Jessa and Beng Mylovez

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Social learning Theory of

Albert Bandura
by: Kierl Ve Jade Pagurayan &
Jessa Basbas
What is Social learning theory?
• Social learning theory emphasis on the importance of
observing and modeling the behaviors attitudes and
emotional reaction of others.

•Social learning theories focuses on the learning that occurs

within a social context.
Albert Bandura

"... most learning is gained by people's perception an

thinking about what they experience. They learn by
copying the examples around of others around them."
Basic Social Learning Concepts
• Observational Learning -People can learn through

• Intrinsic reinforcement- Mental states are important for


• The Modeling Process- Learning does not lead to a change

in behavior
Observational Learning
• A live model: involves an actual individual demonstrating
or acting out a behavior

• A Verbal Instructional model: Involves descriptions and

explanations of a behavior

• A Symbolic model: involves real or fictional characters

displaying behaviors in books, films, television, programs
or online media
Intrinsic Reinforcement
Intrinsic Reinforcement is a form of internal reward,
such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of
The Modeling Process
•Not all observed behaviors are effectively learned. Factors
involving both the model and the learner can play a role in
whether social learning is successful

The following steps are involved:

1. Attention 3. Motor Reproduction

2. Retention 4. Motivation
Principle of Social Learning Theory
• People can learn by observing the behaviors of others and the
outcome of those behaviors
• Learning can occur without a change in behavior

• Cognition plays a role in learning



1. What is Social Learning Theory?
2. What is the three Social Learning Concepts?
3. What is Intrinsic reinforcement?
4. What is the four step in modeling process?
5. Give me one observational learning model?

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