
laptop computers. Every year, we find new uses for them.
Alessandro Volta is the man behind the word volt. He found
that an electric current can be made by chemical reactions. Soon,
the first battery was invented. Batteries come in many shapes
and sizes. A watch battery is small and round. A car battery is
big and square. But every battery has the same basic design. At
each end of the battery is a terminal. One terminal is negative.
The other is positive. A chemical reaction at the negative terminal
releases electrons. A chemical reaction at the positive terminal
absorbs electrons.
Recharge It!
All batteries run down. Th
sto p. Bu t some
chemical reactions
d. A
batteries can be recharge
in the
current is run through them
opposite direction. That rev
on s. Th e
the chemical reacti
batteries can then be used
Shock Tactic
Electric eels are predatory
They grow 8 feet long and
in the rivers of South Ameri
Their bodies have thousan
ds of
cells that act like tiny batte
Together those cells gene
rate a
current. It is strong enough
shock and kill small animals
Electric Glow
Lights shine. Crosswalk signs blink. Buildings glow. Gazing
out over the lights of New York City, some may see a beautiful
skyline. But scientists see the magnificent flow of electrons. They
see electric currents transferring energy, flowing over, under,
and around us. Electrons light our streets, our cities, and our
homes. They let us read late into the night and help us wake in the
morning. Electrons power our world.
Electrified Ea
In 1899
, Nikola Tesla
land and air to used Earth’s
send 100 mill
of electric en ion volts
ergy over 25
He powered 2 m iles.
00 lightbulbs
distance with at that
only one moto
ke a Scientist
Think Li like to complete
an electrical circuit?
What does it feel
find out!
Experiment and
What to Get
18-gauge copper wire
steel paper clip
wire clippers
What to Do
1 Measure a 5-centimenter
(2‑inch) piece of wire. Cut it
with the wire clippers. Use the
wire clippers to carefully strip
the insulation from the wire.
amperes—units for measuring orbitals—regions around a
the rate at which electric nucleus in an atom or a
current flows molecule that can contain
zero, one, or two electrons
circuit—a complete path that
electric currents travel along pressure—the weight or force
that is produced when
something presses or pushes
or objects that allow
against something else
electricity or heat to move
through them properties—special qualities or
characteristics of something
current—a flow of electricity
resistors—devices that
electrons—negatively charged
are used to control the
particles in an atom
flow of electricity in an
field—a region or space electric circuit
in which an effect or
voltage—the force of an
force exists
electrical current that is
force—a push or pull on an measured in volts
watts—units for measuring
insulator—a material that electrical power
allows little or no heat,
electricity, or sound to go
into or out of something
amber, 6–7 static electricity, 6, 10
electric eels , 25
generator, 13
insulators, 18
lightning, 12, 18
magnet, 6, 22
Your Turn!
Giving Thanks
Take time to appreciate electricity with a fireside
dinner! Grab some friends and an adult and try making a
meal without using any electricity. That means no oven,
no refrigerator, and no dishwasher! Talk about what you
would miss most in a world without electricity, and enjoy
your feast.
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